A Makeover for Sylvie’s Party – Part III

[Setting up for Sylvie’s Party – The Chair – Part II](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/8l8w4v/setting_up_for_sylvies_party_the_chair_part_ii)

Lina descended the stairs and headed to the kitchen, following the low hum of voices. The kitchen’s sliding door opened onto the patio. That door was one of 2 ways to the backyard, certainly not the closest egress, but passing through the kitchen would give Lina a chance to check in and see what was happening. She hoped it didn’t count as disobeying, since Brad had vaguely instructed her to be on the patio in 40 minutes. He didn’t say “Pass through the kitchen on your way, pet.”

Lina paused in the doorway and immediately noticed that Layla was pressed up against the counter cutting crudités while Brad whispered something in her ear. Layla always threw the best parties and had such a talent setting up a good evening of fun, food and drinks. She had had everyone over a month ago and even without Brad’s instruction, the event was one to remember. Lina really admired her and liked her, but still a slight tingle of jealously went up Lina’s spine as she saw Brad instructing Layla. Really, he was giving her directions she clearly didn’t need!

Layla was wearing daisy dukes and a white tank top, with a plaid shirt cinched around her waist. She looked so hot, like a 90s dream girl from Seattle. Fuck – that plaid looked familiar. Lina hadn’t seen it in the wash since coming back from Layla’s party last month. She suddenly remembered that night and how the shirt got left behind. It was hard to believe Layla was over 50, and from much farther South than Seattle. But her accent deepened when she was aroused and there was no denying where she was from when she was getting fucked in the ass.

Layla looked up from cutting carrots and put the knife down. She slowly ground her round ass into Brad, and they both smiled. “There’s my pet. I was starting to worry you were going to take longer than we discussed.” Brad wrapped his arm low around Layla’s waist and rubbed his nose into her neck just below her ear. “My pet’s been bad today. It’s a good thing you found the right olives. Layla – you really saved the day.” Lina felt shame well in her center, and her core gave a little flood. The white thong was not going to provide much of a moisture barrier.

Brad turned to Jean-Baptiste and Chastity “So do you think you can do her hair like we discussed earlier? I just don’t have time myself with everything Layla and I need to do to get ready. Did you bring your supplies? You can put her in the Chair and fix her up like we talked about.”

Lina was a bit sad, Brad always fixed her hair for parties. It was a special time where he would give her his full attention, and directions about what to expect and how to behave at the upcoming event. She was feeling adrift, in not having things spelled out. How would she know what he wanted? How would she know what was allowed? How would she please him, if she had to make decisions on her own?

Brad turned to Lina and said “Go with them, and Pet….be good”.

Lina walked out the patio door, and followed Jean-Baptiste and Chastity to the Chair. Chastity was carrying a black makeup bag. Lina approached the Chair, and looked back at the house. Brad and Layla were standing against the sliding door, watching her procession.

Brad’s instruction had been twofold – to go with them, and to be good. Lina would endeavor to please him. She gingerly took a seat. Chastity knelt down and buckled Lina’s ankles to the Chair’s legs. Jean-Baptiste gently fastened her neck to its back.

Then Chastity and Jean-Baptiste had a bit of a disagreement about what to do with Lina’s arms. In the end they positioned her arms supine upon the armrests, her palms facing up and elbows tucked gently against her belly. She wondered why they didn’t put her palms down, so she could grip the ends of the wood that Brad had so painstakingly sanded. It somehow felt more vulnerable this way.

Lina looked back at the sliding door. Layla was on her knees with Brad deep in her mouth. Brad had one hand against the glass looking at Lina, and the other hand he rested gently on Layla’s head. As soon as Lina made eye contact with him, he smiled and looked down giving Layla his full attention.

Chastity stood and blocked Lina’s view of the kitchen. She handed the bag to Jean-Baptiste, who slowly began to unzip it.

“I wish we had a table here to put all these clips down until we need them” Chastity said.

“Why do we need a table, when Lina’s outfit and body will do?”

“Oh, baby, you are so right!” Chastity leaned in and gave JB an enthusiastic French kiss. He pulled Chastity’s body into a hug with one arm, while the other held the open bag. Chastity wrapped her small hands around his ass, pulling him as close to her body as possible. They continued to meld mouths, drinking each other in, and blocking Lina’s view of the Kitchen. Her heart was racing, her mind was wondering what Brad and Layla were doing, and she couldn’t look away from Chastity and JB. She remembered how empty she had been for days, and that she was sitting strapped to the Chair, legs slightly spread, wearing a sheer white jumpsuit with an open crotch, a thong and barely there bandeau.

Suddenly, a loud keening and very Southern “Fuck Brad, fuck” rent the air. Followed by a liturgy of “Dear god, dear god – fuck me, fuck me, fuck me.”

Chastity and JB broke their embrace and smiled into each other’s eyes.

Jean-Baptiste held the open the bag, and Chastity pulled out 8 hair clips. JB walked behind Lina and undid the strap letting the jumpsuit’s bodice fall to her waist. The bandeau barely covered her chest, and now that she was feeling a bit of anxiety about what was to come, her shallow breaths seemed to move her nipples a micron toward popping above the top with each inhale.

“No table, it’s good her body can hold these clips.” They placed 3 in hair, and JB reached out to tweak one nipple through the white band. He tried to place a clip on her right nipple over the fabric. “Hmmm. These aren’t going stay in place over this” and he gave a quick tug, freeing Lina to the balmy air. Chastity took a clip and gently trapped Lina’s left nipple, while JB leaned down to quickly lick the right one, before giving it the same constrictive treatment.

Chastity then knelt again, slid her hand between Lina’s thighs. Slowly tracing higher and higher until she reached the slit in the boho style pants. She shook her head — “Brad’s pet is so wet. I hope she is good and doesn’t do anything he wouldn’t allow.” She then grabbed one of Lina’s labia, and placed a clip upon it.

Next, she reached down and pinched a bit of flesh on the outside of Lina’s right foot. She tried to place a clip there, but the skin was too tight, and it just kept popping off. She worked her way back up Lina’s legs, looking for any place the clips could gain purchase without hurting too much. She ended up putting another clip on Lina’s labia, and found a tiny bit of flesh near her waist that was amenable.

Meanwhile Jean-Baptiste had been slowly brushing Lina’s hair. Alternating brushstrokes with grabbing fistfuls near the scalp and tugging forcefully.

Lina could only feel, and watch as Brad fucked Layla’s ass. Layla’s white tank top had been pulled below her ample breasts which were pressed into the sliding glass. Layla’s wrists were wrapped in Brad’s borrowed plaid. Lina’s mind took in the whole scene, but somehow she fixated on the shirt and not Brad’s cock deep in Layla’s ass. She missed that plaid, and somehow had a thought about how wrong it was of Layla to have kept it for a month!

Brad pulled Layla’s wrists slightly behind her back using only his one hand. His hands were so fucking big, that he could easily keep control of her wrists especially with the shirt’s help. Lina was amazed with Brad’s balance as he kept only one hand on the glass. His thighs and ass flexed, and he filled Layla again and again. Both Brad and Layla maintained eye contact with Lina from their vantage point in the kitchen. Both tried to keep their eyes open, but Layla’s closed as she threw her head back and her mouth rounded, exhaling a stream of expletives about heaven and Brad’s cock.

Lina felt a phantom burning in her ass, remembering the last time Brad had done that to her. And her core tried to clamp down imagining his cock inside her pussy…..but she was empty. Empty, but she felt her hair being pulled and her nipples and labia being pinched. Her side was beginning to burn.

Chastity walked around and straddled her right thigh and forearm, once again blocking Lina’s view of the kitchen. She grabbed Lina’s hand, palm up, and lowered herself onto that hand. She didn’t put her whole weight down, but enough that it was slightly unpleasant. She then leaned forward bracing her hands at the top of the back of the Chair, and leaned in to kiss Jean-Baptiste. Half of her chest pressed into Lina’s face making it a bit difficult but not impossible to breath. She proceeded to grind her pussy into Lina’s hand, half her chest into Lina’s face, all the while keeping her tongue in Jean-Baptiste’s mouth.

Lina couldn’t tell how long this went on, but Chastity was also grunting and moaning and calling out to heaven. Lina’s hand was wet and cramping. Just when she started to feel a bit light headed, Chastity leaned back, dismounted and finally let her see the Kitchen window. Sometime while Chastity and Jean-Baptiste had been having their fun, Brad had pulled out of Layla, and was now rubbing his cock between her ass cheeks. It’s head purple, and the shaft gliding between the globes.

Had Brad forgot where she was? Was he so focused on his pleasure and the ass in front of him, that he couldn’t spare a thought for his pet? No, he knew where she was and what he allowed and ordered to happen.He wasn’t careless with his things. At that moment, Lina felt a welling in her heart. Her pussy was still achingly empty, but when he looked up at her, she knew she was his girl even as his cock came all over Layla’s beautiful derriere.

Layla wore a completely sated look as Brad kissed her neck and pushed off from the sliding door. She began to put her clothing to rights. Lina was happy for Layla’s pleasure, and happy that Brad had such a good ride, but still felt terribly empty inside inside her pussy, if not her heart. Her mind was brought back to her body in the chair, in the island of shade, on the patio. A buzzing in her ears, a wet hand, soaked fabric between her thighs, and the feeling of burning and blood flowing to various parts of her body as Chastity and Jean-Baptiste took off the hair clips.

Chastity held up a little hand mirror and showed the intricate braid work. Lina looked like an extra on GOT! Her hair was so pretty, Jean-Baptiste really knew how to style things. Chastity righted Lina’s bandeau top and retied the sheer white jumpsuit behind Lina’s neck, but she didn’t let her out of the Chair.

Brad and Layla began to bring platters of food out to the various tables he had set up earlier. Lina closed her eyes and took a deep breath thinking about the night to come, and the olives she didn’t buy. At that moment, she heard four more car door slams. She wondered who had arrived.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/8lcyfg/a_makeover_for_sylvies_party_part_iii