The Belt…. (MF)

This is a story from the very beginning of my freedom. This was before I knew there was such things in life like BDSM, or wild sex. I was still pretty innocent.

We has been messing around for a few weeks and our time was coming to an end shortly. We were both moving in the next few weeks, to different parts of the country. We had been spending most of our free time together, having sex. We weren’t getting much sleep at this point but we were young and it was worth it!

One night after fooling around we fall asleep together on the floor (we never made it to the bed) next to the bed. I have no idea how long we’d been asleep. I just know I woke up and I was already on my hands and knees being fucked from behind. I swear I had been asleep until that very second. Due to this I felt like I was dreaming. It was an amazing feeling. Every part of my body was into that moment, what was happening to me. I had never tried a drug before but I know this is what a high had to be like. In reality but not in reality. All I know is all I could do was feel, I felt everything. Every tingle, every heartbeat pulse through my body.

He briefly stopped fucking me to reach behind him into the closet. Out came a belt. I remember tensing up. I had never been hit before and was starting to panic a little. Because of the mental state I was in, I couldn’t say stop. Everything was happening so quickly that before I could figure out this wasn’t a dream and I could say no he was shoving his way back in. After a few seconds, I was distracted by feeling him fucking me again. I forgot about the belt and that’s just when he took that first swing with the belt. It was AMAZING. I immediately flooded myself with juices. It felt great. I remember crying out, but in pure ecstasy. This gave him all the encouragement needed. He started to repeatedly spank me with the belt. I was cumming over and over again. It was uncontrollable. The sting of the belt was such a wonderful new feeling. It hurt but not too much. It was such a shocking, dirty thing to be doing. I was amazed that someone would actually do this to someone else. It felt so freeing. I just kept cumming. He could feel me grip him each time. I wasn’t lasting but a few seconds between orgasms. Finally he couldn’t wait anymore and one of my orgasms set him over the edge and he came.

We never made it to the bed. I remember just laying back down on the floor until the alarm went off a few hours later.



  1. That’s so awesome. My lady and I just ha our first experience with spanking (me doing the spanking) and we both loved it and got really turned on from it… Would you have any advice for new comers to BDSM bc it seems we may be diving deeper into it.

  2. I would join some online BDSM communities (i.e. subreddit category BDSM or They could help point you in the right direction as well as open your minds to stuff that’s out there.

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