[MFF] My first girlfriend constantly tested me.

I’m going to preface this by saying that this was one of the more strange sexual encounters I’ve had in my life.

I lost my virginity to a girl that I have known practically my entire life. We went to the same school from first to eighth grade, and then went to the same high school together. Despite the fact, I was never really close with her until my senior year. In all honesty, I had always thought she was kind of annoying. She was the artsy type, not that there’s necessarily a problem with that, but she was always very pompous about it. She acted very snobbish and cultured, and constantly critiqued and attacked people for their taste in music, movies, and books.

I first got to know her on a personal level when there were only two or three months left in my senior year of high school. I was paired with her and some other people to work on a project. I really wasn’t looking forward to it, namely because I was paired with her, and the other people I was paired with were burnouts who didn’t do shit. We quickly came to this realization, and agreed to work on it together.

Nothing particularly special or exciting happened while we were working on the project. We met for a few hours at a time, quickly wrapping up the project in a matter of days. It wasn’t until after turned it in that we grew closer. We began to hang out more and more often, and all the preconceived notions I had about her started to melt away. Under her annoying exterior was a genuinely enjoyable person.

I proposed going steady with her a few days before our graduation. It wasn’t until our first date that I realized things were going to get a little weird. I took her out to dinner and a movie, and then we spent the rest of the night at her house. I went to kiss her for the first time and she stopped me. She got up off the bed we were sitting in and left the room to make a phone call. After a short while she came back into the room. She explained that she had just gotten off the phone with her cousin, and that she was on her way over. I asked why this was the case, and then she gave this explanation;

Essentially, she bragged that she has a refined set of tastes. She’s traveled the world, had once in a lifetime experiences, etc. And because of this, she has developed very high standards. She doesn’t tolerate mediocrity of substandard, and so she had struck this deal with her older cousin a few years back. The deal was that the cousin would fool around with whatever guy the girl would be dating with at the time to get a sense of what they were like. If they were up to this girl’s high standards, only then would she have sex with them.

I remember laughing at first when I heard this, but the look on her face told me she wasn’t joking. She then told me she considered herself sexually adventurous and advanced, and that her cousin’s standards were as high as hers because she had taught her everything she knows.

Her cousin arrived about fifteen or twenty minutes after the call. She shared a lot attributes as her little cousin. They both had dark natural red hair, fair skin, and freckles. The similarities stopped there, however; her older cousin had hazel eyes, whereas she had amber eyes. Her older cousin was roughly 5’10” and on the curvy side, whereas she was about 5’5″ and quite slim.

I remember everything happening very quick. We gave each other short introductions, and within moments I was laid back on the bed, her on top of me, kissing her passionately. Looking back on it, I’m surprised I went through with it the way that I did. But as I was rather inexperienced at this point in my life, I found her go-ahead outlook to be intoxicating. After about five minutes or so of making out, she got off of me and sat at the end of the bed, opposite her younger cousin. They began speaking French to one another, looking back from one another to myself. Without speaking a word in English, my girlfriend crawls towards me, sits on my lap, and proceeds to kiss me.

Things would continue to go this way. Anytime I wanted to try something new or take things a step further, her cousin would come into the picture. In order do things with my girlfriend, I first had to do it with her cousin. They never did anything at the same time, but her cousin was often in the room with us while we did things to one another, usually touching herself.

If I’m being honest, everything we did (handjobs, blowjobs, titfucks, vaginal and anal sex) was pretty mediocre, and not as mind-blowing as they presented it to be. But I think I still enjoyed it nonetheless because I was young, and it was a sort of a scandalous endeavor. It’s been the closest I’ve ever been, and probably will ever, to a threesome.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8mesio/mff_my_first_girlfriend_constantly_tested_me


  1. Fuck that high maintenance bitch.. just saying nobody needs that

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