My [f]irst week at uni. Some [ff] and mild [fm]

*So some background. I’m Gia, a 32 year old happily married woman. I’m about 5’5″, pale skin, naturally red hair. My wife (yay for gay marriage!) knows all about my past but lots of it falls well outside of her limits, much less her turn ons. With this in mind she suggested I use reddit to indulge my kinky side. I’ve decided to start a fresh account for this, largely so I don’t rush through typing it out (24 hours until you’re allowed to post) as I tend to do without any constraints.

Some of the stories will certainly not appeal to a wide audience but I’m putting them here for my own sake not yours, apologies in advance. Some of the stuff I’ve done is by my own admission, pretty fucking out there. But we’ll get there. As for today’s tale, it’s a little more traditional.*

My sexual experiences heading into uni were few and lacklustre. 3 boyfriends, 2 boys fucked, 0 orgasms provided. To say I was ready to go would have been somewhat of an understatement. The week I moved in to my house for the year (I didn’t get into dorms) was a challenging one. I’m not usually great at the whole being around functioning humans thing so forced interaction with a bunch of new people who by the way, I now have to live with, was my idea of hell.

As luck would have it, my housemates were all largely tolerable. 2 guys, another girl and one TBC as they hadn’t arrived yet. On the second night I was there, it was kind of agreed that we would stay in and get drunk together. I was there for the desicion but don’t feel like I was really part of it. I hated my tendency to be a pushover and was determined to rectify it while at uni. Alas, plans were made. Booze was purchased and there we all were drinking in the communal living room. We’d quickly established that the only one in a relationship was one of the guys (the cuter one, cheers!) but everyone else was single. Talk took all of about 3 drinks before it turned to sex. We discussed numbers (mine was lowest) and swapped stories (mine was lamest) while drinking the night away. The single guy (Kyle) suggested a game of spin the bottle, trying so hard to sound casual about it that I’m sure he actually hurt himself. The taken guy (Mike) quickly nixed the idea given that he had a girlfriend. We settled on truth or dare (yes, my life is a walking cliche) and dare I say it, I was actually enjoying myself.

Before long I’d kissed Claire and Kyle for a few minutes each, simulated sucking off a wine bottle and we had both done a lap of the garden wearing only hand bras over our boobs. I found this considerably easier than Claire given I had pert b cups and she had a fuller figure and a huge set up top. After sending the boys for a garden lap in their boxers, Claire enquired if I had a thing for either of them. I explained I didn’t but noted that “As far as any port in a storm material goes, we could have far worse options.” We both laughed and I asked if she was planning on making a move. “I’m not *planning* on it, but I didn’t want to break your heart if I felt the need to….scratch that itch.” It was nice that she asked me, sweet even. None of my old friends would have thought twice about it.

When the boys returned they quickly re-dressed. I tried to sneak a glance at their bulges but they were giving nothing away. We carried on drinking and BS’ing when I got a text from Claire. Looking puzzled but knowing not to give anything away I opened it. It read “want to see them really drool? Pick truth and answer me!”. A tad confused and intrigued I put my phone down and no-sold the message. When Kyle bought the game back on track I selected truth, to a chorus of boos. Claire grinned and whispered to the boys whose faces both lit up. “Ok Ok, if you had to pick one of us to fuck right now, who would you choose?” Kyle finally asked. My jaw fell open. Claire had somewhat painted me into a corner here. The boys pushed their faces together and each put on a cheesey grin. I don’t think either of them suspected what was coming even slightly. “Well if I had to pick….yea no contest, it’d be Claire all the way!” This got the exact desired reaction, namely 2 literal open jaws and some flushed cheeks. Claire had a wry grin and after a few moments simply responded “good to know..” She let her words hang in the air with none of us quite sure what to say next. Now from here on out my timeline gets a little fuzzy. The drinks were flowing and we were all having a good time.

At some point Claire was dared to give me a lap dance. Being straight as an arrow, I figured this would just be kind of silly fun and it started that way with her making over the top moves and twerking in front of me to a chorus of cheering and lewd comments from the boys. Once she turned to face me our eyes met and she had a deadly serious look on her face. She lowered herself into my lap and feeling her ample chest press up against mine sent a shiver down my spine. The feeling of body on body, the smell of her sweet perfume wafting up….I could feel myself actually getting wet between the legs. It was super uncomfortable but at the same time wonderfully exhilarating. A girl was making me wet…I wasn’t sure how I felt about that but I was happy to sit back and enjoy the show. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy the feeling of her grinding herself while straddling my leg, basically pretending to get herself off using me. She leant in close to my face and whispered in my ear “I guarantee they’re both hard as rocks right now.” before pulling away and kissing me lightly on the cheek. She pulled me up by the hand, stood behind me and gave me a playful shove towards the guys. “Ok your turn! Pick one and get with the dancing!” I was ordered. Put on the spot I picked Mike, figuring I’d get an easier time with him and I also enjoyed the idea if making him squirm with guilt. The poor guy looked like a dear in headlights. As soon as I got close I noticed the bulge in his jeans. I guess he’d been enjoying the show. As I started to ‘dance’ (read: grind on his leg) I became aware of 2 things. Firstly, I was noticeably wet in my knickers and grinding like this wasn’t going to slow that progress down. Secondly, as his bulge started to strain and move it became clear that he wasn’t hard to start with after all, he was just packing some huge weapon under there. He seemed super uncomfortable and despite what his cock was suggesting, didn’t seem to be enjoying himself so after a very obvious glance down at his groin, I dismounted. Claire made a comment about enjoying what she’d seen though I think everyone could agree she’d far better at that sort of thing than me. I tossed Mike a cushion and winked and we all shared a laugh as he used it to retain his modesty.

A few more dumb truths and dumber dares followed, though not much worth talking about here. Claire gave Kyle a dance as he was feeling left out though she seemed to make more eye contact with me throughout. I wasn’t interested in her, or any if them in that way really, but the attention and sexual energy in the room was enjoyable and did have me all worked up. Running out of ways to escalate without divulging into an orgy, dares started getting creative. Kyle was trying his best to get us naked but I wasn’t about to give in so easily and Claire was fighting our corner. When he suggested swapping underwear Claire agreed before I could protest. I gave her my best eyes wide open SOS look that girls know how to read but she either wasn’t picking it up or chose to ignore it. She grabbed my hand and led me to the reject room(named as we had all turned it down in favour of the bigger rooms).

As soon as she closed the door behind us she took off her top and quick as a flash unclasped her bra. While I knew the bra would be far too big for me that wasn’t my primary concern. I knew there was no way my knickers were going to be in any state to share and was frozen, mortified at the conversation I was going to have to have.

“Claire wait. I can’t…” I stopped dead as she casually dropped the baby-blue bra to the floor and let her huge tits breathe. They were surprisingly perky given their size and I got more than a little jealous in the moment. Her nipples, while smaller than mine, were stood out proudly. Has this girl no shame? “I…um. just with all the dancing and fooling around I might not be so…” I gestured to my groin, unable to find the words. “What, yours are soaked too?” She responded. “It’ll be our first secret! C’mon don’t be dumb!” She said, pinging my waistband. I was truly speechless yet found myself undressing none the less. I awkwardly undid my bra keeping my top on and handed it to Claire. She mock glared in disapproval as she took it and struggled to some how wrap it around her huge globes. She said “Fuck it!” after a few seconds and just pulled her top back on, opting to go commando. After I’d wrapped hers around me it was basically just hanging and felt ridiculous. Quick and brazen as you like, she had dropped her jeans and was tugging down her baby blue thong that had been on display half of the night. She stood there, naked from the waist down with her thong hanging from her finger, offering it to me with a filthy smile and a raised eyebrow. I undid my own jeans as she made no attempt to avert her gaze. I slipped them down and revealed my grey boy shorts, thankful that nothing seemed to be showing through the lining. I turned my back to Claire and did an over the top bum wiggle as I made the reveal. As I turned back to hand them to her she pressed herself into me, pinning our bodies against the door as her lips found mine and her tongue invaded my mouth. Her scent flooded my nose again and the feeling of her stiff nipples pressing through her top was stupidly hot. She pulled away after 5 seconds tops and I must have looked stunned. “I….I’m straight Claire!” I blurted out. “Me too you tit, I’m just playing around!” She replied, unphased as she snatched my knickers. My hands dropped to tug my top down and cover up a little. “These are cute.” She remarked, stepping into them and pulling them up. “Damp, but cute. Sorry if mine is a state, you know how thongs get *everywhere *” Hers. Fuck. I’d spent so long panicking about the mess I’d been making I hadnt even contemplated wearing a damp thong. Wasn’t that gross? Is it safe? Can I even do this? As Claire started pulling her jeans on I figured I’d kind of have to so I took the now discarded thong and began to untangle it. Thongs aren’t usually my go to anyway but this was likely to be uncomfortable in an entirely new way. I pulled it up and it sat loosely enough that it wasn’t really touching my now wetter than ever pussy all that much. I carefully pulled on my jeans and went to open the door. As we walked back to the living room Claire reached under my jeans and tugged the back of the thong up as she tossed my surplus to requirements bra at Kyle. This had 2 main effects, it let the boys know we had indeed swapped but it also pulled the soaked material close to me. I tried to act casual but my mind was a swamp of confusion. There was another girls precum pressed everywhere from my pubes to my asshole. Not any girl either, a girl I’d just been making out with half naked.The thong had parted my lips slightly and I’m sure I was leaking into it already. It felt so bizarre yet instead if feeling disgusted, it felt….thrilling. I felt the urge to move it yet made no effort to do so. God this was confusing.

Not long after Mike got a text and went to the door to let his girlfriend in. She came in and introductions were made. She looked down her nose at me and Claire instantly and they went off to his room. The boozing started to wind down and soon we all retired to our beds. I stripped off everything bar the thong and just sort of stood there, horny and confused. I was bought out of my daze by the loud thudding against my walk, interspersed with the odd moan or grunt. It seems Mike and stuck-up-bitch were reconnecting in a very audible way. I contemplated digging through my as yet only half unpacked bags for the little bullet vibe to get myself off when I heard my phone buzz. It was Claire and I smiled unconsciously. “So….these walls are thin then.” I laughed, knowing Mike’s room was between mine and hers. I jumped into bed and absent mindedly rubbed at my pussy through the thong as I typed. “Seems that way, free audio porn….I know what she’s dealing with in there.” As I hit send my mind wandered back to his huge bulge straining while I danced for him. I’d almost forgotten that the dampness between my legs wasn’t mine alone. I felt dirty smearing the thong against my lips, tugging it a little here and there. My phone went again. “IKR!? I saw that bulge! Renaming my vibrator Mike tonight! I take it my thong isn’t getting any dryer? I know your knickers aren’t ;)” My jaw literally dropped. I was not prepared for that level of info. Her sheer sexual aggression was stunning. I didn’t know how i felt about it yet my hand and pussy seemed to have decided already. My fingers slipped inside Claire’s thong and were instantly drenched in the sticky mixture of our fluids. One finger quickly joined by another plunged easily between my lips as I contemplated my response to the backing track of Mr big dick and Miss sour face. After typing and deleting a few replies I got another text. ” Sorry, TMI…tonight was fun but I didn’t mean to make things awkward. Night” I felt a twinge of sadness, like I was missing an opportunity that might define our friendship. “Its fine. I was knuckle deep and couldn’t type ;) ” as I hit send I dropped my phone and began upping my pace with the fingers, letting my other hand drop to my clit to join it. I was aware that I’d just sent the crudest text I’d ever typed to a girl whose underwear I was wanking in. In no time at all I got a reply. “Don’t take the piss, no need to lie.” After second guessing myself about 10 times while teasing my clit, I finally decided what to do. Lining up the shot just right, I snapped a picture quite clearly showing my hand disappearing into my…well Claire’s thong. It showed nothing else and there’s no way anyone could ever prove it was me. I hit send and resumed going to town on myself. The thong was in the way but I wanted to leave it on now. It was naughty, it was wrong and it was hot. I tensed my legs as I could feel my orgasm approaching. My train of thought flirted through the nights events. Once more my phone buzzed, then quickly buzzed again. I opened the first message and was presented with a picture of a bright pink imitation cock. It’s hard to be sure of it’s size but I’d ballpark it at around 6 inches. I quickly opened the next message. It took a moment to process what I was looking at. It was Claire’s groin and hips, covered by my grey knickers with a huge dark patch surrounding where her pussy would have been. But there was also a bit of a bulge. I concluded she must have that cock inside her and the thought sent a shiver to my core. I was straight, but the thought of her fucking herself in my knickers was so exhilarating. There was a message with the picture. “SO HOT!! Cum together? When the clock hits 1?” My eyes flicked to the top of the screen long enough to register it was 00:56. I didn’t even think before responding with nothing more than “done!” and resumed teasing my clit. I must have edged myself 3 times as the clock basically stood still. It was agonising and electrifying all at once. I stared at the number 00:59 for what seemed like an eternity, barely able to touch myself for fear of exploding. As I stared and teased with the lightest touch My phone vibed and almost scared me to death. I opened the message with a sense of life or death urgency. “Our pussys taste fantastic together by the way…..Go!” And go I did. I attacked my clit and found myself pumping myself with all my might, even forcing a third finger in which was new in itself. I came almost right away and felt more fluid flood against the thong. I grabbed the waistband and yanked it up, pressing the material against my pussy and feeling it cut into my ass a little. I held it up tight with one hand and used the other to masturbate my clit through the material until I came again, far harder this time. As I regained my senses and unclenched my body I was hit with a wave of….I don’t know…unidentifiable emotion.

As mind mind cleared a little that familiar buzz sounded again. “Omg!!Did you cum? Did you taste!?” I thought about lying and saying I did both but then saw no reason to lie. “I came hard, twice. No tasting for me, I told you I’m straight ;)” I hit send and let my hand drift lazily over my chest. I’d been sorely neglecting my nipples (a usual integral part of my *me* time) and started just tweaking them and tugging gently. “Of course you are hun, me too! But if you wanted to come get these back, my door is unlocked…” the message was attached to a picture of the inside of my now black boy shorts, stained with an ungodly amount of fluid. I genuinely contemplated it for a minute or two but again, I was straight….right!? “Maybe some other time… ;) ” was what I sent back then a moment later followed with a picture of my own. I slipped a hand down to cover my pussy and wedged the thong open with the phone. With the flash on I snapped an up close picture of the slightly gooey mess I’d made of her underwear and sent it with the caption “sweet dreams x” then went back to fiddling with my nipples. I knew I was straight but….well just but. Unclear of anything anymore I realised the fucking next door had stopped and I hadn’t even noticed. I lazily tugged at my nipples and was drifting off when the last message arrived. “Uummmf! Yum! Night hun x” And I drifted off to sleep, head swimming with the filthiest, most confusing thoughts imaginable, still wearing another girls cummy thong.

*and that ladies and gents, is the most interesting night of my life up until that point. I hope you enjoyed it. Sorry (not sorry) it’s so long. Any feedback is welcome as are PMs, pics and all that good stuff. Ta-ta for now xx*



  1. Will improve formatting later I promise. Sorry for the wall of text x

  2. Super hot and well written, that was the best distraction from work I’ve had all day!

  3. This was such a great read! Can’t wait for you to write about what happens next.

  4. What a beautiful story. You really captured that erotic tension and the wonderful build up of attraction.

  5. I must be honest, I’m having doubts that you’re as straight as you keep saying you are. You really should tell your wife :)

  6. Can I ask you for a quick favour?

    Can you go to your wife, and give her a big warm thank-you hug from us (and probably add a kiss from yourself)?

    Because thanks to her encouragement, we got a truly wonderful and well-written tale, with the potential for more in future too… :)


  7. I love your writing. The level of detail is perfect. I’m hard as a rock and eager to read more from you. Thank you.

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