The first time I cheated on my wife [MF]

My wife (Vikki) is a good woman. She looks out for the family but always herself first, so she is also very rough round the edges. After the birth of our first child the sex well dried up as with many other couples, we were both still attracted to each other just always tired or too busy. Fast forward another year. Sex is once per month and it has become stale dispite my attempts at different positions, different timings, places, positions. most of the time I get called a pervert. I give Vikki a lot of credit, we moved away from her home, she moved away from her job, and now she is stuck at home with a child. But still my Sex drive is going wild I would see girls on the street and couldn’t stop fantasizing about them. But I could never get caught. Vikki’s ex husband cheated on her and she clearly told me should would cut my cock off if I ever cheated.

So the “safest” way I figured was to go on to Ashley Madison (this way a few years before the breach) I browsed a few profiles and was surprised how many women were on there. I knew most of them were likely bots but still. Joining the site I got a handful of free messages so I sent a select few a message who were in my town.
To my surprise one wrote back. A very sexy girl Tanned skin, Dark hair past her shoulders, Thin and fit, with a thick ass. She sends me a cryptic message with her (lets call her Amanda) phone number in it and I text her, being out of the game I just sent a simple text of “hi”. She responds after not too long. we start our conversation about talking about our marriages (sexy I know), and what we are looking for. We then get into the separation about sex and love.

over the course of a few days we keep texting, sending naked photos to each other and she had some amazing leopard tattoos that wrapped around her thick thigh and up the side of her stomach that was mesmerizing. then I find out that we are both in the military (oh shit), stationed on the same post(oh shit x2), and we work on the same side of the base (oh shit x3), and I also find out that she is an NCO and i’m an Officer (oh shit x4).

*side note relationships in the military between an enlisted soldier and officers are strictly prohibited, and on top of that Adultery is also strictly forbidden.*

The only thing that went our way is that we were not in the same unit at all so at least we wouldn’t have any weird encounters at formation. But instead of the “Oh shit”s scaring me, it only made the situation sexier, more forbidden. we both thought so, wishing we would pass each around the base.

So one evening I was working late, which happened on occasion as I always prefer to be home rather than typing. And I get a text from Amanda

17:30 (Amanda)- Ugh i’m working late today, what are you up to?

18:20 (me) – me too, just sorting through these papers, when are you getting off?

18:45 (Amanda) – actually right now, are you still busy?

18:46 (me) – I am a little busy not looking like i’ll get out soon. perhaps I could use some ASSistance with these papers.
(yeah I was so smooth)

18:46 (Amanda) – great! I’m on my way.

As soon as I saw that text I became nervous. I had never actually cheated on any girl friend or my wife ever, and what if someone saw my career and marriage would be over! I paniced a little, I went up and down the halls looking to see if anybody was still working, but thankfully today nobody was here, just then I hear the door open and shut. and I hear a female voice say “Good evening sir, I’m looking for the Night officer”. I turn around to see Amanda in her full uniform standing as adorable as she can. Normally a military uniform hides any feminine features but her Large C breats, fit waiste and thick thighs still showed through. I stood there for a second and probably looked like a loser with my mouth open drooling. then I snapped out of it and thought I would respond to her properly just incase there was someone in the building that I didn’t see. “Right this way sergeant, I know the place you belong”.

we walked down the hall to my office my palms started to get sweaty like a highschooler talking to his first girl. Luckily my office was off of another common area so I shut the door from the hall way to the common area then lead her into my office, where I shut and locked the door. while I was doing that she sat on my desk as prettily as I could be. Her thick ass was sitting right on top of all the papers I was working on and I thought to myself “my desk never looked better” again I was staring like an idiot she was so pretty a true 8/10 (also factoring in military scale and how rare females are she was a 10/10 out of military girls) Again I snapped myself out of my staring and slowly said “t-th-there is nobody else in the building that I found, I took a good look” I walked over to her shaking again like a highschooler. I was ashames of my self, and proud, and horny, and she was so sexy.

Lost in my own internal turmoil I nearly walked past her and sat at my desk like a robot. she then grabbed my hand and noticed I was shaking she looked at me with her big brown eyes and said “are you ok?” since it was Feburary I just brushed it off saying I was just alittle cold. but I was nervous. she gave my hand a little tug and I went in for a kiss she kissed me back so passionately. The kiss and her sweet soft tanned skin knocked all turmoil out of my mind, I could only think about that moment. I kissed her neck and her head went back and let out a whisper of a gasp which only made me crazier. I unbuttoned her uniform top and took off her t-shirt and bra at the same time and like a crazed animal grabbed and licked her perfectly sized breasts. she ran her fingers through my hair and pushed me lower as I worked my way down her rock hard abs I unfastened her pants. She had boots and I was too in-the-moment and decided not to worry about unlacing each boot, I needed to taste her. I turned her over laying her over my papers letting my stupid paperwork touch her gorgeous tits. pulling down her pants exposed her leapord print tattoo that ran up her right thigh and wrapped around her waste. I ran my tongue up the print and slapped her ass. Spreading her thick ass cheeks I tasted her sweet pussy, and loved feeling her warm wet juices all over my face, and hearing her moans as I licked and sucked her clit. she tapped my head and said “its your turn” I stood up and quickly took off my top and t-shirt like it was a race. She got down on her knees and unbuckled my pants, then sliding them down she let out a pleased gasp when she wrapped her hands around about my 8 inch uncut cock. Pre-cum was already all over the tip of my cock which she gathered with her finger and put in her mouth as she looked up at me with a wink. Her warm breath and lips pressed around my cock up and down. In her texts she said she would be able to deep throat me so I said “now it is time for us to test your claim” looking up at me with my cock in her mouth she smiled then looked right at my cock and grabbed my ass with both hands. She then pulled her whole mouth all the way to the base of my cock and licked my balls as a bonus. No girl has ever been able to do that before, the sensation of her throat fucking herself on my cock to the base while pulling herself from my ass was more than i could take, i grabbed her by the chin and i said “bend over, i need that sweet pussy right now”

i bent her over my papers again, getting more use out of my desk than i ever wanted to. I slid my cock into her hot wet pussy, she moaned loud but i was in such a state that i didn’t care if anybody walked in, i slapped her thick ass and said “what was that i can’t hear you, do you like this dick in you?” she gasped and said “YES SIR!” like a crazed animal again I started to pound harder and deeper inspired each time by impact I would see on her thick thighs. But it was too much for me to bear and i then grabbed her waste hard with both hands thrust deep into her and cum. I didn’t take my cock out for a while. we both just stay there catching our breath. I could feel my cock getting soft and sliding out of her wet pussy, now lubed up with my cum. I step back and watch some of my cum drip out of her pussy. She reaches back and gets some of it with her fingers, stands up and licks her fingers. Smiling we kiss our bodies still hot and sweaty from the encounter. Surprisingly i didn’t have a sense of guild rush over me at that point. I found my self torn. I wanted to do it again, but at the same time i wanted to finish my work so i could get home and eat dinner. To that i did feel alittle guilty that my wife was at home and had prepared some dinner while i had some fun…but i didn’t feel guild of cheating….it was more the guilt that one might feel that they had a night of fun out with friends while the other had to stay home.

At this point it was slightly awkward, we were both getting dressed not saying much. I didn’t know what to say…should i ask her to stay while i worked? should i tell her to leave? what should I do. thankfully she broke the silence and just laughed and said “you cum a lot, it is still coming out of me, i can feel it filling my panties” she did a little wiggle with her hips we laughed and she then said “I should get home, lets do this again soon” i replied with “yes, i should finish this before i go home too…and yes we definitely should”

This was the first time I saw Amanda in person, and the first time i ever cheated on my wife. If this story wasn’t too poorly written maybe I’ll write more. A few spoilers and other answers to some questions that might come up: 1) Amanda was my gateway drug, i did see more of her and she wasn’t the last 2) i am still with my wife 3) i haven’t gotten caught or even close to getting caught



  1. I enjoyed the story very much.

    What are you doing now that Ashley Madison no longer works.

  2. Really hot story, especially so that you came in her! In my case, I had the rush of guilt as soon as the orgasm wore off, but I totally get the addictiveness and how easy it was to do it again.

  3. I know what you’re going through. Been through it myself. You at least have a kid. I got there without any.

    No BJs, no doggie, only missionary. There’s only so long one can hold up.

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