[FM][Exhibitionism] Trophy Wife at a Pool Party!

I don’t know why I am posting this. I guess I just like to share who I am. It doesn’t feel appropriate for stupid sluts club because I am not really being wrecked, destroyed, hurt, or abused. I also don’t want to cheat on my husband.

We are a very cliché prominent family where we live, and as we build and sell custom BBQ’s, every summer we have multiple BBQ parties where we invite employees, friends, random townspeople to come eat and splash around at our expense. Generally during the summer we host these 4-5 times, fourth of July being the biggest. At one of the smaller parties, populated by mostly employees and friends with lots of alcohol and no kids, my husband was chilling in the pool talking with some of his friends. They were joking and ribbing each other and I am doing my whole, pearls heels chat with the wives shtick. One of the guys in my husbands’ group shouts to me and is like, “you be a freak like that?”. Me, having no idea what he was talking about, did my duty and backed up my husband. It doesn’t matter what he said, I just agree to it naturally. If there is any issue we discuss it later in private, but in public I just always agree. I just shouted back a blind “of course” not knowing what I was triggering.

After a bunch more laughing and ribbing my husband decided to jump out of the pool, grab my hand, take me inside, close only the screen door to our bedroom and told me to be loud for them. I have no problem having sex in public, however, this was one of his first demands that I do so. I was very rushed too being dragged by the hand inside so I didn’t really have time to process this in the moment. He pushed me over the end of the bed still standing, my hands down holding me up presenting myself to him. I didn’t move, I let him control everything. He untied my bikini bottoms from my hip and let them fall to my ankles. He took his cock out, didn’t even check if I was wet or ready for him and just shoved it in my pussy. Luckily as he was getting in position and fumbling with the string tie, I did finally have the time to process the situation and instantly started to drip for it. When he pushed himself in I offered no resistance at all, in any form. I was wet, ready, and willing. He proceeded to fuck me while I moaned like a needy whore. All my strength was going to my arms to hold myself up as he pushed into me over and over. I remember feeling lots of wetness dripping down my legs. In retrospect this was probably just pool water dripping off my husband, but it was hot anyway.

I stood there bent over staring at the headboard as he pounded me, focusing on moaning, screaming for him to fuck me to benefit all our guests. I wanted them all to know so badly that this was what I was best at, servicing his cock and being a loud little slut. Screaming for him to please fuck me, please, ugh I love it when you do this to me, over and over. When he finished with me he was nice enough to help tie my bikini back together as I was still kind of out of it. When were done I got to walk out clinging to him, shaking while walking. I got to see all the looks of shock and the cheers from the guys, the awkward looks from the wives as I laid back out on a deck chair and took a little nap. His cum no doubt leaking from me mixing in with the wetness of my bottoms.

I loved the aftermath of this event. Not that there was any sort of fallout, nor was it the first time his friends had gotten an idea. In the days after I spent so much time masturbating thinking about how many people heard me being so dirty and whorish. How many people now knew for a fact that I am a fuck Barbie. I imagine if that would have been the first time his friends got a taste that I would have noticed a change in their behavior. However they already had a good idea I was a slut. This just confirmed it. And that confirmation made me cream myself so many times in the days following.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/848z9l/fmexhibitionism_trophy_wife_at_a_pool_party


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