Crashed a class reunion when I was 17, and had the most awkward morning of my life [MF]

A couple of years ago, I was invited to a class reunion party. The party was held on a ranch with a pool, there was absolutely nothing around us for in the radius of a couple of of kms, so we had no fear of being seen or interrupted or anything. We were all 16-18 at the time. I had not been in that class, matter of fact, I didn’t even live in the same country. I was just invited to the party by a good friend of mine I see every summer.

After a while (and a lot of booze) things got hot, and the girls started taking their bikinis off and stuff, and we were just in the pool, naked.
Nothing much happened right there, people were fooling around and making out (nobody had sex in the pool or anything). I went to grab a beer, and a girl I hadn’t even talked to just followed me, and moments later we were laying in the grass and making out.

Things were getting heated, but it was already 2 or 3 am, and it started getting chilly. We didn’t feel like staying outside any longer. Since the house was rather small, not everybody could sleep inside, and we had put up some tents beforehand. So me and this girl just stumbled into one of the tents. The tents were designed for 3 people, and there were already 3 girls inside. But, drunk and horny as we were, we didn’t really care. We just crashed in there, and, already naked, went straight to action. We were making out heavily, and I started fingering her, while she was trying to be quiet. But having silent sex is almost impossible if you’re drunk. And it is even harder to pass unnoticed if you are laying on top of people. The tent was so crowded that I was fingering her on top of those other girls that had gotten there before us. They were drunk too, and trying to sleep, but we really didn’t care anymore at that point. I had been lying on top of her, but now we flipped positions and she started riding me slowly. Through all the movement and heavy breathing, the other girls started waking up, but apparently didn’t feel like getting up or something, so they just kind of started complaining and falling asleep, only to wake up again and keep complaining etc. I got back on top, and we started getting louder, to which the complaints funnily started getting louder too, it was almost like a comedy show. She was scratching up my back and moaning, all the while the three other girls were pissed off about how their childhood friend could do that to them. As if it wasn’t awkward enough, I was so drunk that I suddenly felt overwhelmed by tiredness. I felt how I was slipping of into deep sleep while she was squeezing her nails even deeper into back, in an attempt to keep me awake. But there was no use, I just fell asleep while still being in her.

The next morning was probably the most awkward morning in my entire life. I woke up with a massive hangover, naked, my face full of hair, a bloody back and .. wtf, one girl in my arm and three others sleeping around us. Clothed.

I started to remember what had happened and decided that I needed to get the fuck out of there before they woke up and it got awkward. I needed to find my friend, first, because he was the one with the car, and drink some water.

I rapidly put on my shorts and stepped out, to look for water and then for my friend. Walked by some naked guy sleeping on the front porch. At least, I wasn’t the only one who would have an awkward morning. There were some bras and a panty laying around the pool. I opened the front door of the ranch and.. wait what? A woman in her 40s greeted me. What was she doing here? It turns out it was the mother of our “hostess”. And she had prepared breakfast for all of us. So I was forced to drink water and coffee and talk with her while the others were starting to wake up. I didn’t really know where to look at at this point, I could see her amused face when she noticed my back. She just looked at me, that hangovered teenager with a bloody back and pale face, and told me that she went to school with my mother and that they were good friends. So now I was desperately waiting for the others to wake up, while I was sitting next to a good friend of my mother and trying not to throw up. After some time, we were finally all awake, and had to eat breakfast at the same table. I was sitting next to my one night stand, and, lucky as I am, the 3 girls from the tent were sitting in front of us. So we were just having smalltalk about my life in general and about my mother while the three girls and my ONS and me were all tense and didn’t know where to look, and the other were either also trying not to throw up or looked at me and tried not to laugh.

Finally, after two hours, I finally managed to get my friend to drive me home.
And even though it has been years, they still give me shit about it every time I see them. I think that to them, I am probably that savage who just tagged along to a class reunion, had sex with their classmate from 3rd grade on top of their other classmates, fell asleep while having sex with her, ate breakfast with them and just had some random smalltalk with the hosts mother, and went back to my country only to come back a year later.

I’m still kind of ashamed about this incident, honestly.
