Am I doing this right?

[This is my first attempt at writing in a while, and my first attempt at erotic stuff. Is this how I do it?]

Jill was an amazing girl. I couldn’t help but sneak a peak at her every time she entered the room, it was almost as if I was always waiting for her to turn the corner, to come say hi. Her long blond hair flowing from side to side as she walked, washing her scent everywhere she goes. She was tall but just slightly shorter than I, slender, and had these delicious perky breasts. Her ass was great too, she hit the gym regularly and almost made her walking away from me worthwhile.

I hit on her occasionally, you know, just in case she ever changed her mind and became interested in me. For now though, we were just friends, but definitely not by my choosing. I would take her back to my room on a heartbeat if she wanted to. I liked powerful women. She was the RA in the college dorm I recently moved into and lived one flat below me. She was in charge of organizing all the events for us (she liked to party, so these were great) and had keys to all the rooms in case of emergency or, more likely, we should lock ourselves out in our drunken stupor.

Most of the guys in the flat had a thing for her at one point or another. Some of them had given up after a couple years of trying, and others still continually hit on her. Her and I seemed to hang out a lot for whatever reason, sometimes she would come up and cook with me, sometimes we’d catch a movie together, and sometimes we would just chill out and talk for hours about complete bullshit. I could never tell if she liked me as more of a friend or not, but it was way too much of a risk to ruin a friendship like this to find out, even though it was killing me slowly the more I got to know her.

“John.. John! Hey, dude, snap out of it man!”


“You’re so weird, why do you always do that? It’s like you disappear into fantasy land or something. What the hell are you thinking of all the time?”

“Huh.. oh, nothing much, just that big project I have due in a couple weeks, I’ve hardly even started it.” I told her a total lie, well, I did have a big project coming due, but that was definitely not what I was thinking about. She was wearing a low cut shirt today, exposing the top of her firm breasts. That’s what I was thinking about.

“Well snap out of it man, you promised me you would help cut these things out before the party tonight.”

“Yes mam!” I saluted her as she gave me her snarky grin. I looked around her living space, the RAs had such nice living quarters. They got TVs, had couches, had their own kitchen, and got a separate bedroom. She had a lot of random posters on the wall too, none of which really held any meaning to her. She only had them because the drab white walls were too plain for her liking and they had a big poster sale on campus a year or so back.

“So Jill… Why don’t you have a boyfriend?”

“Don’t see a need for em, not enough time to waste on some clingy meatball.”

“You don’t like want sex or anything?” – questions like this were not out of the ordinary for us to ask each other. I turned our conversations sexual early on in our friendship hoping they would give her the desire to fuck me or something. Now she probably just sees me like a big brother since she doesn’t even wince when I ask this stuff.

“Well, yeah, sometimes that would be nice” she responded weirdly, usually she’s a lot more confident with her responses.

“Haha, yeah, you’re tellin me. It’s been a little too long since I’ve been laid… You knowwww Jill, we could-”

“Pfft, fat chance little man,” she didn’t even let me finish my sentence, she knew exactly where I was going with that one!

“Alright everyone! Are you all ready for second semester orientation week?” Jill yelled over the crowd, pumping everyone up like usual.


“You all have your ‘non-alcoholic’ drink beverages ready to make this a night to forget?”


“Well get to it then punks!” We weren’t allowed to have alcoholic drink containers on site, but this rule was continually abused and Jill didn’t really care. She loved to drink and have a good time. I just wish she would drink a little more one night and fall victim to the seduction tricks I’ve been learning online. They haven’t really made much of a difference yet, but I’m hopeful. One of these days I’ll get her to take me back to that luxurious double mattress of hers.

It was night time now, she was holding the first night’s party in her flat. So far there were about 50 people scattered around throughout all the decorations and games she had set up. Jill stepped down from the countertop she had been speaking from and walked over to one of her best friends who was pouring a drink for them. I watched as they grinned at each other, did a cheers, and said “bottoms up!” Whoa, she’s goin hard tonight.

I was standing across the room with some friends watching them play quarter chase on her coffee table. I figured it was probably time to take my attention off of Jill and focus it on something a little less creepy so I joined in the game and got a cup passed to me almost instantly, then sunk the quarter almost instantly. I felt a hand on my shoulder, “whoa, good job there hot shot,” it was Jill. She had crossed the room and came over to watch the game. I moved over so she could sit next to me, her thigh pressed against mine. Her touch was electric, I could feel her warmth crawl from her leg to mine. Her scent wafted all around as she got into position, I couldn’t even begin to describe her scent but it took every ounce of willpower I had not to turn and press my nose into her hair.

She dunked the next quarter and slammed her cup on top of mine, “drink up big boy! Tonight’s going to be a night to forget.” This was the second time she’s said that tonight. Throughout the night she seemed to always wander over to me and either pour a little more ‘water’ into my drink, or press up on the bottom of my cup until I brought it up to my lips. I was starting to stumble around now and I knew it.

I woke up the next morning hungover as all hell and went straight for the bathroom. I lifted the seat and took aim, but ah fuck! My piss went spraying all over the place in two different streams. What the hell, why would that be stuck together. Usually I knew that after wanking I’d have to spread the slit on my cock before taking a piss otherwise the dried cum would cause this to happen. Whatever, I was too hungover to care. I grabbed some toilet paper and wiped up the pool below the toilet seat.

Tonight’s party would be in our kitchen and common area, the party location moved up one floor each night and we had one every night for orientation week. Jill came up a bit early to set up some of the games again while I was still eating a late dinner. “You ready for tonight champ? Guna be another fun time,” she said with a wink. Again, not unusual, this type of friendly flirting was quite normal in our friendship. I watched as she reached up as high as she could to hang the scoreboard for the games tonight with all of our names listed on it. She was wearing a short shirt tonight and tight fitting jeans, as she raised her arms her waistline became exposed and I could see she was wearing a bright red thong tonight. She finished hanging the scoreboard and I quickly turned my attention back to my food.

“You don’t even remember last night do you,” she said assumptively.

“I remember enough!” I hated not remembering a night, and she knew it.

“Well come prepared again tonight, I got another bottle of ‘water’ today.” She said with that friendly flirty wink of hers.

She continued hanging up decorations and getting the games set up as I finished off my meal. I wasn’t sure whether or not to be excited about tonight. I was still kind of hungover from the night before, but I knew there would be lots of peer pressure to join in on the celebrations. I returned to my room and put on some nicer clothes, after all, the guys online said I had to ‘look my best so I feel my best.’ There were a few cute girls around the dorm, but Jill always seemed to come around at the wrong time and cockblock me whenever I was making some ground with them. I turned on some music and poured myself a little pre-game drink to get rid of the remaining bit of my hangover before I joined in on the party.

Tonight’s party was more of the same, we played lots of drinking games, I tried my best to get close enough to Jill to smell her wonderful hair and sneak a peek down her shirt, and whenever I wasn’t near her she was on her way to me with a cup full of magical clear liquid. At least tonight I was able to make it to the end of the party and stumbled to my room at 3 in the morning when campus security came and told us that was enough for tonight.

[continue in my first comment]



  1. I was just nodding off to my drunken sleep when I heard the familiar click of the electronic mechanism unlocking my door. I was confused but for whatever reason in my drunken half sleep I gave no reaction. “John?” I heard a voice whisper as the door creeped open slowly. I was still too drunk and out of it to really care. I let out a low groan and the silhouette blacked out by the hallway lights entered my room and shut the door. “Are you awake?” she whispered once again but all I could do was let out the same drunken groan. “Good.” I could hear the light footsteps of the mystery girl slowly making her way to my bed in the dark. “I know you enjoyed this last night so I came back.” I could feel my blankets slowly being dragged off of me until only my feet were left covered. I always slept in nothing but my boxer-briefs and next thing I knew I could feel a cold finger under the waistband on either side, slowly pulling them off of me. I let out another low groan but that didn’t seem to phase whoever it was. I heard her kneel beside my bed and I could feel her place her hands on my lower body. They moved around slowly, as if they were searching carefully for a delicate treasure until one came in contact with the short hairs above my cock, slowly moving over them all the way to my manhood. She slid a thumb between my balls and my shaft, placing her fingers overtop and stroking me up and down. I was completely flaccid but this didn’t seem to matter, the stroking continued and my cock stood up completely firm. I already had some experience with getting a handjob while fast asleep and to me they felt far more amazing. The entire shaft was as sensitive as the head and the ecstasy spilled over into my balls as I did my best to remain half asleep. This continued until I felt something soft and wet touch the tip of me, and slowly swirl it’s way around until my head was completely enclosed in a familiar wet suction. I could feel the girl’s hair gently brush up against my side as she moved her head up and down my shaft. This girl was either an expert, or I was still half asleep because everywhere her lips touched felt like nothing I had ever experienced before. I took a deep breath in and caught a familiar scent wafting up my nose. I knew this smell, it smelled like Jill’s hair. I couldn’t believe it, was this Jill? Did Jill just sneak in my room to give me a blowjob? This thought intensified the feeling up to another level and I could barely contain myself any longer. I was getting really close to cumming but didn’t know if I should wake up or just let her continue and pretend like I didn’t even know it happened. I didn’t want to risk scaring her away so I let it continue as I could feel my ass tighten and my balls getting ready to burst. I couldn’t contain myself anymore and let out a deep groan as my semen bubbled up and burst out my shaft and into her warm suction. “mmmm” she whispered as I could hear her stand up, “I’ll see you again tomorrow night” Again tomorrow night? Like at the party? No, she better come back here I heard the slow squeak of my door as the shadowed silhouette swiftly left my room and disappeared into the hallway, shutting my door behind her. The next evening I went up to the floor above mine for the party. I came prepared tonight, but I didn’t know if I should tell Jill I knew what she was up to. What if it wasn’t actually her? What if it was someone else? But she’s the only one with keys to all the rooms, still though, maybe it was someone else? I didn’t know what to say to her, but every time she came over to me I could feel my stiffness press up against my pants. I couldn’t wait for tonight again, the suspense was killing me and the way she was pouring vodka into my drink might indicate she was trying to kill me too! The same security men came again at the same time as the night before, sending us all to our rooms. I had drank quite a bit tonight and was definitely drunk, but because of the previous nights of heavy drinking it was going to take me a lot more to get blackout drunk again tonight so I was still relatively aware. However, I wanted to make it look like I was blackout drunk again to Jill, so just as we were leaving I pretended to lean against her and said in my best drunken voice, “we should totally fuck,” to which she just laughed and helped me to my room before going down to hers. Not even three minutes later I heard the same familiar unlocking sound and the slow squeak of my door. “John, are you like really drunk?” the voice whispered. Again, in my best blackout drunk voice I replied, “Maaybee.” “Are you going to remember tonight?” “Noooo, probly not,” I heard the door latch shut once again and this time there was no hesitation at all getting me naked. “Remember what you said a few minutes ago? …No? Well I do…” I could feel the same cold fingers explore my lower body until they once again came in contact with my shaft which was already completely hard from the moment I heard the door shut behind her. I could feel the bed depress beside me this time as she sat down. “Here, feel this,” she moved my hand up her body to her wonderful perky breast which she must have pulled out of her shirt top. I tried to sneak a quick look but it was pitch black in my room. Her breast felt amazing, just as I had always imagined it to feel. She slowly moved my hand down her body, she had changed out of her tight jeans and into her fleecy pajama bottoms. My fingers slid below the waist and down her runway to her warmth. She moved my hand up and down, pressing my fingers into her clit as I lay there in disbelief at what is happening. Oh my God, no way, she’s so wet already. She left my hand there as I heard her fumbling with what sounded like a plastic wrapper. I could feel her turn and reach for my cock once again, placing a warm condom over the tip of my penis and rolling it all the way down to my balls. “Are you ready for this?” She asked in a whisper, “I know you’ve been waiting a long time.” I could feel her weight light up off the bed and her leg brush my throbbing manhood as she got on top of me. Her long hair was now in my face and her scent all around me as she reached behind her for my cock. She slid my tip down her slippery slit until I could feel the opening. She pressed down with her weight onto my cock and I slid into her tight young grasp. “Ohhh that feels too good, I’ve wanted this,” she exhaled as she slid up and down my slippery shaft, using me like her own personal dildo. It felt better than I could have ever imagined, her ass beating down around my rod as she rode me to satisfy her own desires. I can’t take much of this before I start moving my hips in rhythm with her which doesn’t even seem to phase her, in fact she’s riding me even more intensely now with her hands around my head and her hair in my face I can feel her breasts brush softly against my chest with each movement she makes. I can’t take it anymore, I can’t continue half pretending to be pass out drunk and I can no longer control my hands as they move toward her ass. The gym has really been doing a good thing for her behind, her cheeks are firm and her skin is soft. She stops for a second and I can feel her gaze on me as my hands meet her ass, but I continue thrusting and after a few seconds I can hear her heavy breathing in my ear as I pull her down to me. I can hear the sound of our bodies colliding as I fuck her with the fury of a beast. I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long. I prod around with my face until my lips meet hers and she gives me a kiss like I’m a long time lover separated from her for years, the passion in her sensual lips is undeniable as I move one hand to the top of her neck and pull her in even further. Her scent now completely filling the air as I pound her from below. I can hear the slurp of her pussy which is now completely saturating the area around my cock. I pull out to take a quick break, I don’t want this to end anytime soon, but I fear I may not be able to control myself with her. The way her back arches in my hands as I explore her body, the way her lips feel, the way her tits press against my chest, the way her pussy grips my rod, her smell… No man could contain himself for long with this girl. I flip her over and lay her on her back, crawling back up to her face slowly sucking on each of her tits along the way and kissing her until I reach her neck where I dig my teeth in, forcing out an uncontrolled moan. I keep my teeth on her until my cock is deep inside her sloppy slit. She’s having trouble containing her sounds now as I ramp up the rhythm, she can’t help but let out her groans of passion. I don’t know how much longer I can take of this, I can feel my shaft ready to burst at any second. I need to take the pressure off somehow.

  2. I slowly pull out once again as her pussy grips me all the way out, seemingly to pull me back in. I kiss her on the lips, then the neck, then the collarbone, the top of her breast, her nipple. I slide my hand down her chest and over the runway all the way to her warm pool. I massage my fingers over her clit trying to keep her desire up and she starts swinging her hips along with my rhythm. I slide my hand down further until I find her opening, sliding my middle finger as deep as I can. I read about a fingering technique that I hadn’t yet had the opportunity to try out, I couldn’t wait to impress her with it. I slid another finger in, she was tightly gripping me now. I slid them in as far as I could and put my palm on her clit. Still teasing her nipple with my mouth I began curling my fingers and pressing down with my palm. She began wriggling around the bed aimlessly, letting out many more uncontrollable sounds of pleasure until she grabbed my head with both hands and dragged me back up to her, making out with me like a ferocious monster trying to eat my face. I ramp up the intensity of the finger curling and she pulls away from my face gasping for air, I can feel her leg start to tremble beside mine and a renewed wetness seep out her pussy. I continue my rhythm, her hips start bucking and her leg muscles tensed as she gasps for air. I hold myself back for as long as I can and wait for her to regain control of her body before I need to get back on top. I penetrate her with my spear once again and begin fucking her uncontrollably, as if some kind of animal took over my body. I could feel the pressure building and knew it wasn’t long before I couldn’t hold my load in anymore. “I’m guna cum,” I whisper into her ear, unable to listen for a response. The pressure too much now, I can feel the white men tearing up the tunnel and bursting out the exit. My hips thrusting uncontrollably I let out a deep low groan as I shoot everything I have out into her. I let out one last sigh of relief and collapse on top of her where she kisses my neck. She tries to move but I’m still too sensitive to pull out and her movement causes me to gasp for air and a twitch of immense pleasure to go through my entire body. I slowly slide my cock out, the feeling now amplified ten times as her pussy holds me for one last time. I roll over and lay beside her, not sure what to say. I was thrilled, I just finished fucking the girl of my dreams and didn’t want to fuck it up so it could hopefully happen again. The ability to think straight returns as the blood returns to my brain but I still had no idea what to say. She clearly didn’t want to stay the night, seconds later she got up from my bed, put her clothes on, and disappeared into the hallway light leaving me lie there alone with stars in my head and a huge grin on my face.

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