How I learned to be cautious of ‘movie nights’ [mf]

Like all good tales, this one is enriched by a little backstory (Jump down a few paragraphs if you're trying to get to the interesting bits). This is the first time I've written something like this, so bear with me.

I've been told that I have a 'type,' and Jess falls perfectly within it. Slim, average height, shoulder-length brunette hair, and a face that made you think she had just enough Eastern blood in her to check one of those special boxes on her college apps. Did I mention slim? I'm a sucker for slender legs. Looks aside, she was bright as well. We were both members of a science-y club at our university, and I had the pleasure of seeing (spectating) her once a week for an entire semester of my second year. We chatted from time to time, and occasionally met for homework seshes for a class we shared, but I really didn't expect anything to come of my interest in her. Somewhere around week 3 or 4 of the semester, the fateful 'boyfriend' word had slipped into one of her sentences and I immediately resolved to settle for 'just friends.' Did I still want like hell to sleep with her? Yesss. Was I homewrecker? Not quite yet. The phrase "speed bump not a stop sign" danced in my head for a bit, but I pushed it away and carried on the rest of the semester pursuing other interests.

Cue second semester. This particular year, I was fortunate enough to have been living in a fairly nice apartment. Relatively new, balcony, great view, etc.. so naturally I threw a lot of parties. Jess had shown up to a few first semester and definitely enjoyed herself (though she wasn't a heavy drinker), but she never stayed too late. On this February night, I assumed the same would hold true when she walked in the door around 9. The evenings typically followed a pattern: squad wanders in, we get mildly belligerent, friends-of-friends start showing up, things get a little weird, then the night dies down. Clockwork. I usually spent most of this time catching up with friends I hadn't seen during the week, jumping into the 'dance floor' for the occasional song, and of course making sure everyone had a drink. As a made my rounds, I could already tell tonight was going to be a little different. Namely, Jess. Whenever I talked to her she would do the ol' touch-their-arm-and-laugh maneuver. I was suspicious something had changed, but chalked it up to booze. That is until around 12AM when I found myself on the dance floor with her ass grinding on my dick.

Two things I'd like to note. First, I've never been one for grinding. I'm more of a face-to-face kind of person. Second, this is not a situation I had ever dealt with. Pretty girl with boyfriend? Perceived one-sided sexual interest rapidly becomes two-sided? Foreign. Fortunately I was still in a decent state of mind and, after enjoying myself for a few lovely seconds, I disengaged. We danced together a few more times before people started leaving, but never to that dangerous degree. The party died down around 2AM, though the final stragglers didn't stumble out until almost 3. Lo and behold, one still remained. I tried to ignore the implication as I cleaned up some cans and bottles, but that became more difficult when I saw her wander into my room out of the corner of my eye. Curiosity officially piqued, I wandered right in after her. What followed was… strange. We would talk for a bit, she'd lean in, lips would meet for a few seconds, then she'd pull away in guilt. Rinse and repeat. There was no way around it, she was cheating on her boyfriend. The 'chat' however was focused around how dissatisfied she was with the relationship, and how much she wanted me (surprised face). The cycle of talk/make out/guilt continued for quite a while with me as an only mildly regretful but mostly thrilled participant. Eventually she texted a roommate who came and walked her home. Crisis definitely not averted, but I hoped things would make more sense in the morning.

Nope. We met to study, where she informed me in tears that she had broken up with her boyfriend. Shit. She had said that that's what she wanted, but I felt directly responsible. She assured me it wasn't my fault, and that she still liked me. Fast forward to Tuesday. I get an innocuous text from her asking if I wanted to do something. Being an accommodating man, I agreed, and she suggested a movie at my place. Hmm. I shoot a screenshot of the text to another female friend who was apprised of the situation. She agreed with my observation that this was definitely just a movie. There was no way she was trying to rebound this quickly, from what had been a very long term relationship. Feeling sure that my Tuesday evening wouldn't become an emotional maze, I said Yes to the movie and she came right over. Coincidentally the only TV in my apartment with Netflix was the one in my room. In front of my bed. Still confident that I was going to enjoy a nice weekday movie and nothing more, I put on the least sexy film I could find. About halfway through, her head hit my shoulder. No big deal – maybe she's just sleepy. Then a hand on my chest. Alright that's a little provocative but I'll roll with it. I felt I had to reciprocate in some way so I draped a casual arm around her. She didn't make any 'adjustments' for quite a while, and the movie eventually came to an end. I looked at her. She was looking at me. As our faces came together (somewhat more confidently than they had two nights ago), it dawned on me that I was an idiot. Well now I was just along for the ride.

I quickly moved my hands to her. One behind her head pulling her in, one on the small of her back pulling her up towards me. I followed her lead (she had had one partner in the past, me a few more, so I figured she had a preference) as our noses passed by each other time and again, mouths searching for better angles. Her kisses were slow but intense, and I quickly found that she had a penchant for tongue. I gladly followed suit, enjoying the taste of her the feeling of running my hands along her neck and back. Occasionally I would break away from her lips and kiss down the side of her neck and under her chin. This was rewarded with a series of soft half-moans, half-sighs that eventually encouraged me enough to move things forward a bit. I guided her into rotating around, so that I was now laying back and she was straddling me. Folding my leg up, I shifted her so that her pussy was resting just above my knee. Then, while our mouths were still locked, I began to slowly grind my leg for her. We were both fully clothed, but she reacted immediately, putting her weight down and matching my motions. Taking the queue, I reached around her back and undid her bra. She pulled it away and I grabbed a handful of her perfect breasts under her shirt, doing circles around her nipples with my thumb.

After a few moments there was mutual agreement that the clothing situation had to change. We lifted our shirts off, and flipped her around again so that she was laying flat. While doing this, I glanced at my leg and noticed that my the fabric she had just been grinding on was soaked through. Fuck. I moved more quickly now, leaving the customary trail of wet kisses down her body. I stopped briefly above her waist, teasing her – though it was hardly necessary at this point – before undoing her pants and pulling them away. I left the blue panties for the moment and brought my face back to hers. As our lips met again, I let one hand wander down underneath the only fabric she had left. I pride myself on many bedroom talents, but finding the clit is not one of them. Fortunately, hers was rather prominent and after doing a few exploratory vertical slides I settled into a quick circular massage around that lovely little knot of flesh. Again, the gentle moans provided the signal that things were still a-ok. I kept pace for a bit, then moved down again, this time using my thumbs to pull away her panties and reveal an absolutely gorgeous pussy. I decided to speed up my usual routine, and gave just a few teasing licks from bottom to top before sliding a finger in.

Holy fuck was she tight. "Just one," she gasped, confirming what I had already gathered. I used that finger to put steady, pulsing pressure on the bottom wall of her pussy, as my mouth found her clit. I pressed my own lips against hers and lightly sucked in to create that lovely, touch-less pulling feeling that raises the clit up and lets the tip of your tongue dance around it. She grabbed my hair as I worked her, and I knew that this part wasn't going to last much longer either. She knew what she wanted. I kept my mouth on her for another few minutes before she pulled me up and kissed me, deeply. Rather awkwardly, as I was kneeling over her, she undid my belt and pulled my pants down just enough to get my cock out. Unfortunately my life isn't a porno, and I knew I didn't have long as she gently, then intensely, worked her hand on my dick. I signaled to her, and she stopped quick enough for me to pull away as I came into a kleenex I'd grabbed a moment before. Hey, I wasn't going to cum on my bed, and as hot as this was I knew she probably didn't want it all over herself. Although I certainly don't last long, I'm blessed with a very rapid recovery time; I pulled my pants the rest of the way off and grabbed a condom, rolling it on.

I always enjoy that little moment before slipping in. It's why I prefer to start in missionary even if it's somewhat vanilla – eye contact drives me crazy. Poised on top her, our mouths met again as I reached down to guide myself in. She was positively soaking, but still tight as hell. Bit by bit I pushed into her, savoring the feeling of her pussy gripping my dick. After a series of moans from her and groans from me, I bottomed out. I let the rhythm build slowly then, in and out, taking the subtle thrusts of her pelvis as cues to speed up. After a few minutes I rotated us around so that she was now on top, and she immediately began grinding against me, my dick fully within her. I watched for a moment as she took control, eyes closed, mouth open, head back, gyrating quicker and quicker. Wanting to help out a bit, I leaned up and let my tongue wander into her mouth as my hands found her breasts. We stayed this way a little longer before rotating again. As I entered her, I could feel that I was close, and began speeding up my motions. She took the cue and grabbed behind my head with both hands, kissing me and pushing against my thrusts with her whole body. I didn't even warn her this time as I came, continuing for a few seconds afterward when I realized that she was also reaching a climax. We continued to explore each other for a little while longer, but quickly settled into the post-sex lethargy. As I fell asleep spooning her, I tried to figure out what the fuck had just happened. But not before a quick mental high-five.


1 comment

  1. > I pride myself on many bedroom talents, but finding the clit is not one of them. Haha! Hot story! It’s always a good read when someone is actually honest, seems like every story posted the last year features a 8 inch cock and DD perky boobs.

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