The Knight part (1/2) [humiliation] [mf] [elope] [inspired by Game Of Thrones]

The Knight part (½)

I heard only just the previous night that I would be informed and required to be on special duty of peacekeeping in the public streets for a public shaming and probable circumcision. A woman had been charged for apparent solicitation of sex with the king. I was never one to get involved into people’s personal affairs but I believe the king has been cheating on his queen and I despise him for it.

The king is my uncle. He is an annoyance of a person. I’ve been subjected to his personal authoritative measures and he’s not too kind when it comes to those who serve him. His baristas, his servers, his army, and his guards. He was only given the power of the throne because of his family hierarchy when his father passed away and sense he was the oldest of three brothers, he received the throne. Many people do not like him. He charges way too high on tax rates, gives way too many benefits to governing officials, and began an oligarchy for the richest individuals, usually involved in the yearly carnival games and jousting matches. While he is disliked, the cruel public is in favor of his harsh punishments especially on a social matter.

He executed a man who could not make the last aureus on his yearly tax. Not long ago, he ordered a public, female circumcision on a woman who stole fruit. I was also forced to be part of the torturing of a man suspected for homosexuality. The guards were even forced to make him incriminate himself for false accusations and inaccurate confessions. I’ve had enough of his ways and his mannerisms.


I throw on my equipment and body armor. I slide the cold, uncomfortable metallic helmet over my head and lock the eye shield. I grab my shield in one arm and my sword in the other. I was told that the shaming would be 30 moments after dawn so I assemble with my squadron and we march out of the castle and on to the main street in front of the entrance. There’s about 200 of us and I’m the farthest away from the tunnel. We get to our places as we wait for the citizens to gather and the shaming to begin. I stand next to my close friend, Henry and we briefly chat.

“So why are we out here?” He questions.

“Public shaming.” I stammer. “Some woman apparently solicited sex to the king.”

“I don’t buy it.” He tilts his head toward me.“Me neither. Sounds like the king was busted for cheating and is a cover up.” I add.

“Fellas, the king knows best and tells the truth.” Says Aaron to my right.

“He’s my uncle. The dude’s a zounderkite. What do you expect?” I question.

“All I know is there’s promiscuous women in this nation not being faithful to their spouses.” He claims.

“You don’t know that.” I murmur.

People begin to gather in packs some few minutes later and the morning silence is now a buzz of chatter and conversation. I along with the other guards stand in silence and attention. Sometime later, the king and his noblemen take their seats in their lavenous thrones outside of the main doorway entrance. The queen finally steps out holding what looks to be a horsewhip in her hand.

“I guess the queen will carry out this shaming.” Aaron says.

“Only shows more that the king may have had a thing in this conflict.” Henry retorts.

“No. It’s just custom to have the same gender punishers and victims.” Aaron claims.

“Shut up, fellas. We’re supposed to be on duty and silent.” I explain.

“Whatever, Giles.” Henry says and we return to our positions.

A few moments later, about 5 king guards walk out with a woman in shackles on both her ankles and wrists. She’s rather tall, maybe 5’9” but very skinny possibly malnourished from probable torture. Her breasts lacking the fat they need a clear indicator of this. She is rather attractive with her possessing an hourglass figure and tight hips with small lips in her carnal area.

The crowd roars as the guards walk out with her. The woman just stands there with her head pointed down and her eyes shut. I don’t blame her. I wouldn’t want to be naked on public streets either. A guard adjacent to the queen raises his arm up indicating for silence and everyone hushes quickly.

“I have called all of you out today for this shaming.” The queen booms through the crowd. “This woman has been found guilty of soliciting sex to King William. Shame to this woman.”“Shame!” The crowd repeats.

One of the guards uncuffs her ankles and the queen forces her to walk slowly along the stone street.

“Shame!” She whips the woman with the horse whip.

She shimmers as it leaves a bright red mark on her back.

“SHAME!” The crowd roars.

“She is unmarried and does not possess a hymen. Shame!” The queen whips her on her ass.

“SHAME!” The crowd retorts.

Seeing the girl being punished makes me shiver each time I see her whipped. I feel for her and my heart burns in anger of the queen and the king who I’ve hated since my birth.

“No one is to have sexual relations with the king besides myself, his queen. Shame!” She slaps her face instead of whipping her this time.

“SHAME!” The crowd echoes and some people throw certain objects at the woman.

As the woman moves closer, I can see the tears she possesses out of her eyes. I can tell she has innocence from whatever this dramatic issue may be.

“No mercy!” Aaron calls out.

I can feel the shame she has as I see her trudge closer and closer to me and I can feel my soul shake in the queen’s wrath.

“Shame!” The queen whips the woman again. This time in a place no one should be.

I can see the tears burn in her eyes and then I notice her eye color. Green and glowing bright.

“SHAME!” The crowd continues their banter.

I see her stop just in front of me and she turns to me looking at me. Her eyes plead desperation and innocence.

“Shall we circumcise this woman?” The queen asks.

“No, please!” The woman begs.

The queen hits her so hard, she falls to the ground. “You are to only speak when spoken to, whore!”

The crowd roars then chants “Circumcise her! Circumcise her!”

A guard silences the crowd next to the queen.

“Fair enough then.” The queen states.

“Nooo!” The woman cries.

I can’t take it anymore. It’s clear to me this woman is innocent and deserves none of this. My heart burns for her and my hatred to the king and queen.

“STOP THIS!” I step out of my squadron line and out into the street.

The people gasp.

“She is innocent. I shall take this woman as my wife and leave the nation.” I stammer through my mask.

“Who are you to be, knight?” The queen asks.

I pull my helmet up off of my head and slam it to the ground exposing my face.

The crowd utters in awe.

“Giles?” The queen questions in shock. “You are to be engaged!”“My queen, Meredith is no good to me. I shall leave this place and take this woman with me.” I bow then stand back up.

“My nephew rebelling from his own country his very family rules!” She tries to smack me but I grab her arm before she can and I throw it back to her side.

“Put your hand back, my queen.” I whisper being sure the crowd won’t hear.

The queen just looks at me as she feels confused by my approach.

“I disown of you, Giles. You shall be stripped of any noble role and honor.” She demands.

“Clothe this woman in a rob. I am no longer a knight of this country.” I order.“Traitor!” A few people yell.

The guard next to the queen silences the few people screaming out.

“Fair enough.” She pushes on my armor. “Never come back!”

“I don’t want to anyways.” I claim.

The queen nods to a guard and the guard hurries inside the castle.

The guard next to the queen takes the cuff link keys and uncuffs the woman’s wrists. The second they unlock, the woman runs over to me and embraces me not letting go.

I watch the guard hurry back out with a black robe. I help the rather frail and weak woman cover up in it.

“Leave the premise immediately!” The queen booms.

I do and I wrap the woman around my arm to my side with my shield up to protect her from any objects thrown. The crowd chants, yells, and barrages us with objects thrown together as I start to run with the woman in my arm. She struggles to keep pace with me but we go through blocks of the city avoiding and dodging people charging after us. I can tell she’s already becoming exhausted so I find a narrow alleyway on a side street and then we climb up some stairs onto the roof.

“Wrap your arms around my neck and hold onto me with your legs.” I order her.

She tries to talk but I cut her off. “No time to ask. We need to go.”

She wraps up her arms on my neck and I help her up holding onto her thighs. She wraps them around my abdomen and I begin to jump from roof to roof trying to make it to the horse stables. I look down to the streets as I hop along and I see people on the left side of us but not on the right. I finally find the horse stables some seven blocks away and I dash after them. I find a set of stairs and follow them to the ground. I jump a fence and untie a random horse. The woman jumps down from me and I help her up on the horse. I abandon my shield and hoist my way up. The woman grabs onto me with her arms and pushes her body up against my back. I direct the horse out of the stable and out into the countryside from the city.

I look behind me to find most people giving up on their pursuit of us.

“What is your name?” I ask the woman.

“Marcella.” She answers.

“Pleasant name.” I respond.

“Thank you very much, Giles.” She claims.

“It’s my pleasure. I wanted out of there anyways.” I call back to her.

“Where are we going?” She questions. “There’s an inn a few miles away. We’ll stay the night there and move forward.” I explain.

As the ride continues, I feel her head lay down towards my neck.


The inn comes into view and I park the horse at the stable set up. I pay for water and food for the horse. I walk up to the inn with Marcella in my arm.

I’m greeted by a female attendant at the entrance. “A knight?” She questions.

“On vacation with my wife here. How much for a room?” I ask.

“50 aureus.” She explains.

I dig for my money in my pouch pocket and give her the coins.

She counts them then goes to a back cabinet and gives me a key.

“Number 19 to the left inside.” She directs.

“Thank you, lady.” I take the key and we walk inside.

Once inside, I pay for a loaf of bread and dry fruits at the counter. I take Marcella back to the room. We get into our room, shut the door, and lock it.

“Take your robe off.” I demand.

She does rather diligently.

I find the matches and light various candles in the room.

I hand the plate of food to her. “Eat up. You’re starved.”She does and begins devouring the food faster than I’ve ever seen.

As she does, I look over her body. She has massive lacerations over her belly and legs.

“They tortured you, didn’t they?” I question.

She nods as she finishes her bite. “Tied me up and whipped me.”

“You’re awful tough to take as many lashings as you did.” I add.

She finishes her food and sets her plate down on the table.

“How long were you tortured for?” I question.

“Maybe a week.” She explains.

I nod. “Why did they incarcerate you?”

“I was a barista to the king. He forced me to have sex with him and the queen caught us.” She states.

“I’m sorry that had to happen.” I claim.

She then holds my hand.

“You need a bath.” I grab her hand. “Come on.”

I take her in my hand over to the washroom. I open the water valve and the water pours into the tub. Once filled, I help Marcella into it. She winces and groans pass through her teeth as her wounds soak into the water. She finally calms down as she soaks in the water.

“Why did you save me?” She asks. “Weren’t you engaged?”

“I was. I saw it in your eyes you were innocent. I could feel it.” I kneel down on the side of the tub.

“But you were stripped of your honor and banned from the city.” She continues.

“I hated that place. My uncle and aunt are king and queen. They’re very cruel individuals.” I describe.

She falls quiet.

I decide to take my armor off just to my undergarments in an effort to cool down my sweating body.

She sits in silence but then begins to sob.

I wrap my arm around her and kiss her forehead.

“What’s wrong?” I ask her.

“That was the most frightening thing I’ve ever experienced.” She cries.

“Well you’re safe now. I promise.” I assure her.

“I didn’t want my kleitoris cut off. I would have never felt pleasure again.” She explains through her fit of tears.

“Don’t worry. It won’t ever happen.” I reassure her.

Her wet tears roll down her eyes over her breasts and into the water.

“Come on now.” I rub them out and I hold her face in my palms. My dark eyes are greeted to her green iris. She then reaches for me and runs her soft palms through the crooks of my elbows.

I gently kiss her. She smooches me back and eventually, we’re snogging each other ever so gracefully.

“You’re the only man in the world I want to marry.” She tells me when we break apart.

I smile. “It will happen.” I affirm.

She then takes my right hand in hers and she pulls it down under the cold water to her vagina.
