Need creative help with porn scenario.

I'm on short final to producing my first porno movie on blu-ray (shooting starts in october) but I'm having trouble creating a background story for the film. You guys look like a very creative bunch so maybe you could help me spice it up? I'll send a free copy of the movie to whoever helps me. Basic story goes: girl on the phone with male character getting ready to go out (nude/underwear shots of the female#1) goes to a nightclub, sleeps with another girl(girl girl scene), blacks out, wakes up and sneaks out for a bath (masturbation scene), enter the male character with a suitcase back from a business trip (boy girl scene with female #2), female#1 comes back from the bath and joins the fun. There can't be too much complicated dialogue as the actors are all beginners but they do ok with the simple lines. I was also thinking about adding another male character for a mfm scene. All ideas welcome :)


1 comment

  1. The underlying "plot" could be that she is trying to break into the music industry or some such. She’s gotten a lead that one of the big agents in the industry will be at the club. The girl on girl scene is the girlfriend of the agent. Male 1 is the agent himself. If you end up doing MFM, you could have it be a fellow talent agent who Male 1 has her "audition" for.

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