Punk Show Got More Hardcore Than I Was Expecting! [FM] [really long, sorry!]

I have lived a small desert town for most of my life, not incredibly exciting, but not especially boring, either. I’ve had my fair share of adventures, but recently, I felt like I needed something more.

So, I decided to take a trip up to the big city: Salt Lake City, to be exact. I have a few friends there, we normally hit up bars and basement shows, just to check out the local scene. I’ve always been a fan of punk, my first Descendents record changed my god damn life. You can get lost in it, you can jam out, you can just fuckin’ rage. Lucky for me, my Salt Lake friends agree, and we always find some good stuff happening, or at least good enough that we can get drunk and pretend that they’re the next NOFX, or something.

I was staying with my pals Lauren and Andy, Lauren had heard through some acquaintances that there was gonna be a show at some dive bar venue, don’t remember the bands playing, but it was guaranteed to either get wrecked or rage on the floor. Sounded great! I put my war paint on, dark lipstick, black eyeliner, etc. We called for an Uber, and we were off to the bar.

You ever been to a punk show? It’s usually a fair mix of older people, seasoned hardcore veterans, the young punks, and the REAL young punks. Like, just turned 21, maybe not even 21, but have a convincing enough fake ID to get in. Maybe the bouncer just decided not to care that night. I like to consider myself in the “young punk” category, but at 26, I felt kind of old.

The first band had already played when we got there, which is fine. Save the best for last, right? Lauren ordered me my guilty pleasure of a favorite, lemonade with citron vodka. A lot of places don’t have lemonade, but a good bartender can whip up some lemon slices, simple syrup and water, spike it for me, and I can get SHWASTED. It helps that I knew I didn’t have to drive anywhere, so I could drink with abandon.

As I was slamming my spiked lemonade, the second band was setting up. They looked pretty okay, late 20s early 30s guys. Andy apparently knew one of the people marginally, a friend of a friend type situation. Cool by me, I’ll cheer for anyone.

And then I saw him. The drummer, getting his kit perfectly aligned, just my type. Shorter hair, thick-rimmed glasses, and a few exposed tattoos, showing he might have a little bit of an edgy side. He looked to be in the 6 foot tall range, but I’m bad at guessing heights. Everyone is taller than me, so everyone looks like giants. I stand at 5’2″ on a good day, and with my battle boots, approximately 5’4″ (if I’m standing up really straight).

He turned to look across the bar, exchanging a wave with the bartender who had made my (absolutely delicious) drink. I noticed a tattoo on his neck, a five-pointed star, inverted. I was hooked. I love those occult types, I hate to say it, but I love those bad boys. I knew I had to talk to him.

Soon, they started to play. And by god, they fucking ROCKED THE HOUSE. I loved every song, I was dancing with Lauren and Andy, I was dancing with some of the young punk girls, I raged HARD. It was so amazing! By the end of their set, I was breathing hard, I asked the bartender for a cup of water (no ice, it slows me down) and chugged it to try and help rehydrate, catch my breath. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around. Holy fucking god, it was HIM. I smiled, he leaned in to talk, as it was a bar and also it was loud.

“I noticed you while we were playing. You really seemed to like the set!”

“OH my god, yeah, you guys fucking killed it! Consider me your newest, biggest fan!”

“Haha, that’s so cute. I was just gonna go out to the back and have a smoke, care to join me?” Why yes, yes I would. I’ve been trying to quit, except for when I’m drinking, also known as Not Quitting Smoking. I motioned to Lauren that I was going out back, she nodded and waved.

We both lit up our smokes, and he looked deep into my eyes, and I was.. more than a little turned on, to be honest.
“So.. I haven’t seen you around here before.”

“Oh, yeah, I’m just in town visiting some friends. I live down in [redacted], I come up here every few months or so,” I looked down at my feet, not wanting to show how interested I was in this guy.

“Cool, cool. Have they shown you around yet?”

“Yeah, a bit. Here and there. I’m more interested in seeing the local punk scene, a bit more, you know?”

“OH yeah, for sure. Well, I just need to pack up my set, but I could take you around here? There’s a diner that’s open all night, bomb-ass pancakes, and I haven’t been drinking at all tonight, so I’m a-okay to drive.” He took a long drag of his cigarette, exhaling away from me. Cute, considerate and apparently interested! Score.

“Yeah, sounds great! Let me just tell my friends where I’m going. Lauren will be worried, but Andy knows… your guitarist, I think?”

(This is getting a little bogged down with conversation, sorry, I swear it goes somewhere fun! Anyway, we leave and it’s all good. We eat at the diner and it was fucking delicious.)

Across the table from me, he takes a loooong sip from his water cup, the pancakes in my belly settling and soaking up the alcohol. Not to say I had very much, but I’m a pretty small person, and can handle my liquor… somewhat.

“So, I was just thinking.. I have a couple DVDs that a friend lent me, and I live just a couple blocks from here… Do you like god-awful horror movies that aren’t remotely scary?” He asked, smiling expectantly. Fuck, he was cute.

“I actually do! What are they?”

“I know one of them is Deathgasm, I’m not sure about the rest.” I have seen Deathgasm before. If you haven’t, it’s stupidly good.

“Yes! Fuck, I’m in. Let’s do this!”

We pay our bill, leave, walking back to his car. He put a hand on my thigh, driving us back to his apartment building. Gently rubbing his thumb along the top-inner part of my thigh, my heart beat faster. I was really, really in to him. And if uh… If this is any indicator, I think he was in to me, too.

We quietly walked up two flights of stairs to his apartment, embarrassingly, I was a little out of breath at the top of it. He reached the landing before I did, and held out a hand, helping me up the last two steps. Very sweet!

He unlocked his door, and once we were inside, he sort of awkwardly got the TV going on Deathgasm. I sat on his couch, he offered me a drink, sweet tea, water, coffee, or something stronger? I opted for the sweet tea. My family is from the south, and this gal still loves her some sweet tea.

He sat down next to me, and put his arm around my shoulders, and his other hand on my thigh. I liked it, and I snuggled in. The movie started, and we had a few laughs at the beginning, and then…

He looked at me. I looked back. He took his hand off my thigh, and cupped my cheek, leaning in to kiss me.

I kissed him back, hard, tongues flittering around, I bit his lower lip and he let out a low groan. I just found his “on” button. His arm still around my shoulder, he pulled me in closer, and held me tight, I melted into him.. He felt so nice, I hadn’t felt desired in so long, it was wonderful, and I could feel myself.. getting hotter. I wanted him. He slid his other hand down from my face, copping a feel, and I let out a tiny moan, muffled into his kiss. He liked that, he smiled, still kissing me. I broke away.

“I want you. I want to do this.”

That was all it took, I helped him unbutton my pants, fumbling with the zipper, suddenly very aware of how tight my black skinny jeans were, trying to kick off my battle boots. I rarely wear a bra, though, lucky him.

Thank god, I wore some sexy underwear. Black, with red rose pattern, a little lacy around the legs and top. He gently touched me, through the underwear, feeling my wetness. He groaned something that sounded like “Oh fuck yes, baby”, and instead of slipping off the panties, he pushed them aside and ever so softly circled around my clit. I had fallen back on his couch, laying on my back in front of him, legs splayed, one on the backrest of the couch and the other with my foot on his floor. I was completely at his mercy, and it was absolute bliss. He spread me wide, I gasped, feeling so much sensation at once: pressure, pleasure, and so fucking turned on, I could feel my heart beat in my pussy. He knew what I wanted, what I needed so badly: pulling the thin fabric to the side, he lowered his head and planted a soft, delicate kiss on my clit, and slowly flicked it with his tongue. My body convulsed a bit, it’s very sensitive, but not too much that it was uncomfortable. With his other hand, he slipped a finger inside me, and made a sort of come-hither motion with it, sending me into ecstasy! Oh god, it was so amazing, I loved everything he did, I needed him, so so so badly. I bit down on my finger, to keep from crying out, I didn’t know how thin or thick his walls were, and it was sort of late.

Unclenching my teeth, I said three words: “I need you.” He quietly chuckled and said, “Oh yeah? How bad, baby?” The words spilled out of me, “SO so bad, please, please I need it!”

He unbuttoned his pants and slid them along with his boxers down, revealing a very sizable cock. It wasn’t huge, per se, but very thick and a nice curve that looks like it would hit the exact right spots. And oh, believe me, it fucking did. He quickly leaned over to his coffee table and pulled out a condom from a drawer, ripping open the little pack and rolling it on to his dick. I knew I was in for a great time, and without much worry! I’ve been on the pill for years, but you know, STI’s and such.

He rubbed the head of his cock against my eager, wet slit, and I squirmed beneath him, trying to angle myself so he’d slide right in. He pulled back a tiny bit, smiling at me.

“Uh uh, baby. What do you say?”
Ooooh, I love this shit.

“Please, please, I need it so much, please just fuck me!” And god damn, he fucking did.

He pushed into me, slowly, making me feel every inch of his thick, hard cock, till he filled me up. I felt him bottom out, but not painfully so. It made me jump a little bit, and he loved it. He pulled back, long, slow strokes. I was in heaven, I loved every second, I’m sure I sounded possessed. I was never very good at keeping quiet. He pressed his body against mine, thrusting, quicker and quicker, harder and harder, I loved it so much, oh fucking god..

“You feel so fucking good, baby, oh god..” He trailed off in my ear, I loved it, I love dirty talk, I love being told how good a job I’m doing, just… Fuck.

I needed more, I needed him Harder. I told him as much, and he fucked the absolute life out of me. Harder, harder, in and out, filling my tight pussy with his amazing cock.

Suddenly, he slowed down, and I mumbled something about please, no, it’s so good!

“Do you maybe want to move to the bed, we’ll have more space..?” I nodded in agreement.

He lifted me, still inside me, and carried me to his bedroom. It was tidy and nice, with a few band posters on the walls, framed. Excellent.

Sliding out of me, he gently set me down on his bed, and told me to turn over.

Like a good girl, I did, propped my ass high in the air, face down on the duvet. I heard him moan “Oh, fuck..” and felt his hand slap my ass. It’s a nice size and shape, due to the squats I do every morning. Makes my ass look like god Herself is holding it up. I yelped into his bed, I think he liked that a good bit, he spanked me a tiny bit harder, and I jerked a little bit.

“Too much?” He asked, softly.
“No no, I love it.. Please.”

He rubbed a cheek softly, then pulled back and let his hand fly. It connected with a satisfying Slap, and I could feel the wetness of my pussy practically dripping down my legs. I felt him behind me, positioning himself on the bed, one hand on my lower back. He rubbed his cock against me again, preparing me, I pushed back, I needed him. I whispered a “please” and he chuckled. He pushed the head of his cock in me, and slowwwwwly thrust in, I felt him deeper than before, I think due to the position, and he let out a gutteral moan.

“You feel so fucking good, you’re so tight, baby…” I moaned in response, I needed it, I wanted it, I craved it.

He pulled back, and slammed into me, I yelped again and ground my ass against his pelvis. His cock twitched inside me, and he reached up and grabbed my hair. I fucking LOVE THAT. He had a handful of it, near the scalp, he knew exactly what he was doing, thrusting deep and hard, I was on the fucking EDGE. I gasped out, “Oh fuck I’m gonna cum, oh fuck!” and he mumbled, “Yeah, fuck, cum on my cock, baby..” going faster and harder, I felt the warmth emanating from deep in me, every thrust taking me closer and closer, until it exploded, waves of pleasure washed over me and I came hard, I moaned, I squirmed, I clutched his bedsheets and curled my toes, he was still thrusting and I was in a wonderful, amazing agony, the waves getting softer and softer, but I remained ever so sensitive, and he went slower again…

“Do we need to take a break, honey?”

“No, no, please, keep going, it’s so so good!”

He let out something like a growl, and fucked me HARD. He grunted and moaned, one hand keeping hold of my hair, pulling my head back, one hand slapped my ass and he thrust faster and harder, he loved it, I loved it, it was so so so good.

“I’m close, babe, I’m so close, I love it..” He moaned to me, and I groaned out my approval.

Between thrusts, he gasped out, asking if he could cum on me, and me (being the little cum-slut that I am), said oh god yes please!

He pulled out of me, slipping the condom off, I flipped myself over and he exploded, ropes of hot cum pulsing out, onto my tits, my stomach, my legs, I reveled in his orgasm, still riding the high from my own. His sounds, oh god his sounds, it was like he was experiencing the best thing of his life, and I was there with him.

He squeezed out the last few drops of cum, and flopped over on his bed next to me, breathing hard.

His hand found mine, and gave it a squeeze.

It was amazing, I was entirely fucked out, and in absolute god damn heaven. He asked if I’d stay the night, and I said yes. He even had a brand new spare toothbrush.

It was absolutely perfect. I think about that night, often, and it brings me such joy. I hope you all enjoyed reading it, and know that we have had a few more fun times since then, too. We text nearly every day, and I really like him.

Thanks so much, guys. Hope you liked it. I know I did.


Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8h2k1v/punk_show_got_more_hardcore_than_i_was_expecting


  1. Incredibly hot, something about how you conveyed not only your desire for him, but his for you. Hooray everyone having a fucking blast!

  2. Holy moly, that sounds amazing. Hoping to have an expelike this one day.

  3. A hot, hardcore fuck… with ample consideration shown for each other! Wholesome punkfucking. A+

  4. What happened with you and him after that night? Please say you fucked him next time you were in town?

  5. You’re a great writer! I would love to read more of your stories, whether they’re sex stories or not ;)

  6. ?*She said “what?” and I told her that I didn’t know
    She’s so cool, I’m gonna sneak in through her window
    Everything’s better when she’s around
    I can’t wait till her parents go out of town.* ?

  7. Goddamn. I’m a little out of breath reading that! Well done!

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