Fro[M] sunbathing naked with hot [F]riend, to hooking up in public, in a nudist river shore.

Back in 2015 I met a really hot chick (woman, gal, lady… ). In her mid 20s, she was 5ish years younger than me. In really good shape, but with a round soft ass and pillow-shaming tits to die for. The second time I saw her, we ended up skinny dipping and making out like teenagers while swimming naked in a beautiful lake.

I compiled everything I wrote about that time here (Act I through III): [](

One year after our 2015 skinny dipping adventure we met again. I was supposed to write an update, but I procrastinated. Now that I will see her again in a couple of weeks (only 4th time in 3 years) I thought it would be good to do a recap of where things are at. Also, one poster from gonewild who said it was a turn on to read my posts, and this inspired me to write about the 2016 encounter. I am in great part writing this because I know at least one person will enjoy reading this.

Prelude to Act IV:

I contacted Marie the summer of 2016, after not seeing her (or talking to her) since moving to another country in 2015:

-‘hey, are you free two days from now? I am in town this week “

-“hi! yes! let’s play”

-“I have a place in mind” I wrote.

I was about to suggest going to a sauna spot by a lake, with a lake-water fed outdoor pool, where I would be able to take in plenty of eye candy, maybe even see her topless if I got lucky. But before I was able to tell her where I wanted to meet, she wrote: “how about we go for a swim again. We could go to the far end of Werdinsel.”

My cock got hard when I read her reply. Werdinsel is a little island that parts the Limmat river in two for a stretch of about half a kilometer. Many people go there to have picnics and swim in the summer. There are a couple of footbridges to get on the island. Most people swim and stay near these footbridges. But people who want to swim in more secluded areas, walk to the far end. These people usually sunbathe nude, and take a dip in the river wearing nothing but a coat of tanned skin.

Act IV:

We agreed to meet at 6pm at Limmatplatz, and then take the tram together to the island.

(hilarious… I opened the messaging app to check out these meeting details in our message history, and I see she is online)

When I texted her that I was on my way to Limmatplatz, she told me she was already arrived at the island. I was allowed to be late because I stopped by a grocery shop to buy us some white wine, to accompany the warm early evening (6pm on a Swiss summer, there is plenty of daylight left).

I was on the tram when she told me to meet her by the main footbridge. But when I was almost arriving to the footbridge and checked my messages, she wrote “it is a bit noisy here. I better go find a quieter spot for us.” I hoped this meant she would be already walking straight to the far end of the island. She sent me her location (yay google maps) and indeed that’s where she was. I don’t know how I was able to walk there calmly. I put on my sunglasses because I was going to not be able to not stare at her naked body.

I took off my shirt as soon as I was on the island, but kept my jeans on. Last time I had seen her, she had made fun of my mostly thin arms. In that whole year without seeing her, I had been swimming 4 or 5 times a week. I was noticeably more muscular and I could not wait for her to comment on that. I knew she would.

I walked towards the tip of the island, with a bottle of wine and a towel in my bag. When I spotted her from far away, she was wearing almost nothing. She was covered though, by a thin red/orange cloth (not a beach towel, just a cloth thing, almost like a silk sheet). Almost see through too, with such a bright sun still shining, I was almost sure I could follow the contour of her areolas. I could definitely see the thin cloth raise from her abdomen to the beginning of her vulva, and then fall between her legs, before being tented by her succulent thighs.

She was lying down in the grass, maybe 10 meters from the water, with her eyes closed. The cloth thing covered her up from her ankles, to the top of her breasts. her naked hip was peeking out of the cloth. I walked quietly until I was maybe 30 steps away from her, took off all of my clothes and put them in my backpack, but still took out my towel and wrapped it around my waist, holding it at the front to hide my erection. I then walked barefoot the last 30 steps and lied down next to her. I lied down on my stomach, again to hide my erection. After not seeing her for a year, I wanted to greet her with my eyes, not my cock.

She smiled when she heard me lie down. “Are you naked yet?” She asked me. Ok, she might have said hello when she heard me next to her. But she definitely asked me if I was naked, without opening her eyes, within seconds of me lying down.

“I am covered, like you.” I said. I had my towel still around my waist.

“But I am actually naked, can’t you tell?” she replied.

(my eyes were not closed… and I could tell she was indeed naked)

-“Oh really?” and I slid my hand near her waist, under her reddish orange cloth. My elbow got to her bellybutton as I hugged her by the waist, and I then reached with my hand slowly towards her neck, between her breasts. Without touching her left breast I made a breast-cupping motion with my hand (although my hand would not have been big enough to cup her breast) and I lifted her cloth just a bit, with the back of my hand, and pulled the cloth down her body just a few inches. Then I let my hand softly fall on her breast. I rolled down my hand to the side, making sure half of her areola, right up to her nipple but without exposing her nipple, got to see some sunlight. And I said “oh, yeah, I guess you are pretty naked”.

(request #1 for [u/blankets_and_tea](

take a photo of yourself lying down, with your right breast covered up by your thinnest bed blanket or sheet, to the very edge of your areola (none of it showing) and your left breast slightly less covered, with your areola exposed to the very edge of your nipple, but with the nipple still covered… it’s fine if you do this in your bed… but that is the view I had lying down next to Marie… oh, don’t forget to have your left hip peaking out of your thin blanket)

With the sun shining on us, her areolas were relaxed and puffy, but I am pretty sure I saw her nipple getting a little hard, underneath her thin cloth, with no chance that this was caused by being cold. I put my hand under the cloth again, and put it on her breast, with my thumb pushing up from the side sightly, and my other fingers caressing the inside of her breast (the part public part of her breast, one could say, that many other people have seen as “just some cleavage”). It’s funny how thin that line is between what people show in public daily, and what people hide.

She opened her eyes and gave me the biggest smile, and said that she remembered how nice it was to be touched by me. She noticed my new watch. She felt it first and pulled her cloth down to the bottom of her breasts.

“Oh, is that a triathlon watch? nice… nice! and ok, I see you have been training this year!”

(I was very happy that she noticed and commented on my more athletic body)

“Yeah, I have been training pretty regularly… swimming cylcing and running very frequently now that the weather is good. You can check out my training tanlines if you want. ”

She picked up my towel from my thighs, and pulled it up to my lower back. “Yeah, that ass needs some sun, but the rest of you is so much darker than me!”

Indeed, she was very pale, with a slight pink tone in her skin from being exposed to sun just a few times that summer. Her job must keep her indoors a lot. She then pulled her cloth down to her hips to “take a look at my whole arm”. She said “I really like the contrast our skins are making right now, we look good naked together.” And I just blurted out “wow, I missed looking at your body”

She then covered herself up again “there is a guy staring at us over there” (behind me, there was a naked dude chilling in the sun, maybe 15 meters away, definitely looking in our direction). I told her that I was pretty sure he was staring at her.

“I don’t know… this is a popular spot for gay cruising… maybe he is checking you out” she said. I felt very complimented that she thought a guy staring in our direction was looking at me.

She said that she felt overheated and would appreciate taking a quick dip in the water. I told her that this sounded like an amazing idea, and we could go around a group of bushes to get in the water so the guy would not be able to watch. But I told her I was feeling shy about getting up. “I have been pretty hard between my legs since I lied down here”

“Ha, that’s good. I would be a bit offended if you didn’t have a hard dick right now. You have not stopped caressing my left breast.”

I got up before her, and took off my towel without minding anymore to show my arousal. She followed me, without her cloth on (we left our stuff behind to mark our spot to get back to the sun after swimming… there was only about 6 meters of grass between a little gravel path and the water, and trees blocked most of the sun, so the spot we had was a good one that would be taken by the next naked people to walk by).

The current in the river is strong enough that all we did was get in by the shore, holding on to a few big rocks half submerged in the water. The water was maybe waist deep where we got in, and so damn transparent. She was definitely staring at my cock while we chatted. And I was definitely staring at her breasts. Her nipples were right at the surface of the water, and the current made little ripples that went around her whole body, starting at her breasts (we were facing the current). A thin water curtain would go up to the top of her breasts.

I slid my hand between her thighs, and pulled one of her legs around my lower back. I told her I would grab onto her leg so she could let go. So she did let go, putting her other leg around my back and squeezing in with her lower thighs, almost by her knees, and let herself float back on the water surface. Holy shit, this was my first bright-sun lit view of her full body, covered by a few centimeters of moving water. From her short hair floating at the farthest point from where I was holding onto the rock, to where her open thighs revealed her very hairless delightful vulva, her body was a great combination of lines and curves. Her hair made straight lines, her arms made lines, her breasts and hips made curves. Her inner labia was just a tiny bit parted, maybe by the water, maybe by arousal. I hoped it was arousal. With her hands she waded to keep herself close to the water surface, and with each wading, her breasts would subtly bobble in the water, side to side.


will continue writing soon, I am getting kicked out of this cafe because this table is reserved for a group that is just arriving

ok I just moved to a smaller table to continue writing this


After at least a couple of minutes of taking in every inch with my eyes, I reached up her torso and gave her breasts the first full squeeze of the evening, while still half covered by water. her areolas had gotten a little bumpy, this time for sure because of the cold water. I extended the squeeze to the tip of her breasts, with the palm of my hand cupping the outside of her breasts, and I held on to her areolas between my thumbs and my ring and middle fingers, while using my index fingers to slowly touch her erect nipples, gently and teasingly, until they were even harder than they already were.

I marveled at how different her areolas looked when warm and relaxed, in comparison to cold and aroused.

(request #2 for u/blankets_and_tea:

1. when you are warm and relaxed, take a photo of your areolas (both in the picture but as close as possible to the camera) in their softest and widest state.

2. avoiding getting too aroused, stretch them wide by pulling down on your breasts towards your ribs, and out to stretch your… this might even make them look puffier which is soooo sexy you have no idea. take also a photo of this.

3. then, when you are a little cold and/or aroused, maybe after playing with yourself in the shower, take a photo of your areolas in an aroused state, with the hardest nipples you can get, take a similar photo to the first one so the difference is most obvious.

4. for the last nipple-centered photo, pull on your nipples outwards, away from your chest.

put all these photos in the same post (or send them just for me if you are shy about this). we all can’t get enough of your breasts and nipples)

We got out of the water because we were both getting cold, and we returned to the sunny spot. This time she did not cover herself with her cloth. And this time, I did not cover myself either.

At least an hour passed, and we chatted about personal stuff, lying next to each other side by side. Then, I suggested we moved somewhere else:

-“I want to kiss you and touch you all over”

-“I am an exhibitionist, but would still feel shy about showing more than R-rated stuff here”

-“can we go somewhere and hide from perverted looks?”

We got up and looked near us. Away from the water there was a gently grassy slope. This grass was so unkept that in some areas it was knee-height or even more… and this was perfect. We put down my towel and her cloth and sat down, fully naked, flattening a small area of grass, with the grass around us covering our bottom halves. People could see us from the nipples up, pretty much… but they had no idea what was beginning to occur.

We sat facing each other, I had my legs stretched out and slightly open, the outside of her butt cheeks touched my knees. Her legs on the other hand, were bend up by the knees, her thighs pointing up, and her feet on either side of my ass. She told me “just looked at my eyes and breasts, I am feeling pretty exposed between my legs”.

She was actually shy about her labia! So what I did was unfold her cloth that we were sitting over (we doubled it down to make it a bit thicker to not feel the grass underneath, at first) and draped it over her legs.

“Now you are covered, but I very much think you have very pretty lips between your legs”

I put my hand under the cloth, and between her legs. Her pussy was facing up, with how she was sitting with her knees up and bent by my side. with my right hand I pulled up on her clit hood (but without touching her clit), and with my left hand, I ran my finger from her perineum (between ass and pussy for all the illiterates) to the beginning of her inner labia. I parted her labia with three fingers. One pussy lip with my index finger, the other one with my ring finger, and with my middle finger I felt her insides in all her wet splendor. I gathered this wetness and began spreading it on her lips. I would scoop out her natural lubraction, and made her pussy lips slippery and wet. Once all of her lips were wet (which I did slowly and with patience) I began pulling at her lips, letting them slip between my fingers. I would pull out towards me, and when they slipped between my fingers they would slightly curl and open again. When I began touching her I had to part her lips. At this point, they wanted to be parted.

I don’t know how I forgot to mention that throughout this finger exploration, we had began kissing. And she was grabbing onto my cock hard. She was jerking me off.

Here came the shocking part:

— “Can I ask you a favor?” she asked.

— “Anything” I said.

— “Give me your hand”

I left my left hand on her pussy, at this point already two fingers inside her and my thumb gently on her clit.

She then put my right hand on her neck. She instructed me to keep my arm firm. And she let her weight fall forward towards me. “Hold my weight by my neck. Be gentle but firm. I will not break.”

This was new territory for me, but how could I not comply.

There is not much I can say about the next hour or so. We sat there touching each other. Masturbating each other. There was a group of 3 couples near us who got all quiet. They were chatty when we sat near them, but they stopped talking when they saw what we were doing. She would lean on my hand, as I held her neck, and after 30 seconds or really pushing onto my hand with her neck, she would lift her body away from me to rest a bit, and get blood flowing back.

“I don’t get anywhere near passing out, don’t worry”

This exciting adventure was ruined by mosquitoes, as the evening wrapped up giving way to the night.

Eventually we stood up. My left hand looked like I had been in a bath tub for half a day, with wrinkly fingers because of her wetness. She told me that her left hand felt numb from stroking my cock for so long.

We both cummed twice in one hour. The first time it was at the same time (we had to time it by her stopping all motions and then resuming when she was getting closer). The second orgasm we each had was selfish, with the other person following instructions.

We stood up naked. My dick was limp. After being hard for 5 hours perhaps. I asked her if she could let me kiss her breasts before she slid into her summer dress (no underwear, of course).

I put on my jeans without underwear just for kicks.

We crossed the footbridge back to the tram stop, but it was too late to catch public transport, I believe. I think she walked home, and I still had to meet some friends who had been expecting me for 2-3 hours for drinks downtown.

I asked her if she could send me nudes. She said she would not send me nudes, but that if I wanted to videochat while having sex, she and her open-relationship boyfriend would enjoy watching me have sex, and that they could put on a show for me. Unfortunately, the person I was dating at the time wasn’t into being watched. So this sexy proposition never happened

In two weeks we will meet again. She suggested that if the weather is good, we go to a small lake near Zurich, where even early in the summer is warm enough to swim. I will ask her if I can take photos of us, in nature, wearing very little clothes.

(end of story request for u/blankets_and_tea: if this turned you on, and it got your wet… please do show it in a photo… directly your pussy, or your finger, or something that makes it obvious that you were turned on)
