[M]y girlfriend the Librarian, her lover and my ex [F][FF][MF]

“I know you are engaged” I tell Emily
“What are you talking about?”
“The american, your supposed gay friend Tim that keeps calling. Listen I know, no need to be defensive about it. I found out our first night. He called when you were in the shower that first night we were together. I told him you weren’t there and he said to say that her fiance called. Does he know about me?”
“He knows we are regular but he doesn’t know about what happened with Mary or the other stuff. (In our time together she has discovered she likes exhibitionism, public sex and there are strong indications that she is bi) . I am really sorry”.
“Its ok. Listen we both knew what we were getting into. I was always returning to Ireland and you to America. We were and still are having fun.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I didn’t want to stop seeing you. I thought that revealing it might spoil it.”

“Why now?”she asks.

“Well I know that he was here at xmas, with you”
“The Boston red soxs boxers in your bottom drawer aren’t mine”
“Are we breaking up?”
“No. I don’t want that. I am very comfortable with this. Listen the reason I am telling you that I know is that the ex I told you about. Do you remember? Well she is why I am returning to Ireland ”

“I figured” she said quietly

“Well she’s coming to glasgow for a week through her course and will be coming here for the weekend. She wants to meet you”
Aoife knows everything about Emily, her secrets and my view of her as a FWB but and all the same she is incredibly nervous about meeting Emily. Just as we leave to go meet her. I get a text from Mary.
[I’m in town and coming tonight. Emily called crying, she had no-else to talk to about this. She’s shaking with nerves. We’ve been in the bar for the last 2 hours trying to drink up the nerves. I didn’t want to arrive without you knowing]

I show it to Aoife.
“Oh thank god!” she exclaims “I’m so nervous I was not going through with it.”
“I am happy to cancel if you want” I volunteer
“No. no. You’re not getting off that lightly. I want to meet her. Lets go.” she exclaims. And we leave.
The pub is crowded but we have a booth reserved. I order a round of drinks for ourselves and the girls who I expected to arrive shortly. I also order 8 shots of sambuca and a round of waters. Just as the girls arrive the drinks arrive.
They arrive at the table and the awkwardness is off the charts as we all fumble introductions.
“Ok” I have to break this out “this is strange and we all feel it. So I don’t want us to say another word until we each drink these 2 shots of sambuca. Agreed?”. Nods all round. “Ok. let’s do this.”

Things start to get a little easier. I try and fumble through the awkwardness to help Emily and Aoife relax but it ends up being Mary who saves the night.
“This is better than anything you’ll see on the telly!”. Everyone breaks out into one of those hysterical fits of laughter that make you cry.
Mary interjects. “So Aoife, what do you know about me?”
Aoife blushes looking to her drink.
I answer on her behalf “She knows everything Mary”
“Everything?” she says smiling wickedly
“Everything” Aoife says smiling shyly.
“Well, you know about Emily and Myself but we don’t know about you. I don’t think that is fair. Spill the beans, and you can skip the fluffy stuff. We are only interested in the dirty stuff. Kinks and the like. I think we are owed the truth so don’t lie. Aoife relents and ‘spills the beans’. The girls click and have a blast for the rest of the night. So much so that they tell me that they are taking Aoife for lunch and shopping tomorrow. I’m not invited.

We head back to mine for late drinks and a few joints. Everyone is too stoned to move so Emily and Mary stay the night in the pull out couch while Aoife and I head to bed. Now I really really wanted to fuck Aoife senseless and while she felt my boner pressed into her all night she didn’t engage. It was probably the right call.

The next day the girls abscond with Aoife for the day and at six o’clock they text me to tell me that they are in a nearby bar and to come down. The girls were all dressed up. They stopped in Emilys to change. They all looked incredibly hot. Based on the photos of that night their dresses where something like:
Aoife: https://www.vidble.com/show/64CvGpoMFZ
Emily: https://www.vidble.com/review/edit-Y9XCt

Mary: https://www.vidble.com/review/edit-KT7DJ

I fucking live summer dresses.

I see bags under Aoife’s feet.
“What else did you get?” I ask
“We took her to a sex shop and got her kitted out” squeals Mary. “You’ve got some competition now”
“Oh!” I say “Show me what you got?”
Aoife is bright red
She first pulls out a rabbit vibrator, “My recommendation” shouts Mary. Next is the same type of egg & clit stimulator that I had got for Emily. “We all know that was my recommendation” says Emily playfully and lastly orgasm balls. “My pick” Aoife says giggling “Mary got some too”.
Emily and Mary go to the toilet.

“I had such a great day with them and Emily and I had a great chat. She is incredible. Mary, oh my god I love her. She is such a tramp. Emily had to stop her from testing items out in the shop. You don’t mind do you, me buying these?”
“Honestly baby. I am fucking hard as a rock thinking about it.”
She leans in and kisses me hard and quickly pulls away and whispers “I can’t wait to try them out.”
“Why wait ? put on the egg now. “
“Please for me!”
She stares at me for a minute thinking and I can see the thought of it starting to excite her.
“Go quick before the girls come back”
She puts the egg into her purse and jumps up and off to the toilet.
Emily returns first and we finally get to chat. She loved getting to Know Aoife and understands why I am returning. She is still a bit freaked out by the situation and my relative calmness about her secret engagement. She hugs me and whispers.
“I want to kiss you but I think it wouldn’t be right given the situation.”

As it turns out we were never to kiss again.

The sex
Mary arrives back with a smile on her face
Emily looks at her inquisitively.
“You slut. You have it on, don’t you?” barks Emily.
“I couldn’t wait. After the way you talked about it!” grins Mary
“You’ll freak poor Aoife out if she sees you getting off at the table” Emily retorts.

I see an opportunity for some fun

“She’s right. It’s too much. I don’t want her to get upset. Give me the remote Mary.” I say sternly “Sorry Emily I don’t trust you with it either.”

Mary grumbles her discontent but hands it over and I switch it off and put it in my pocket.
“Emily, it’s your round. Come on I will give you a hand. I want to see want the talent is like tonight!”
Aoife arrives back as the girls shoot to the bar. The bar is getting very busy and the music is getting loud we can barely see the girls at the bar. .
“Is it on?” I ask

“on but not active” she replies

“Give me the remote. I want and need to control you tonight”
She looks around to see if the girls are still at the bar and kisses hard as she passes the remote into my hand.”
I don’t waste any time and switch it on. “Mmmppphhhhfff oh god!” and she smiles at me euphorically.

As I see the girls are coming back. Aoife see them and grabs her phone and starts staring at it trying to hide the feeling that was exploding all over her face. “Mmmpppphhhhfff, christ. Don’t go any higher” she orders.
“Mary is wearing hers and had switched on before Emily freaked thinking it would upset you. I insisted on taking the remote off her and switched it off.”
“It wouldn’t bother me” says Aoife.
“I know but I have to punish her remember”
I say

“What are you thinking?” she requires

“Here you go.” mary says laying down a tray with a round of sambucas. Emily follows behind her with 2 drinks and then goes back for the other 2.
I move towards and whisper “Mary, remember that I still owe you a punishment”
unfazed she responds ”Oh yipee! What is it? ”

I click on her remote

“Hhmmmmm” she gasps
“I want you to make Emily cum right here when she returns but don’t let Aoife find out. I’ll distract her”
“I crank it up again”
“Hhhhmmmmmmm, ok”
Emily returns and Mary and her start chit chatting about guys and girls that are passing. Rating them on a 1 to 10 hot or not scale. As they talk I see that Mary’s hand as moved onto emily’s knee. I see the moment that Mary reaches her pussy as Emily’s hand comes down and they fight for control. Mary wins. Emily looks to us but I have turned in time and look to be looking at something with Aoife on her phone.
I whisper to Aoife “Say nothing and don’t look but Mary is getting emily off across the table”, then I crank her egg up a notch.
“Aaggghhh” she moans quietly. “Don’t you bastard. I’m soaked already”
“Come for me baby”
“No way, not here.”
I crank it up again

“Aaawwwhhh” she gasps.
“If you want it to stop. Then take it out. I won’t stop you. Stop pretending you aren’t loving this…. Well…..?”
“Oh you are such as bastard.”
“Will you come for me?…….. I asked you a question. Will you come for me?” I whisper

After a long pause she nods and stares into her phone with laser focus.

I look to see Mary fumbling with her bag. Emily’s hand is working her pussy in her absence. Mary’s hand returns up Emily’s dress, comes back out and then up again one last time. The orgasm balls!
I crank Marys egg up another 2 notches. Mary bites into Emily shoulder. They continue to stare out onto the bar with emptiness
I tell “Mary has put the orgasm balls into Emily.” Aoife and I watch them for a while. Emily’s hand is caressing along Mary’s arm. She turns back occasionally just enough to allow Mary to whisper and suck on her ear.

After 5 minutes, I need to hurry things along so I push up Aoife’s and Mary’s Eggs up another 3 notches.
“Aaaawwwwwhhhh “ she grunts. She was loud but I look up and they didn’t hear us or they don’t care. Emily’s chest is heaving in and out, she is close.

Aoife reaches for her drink. Sipping it trying to hide in normality but her pupils have all but disappeared into the back of her head. She grabs my cock and starts rubbing it frantically. Her motion hurts but I know she’s close.
After a couple of minutes Aoife whimpers
“My dress, my dress………Lift…….Aaaawwwwwhhhh…. My dress”

Oh shite she feels she’s going to squirt and she doesn’t want the back of her summer dress to get soaked. I put my hand under her and she rises slightly so I can pull her dress from under her and place it up off the seat behind her.
I notch it up again and that’s all it took.
She releases my cock and grips the corner of the table with her other hand. I see the passion inside her through the whiteness of her knuckles. She is staring so hard at her phone when her mouth drops and her orgasm hits and it hits her hard. I look to her and she is turning red trying but trying to stop her roar is like trying to stop breathing.

She unleashes a roar.


Some close by turn their heads looking for the source but we escape unnoticed.

I lower the setting and let her float back.

Aoife looks to see Emily and Mary starting at her knowingly. Aoife isn’t blushing anymore.

She turns to me. “More!” She demands

I start her egg up again and it takes less than a minute before she’s coming again. All the time staring at her audience. This time she’s mute but she cannot hide the silent scream painted on her face. The trapped sound must be reverberating through her body as her arms and knees are shaking.

I glance to see Emily’s moment has arrived. She has turned inward from the bar hugging her face from everyone but us. I can be her mauling her breast with her hidden hand while her other hand drops to search for Mary’s clit.

They looked to each other and lock,hitting and riding their orgasms together. Mary isn’t Solent but her moans are thwarted by Emily’s scream.

“AAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH” Emily screams. We all freak looking to the bar but it was drowned by the music.

The sounds snapped Emily into silence, she is looking to the table in a drunken stupor. Mary takes her hand and pulls her up and with her towards the toilet.

“Where are they going?” asks Aoife
“To fuck.” I say
But a couple of minutes later they are back at the table, lifting their coats and bags.
“We need to go to yours now. Come on”
We grab our things and leave. Within a few minutes we are in the house. Once the door closes Emily and Mary start molesting each other in the hall. Aoife and I walk backwards enjoying the view until we reach the living room.
I collapsed on the sofa. Aoife yanks down her panties as she moves towards my bedroom motioning me with the come here signal. I get up and follow her to the bedroom but as I make my way to the bedroom I notice that Aoife is staring past me. I stop behind her and turn around. Having both entered the living room, Emily pins Mary to the wall and drops to her knees’ pushes up her skirt and starts fucking her pussy with her fingers and tongue while Mary lifts her leg over Emily’s shoulder. No longer constrained by her location. Mary is vocal, screaming with each of the europhic wave that Emily delivers. She starts to grind her pussy into Emily’s face.

Aoife’s hand reaches behind her and she pulls at the first few buttons of my jeans to get at my cock which she starts slowly stroking while transfixed with the spectacle. I raise up her flimsy summer dress and I start massaging her pussy and clit. Mary opens her eyes to see us staring at her. She smiles as she pulls her dress down from her shoulders past her huge luscious breasts and starts groping and pinching her nipples.

She drops her hand to Emily head and pulls her face into her pussy while Emily inserts 2 fingers inside Mary and works her g-spot and clit. Mary’s moans are getting louder while her thrusts harder.
“Oh Emily …that’s it…….. Aawwweee fuck…..that’s it..I’m going to come so hard…… fuck me….fuck me… fuck me….” she wails
Emily knows Mary is close and she looks up to her replacing her tongue with her free hand and starts rubbing Marys client with a frantic passion. Mary looks down and they lock eyes all the way to and through mary’s orgasm which is intensified by the intimacy of the moment.

“Come for me baby….I want you to come…..oh your so fuck beautiful…. I want to fuck you forever….cum for me….I beg you I want your cum….” teases Emily
“Ah ha, ah ha ah ha” is all Mary can say again and again until she screams


And the freeze and lock themselves in the moment until Mary goats back.

Emily kisses her way back up through Marys breasts to her lips and takes her cum drenched fingers from Mary’s pussy and offers them to Mary who sucks them clean with an eager hunger.
“mmpppphhhff” Aoife whimpers, as she turns and marches me cock first into the bedroom and, shatters my dream by closing the door. Oh well!

She backs herself onto the door and pulls down her summer dress past her breasts and then pulls me by the head onto her succulent orbs. Without much time to settle in, she moves me down to where she really wants me. I kneel between her legs and she throws her leg over my shoulders, recreating the scene. Her pussy is sopping wet. With each teasing lick She cries and longing for the hurricane building inside her to be released.

As I look up I see her mauling her breasts. I raise my hand up but she pushes it down. I start to suspect that her mind is focused on the girlfriend experience and wants nothing to break the fantasy. I am a wanton tool to unleashing a desire.

I lower my hand to her glistening pussy lips and tease as I start to I cricle her click and tease 2 fingers along her lips trailing the tips in and out of her. She is gasping and panting heavily. She needs to come and starts thrusting into my mouth harder. Doing everything she can think of to take her to the edge.

As I slide my 2 fingers in, she lets out a scream. Not caring, wanting to be heard. I cup my fingers into a C move to her g spot as I start to massage her with my fingers.
“Oh thats it….mh hm mh hm…. yyyeeesss…..right there…..” she moans.
I stay focused here for a while and allowing her to slowly build up. Only lightly rubbing her clit. She lets me know when she is ready.
“I’m ready baby…. Suck me baby…aaawwweee fuck……take me baby……I’m ready….” Aoife grinding on my face. The nub of her clit is hyper sensitive and she needs to be on the edge of cumming before it can be touched. When I do, it sends her over into an abyss of orgasms. She comes hard, heavy and a hell of a lot.

I follow my orders and suck her clit into my mouth and attack her nub with my tongue. I then switch from stroking to tapping her g spot. She roars her approval. It takes less than 30 seconds for her orgasm to hit and hit hard barely having time to scream


As I pull my fingers out her liquid floods from me as she holds me tight. Her orgasms are always intensified by holding me tight to her, knowing she is forcing me to drink as much of her as I can.

She puts her weight on my face and starts to lower me to the ground till I am lying flat and she is grinding on top and down my face. My fingers re-enter her from behind and when I find her spot, she confirms by clamping them in place. I start sucking and licking again, the floods of juice keep flowing from her as orgasm after orgasm smash into her.

She has a unique gift of been able to cum often. She tells me they are only normally a couple of big ones and the rest are tons of small but each make her body lock and freeze. I’m so fucking jealous.

She slides from me when she is done. My turn now but I know she is spent. She has to be on top to orgasm but today she’s done. She can’t have or even wants another. She rolls her body to the side not able to talk, she rolls to her front and lifts her ass in the air.

Seconds later I am in her, pounding and pounding into her. I look at this marvel, this goddess.
“Fuck me…..awe yes baby…give me your cum….fill me….” She says playing her part.

I last about 2 minutes before I pass the point of no return and I pull out. She turns around and pulls herself toward me, slipping my cock into her mouth in time for me to explode. She sucks and sucks, drinking every drop and cleaning until I’m soft.

We lie annihilated on the floor, panting heavily and listening to the moans and cries of ecstasy coming through the door. We opt to stay and give them their privacy.

We climb on top of the bed naked. I roll a joint and we smoke… Not long after the tryst in the next room ends we hear a knock on the door and the girls peek in

“Yeah guys, is that a joint I smell? Wants some beers?”
“Come in” i say and the girls, now fully dressed, bounce in and sit on the end of the bed, passing us beers.

I roll another and they light it up.

“What a weekend!” Mary says “hhmmmmm….. Aoife I love your body…..you must work out…. What do you do”

And with that the girls slip into casual conversation about work outs. The whole time Aoife stays naked. This is a confidence that I never seen in her before.

After a few minutes, the girls announce that they are heading home, wanting to give us privacy and leave us alone on our last night.


Goodbye Emily & Mary

This turned out to be the last night that I spent with Emily. The next day, As we said our goodbyes Aoife gets very emotional revealing that she feels torn about the night. While she loved every moment of it and can’t stop thinking about it she knows that she wants to be there with me sharing the experience.

She wants us to get back together immediately (i.e. break up with Emily).

Not how I would have wanted it but it was always Aoife I would be returning to so I agreed. Emily and I had a sorrowful conversation a few nights later and it ended badly. We ended up not speaking for a year or so. It In the end up she broke with her fiancé and moved to London for kind of a new start. Mary joined her six weeks later and their blossoming relationship helped bend the bridges.

3 weeks after gay marriage was legalized in the uk, Aoife and I attended their wedding having a great night as they had done at ours years earlier.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8lx2bi/my_girlfriend_the_librarian_her_lover_and_my_ex


  1. Can’t believe you haven’t had more upvotes for this series of stories! Great stories!

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