My slutty friend, Sharon! [FF]

Yesterday I posted a story about my slutty friend, Sharon and her email to me. There was an overwhelming response from men and women curious to know what happened so I emailed her to continue her story. First I’ll recap what I wrote last time:

My sexy married friend, Sharon, a 53 year old plump gregarious housewife, who is secretly a total slut, just sent me an email about a slutty adventure she had.
“Hi Amy, get this. I was coming down the NY Thruway yesterday, the snow made it impossible to travel further, so I pulled into a hotel. Walking in I called hubby on phone telling him I had to stay the night, chatted briefly and hung up.

Standing in line to book in, I saw a young pretty woman ahead, clearly in same situation. We both started chatting and in minutes we were good friends although she’s half my age. With not much to do we both sat in the lobby and chatted over drinks. I joked “great to be out of husband’s reach with this snow maybe at last I can cheat….”, she grinned, showing me her ring and said “I feel the same way…but then again who can I find here tonight?”.

I gave her a sexy look and said “well I’ve always been curious to know what it’d be like to have some wicked fun with a pretty young woman….”

It was fun to watch her go crimson red and hear her stutter….I’m sure she was shocked to feel my hand touching her skirt, caressing her knee softly, as I sweetly asked “did I touch on a nerve?”.

Amy, if you wish you can post this on Reddit, let them ask for more!!”

Well, I emailed her about the interest in her story and asked for further details, her reply follows:

“Hi Amy, let me continue where I was up to!

So she couldn’t talk for a minute, then said “I guess I can’t deny that I’ve thought about that sometimes”. I gave her a warm look, my hand on her knee caressed her softly back and forth, and said “just thought, or maybe even masturbated and watched lesbian porn?”. She looked at me with a blush and said “this is so embarrassing”. I replied “darling it isn’t anything to be ashamed of, you’re a sexy woman who’s curious…”. I let that sink in, then took her hands in mine, and said “allow me to introduce you to a lezbo adventure”. She looked at me, clearly aroused, and said “oh my god, oh my god…”.

I said to her “go to your room honey, and I’ll knock on your door in 15 mins., what’s the # ?”. It was a moment of decision for her…she hesitated for a full 15 seconds and said “room 566″.

Amy, you think they’ll want to know more details than that? ”

What do you say, sexy Redditors?



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