please help me test the navigation of my choose-your-own-romance eBook

Hi, Everybody, I'm a brand new author & have self-published my first eBook. I was bummed to see that my first & only review on Amazon is negative… The thing is, it has nothing to do with the story or writing. The reader was confused about how to navigate through the choices and frustrated that she couldn't just turn the pages like a traditional book. I don't want to make my readers frustrated– at least not in that way! ;) –and I also don't want that one negative review to turn people away… I worked hard on my book! It's 747 pages of my heart and soul and I want them to be read and hopefully enjoyed! :)

I'm looking for some help with testing things out on different formats. Any advice about navigation could help me make fixes, or at least write a better explanation to avoid confusion and negativity in the future.

After all that, or even instead of all that, any less-negative-but-still-honest reviews on Amazon, would be an amazing help.

Get my book for free here (until the end of September): by entering coupon code "SW45U". Thanks in advance!! ~Felicia PS. 18+ only! The book is rather explicit at times. Amazon link here:



  1. I don’t use smash words, but if you would like to "gift" me a copy for my kindle, I can check it out for you. I’ll try it on several devises (laptop, tablet, phone) and see which works the best. Let me know and I’ll send you my email.

  2. I just tried the smash words version and the epub works just fine in adobe digital editions. I have not tested the mobi on the windows version of kindle yet or my very out of date version for android. I mostly read books as epub these days via fbreader.

  3. Thank you so much!!! I feel a lot better now. I thought that reviewer was just confused… it’s too bad her word stands. Speaking of, if you have any inkling of a desire to put a review up on Amazon form me, that would probably be my favorite event of all August. :)

  4. I’d be happy to do that, Lauren! Once I get your email, I’ll gift away. If you want to email me, I’m my handle here at gmail. …And, while my reddit post is strictly about getting help to make sure things are working okay, I am also shyly requesting any honestly positive Amazon reviews to help offset that single dazed/confused reader… such a bummer. Thanks again!

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