Setting up for Sylvie’s Party – The Chair – Part II

[Shopping for Sylvie’s Party – Part I](

After fighting her way through traffic Lina pulled into the driveway ready to set up for the party. It was only a few hours away until the festivities would begin and Sylvie would finally get her licking, and Steve would break his drought. She was excited to meet all of Brad’s friends, so many people coming from near and far. She had heard about so many of them, and had met a few of the locals already. She felt she knew them intimately, and what made them tick. Even knowing so many details, she didn’t know what to expect tonight and that itself was exciting.

Lina had been a good girl on the way home. Her body was mostly under her own control again, but the emptiness was lingering in the background when she sat too quietly. She thought again about how long he had denied her. The first traffic light almost did her in. It was the quiet, and the stillness amplified her throbbing, and looking at those lights, the waiting…the waiting….for red to turn green made her longing almost unbearable.

After that first light, she turned on the radio, and sang along to Tom Petty for the remaining drive home. She also thought about how best to lay out the food for tonight. Brad would likely have a very structured plan, so maybe she didn’t need to worry. But still thinking about the possibilities distracted her.

The whole drive home, she had the aircon on full blast in her car to cool down from Brad and his proxy Jerk’s game at the checkout. Lina wondered if he had gotten a report via the Jerk’s chat of her shopping yet? A little quiver went up her spine.

She pulled into the garage and grabbed her bags to make her way into the house. She called out, announcing her arrival. Brad answered from the kitchen. “How was your shopping, pet? Did you find everything on the list?”

“Yes, here it is” she coyly lifted the bags toward him while looking down, and he quickly took them from her hands.

She snuck a peak and a grin up at him. “Do you want me to start to lay out the food?”

“No, Layla is on her way over to help. I know she will do it how I want. Now, I would like you to go shower. Shave. Wash your hair, don’t dry it, leave it free, no makeup, I laid out an outfit on the bed. Come to the patio in 40 minutes.”

Lina had a moment of pique. She thought about protesting the need for Layla’s help, but realized Brad had already likely gotten a report about her purchases. The pique quickly turned into a bit of shame and her empty channel spasmed. She decided it was best to do as asked. She stood up on tiptoes and tried to kiss him, bracing her hands on his forearms. He didn’t lean down to meet her, and her lips only reached the second button on his shirt. She could feel his curly chest hair behind the fabric and wished that there was nothing in the way.

She needed some part of him in her but all there was — was the smell of cotton, and the hint of hair. He let her mouth linger at the base of his sternum a few seconds, and then swatted her on the ass. “Time’s ticking, little girl. Don’t be late.”

She bolted up the stairs and looked at the bed. Laying on the comforter, was a sheer white jumpsuit with billowing boho style pant legs. She held the jumpsuit up to get a closer look, and noticed that not only was it sheer, but it had a slit in the crotch. The jumpsuit was sleeveless and tied with straps behind the neck. He had laid out an opaque white thong and a matching teeny tiny bandeau no wider than 6 centimeters, white strappy sandals, and nothing else.

As she went to the bathroom to turn on the shower, she heard a car pull up, and an engine cut out. She heard two car doors slam, and some giggling. She couldn’t make out the conversation through the closed window, but curiosity made her look out. She saw Layla, Chastity, and Jean-Baptiste. They were also carrying bags into the house, and had an air of gaiety. Time was ticking. How much had she lost?

She heard Brad welcome them, and call out “Hey JB, can you help me bring up something from the basement?”

Fuck – was it the Chair?

She wasn’t supposed to go into his woodworking studio, but hadn’t resisted her inner cat, and snooped last month. And then she snooped again, and again. Growing braver each time. The first time, she only cracked the studio’s door before her pounding heart made her slam it shut. The second time, she took a duster down to have some kind of alibi even though she knew he cleaned his own studio. She thought about playing forgetful maid, needs to suck on his cock for a reminder if she was caught, but alas she was in and out of the studio in under 2 minutes.

She had last seen the Chair about 6 days ago when Brad was at lunch, she had even touched the sanded smoothed wood and sat with her bare bottom on it, for like 3 seconds before she jumped up, heart racing afraid she heard the garage door rising. It was a false alarm, but she hadn’t dared go back down stairs since then, and strangely enough his denial of her had started that night, a bit ahead of when she might have guessed, and now lasting way longer than ever before….. Did he know that she was in his private space looking at and touching things she was not allowed to?

Lina heard more giggles, and the rumble of male voices and a few grunts of exertion. She raced to the backyard facing window, and saw the guys hauling the Chair, past the patio and onto the deck. Brad had been busy since this morning. He had laid out clusters of deck chairs, chaise lounges, and throw pillows, all over the bricked patio, wooden deck, and even a few on the lawn. He had arranged various clusters, some with little tables. Brad had even put out the umbrella about 15 meters from the hot tub.

The guys maneuvered the Chair under the umbrella so it was in the shade and no other chairs or tables where near it. That umbrella made a little island of shade, a perfect place for a lone Chair – separated and isolated from the more social layouts all across the backyard.

Lina noticed that the Chair’s seat had been modified. It was no longer a single smooth plank of wood, but rather a platform with the front sanded to have two concave depressions about thigh width apart and a slightly raised mini pommel between the depressions – almost like a child’s swing. The rear of the seat had an opening that was just shy of where the back of the chair reached upward. The chair was too small for Brad, but Lina would fit, and her head would not raise above the back of the Chair. Looking more closely, there seemed to be places for restraining a pet’s neck, arms, and ankles. She also had the passing thought that Layla or even Chastity would fit in the Chair as well.

The Chair was radically different from 6 days ago, he must have been working on it non-stop when she wasn’t around.

Shit – she better hop in the shower and get her butt downstairs. Who knew what Layla was doing to her man, and god knows what Chasity and Jean-Baptiste had in store.
