[FM] Roleplay on a train. Playing as mother and son sharing a room.

Before I begin a few details about the train.
When you’re on a train for more than 12 hours you are served food in a dining car. Space is limited so you will have to sit with other people.

When you sleep on a train(first class) you get a small room with a fold up bed. The rooms are not sound proof but make things muffled. There is a public shower as well as toilets.

So without further delay enjoy my longest public role play as: his submissive mother.

A couple months ago I met a cute young man who was 21. He was charming, great body and really fun to be with. He came forth with his fetish about mommy and son. Except he enjoyed being the dominant one.
Naturally I am submissive but never turn down something that sounds like fun.

It started out with casual roleplay at my house but quickly turned into public displays of domination. He would bring me underwear and bra shopping making it subtly clear that I was his mother. The creeped out looks from every one made it fun and naughty. Especially when he would say out loud “I want you to wear these red satin ones when you clean my room but every Saturday i want you to wear this yellow thong.” Being controlled and humiliated in public like that made my pussy tingle.
Things escalated to something greater. He started bringing home dates to meet me briefly, only to pass off as a quick visit because he forgot something. He would have the girl wait in living room while I helped him find whatever he lost. This searching was code for “follow him and let him shove his cock in my face for a second”. When he didn’t get laid he would come home and use mommy to release his male frustrations. Always a spanking for me first then him ripping my clothes and draining his balls into my unprotected cunt.

Last week he proposed a new and exciting public roleplay. He submitted that we should take a train across the United States. Starting in Colorado and ending in NYC. It should take more than 20 hours or one night in total. I was enthused! My goodness that sounds exciting. Trapped for 20 hours with my dominant son. People are going to know what we’re doing and my mind started racing. We buy our tickets and plan our trip.

He advised to me that my rules for the trip were as follows:

I must ask permission to use the bathroom.

I must ask permission to order food or wine.

I must ask permission to wear clothes.

I must introduce you as my son to everyone we come into contact with.

These commands were terrifying as I knew I would run into many people since people on long trains like this love to talk and meet.

It was 4pm when we boarded the train. I was wearing a red thong and jeans with a white top. We met our conductor who was sleeping at the end of the hall. I introduced myself and my son. The conductor shows us to our tiny room and gives a brief example of transforming the room into a bedroom. He pulled one bed down from the ceiling and the other was made from the two chairs which were adjacent to each other. My son says “we will only need one bed tonight.
My face turns redder than my thong. The conductor is confused but smiles and finishes his routine then walks away.
My son closes the sliding door and closes the blinds. Then kisses me hard and commands me “when you’re in here, you’re not aloud to wear pants.” I smiled and said yes my son then removed my jeans.

After I took them off he folds them and puts them away while opening the sliding door giving permission to the whole train to look at my pasty white legs I grab a pillow and cover my crotch. My son smiling huge leans out of the room to gesture to our neighbors to the side of us. (When you look out the door you can see another room).
Our neighbors had to be a cute couple in their upper twenties and apparently super social. They leaned over and shook my sons hand and then mine. They didn’t seem to notice the pillow covering my red panties but I’m sure my red face distracted them.

Later we closed the door after meeting almost everyone in our train. The curtains remained open and our room visible to anyone walking by via the window on the door. My son took my pillow and just looked out the window. It was a beautiful sight to see. I would recommend seeing places by train.

Later we are called for dinner. I get dressed or rather my son dresses me. Satin purple panties with matching bra and a yellow sundress.
We walk to the dinning car and sit at one of the tables.
Our waiter stops by and I order “I’ll have a glass of wine and my son will have a water.”
We begin talking to ourselves and my sons hands keep going higher up my dress as he feels my shaven legs. Already, I’ve soaked my panties and I haven’t been wearing them but 5 min.
Before we order food our waiter seats our neighbors with us. Sitting across from each other we begin talking and making small talk but his damn hand keeps going up my dress.

Unable to focus I ask my son quietly if I may go to the bathroom. He gestures for me to speak louder and I obey. I never felt that embarrassed in my life but I loved it.

I walked back to the table and rejoined the conversation. My son drops a fork under the table and picks it up. Though that sneaky fucker was using it as an excuse to pull my panties down and take them with him as he came back to the table. Trying to keep my Pussy from leaking onto my dress I try to focus on dinner.
My son kept my satin panties in his lap as if it were a napkin. Everytime he took a sip of water he would dab his mouth with them. The couple noticed we were acting strangely but wasn’t sure why.

Later we returned to our room. I obey the cabin rules and removed all my clothes except for my bra and panties. My son says “mom, you’re looking a little dirty let’s go take a shower.”
He hands me a shower and I begin trembling. I almost become dizzy with fear and excitment. We quickly run to the shower at the end of the hall and strip down and start the water. Once in there he started combing my hair and washing my body gently. It’s one of the more romantics things he does to me which I love.
Then he begins sucking my boobs as we both enjoy the steam from the shower.
After our shower we wrap ourselves in a towel and walk the long hallway back to our room. I don’t know why but every single person was awake with their doors open and saw us, the mom and son duo, wet hair and all walk back to our rooms.

We put our bed together with the sheets and pillows and laid down. We closed the door and curtains and cuddled our naked bodies together. I felt his cock grow against my ass and knew what was about to happen. I suddenly became aware at how quiet the train was and how I could hear near by conversations though muffled.

He slipped his cock deep into me, smashing his head against my cervix. I tried my hardest not to moan but a few snuck out. He whispered in my ear “be a good mommy and take my cum.” He knew that was my weak spot. Whispering disgusting things to me. “Please give it to mommy, she needs it”
We quietly fuck and as I’m about to cum he wraps his hands around my mouth to muffle the uncontrollable moan as he drains his balls into mommies pussy.
He leaves his cock in me and holds e close. Playing with my already sensitive nipples which are now covered by a blanket. He opens the blinds and we fall asleep.

We slept in and our train was due to arrive soon. We got dressed and noticed our neighbors didn’t have any enthusiasm in speaking to us. I think they heard us last night and were creeped out.

We then spent the day in Boston and flew back home.

The End?

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8hyuh8/fm_roleplay_on_a_train_playing_as_mother_and_son


  1. That is a fantastic story, enjoyable and well written. I look forward to any more you’d like to share.

  2. Holy… wow, that sounds amazing. If I was your neighbor I’m not sure I could have contained my sounds hearing the two of you unable to control yours. Very hot

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