listening to (m)y friend’s parents (MC)

I wrote this up as if it was a /r/gonewildstories post. It is fiction, but has been a fantasy of mine since the times I describe.


This happened when I was a teenager. I believe it was my first year of highschool. My friend Sean and I been trying to make it through Mario 3. We took the bus after school back to his house, but when we got there, Sean realized he had forgotten something he had to get his parents to sign (for a club he was in or something). It needed to get done for tomorrow, so he decided to take his bike back to school while I got us past the first few easy worlds. I had my backpack with me, so I took out my walkman and started listening to some music while I played (Pearl Jam’s album Ten, I believe). Sean had just left when I heard the garage door go up. “Hummm… His parents are home,” I thought to myself. No worries, they knew me well, and I didn’t feel the need to yell down that I was there. Us sitting around playing Nintendo was not an uncommon occurrence. Sean’s room was upstairs, and I had the door open. From where he had set up his TV, you could only see if anyone was playing video games by sticking your head completely inside and around the door. So, I hadn’t set out to be a voyeur, I was just hoping to get to at least World 4 before Sean got back.

Soon after hearing the garage, I caught the sound of tromping up the steps. I turned my walkman down, then off when I heard Sean’s mom laughing and giggling. “No stop, hehehe,” was the first thing I clearly heard. I was only a teenager, but there’s something inside every person that recognizes sexy, play sounds. The hair stood up all over my body, my hands started to tremble. Should I stand up and shout out now that I’m here? Sean’s sister had activities after school, and I guess with Sean’s bike gone and the bedroom doors open, they assumed that no one was home. I was terrified, but I really wanted to listen. My headphones were still on, I had the perfect excuse not to come out to meet them should they discover me. Hey, I simply didn’t hear them get home. “Mmmm!!! Ah! Hehe. Stop.” Holy shit. My indecision made the decision, they closed their bedroom door. The sounds were muffled now, but were still quite clear and they didn’t seem to feel the need for quiet.

I stayed as still as I possibly could. I was terrified that at any sound I might make would let them know I was here. “Mmmmm… Ahhhhh… Mmmmm…” It was undeniable what was going on now. My heart was racing, my skin was flushed; but I was too nervous to get hard, I just listened. I heard the bed creaking around. Sometimes there would be a lull, but then an “Mmm, oh yeah. Baby.” His dad didn’t seem to make any sound, only his mom. “Oh god! Mmmm… Ah! Ah! Yeah baby.” I don’t know if I had ever been more exhilarated in my life. The fear of getting caught and the thrill of hearing something I’ve never heard before was almost overwhelming. I strained to hear everything.

Finally the blood started to flow and my cock began to swell. As quietly as I could I unzipped my pants and started touching my virgin cock. She seemed to be getting more and more excited, I had no idea what was going on. Hell, I barely knew was sex was. The internet was still fairly new at this point and you could rarely see anything but pictures anyway. I had never heard a woman being pleasured. She started getting louder. “Oh yeah. Yeah. Oh god. Yes.” I was stroking hard at this point, my bare dick exposed, the light fapping sound of my hand slapping the head of cock barely audible. “Ooohhhh! Ooohh!!! rrrAAAAAHHH!!!” It was more than I could handle. I shot a huge load of cum almost directly into the air. I had cum all over my underwear, but I had managed not to get it on my shirt or pants. I scrambled to put my still engorged cock away, as if they were going to bound out of bed and run in to catch me.

All I can figure now is that he was eating her pussy, but I’ll never know. I thought it was over, but not at all. It was only a couple more seconds before I heard her giggling again, then some muffled talking, then “Mmmm, yeah. Oh yes! YES!” I couldn’t believe it. Now things really started to pick up. The bed springs started to creak and a steady thump came from the bed frame. I was hard immediately. In seconds I was jerking my already cum covered cock. Things were moving faster and faster. She was crying out, “Yes, fuck me. Fuck me!” I never imagined women talked like this. “Ughhh! Ugghhh! Ahhhh!” her screams were getting louder and louder, the thumping and creaking was at a fever pace. “Don’t stop baby. Don’t stop!” were the last actual words they made together. The thumping abruptly stopped and both of them let out a stream of grunts and moans that seemed to go on forever. A second load of cum shot from my cock, this time hitting the TV and Nintendo. I quickly slipped off my shoe and wiped the cum away as best I could.

That was all the sounds I heard. I tried to clean up my mess as best I could. I didn’t have too much of a mess on me, I slipped my cock away though I was still almost completely hard. This might have been the most terrifying moments of the whole experience. I was sure that at any moment, they would burst in and demand I explain myself. I tried picking up where I left off in Mario 3, but my hands were shaking so bad I could barely make any progress. Plus, I didn’t want them to hear any clicking buttons. What if they catch me? Will they buy that I was just listening to my headphones? It seemed like an eternity though it was probably only 5 minutes. Clearly I hadn’t thought this part out.

Finally sweat relief. I heard the front door open, and Sean yelled out, “Mom! I need you to sign something.” “Just leave it on the table!” She shouted back from inside their bedroom. “I’ll get to it in a minute!” A couple of seconds of torture and Sean came clomping up the steps. “Okay, where’d you get us?” He asked. “Ugh, I’m almost at world 3.” “You’re still on world two?!? Oh man…” Sean took the controller and started playing. I got up to use the bathroom. I was nervous that somehow he could tell. I was nervous that somehow they knew. I crept as quietly as I could through the hallway, went inside and looked at myself in the mirror. My cock was still swollen. I couldn’t use the bathroom but washed my hands and wiped them on my pants just to try and cover up and cum I might have had on myself. As I headed out, Sean’s mom was standing right there in the hall. “Oh hey! You going to stay for dinner.” I don’t know how I got any words out, I was so terrified to see her (I’m sure my face was bright red). “No,” I said, “we’re just going to try and beat Mario 3, then I’ll be heading home.” “Okay, great,” she said smiling. All I can assume is that she thought Sean and I had come home together. Thank god. Thinking back, she was probably relieved that they had managed to finish before “we” got home.

We didn’t beat Mario 3 that day and I never told anyone what I happened. I’m sure the guys would have gotten a huge kick out of hearing about it, but I was terrified that if anyone found out, I would get in serious shit. I jerked off for years thinking about it, sometimes I still do. At this point though, it’s so far away in time that it’s hard to believe it happened at all. Still, I get a kick out of voyeur stories and videos, and “Don’t stop!” is one of my favorite things to hear in bed.



  1. Wow! Genius and clever writing! Really enjoyed the story. Not only was it pleasant to read, it was also very immersive! Keep on writing!!

  2. Thanks for the compliment. It was enjoyable to make. I’m sure I’ll make a new one soon.

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