We fucked before we had any conversation.

[MF] I had known my quiet husband 8 years before we ever had anything going between us, having attended the same high school and college. The first time he made advances towards me at high school, I laughed at him with my friends. The second time at college he asked me to the movies, I declined and would always avoid him afterwards. He never pushed, but I always caught him openly watching me. A part of me felt uncomfortable, but a bigger part of me enjoyed and felt intrigued by it.

One time we met in the corridor of the library and he told me he was going to marry me. I laughed it off and didn't think about it until our final year of college when I found myself needing his lift home because my parents' van needed repairs. By then the exams were completed and most students gone, except a few of us who were finalising our research papers. He planned to leave a day following the last day of submission of final papers, so I made sure to pack my luggage the night before.

That night he came to my room to confirm that I was still going with him, or so i assumed. Perhaps it was the quietness around campus, coupled with the feeling of relief that college was finally over, I don't know, but suddenly I felt like flirting with him just to see how far I could go. I didn't get much chance because as soon as he'd eyed my luggage he approached me, held my two hands in his, looked me in the eyes and said: "You're beautiful and I like you a lot".

Nobody had ever called me beautiful, not even my two previous boyfriends, one of which was cheating me with my best friend. Hearing this guy say this, in the most relaxed, unhurried and deep tone, made my legs turn to jelly and the palms of my hands that were still in his own hands started sweating. What came out of my mouth was as strange as the increased breathing accompanying my voice: "Make love to me now", I heard myself self say. Immediately I tried to retrieve my hands from him to cover my mouth with them, as if it would take back the words. But he wasn't ready to let go and what he said next was even worse: "Even if you didn't ask, I came here to fuck you", with that he let go of my hands and held my face instead, started gently kissing me and undressing me. It felt like I was floating, without any strength at all to resist. He gently guided me to the single bed and skilfully undressed himself without breaking the kiss.

While we kissed, I was moaning like crazy, and he was telling me how good I look and how he'd been dying to explore me. We fucked missionary, and he bore my legs up his arms, making sure that I was fully spread out, as he gently penetrated me. He fucked me slowly and deeply, and I was squirting until the sheet and mattress were wet under me. I thought I was about to cum when he pulled out, turned me over doggy style and proceeded to slowly and deeply fuck me. At some point he put the tip of his finger in my arse I couldn't hold it anymore – I cried real tears, squirt some more, begged him to forgive me ( for what I dont know), and came at the same time. He didn't come then, but held on as I gripped him with my vaginal contractions.

Afterwards we lay together, with my back towards him, I could still feel his erection between us as I drifted to sleep. I awoke later, not sure after how long – with him between my legs, eating my pussy. The guy in bed with me was nothing like the loser I'd thought him to be. He was a real pro and soon had me begging him to fuck me. This time he lifted my right leg and entered me from the side and as before there was no rush at all, as he gently and deeply pumped me until I came, shuddering, and him following after me, the whole time showering me with undeserved complements.

There wasn't much conversation afterwards, and on the way home the next day. I was fully spent, having had a quick morning round before he left my room that morning. We exchanged phone numbers. I suddenly felt so shy of him though I once again surprised myself when he dropped me home and just before I opened the door as my parents came to welcome me, I told him I'd marry him. He didn't laugh as I expected, he smiled and said: "lets make it in 6 months' time." After politely greeting my parents he helped me with the luggage, then kissed me goodbye briefly on the mouth, in full veiw of my parents. Did he want them to cheer or what? We started dating and married 6 months later.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3i12hd/we_fucked_before_we_had_any_conversation


  1. This guy sounded creepy at first, but he ended up being completely suave. Wtf.

  2. I know a couple in Seattle that met at a club. First conversation Him; "Want to fuck" They went into the bathroom and had sex, and they have been together for over 20 years. Congrats to you as well

  3. These are the type of love stories you hear in movies, and never think it can happen in real life.

  4. > But he wasn’t ready to let go and what he said next was even worse: "Even if you didn’t ask, I came here to fuck you"… I do believe that would be called raped if you did not legitimately ask to have sex right before that or maybe I’m crazy

  5. That’s one way to read it, but it could just as easily mean that he intended to seduce her. He just didn’t expect her to start begging.

  6. Most guys never figure this out the only difference between thoughtful and stalker type creepy is how attractive she finds you

  7. Most girls never figure out that you should never write a guy off at first glance. This guy only became attractive because he didn’t give up and said the right thing at the right time.

  8. Yes but if she had a immediately deemed him unattractive that not giving up and saying the right thing would have been considered stalking and snooping

  9. Maybe, although "stalking" might be a little rich. Point is, she didn’t deem him unattractive, she just wasn’t initially attracted to him. She states in her story that part of her was intrigued by his interest, so she wasn’t attracted to him at first, but essentially gave him the opportunity to get her to be attracted to him.

  10. My boyfriend (who I fully intend to marry) was originally a one night stand. During a drunken drug fueled EDM festival I was selling Italian ice (and PBR) at a booth. The one other person who was running the booth with me invited his best bud to come hang out. I didn’t say a word to him. He just ran off with my "colleague" to party. I didn’t see them until sunset when I was relieved to go have some fun. I ended up partying with some guy and doing E out of his mouth and then fucking in an open feild…. 3 hours later I get a txt from a random number, all it says is "I really wanna fuck you" apparently my "colleague" passed out drunk and his friend stole my number from his phone and txted me. The next day I fucked him. 2 years later and we’re about to move in together.

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