So long story short I finally got to Gulf Shores from Houston after quite a long time and made it to the festival on Saturday afternoon I knew it was going to be a good time because there was *sex in the air, y’all also I saw two dudes really going at it behind the portable toilets.* **I was in the right place.** So next thing you know, I get a drink and really no girls pay attention to me for the next 6 or 7 hours, most of them seem to try to avoid eye contact and one guy took my beer right out of my hand and wouldn’t give it back. This was obviously kind of hot and I guess I should point out at this point that obviously I’m straight.
So next thing you know it’s starting to get dark out and I went and looked behind the portable toilets to see if anyone wanted to make it with me and I found this girl who was super drunk and I asked her if she wanted to make it with me and she said ask me again after St. Vincent so next thing you know I am watching the St. Vincent concert and she is ***KILLIN’ IT PLAYIN’ THE GUITAR*** and so I watch the whole concert then I go back to the portable toilets and I can’t find that girl. I wait like 2-3 hours and I took a pic of her on my phone so I’m asking girls that are going into the the portable toilets if this is their friend and they all say no. Obviously at this point I start listening to girls pee and I jack it a little bit but my hands are kind of dirty from the sand so I kind of give up. Then I watch the rest of the festival and no hookups but damn was I close.
Then on the shuttle back to my room I met this guy who was really feminine and he is super drunk and lost so I take him back to my room and he passes out. I start jacking it a bit but I cut myself from the sand earlier so I give up and watch Showgirls (***ELIZABETH BERKELEY DAMN AMIRITE***) before bed.
I tried to wake him waking me up with a feminine blowjob but really it doesn’t work that way because she is supposed to wake me up with a blowjob so I kissed him on the hand and we went our own way, no homo.
It’s a trip I’ll never forget.