[MF] Her Slutty Confession

This is the story of my not so typical hookup with a woman named Janice. We matched on tinder a few years back around the holidays. She was probably the most honest woman I ever met on tinder.

As I tended to do whenever I got bored I opened up my tinder to check for messages and new matches. After a few quick replies I got ready for some swiping. The first profile to appear was Janice. She was pretty, but that’s all I got from her profile. I sent a quick message and moved on.

We messaged back and forth for a few weeks. Not even really a conversation. I guessed that this would go no where like a lot of tinder matches did. Nothing to get mad about, just the way it goes. Until the Sunday before Christmas.

That Sunday I was up early. I had my kids that weekend and they were still fast asleep. I had got a new message from Janice. I replied with our normal generic one or two sentence text. This time she replied right away. Finally we were having a good conversation. Though I tried to be flirty, it was mostly just a getting to know you type thing. When I found out she was a very successful research scientist at an extremely prestigious university I figured again this would go nowhere. After about an hour of messages she explained that she just finished her walking on a treadmill. I just entertained her during her workout, and I figured that would be the most I would get out of her.

The next day I worked a really tough 11 hour shift. It had poured rain all day, and after a busy weekend with my kids, I wanted nothing more than a quiet night on the couch. Right as I was about to leave my office I checked my messages. A new message from Janice. All it was her number. I texted her explaining I was about to drive home. She texted right back telling me to call her. I reluctantly agreed.

I got in my truck and called her as soon as I hit the highway. She answered with an almost business like tone. She eventually asked if I wanted to get together that night. I explained that I had a rough day at work and I was kind of broke. Going out on a date would have to wait. She said coming to her house for a few drinks would be fine. This caught me off guard. I explained that we are still a tinder thing. If I was coming over I might have some expectations. She assured me she understood. She then said something that made me understand. She told me she had recently had a medical scare, and she was ready to take some chances. That was all I needed to hear. I told her I’d be at her house by 8.

I arrived at her house right on time. She lived in a beautiful old home in a historic fishing village. The kind of place that I could only dream of living in. I got to the door and rang her bell. She opened the door with a beautiful smile. We hugged in the doorway and made our way to her kitchen.

She offered me a beer as she pored a glass of wine from a bottle of wine that was half empty. I stood across from her. I complemented her choice of housing while I gave her a good looking over. She was very petite. I was probably twice her weight and a foot taller than her. Pretty blue eyes with sandy blonde hair. She was wearing black tights with a short tan skirt. A tight black sweater clung to flat stomach and perky small breasts. What she lacked in curves she made up with natural beauty. After my first beer she grabbed me another and suggested we move to the living room.

I sat on a small couch and she immediately sat right next to me. Our shoulders and hips touched. We continued to talk as I placed my hand on her thigh. I was now making an effort to really stare into her eyes. We finally moved in for a soft kiss. I grabbed her by the thighs and swung her legs over mine. I slowly moved my hands all over her body. It was very sensual. Move loving than tinder usually brought me. Finally after a few minutes she pulled back. She suggested we move to the bedroom. I lifted her up and stood to follow her to her bedroom.

She opened the door and we stepped inside. Before I could touch her she started to undress. I took of my shirt, jeans, and boots. We stood in front of each other and explained the others bodies. She was so tone and fit. Not an ounce of fat on her. She climbed up into her high bed and got under the covers. I followed.

I positioned myself between her thighs and kissed her passionately. I moved down and gently sucked each of her nipples. I moved back up to kiss her again. After a quick kiss I decided I needed to say something to her. I was feeling cocky and I was about to go above and beyond for her.

I stared into her eyes and declared
“I know you never do this kind of thing. I know that this is my kind of thing. I promise that when I am done with you, you will regret nothing”

With that I ripped off the covers and moved down to her pussy. She had such a pretty pussy. Her soft blonde pubes with so inviting. Her slit was small and I saw that my mouth could engulf it all at once. I went in for my first kiss on her. I was once told by a woman “Don’t lick pussy, kiss pussy” and that’s exactly what I did. Never once did my hands open her up. I kept my hands on her thighs while I opened her up with my lips and tongue. Gently sucking on her whole pussy. Using my tongue spread her lips and massage her clit. Occasionally curling my tongue to try to push into her tiny hole. I was drinking in every bit of juice she was creating. After about five minutes my tongue finally found the perfect rhythm on her clit. She announced that she was going to cum as I concentrated on my pace. I felt a gentle quiver in her thighs and looked up to see her to see her abs contact and her throwing her head back. I was keeping my word.

I got out of bed to grab a condom from my jeans. I pulled of my boxers and put the condom on. I was staring at her flushed face. Looking at her like I wanted own her whole body. I got back into bed and positioned my back on top of her. I gave her a peck on the lips as I guided my cock into her. We were not the best fit. I was a little to thick and long for her. I began to slowly push myself in and out of her. The whole time making sure not to go to deep. She kept her eyes closed as I continued my relaxed pace. I was so turned on I needed to take it easy to prevent from cumming. After a few minutes I decided maybe I should give her some control. I figured she would know her bodies limits better than I. I suggested she get on top. I was dying to see her tight little body on top of me. She said “NO! FUCK ME! FUCK ME HARD!”

I jumped out of bed. I reached over and grabbed her thighs. I positioned her with her ass hanging off the bed. It was the perfect height for me. I didn’t even need to bend my knees. I quickly pushed back into her. This time much deeper. Next thrust I bottomed out on her wall. She moaned hard as I continued to pound away. She bit down on her lip while she shook her head back and forth. She pinched her nipples hard as I pushed as far as I could inside her. I pulled her further off the bed so I could fuck her faster and not smash my knees on the bed frame. After this I knew I had reached the beginning of end. I fucked as fast and hard as I could while she let out one long loud moan. I filled the tip on the condom to capacity. I pulled it off while she crawled back up towards the pillows of the bed. She laid on her side with her back to me. Practically in the fetal position.

I had noticed a door leading to a balcony in her bedroom. With her body language as such, I put my boxers and jeans back on and made my way outside for a cigarette. While standing alone, all I could think of was that I just owned this woman sexually. I dicked her down like she probably had never been before. This was going to be my pussy now. Maybe we would even date somewhat seriously. I was so high off the sex.

I finished my smoke and went back inside. She was now looking up with her head on her pillow. She immediately said “wow, that was intense. You weren’t exaggerating. It hurt so good. That was unreal”
I started to unbutton my pants and get back into bed when she stopped me. She then said “Don’t get undressed. I need to get some sleep. I’m going home for the holidays tomorrow. I really need to sleep.” I said “Ok. I wanted round two, but some other time”

Then Janice said something that completely floored me. She said “There probably isn’t going to be a next time. I have a confession to make. When I get back from my families next week I have plans with someone else. I’m spending New Year’s Eve with another man. We have gone out a few times and I really like him. He is a successful business owner and I think things might get serious. That’s why I needed to see you tonight. I needed to do one last slutty thing before I settle down”

I was in shock. I got dressed as quick as I could. I said I understood, even though I kind of didn’t. I said goodbye without a kiss or a hug. I let myself out knowing she would have to get out of bed to lock the door. I drove home confused and a bit bummed out. I was always careful to never hurt anyone. For the first time in my life I was told to my face that I was used for sex. It’s a weird feeling. I drank a lot when I got home. Never heard from Janice again.

Looking back it was a great night of fun. If I knew the truth I would have never tried so hard. I made the most of it. I’ve thankfully never been put in that position again. It’s just the way it goes when you show up at strangers houses to fuck.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/86ubfc/mf_her_slutty_confession


  1. That happens to women a lot. It’s shitty but sometimes it can be fun if it’s put on the table in the beginning.

  2. That was a really shitty sendoff on her part. She could have at least given you another round. I’m sorry. And her poor new boyfriend, too. You dodged a bullet on that one.

  3. Not sure why you’re surprised and bummed she wanted you for sex, you met her in Tinder and told her you had expectations of sex…..without having developed any relationship.
    Nope, texting does not constitute a relationship.
    If you are just looking to get laid, you roll the dice and take you chance, but you don’t get to whine about the outcome.

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