[MF] Part 1: you can learn something new every day

Hi folks

This is my second story.
If you wanna know more about me. Feel free to pm me or read my first story.
I’m male.

I’m gonne keep this as short as possible and sorry for the misspellings, I wrote that on my phone.

Here comes the story:
This happened a few month ago in a bar I work for fun. I do have a normal everyday job, but my friend owns a bar in Germany, close to the swiss boarder. Sometimes, like once/twice a month she wants to have a free night and I like helping her out by taking a shift as a barkeeper.
I do like working as a barkeeper very much. It’s easy and fun (well I’m no professional, so don’t ask me to make you a fancy drink) and people are mostly in a good mood drinking. AND, somehow girls find barkeepers sexy…..and I don’t know why, maybe a girl could explain it for me.

So, I’m behind the bar, it’s 2am in the morning, not many customers left. For a while know I’ve been observing two good looking girls and one (I don’t like to admit this) good looking guy sitting at a table having fun. I couldn’t make up the relationship between those three. Is one of the girls his girlfriend? Are the girls together? Are they just friends? I don’t know.
Anyway, I was about to call it a day and approached them, told them that this is their last drink I need to close the bar. One of the girls, let’s call her Julia, said: “ok, brink me a Caipirinha I need to go to the bathroom real quick”.

I didm’t think much about what I’m going to witness in a moment. So I went behind the bar and started fixing her the drink.
But I ran out of Cachaça…. so i had to go downstairs to get some. Here is the the thing! the way to our storage room passes by the toilets. We only have one toilet cabin and one urinal side by side. I went down and saw Julia waiting in front of the cabin. She looked at me a bit desperate, because she needed to pee so badly. As a gentleman I have to help a lady, so I knocked on the cabin’s door to tell the person inside to hurry up. No answer. Again knocking. No answer. Damn… I think the person inside passed out, I have to get the emergency key to open the cabin. But that would be too late for Julia.
Then this happened:
Julia: “I’m gonna pee in the urinal if you don’t mind?”
Me: “Wait! What? That works as a girl?”
Julia: “yes of course! It’s a bit shitty for me, coz I’m not tall, but the position is similar to doggy style. I just have to go backwards and stick my as up a bit to hit the urinal.”
Me: “No way!!!!” (I was mind blown, coz I never even thought about this; girls can piss in urinals, too! Vida loca! Crazy.) And I told her my thpughts about this. I couldn’t help myself.
(Sorry for this, but that’s me. I think you have to love and appreciate the small things in life)
Julia was desperate at this point: “I’m gonna do it! You can watch if you like, don’t care right now.”
Me: “I don’t wanna be a perv. But I would love to see this!”
Julia: “watch!”
She went to the urinal, turned around, facing me, then she puts her trousers down, in a second move she puts her panty down (which actually was lovely. One of those fine hotpants lingerie panties). Squads just a bit and lifts herself up by standing on her toes. For a second I could see her beautiful pussy, she had a brazilian landing stripe, very narrow.
The problem was, the urinal was a bit too high build for her, she needed to get higher, but she was loosing balance.
“Come closer. Quick!”, Julia told me.
“Why?”, I asked, stupid question, I know. But I was so shocked that she’s really doing this.
“You have to stand closer so I can lean on you and hold you to not lose my balance here.”
There I was….standing just 30cm from a lovely girl, holding an empty bottle of Cachça in one hand, holding her hip with the other and she’s panty down, ass up, pissing in the urinal, crotching like doggystyle standing, holding herself with both hands on my chest/stomach.
Just imagine that picture….
Well, you can learn something every day.
Was funny.

Now she’s done, obviously relieved.
To be honest, there was this awkward moment where both were like….what now? I don’t know what to say. Neither does she.

I asked her, why she let me watch her. I’m not into piss in a sexual way, but I needed to see that.
(Guys, if you ever wondered… I’m the living witness! It does work! I’ve seen it!)
She answered, that she thought that I’m cute and if something would have happened she could have screamed and her friends would have heard her, and, she needed to piss so badly it hurted.
Well…. ok then. Thank you very much for that experience my lady. I’m gonna fix you that drink now.
On the way back I opened the cabin, there was a guy passed out and his friends were looking for him in the bar. No problem here…. but this guy just missed magic, he’ll never know…

Anyway, got that bottle I needed. Went upstairs again and fixed her the drink. Now all three of them were sitting right at the bar counter waiting for me to fix them their last drink.
Julia asked me pretty brashly if her drink is for free now, coz I’ve seen her lady part. Her friends laughed.
I said that I cannot do that, it’s not my bar. She was a bit disappointed.
We started flirting. (Whilst her friends di so too).
I told her that it was just for a second, long enough to see her landing stripe, but nothing more. That’s not worth a drink ;-)
But if she likes she could help me out next time I need to piss. Told her that as a joke. Then she answered:
“When will that be? Coz you are closing the bar.”
Shit…she got me there.
I said; “alright, you can stay as long as you like till I need to go for a piss.”
All three of them were super happy.

There I was, bar is closed now and I’m serving, drinking and flirting with them.
There male friend seemed nice as well. Her female friend was obviously interested in him.
So I flirted with Julia.

Time past, Julia asked me if I needed to piss.
Now I actually did. But I was nervous.
She was like:”come on then! Don’t be shy. Let’s go empty your tank.”
We went downstairs together…. weird experience again!
Julia unsipped my trousers and took my knob out. Now I’m standing in front of the urinal and she’s holding my little best friend.
She said:”I’ve never done this, but it’s gonna be fun aiming with your pretty looking jonny, I have a good grip to play around.” Seriously, not exaggerating her, that’s what she said “pretty looking jonny and good grip”
I told her not to play around too much, otherwise it will get hard and make aiming difficult.
“I don’t care, let it flow man!” She said.
Alright! Here I am again, pissing in the urinal with a girl holding my penis and drawing circles. Up and down, left to right. She was enjoying her self.

Alright folks… that’s it for the moment.
I’ll continue the rest of the story another time. As you can imagine it didn’t stop there.
Don’t worry, we didn’t piss on each other, we are both not into that. But it was a funny and weird experience to have.
I’ll come to the sex part in the second oart if this story, it will involve her two friends.
But we continued to be friends after that night upto today.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/84m3nd/mf_part_1_you_can_learn_something_new_every_day

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