Orgies in the Chinese countryside. Story 1

I live in a T88 “city”. And by that I mean a real t88 city and not some bs t3 that most of you thing its t88. There is literaly nothing to do here – aside ktv and some “bars”. I work as the foreigner manager for a big corporation. I make good money and have been given a permanent room at the 5 star hotel here. It is pretty sweet gig to be honest and I will stay here for the foreseeable future. I work maybe 4-5 hours a day and the rest of the time I am out and about.

In this series of posts I will describe how I start getting involved and start participating in orgies in t88 nongcun.

These arent orgies with models etc but with primarily married women and ayis and secondarily rainies. Now let me talk about each group:

-Rainies that attend the orgies are usually friends of the older women. They are 99.9% from even more rural areas and join for the fun and the hongbaos the get at the end. They usually seem to “follow” an older woman and ask her if they can do this or that. Also some of the unfuckable older women (fat, very ugly) will ask you to fuck their rainy friend first and then join in because they know there is absolutely no way anyone in their right mind can maintain a hard cock and fuck them. So usually you start with the rainy and then they join in later while you are more hard. Some pics of random rainies –

-Older married women. These are the best. They are usually from the city and surrounding t88 cities. They usually haven’t had a cock for AGES and they are open to pretty much anything (even some really demented shit). Some of them have some weird issues that dont makes sense to me. For example, they are open to do pretty much anything (peeing anal, multiple cocks etc) but they will not shave their pussy. I dont get it. Another thing is that most of these women have kids so when come they tend to bring their ayis/mothers/cousins whatever to take care of them and watch tv with them… obviously in some other’s house but I dont get this either… but it maybe because their husbands dont letthem out for many hours so they say some lie or whatever. A note that usually their ayis/friends/etc know whats up and usually they rotate so they can join. Some photos of the married women –

-Ayis. Oh this is a weird one. So yeh we have a lot of ayis that want to join. Mind you these are from a bit higher class that the nong married women and rainies but still. Usually these are plump and are friends of the nong married women. Even tho they wear nice clothes etc … they are for the most part unfuckable. So as I said before in order to join they will bring a rainy and use her to seduce someone to fuck them or they will be “free use”. I am not sure how they find the rainies a) but they always seem to have them wear thongs etc. Mind you that when I say rainy I mean rany are not slutty KTV girls. Offbrands (New Bailun), hairy pussy, pussy is tighter than a jews purse, tight body etc. So I mentioned the rainy tactic of the ayis now about the free use. Free use is when a person says ” I will have sex with anyone” without having to agree before. You see usually you ask before you joinor you start with a person. Free use is when you decalre yourself open to anyone and anyone can join the sex. Some photos of my fuckbuddy ayi –

Now about men and other small details (that will make sense in future stories)

-Men I have no idea who they are. Where do they find them etc. They are usualy in their 30s to 40s very polite and well off. Thats all I know.

-Format of the orgy: Women are always 2:1. Maximum 4-5 men, 10-12 women.

-Orgnaization: Through social media 1on1 chats. Usually is friend of friend etc. There is no money involved, no leader, and obviously no wechat group…

So before I start with the first story I would like tos tate that I have a metric ton of stories and photos. I will try to document everything in a series of posts. Names, areas etc will obviously be changed. But thats it. Everything else will be, for the most part, true. However, due to me being a lazy fuck I may skip things and dont give great detail.

The begining – Pengpeng

It all started 2-3 years ago when I wanted to buy a silicon gun. I decided to go for a walk to find one in the scrap metal/hardware stores aroubd the area of my hotel. After a bit of walking I went in this pretty rundown place where I was greeted by a relatively young Chinese woman holding a baby. She was around 30 years old, typical rainy built, with no makeup looking tired. After a few back and forth I realised that I cannot communicate with my broken Chinese so I took out my phone and asked her to add my wechat so we can use the fanyi to talk. She hapily agreed to do so. After doing so and using the translation function of wechat I got the silicon gun payed and headed home.

The same evening the woman from the store messaged me and told me that she is happy that a foreigner came to her place and that is the first time she interacted with a foreigner. I replied back saying that is cool. Then she asked me if I liked the “t88 city in the middle of nowhere”. I said something along the lines that “is ok I like it but I dont speak Chinese and havent been around to explore”. She immediately offered to take me around to the various parks and the coutryside and show me the city. I thought why the heck not.. instead of either going to the gym or playing worl dof warcraft I can go around and see a bit of the t88 countryside.. I mean not that I havent been. I used the companys car and been around but you know what I mean actually go and see certain things instead of going for 2-3 hours rides in half broken/muddy streets. So I replied back and said ” that would be fine let me know when you will have time and I can come and pick you guys up and we can go around”. I actually said guys because I saw the baby and thought that her husband the baby and the kids are going to come as well. She replied back almost in a second very excitedly something along the lines of “yes I can do tomorrow. Want to come and pick me up from X at 09:30 in the morning? We can go around and then for lunch”. I was a bit suprised about the eagerness and thought that I may get myself involved into a scam… but I thought whatever and at the end of the day if its a scam I will just get in my car and drive back. So I replied and said, OK see you then”.

The next morning I woke up early at around 6:30 (I always wake up early) and did some running. Before going for a shower I checked my phone and had 10-15 messages from pengpeng (forgot to mention that was her name) sending me selfies with various clothes asking me which one I liked the most. I meant most of them were chinese style t88 clothes and all were the same to me so I replied back with “wear something comfortable. dont overdress” and put a smiley face. She replied back with OK.

At 9:30 I went there to pick her up and to my surprise she was alone with no husband and no kids. Without thinking much I picked her up and then we had a bit of a back and forth with wechat messages about where we will go. It ws pretty retarded now that I reflect back. Anyway the first stop was an hour away near some village or some shit. I started driving there. I put on music and was chilling she did the same (as we could nt talk). After we arrived there we got off and started walked around this FUCKING HUGE empty park while we were texcting back and forth stupid shit in wechat while standing next to each other. Then suddently she grabbed my hand and started rubbing a little bit on me. I asked her if she is married because i saw her with a baby immediately. Last thing I wanted was a nong coming after me with a machete. She said yes that she is married and as 2 kids (one 6 one 9) and one baby. Then I pulled away a bit but she insited and messaged me that it doesnt matter and that the kids are with the ayi and her husband is busy. I was like fuck it and grabbed her by the side of her ass. Her ass was typical rainy’s ass flat but whatever. She liked it and came even closer. We were walking like this for a while till we got tired and sat down. Once we did so I asked her about her husband etc. She told me that they have 3 kids together but he is always busy and he never has time for her. I replied back without htinking that when she is bored she can let me know and we can do things together as I am awalys bored as well. Long story sort after a bit of chatting about herself I realised that her husband has her working in the scrap metal shop and tat he is actually in all around the place the majority of the year as he is selling and buying scrap metal. I asked her if she feels lonely often in which she replied yes and came and sat next to me. Once she did this I said fuck it and grabbed her leg. She immediately got shy but didnt pussed me away. Without losing any time I moved my hand in her pussy outside of her clothes and realised that she is turbo wet. I put then my hand under her (really fucking chinese style 30rmb from taobao) dress… and that was it she started moaning playful.. then I grabbed her hand and put it over my cock. She immediately unzipped my pants and took it out and ask me some shit in Chinese but I had no idea what she said. I did the stroke motiona nd she started jerking me off slopily.. seirously shit handjob… not joke gomers. Anyway after a while I pushed her head in my cock and forced it in her mouth. It waasnt a blowjob. I can describe it more like… ughh.. a facefuck as after a while I was literaly rimmingg her mouth the same way I would fucked her pussy but with every push I was putting it deeper in her mouth. She opened wideley her mouth and took it like a good girl. No complaints or anything. I was really brutally facefucking her. I mean seriously. After a while was fuckiher throat. I was only stopping momentarily when she waas making puking noises but then I was sticking it in. After 5 minutes or so I empties my balls completely when I wasa deep into her throat. I am talking about a lot of cum and she drunk it all. Once I did so she told me (again all the chat was through wechat) that she never had done this before and that is a shamefull thing to do. I didnt replied back but I lifted her skirt up and pulled her panties down. Once I did so I saw her pussy.. it was so fuckicng hairy that it was unreal. After puishing aside the hers I sticked my cock raw dog into her. She was seriously unbelievably tight and my semi flacid cock could not go in. As such I stopped puleld her panties up and messaged her that we should play later. She replied back no that is not proper thing to do etc. I said OK and grabbed her flat chest while pushing her hand to my cock. While i did this with the side of my eye I noticed an ayi coming our way (We were doing this in a fucking park in t88 noncun in a public area). She saw us 100% but whatever I thought. At least she didnt saw me facefucking peng peng and empting my balls in her throat. I pointed at the ayi and we quickly started walking towards the car. In the way I was keep grabbing her ass and pussy from times to times and she put 0 resistance. Once in the car she sat on the passengers sit. I lifted the skirt without talking to her pulled her granny panties down and started fingering her pussy while texting her that I want to stretch it a lot. She said something along the lines of “yes do it all for you all”. I was doing this for a while and ended up putting almost my fist in her. She came loads covering my fucking car with her nong juices. Once she did so we cleaned up and drove back. I left her at the store and went home.

The same afternoon she messaged me that her husband was at home but she wanted to see me. I told her no and that we should come meet some other time. She insisted. I told her OK and gave her my address. She came after a while with her 6 year old kid and mother. I FREAKED THE FUCK OUT. We stayed in the living room of my flat and I offered them tea etc. Then I turrned on the tv and the kid and her mom started watching. This is when she told me in a private chat (mind you we were texting with fanyi all this time random, bull shit in a group with her mom) that she want to use the bath room. I told her were to go but she told me that she is shy to go alone (wtf) so I went with her to show her the way. Once we went there pengepng pulled me in and lifted the skirt of her dress and showed me that she was wearing no panties. I immediately got hard. I told her that we have to go back and she told me no let them there. Long story sort I pulled out my cock and raw dogged her against the toilet bowl. It was a super quick fuck that ended up with me cumming almost inside her… I pulled the last minute and I sticked my cock in her mouth. After that I quickly pulled my pants up and went inside. On a retrospect I AM 100% SURE that her mom understood that her daughter was getting cock by the foreigner but I can guarantee that she did not give a fuck (more on that later). After a while peng peng came took the kid and the ayi and went home.

Next morning I woke up with at least 10-15 mesages on my wechat with half of them having photos of her pussy and asshole. I replied back and told her that she is really cock hungry. She told me she havent had a fuck like thi sin her whole life and that her husband fucks her for 5 minutes max. I told her if she behaves I can feed her cock. She replied that she wants to do evrything with me. I told her then next time we will meet I want to fuck your ass and piss on you. She said a smiley emoticon and said yes. I was like ok let me know when and where. She told me to meet her at the scrap metal store. I said I will think about it.

By the way when I say scrap metal store I mean more like a shop selling rubbish with concrete floors, fluroesent lighting etc.

I went there after work and as soon as I walked in she locked the door. The fucking place was so dirty that I Was disgusted and told her that I am not going to fuck her here. She said that she has to be here and cant leave as they wait for a delivery.. what delivery I thought? of fucking rubbish? They literaly had a store full of shit. I said lets do it some other time.. but she said you promised to do things to me. I told ther that I can fuck her mouth if she wants but no fuck here. She complained a bit and said yes. Once she did so I pulled away her panties made her squat and put my cock in her face. She strarted licking it. I messaged her while she was “sucking me” how she improved so fast. She said that she watched some videos online. (noted: WTF?!? are there videos that teach chinese chicks how to suck cock?) anyway I replied back that I want throat (I literaly said “I want to fuck your mouth and throat”) she did a thumbs up wechat emoji so I went ahead and facefucked her like before. She took it way better and after I cummed I texted her that I will piss eeverywhere and then she will clean my cock. She did again a thumbs up. I started pissing in her boobs. Her dress became socking we from my piss. Then I moved it in her face and once I did so she opened her mouth opned wide and started drinking my piss. At the end of this my cock was hard again and once more I sticked it in her mouth. I facefucked her for 4-5 minutes more and came more into her mouth. She quickly gulped it all. After I pull out and notice that her pussy was dripping fucking wet. She asked me to fuck her and I told her not in here it is too dirty. She said OK later and went to the toilet.

The fucking toilet was a corner of the store covered by a courtain. She did not pull the curtain so I could clearly see her pissing there. While she was doing this I went closeby and start rubbing my cock in her face. I texted her that I want cleaning now and explained to ehr that I wasnt her to suck and clean my flacid cock. She obediently started doin so. Then suddently she jumped up and told me that she has to go change and that her husband is coming. I pulled my pants up and left.

This was literaly the second time I met PengPeng.

Some photos of peng peng’s pussy



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