My first erotica story available on Amazon. Scifi/android story

Hi everyone! I'm Adora. I recently wrote my first erotica story. It's a bit of a timid start in terms of the sex, but I've gained my bearings, and it looks like the next installment will be much busier for my characters and will feature more bi sex.

I'm excited to start this process, and I could really use some feedback. I also have plans to start a blog that will focus on erotica, writing, self-publishing tips (in terms of my learning process) and sex toy reviews (men and women's toys).

The first part of this serial is available here for .99: A Spark is Lit

Honest feedback is encouraged and appreciated. I was living in my own bubble, now I'm entering this world! I look forward to getting to know everyone and becoming a better writer. Feel free to PM me.

Thank you!



  1. Sure! Anyone who would like a free copy, please PM me their email. Il’l share a PDF. Thanks!

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