Sixteen (Final Chapters)

Don’t miss the beginning!

Ch 1-2:

Ch 3:

Ch 4-5:

Ch 6-7:

Ch 8-9:

Ch 10:

Ch 11:

Ch 12-13:

Chapter 14

Nathan Fletcher

He wakes feeling the full weight of her on his chest. The pressure feels nice, she isn’t very heavy. His hand goes to her hair. Soft and wild, it splays out across his chest in a golden fan. His mind replays those sweet, three little words she had let slip to him last night. He stares at the ceiling. He feels the magnitude of wetness on his abdomen, the pounding in his head, the weight on his chest.

He doesn’t notice his hand clench into a tight fist around the hair he had been stroking. The events of the prior evening come flooding back to him. One of the vendors from the marketplace had come to his home. To share news. News of his best friend.

He takes a ragged breath. ‘Tommy. Why did you tell me you could handle it alone? What happened? You said this was a surefire thing. Insisted I spend the day relaxing.’ He had been spending the day relaxing. It had been wonderful. Until he heard that news.

Hie best friend now lies in a hospital bed. Surrounded by nurses, clinging to life. He knows He needs to go see him today. Do anything he can to help. He should have went last night. ‘I should have been there with him.’ He shudders at the thought of Tommy being alone.


Thump Thump. Thump. She awakens the same way she fell asleep, listening to his heartbeat. She opens her eyes expecting to see dark fur. No. His chest. She is laying on Daddy’s chest. Not just her head, her whole body is laying on his body. She can feel his flesh against her leg, calm and unexcited, strange for morning time. As she shifts she can feel the large sticky puddle she had been laying in, originating from between her own legs.

She looks up. Something heavy in her hair keeps her from moving far. He is awake, staring at the ceiling, a hand to his forehead like he has a pain there. She bites her lip. “I’m sorry Daddy, I think I got you all wet.” He turns his head to look at her incredulously. Her heart skips. “Are you still hurting, Daddy?”


‘I’m sorry? I’m sorry? Why the hell is she apologising to me? I should be apologising to her! Am I still hurting?’ He wants to tell her no, she fixed everything. But that would be a lie. She did so much, but this … this he has to take care of himself.

He pulls her further up his chest, until the top of her head presses up under his chin, and cradles her there. He smoothes her hair and rubs her back and he hugs her to him tightly. She is so soft, so relenting.

“Oh, Baby girl. You are so amazing, so brave. You did so good. You helped me so much, I want you to know that.” He closes his eyes as he presses a firm kiss to the top of her head. ‘I will never hurt you again. I swear it.’


The moment she starts to push herself downward back towards his flesh, he excuses himself from the bed. She is confused by his lack of desire, and moves off him wordlessly. She lay here now, watching him walk back over to her, fresh from the shower. His hair is still dripping but he is fully clothed. He couldn’t have taken more than 5 minutes getting ready. He leans down to kiss her on the cheek before heading towards the door. She flops back against the pillow as she hears the door click closed.

She draws her knees up, pressing her thighs together. She aches. She hadn’t had a proper release since early yesterday morning, and the ridiculous amount of wetness between her legs isn’t helping her any. She sighs, and resigns herself to a bath.

She lays amidst a blanket of bubbles, the water is warm and still. As she soaks, her mind replays yesterday over in her head. ‘Mmmm, sweet torture. Fletcher. Nathan.’ She had seen both of those names written on a paper in his study when she previously explored in there. She hadn’t thought anything of it, as there were lots of names on different documents. Lots of them had the name “Thomas Mulligan.” She wonders now if one or both of those is his name.


He tries to swallow the lump in his throat as he listens to the head nurse explain Tommy’s prognosis. Shot in the chest. Just missed the heart. Through and through; that is a good thing. A punctured lung is not. They are doing everything they can. They assure him he will be recovering at home within the week. At home. They ask him if he has anyone to care for him at home and he starts to shake his head no. A sudden thought has him shaking his head yes instead. ‘Yes, yes he does have someone to take care of him at home.’

It is hard to look down at his friend in this state. Tubes and wires are everywhere. Tommy was never a large man, kind of on the short shocky side compared to his own physique. He looks so much smaller now, lying there with his eyes closed, a pained expression on his face. He wipes the sweat from his own brow and decides on not waking him.

The door of his best friends house closes behind him, the little auburn haired woman inside now calm and setting about preparing the bedroom for her master’s return. He closes his eyes and envisions the heavy belly that moved beneath her little blue dress. He promised to check back in with her through the week, bring supplies from the market. ‘The market.’ He points his horse north and takes off in a full gallop.


She holds her breath under the surface of the water, covered in its warmth, searing pressure in her lungs as she holds her breath just moment longer. She gasps, taking in a huge gulp of cold air the moment her face breaches the surface of the water once again. She lays back against the tub, her chest heaving, causing ripples all across the water, which splash against the edge of the tub and bounce back at her.

Nothing she does is getting her mind off the ache between her legs. Even though she is still a bit tender from last night, she yearns to feel him again. ‘Oh, Daddy.’ Her hand slides down across her skin under the water. She cups herself, pressing down to apply broad pressure over her ache. The sound of her own noise bounces off the tiles of the bathroom and back to her, a breathy high pitched mewl. Her face flushes with embarrassment. She removes her hand and leaves the warmth of the tub.


It is late afternoon when he finally sees his front door again. He got a lot accomplished today. The bags and boxes are heavy, but he manages to get them all in one armload. He smirks to himself as he unlocks the double locks on the front door. ‘She stayed inside waiting for me today.’ He sets his burdens down in the sitting room, and closes the door softly, clicking the locks back into place. It feels so good to be home.

The soft light from the bedroom spills out into the hallway. Mmm, he can smell her from here, hear her. Soft sounds. He peeks through the open door to see her situated on the bed, a hand moving between her thighs.

He grins to himself as he considers a plan. He removes his boots and belt, out here in the quiet of the hallway, before slowly, silently padding across the floor to stand at the end of the bed.


She flops back onto the soft pillows. All day she had dealt with this ache, yearning for him to return and touch her. It feels so good when he touches her. She stares at the ceiling and brings her knees up, spreading her legs out wide on the bed. She closes her eyes and imagines every time she had felt so exposed, the air of the bedroom cold against her wetness. It feels nice.

She imagines his touches, playing past moments like movie clips on the back of her eyelids. One hand goes up to grip the stone hanging between her breasts, and the other starts tracing her curves. Just like he did. Over her breast, down the soft slope of her tummy, the rise of her hip, finally dipping lower until she can feel her own wetness.

It feels different than when she had touched herself in the bath, all spread out like she is. It isn’t just broad pressure; her sensitive place, the one he always seemed to find, was right there. Her mouth opens as she tentatively moves her fingers against that place. Her breath comes whooshing out of her as a familiar sensation blooms suddenly, sending little tendrils of pleasure shooting through her.

She isn’t sure if this is something she should be doing. ‘Will daddy be upset I make myself feel good?’ The pleasure that shoots through her as her fingers move again, push that thought out of her head with utmost speed. Her eyes flutter closed. She sets herself into slow circles, just as he did when teasing her. It isn’t long at all before she feels her chest heaving and her own high pitched mewls let out breathily into the air.


He runs his tongue across his lips as she stands there at the edge of the bed. Her eyes are still closed and she hasn’t noticed his presence there. He takes in the beauty of her in this moment. Her head, cradled in the plushness of the pillow, golden locks fanned out around her. She has a hand between her breasts, delicate fingers wrapped around that baby pink stone. He knees are up, feet wide apart and against the bed. She could not be better positioned to give him a good show, as her fingers work circles in her folds. He can see her opening, twitching, waiting, yearning … dripping.

He lets out a long but silent breath as he watches her. He is eager to climb up between her open legs and insert himself there. He quietly unbuttons his shirt, letting it fall down his back and arms, to form a puddle of cloth on the floor. By the time he reaches for the button of his pants his yearning is pressing insistently against them. Her breathy cries of wild abandon are certainly having an effect on him, and soon -soon- she will realize it.

He listens to the sounds of her breaths coming faster, her breasts heaving up and down. Her cries become louder, more insistent. He knows his girl, how close she is now. He smiles to himself as his pants drop to the floor around his ankles. She has noticed to, and her fingers are moving faster now, almost feverishly. He can hear the wet sounds of her folds as he steps out of his pants, and looks back up just in time to see her back arch, her breasts high in the air. She cries out, calling for him as he climbs onto the bed, and up between her open legs.


Her imagination must be good, because as the pleasure sensations start to really build within her, she swears she can smell him. Mellow spice. The smell of him as he vacates the bathroom each morning ready for the day is enough to make her want to fall back into his arms, begging him to take her again. Every morning she refrains. Now she realizes there is something she can do about it after he leaves her. ‘This. Feels. So. Good.’

It wasn’t quite the same as when he touched her. It is different knowing she is in charge of her own pleasure as she works herself further and further up towards climax. She is alone. She isn’t worrying if she is doing it right, merely following her instincts. Still, she wishes he were here.

Her lust is driving her wild. She squirms against her own fingers as it becomes harder and harder to breathe. ‘I want it, I want it so bad.’ She moves her fingers faster, faster, faster against her sensitive spot. It is so overwhelming, as it has grown under her fingertips, much more sensitive than when she started. So quickly she is driven to that place in the clouds. She feels herself start to crest, her fingers are working of their own accord now. Her back arches as she contracts. She can feel herself quiver under her fingertips as she cries out. “Daddy!!”

She gasps as she suddenly feels him there, moving up between her open legs. Her eyes fly open, embarrassed and unsure if this is real. “Good girl, don’t stop.” He says, as he presses himself against her. There, just below her fingertips, she feels him enter her. “Yes, Daddy, please.”


He enters her fully in one swift thrust. Her walls are still tight, but slick and relenting. He loves the feel of her. He revels in the fact that she got herself so worked up for him. For herself. ‘Wild.’

She calls him daddy again, welcoming him into her. He leans down to kiss her lips. He pulls away and looks into those big doe eyes as he starts to slowly thrust against her, her fingers still circling between them.

His heart thumps as he speaks to her, the beautiful, quivering blonde mess beneath him. Being inside her is the perfect timing for this, he couldn’t imagine it being more personal, romantic. “Baby girl. I love when you call me Daddy. But I have to tell you, my name is Nathan. Nathan Fletcher. And I love you too.”

She climaxes again before he does, thanks to the help of her own fingers. Hearing her call out to him, ‘Daddy!’ as she clenches around him always is a pleasure. But the second time, as they climax together, and a breathy “Nathan!” rang out into the room; he melted. Oh. He will never forget this.

Chapter 15

A rose by any other name…

Her eyes flutter open to the brightness of morning, and him staring down into her face. She doesn’t pull her eyes away, but she can feel the heat rush up her. Will she ever get used to him looking at her like this? So loving.

Her fingers start to make their usual slow decent down his chest. Tracing a line down the center of his belly, past his navel and under the edge of the comforter. She smiles up at him as she wraps her fingers around his length, and begins to caress it. “Good Morning, Nathan.”

He lets out a happy little growl, music to her ears. It means he is in a good mood, and hungry for pleasure. The moment she starts to position herself between his legs to take him into her mouth however, ha asks her to stop. He pulls her on top of him insead, her legs straddling his hips, her opening exposed for his flesh betow.

He doesn’t enter her. A flush rises through her as she repeats his last words in her head. ‘Touch yourself for me baby.’


He doesn’t want her to focus on his pleasure this morning. He had a taste of her abandon last night, and he can still taste it. He has an idea. She moves down to take him in her mouth the way she begins most mornings. He stops her. Beckons her up over him. This morning is going to play out a little differently.

“I have a surprise for you. Lots of them actually, downstairs.” He traces a line from her chin to her navel as he watches the excitement in her face. “Before I give them to you, I want you to do something for me.” She is intrigued. He licks his lips. “You stay right there, right where you are, and touch yourself for me baby.”

The blush in her cheeks. Her dainty little fingers reaching down between her legs. Her sweet noises. ‘And I have a front row seat.’


It’s so hard to keep herself up over him like this while she is squirming against her own fingers. She can’t believe he wants her to do this. She did this on her own, and he likes it! She can feel his lust between her legs, pressing insistently against her thigh. She can’t help squirming against it, she wants it so bad. She can tell he wants her too.

‘He is waiting for me. What if I take too long? I’m making him wait!’ Self doubt fills her, and all her hard work up until this point starts flying out the window. She hesitates, looking down at him. She feels his hand cup her breast, his thumb flitting across her nipple. ‘So good.’ She starts squirming again. Her legs are starting to shake, they are growing weak, and she is getting so close.

She can feel him against her heat, running his tip up and down along her slit, teasing her opening. “Daddy, please. Please, I want to feel you.” She pleads, begs for mercy from this yearning. She stays just as she is, just as she is told, and then she feels it. The pressure of him entering her.


He can’t take it anymore. She is shaking around him, her soft cries fall down on his ears like rose petals. She keeps brushing against him as she squirms. How easy it would be for him to just position himself and thrust upward with his hips. He takes hold of his cock and teases her folds with it. Up and down, across her opening, circling it. Her wetness is covers his head. So warm, so sweet.

She begs. She pleads for him. ‘Time to give her what she wants.’ He thinks as he positions against her opening, and thrusts slowly upward. The familiar tightness as he enters her, coupled with her satisfied cry is more than rewarding. He thrusts up into her slowly, long calculated movements. Her cries are so loud, so insistent. He can feel her fingers moving feverishly against her clit.

He pulls her straight down on top of him, and holds her there as she climaxes from her own touch. He feels her walls contract around him, quivering, pulsing. So wonderful. Once it passes he pulls her down to lay against his chest, wraps his arms around her, and does the rest of work himself. She mewls against his chest as he repeatedly thrusts into her, her small body quivering in pleasure. He presses her down firmly on himself as they tremble against each other. Sweet release.


Her heart thumps as he leads her downstairs. Her hair is still damp from the shower they shared after finally leaving the bed. She wonders what could be waiting for her in the sitting room. They round the doorway and she sees a pile of bags and boxes. She is handed a blue bag. She looks across the floor to all the others, and then up at him, before peeking inside. Cloth. Silky blue cloth. ‘Oh.’ Not just cloth, a beautiful dress.

She stands in front of the large mirror in the sitting room as he smoothes it down over her hips. She looks like a stranger in the mirror, a beautiful stranger. She goes through several more dresses, a small bag full of delicate panties, and a few pair of slipper shoes before finally only the large pink box is left. She opens it excitedly, to find not so soft cloth inside. It is tougher, like his trousers. She frowns a bit as she pulls out stiff shoes, a pair of trousers, and a long sleeve button up shirt. The shirt is a bright rosey pink. Other than that the clothes seem much more akin to what he wears.

He helps her into this outfit, and she turns to look at herself in the mirror. It is cute, but the fabric of the pants are stiff and awkward against her legs. The bottoms of her shoes are so hard. She can’t imagine how this outfit will come in handy, but she smiles and thanks him for it, just as she had all the others. After all, he went through all the trouble to buy her clothes. And they are very beautiful.


Her eyes glitter so brightly, her smile is intoxicating. Her excited laughter every time she tries on a new dress tinkles like a bell. She looks so pretty. His eyes keep going to that large pink box. He is saving it for last. It is the most important gift after all.

Finally he dresses her in the outfit contained in the box. She thanks him, just as she has for all the others, but not quite the same. She doesn’t understand yet. She is about to. “This outfit, isn’t supposed to be pretty or soft. This, my love, is a gift of freedom. The sleeves and long pants will protect your skin from scratches. The bright color will make you easy to see if something should happen. The sturdy shoes will protect your feet,” He whispers his next line into her ear, wrapping his arms gently around her in a hug, while looking at her reflection in the glass.”While you are exploring in the woods.”

The sudden look of realization on her face, and squeal of delight, has him grinning ear to ear. She turns in his arms and hugs him tightly around the neck, so tightly. He picks her up and spins her in the excitement of he moment. “Thank you so much! I love you Nathan!” she squeals into his ear. He sets her down, and takes a deep breath. He still has room for just one more gift.


She turns back to the mirror, turning to look at her best gift. She should have known there was a good reason for this stiff fabric. It doesn’t feel so stiff now that she knows its true purpose. She is so excited by her wonderful gift, imagining herself wandering the woods so freely; it takes her moment to register what he is saying to her.

“I have another gift for you, one more thing I haven’t given you. Do you know what that might be?’ She shakes her head. “A name, my love.”

She feels confused. ‘I already have a name.’ “My name is baby.” She replies, tilting her head curiously.

He shakes his head no.

She answers more hesitantly. “My name is … Sixteen?”

He shakes his head no again. Thump. Thump. Thump. He reaches out and lifts the baby pink stone a few inches off her chest. “Do you know what this is called? It is a Rose Quartz.” He smiles at her. “Your last name won’t be Quartz of course.”

THUMP THUMP. Her heart beats out of her chest as she looks from the stone, to him, and back again. “My name is Rose?” She whispers.

He nods.

‘My name is Rose.’



–And that is the end! Sorry for some of the delayed posts. If anyone stuck with me and read the whole thing please let me know, and let me know what you think!



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