Solo in the parking lot [F]

This sort of isn't a very long story but a similar story on here sort of reminded me of the experience.

My first year of college I had a two hour block between my classes. I lived about an hours drive from my school so most of the time I would just sit in my car, maybe do some work.

On this particular day, I had gotten a pretty decent parking spot and was parked fairly close to the building with my car facing the sidewalk. It was the middle of the day and pretty sunny. This was also around the time that I had really just begun to explore sexually and was constantly horny all the time.

When I got to my car I didn't plan to get myself off, it just sort of happened. I'm the type of person that once in the mood, i have to do something about it and I knew I couldn't go into class horny that would drive me nuts.

I took a good look around to make sure no one else was in the cars around me or would see me as I slipped my hand into my jeans. I pulled a jacket I had in my car over my lap as a precaution. As my hand drifted down I could feel that I was already wet from the frustration of debating on whether I should go through with this or not.

I was rubbing my clit and I could see people pass my car on their way to the building. They didn't notice me at all, and I didn't really care if they did at this point I was way past logical thinking. The whole thought of that seemed to make it more exciting in a way and I swear that it had to have been the fastest I've ever had an orgasm before. It wasn't really super intense or anything but it was enough. But, when I pulled my hand from my pants my fingers were covered.



  1. Indeed. Grab all the pleasure you can, thinking straight be dammed.

  2. Sexy little short story. Have you ever done it again or perhaps even something a bit more daring?

  3. Uhm, no I never did it again. Something I guess slightly more daring I had sex on a bus once. Ahaha not really all that interesting of stories I guess

  4. I once did it at the park at night. It was amazing. what else have you done?

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