Sixteen Ch. 1-2 [Fantasy, Slave, Werewolf]

(Apologies for formatting not carrying over, will post more chapters as interest dictates! This the first couple chapters of my completed novelette.)


The girl looks at her naked form in the full length mirror. She turns to look at her figure, her large breasts sitting atop her thin frame which curved down softly into her hips. She turns more, looking at her heart shaped bottom. She had been waiting for these curves forever; she hopes to heaven they aren’t a disappointment.

Sixteen is a late bloomer, lots of the girls with higher numbers than her had fully developed already and been claimed. She thought back at the disappointment in her Master’s eyes as he looked over her body each day, ordering a different diet here, vitamins and hormone treatments there. Yesterday she finally saw the long awaited smile on his face as he nodded in approval, and told her she was ready. He never once touched her. She used to get goosebumps watching him touch the girls that belonged to him. Loving caresses. Would her new master touch her this way?

She looks at the large gilded door that stands between her and potentially her new master. ‘Only the young girls are ever chosen on their first showing’, she reminds herself. ‘Just stay calm’. She takes a deep breath as the doors in front of her swung open. ‘This is happening.’


The man looks up at the giant compound looming over him. It seemed to have a thousand steps leading up to the main building. He covers his face with his palm, wiping the sweat from his brow before looking back up at his destination.

Since the curse’s infliction, his senses have been heightened along with his roaring libido. It’s been hard to focus on his work, as his sensitive nose seems to follow the scent of every woman within a hundred feet. He thinks back to the conversation that had led him here. His best friend and professional associate, watching his gaze follow a woman in the distance. “Hey, buddy, pay attention!” he had hissed at him. “Come on! If you’re that hard up, get a baby, so we can focus. This deal goes bottom up we are both in trouble!”

“A baby?” He had responded, “How is a child going to help?!”

The man had chuckled at him. “Not a child, a bedroom baby. Your own piece of ass to keep at home and meet your every desire. Have at her morning and night, and I bet your little -issue- will resolve itself. I have one myself, trust me. The chase is overrated.”

He sighs as he looks down at the paper his friend had pushed into his hand with directions to this place. He climbs the stairs as his mind races. ‘Should I be here? Is this wrong?’ He knew these girls were bred for this. Virginal, innocent, a deep sense of loyalty. He shook his head. If not him, someone else would be here. He has a problem to fix after all. Looking up at the oversized doors in front of him he feels his heart beating rapidly. He takes a deep breath as the doors in front of him swing open. ‘This is happening.’

Chapter 1

The choosing

Sixteen stands in a long line of girls; her hands behind her back with her chest puffed out, her feet shoulder width apart. Just as she had always stood in front of her master each morning. She stands shorter than most of the other girls there, even though she is fairly sure she is the oldest. A stern looking older woman walked in front of the girls, correcting posture here and there. Sixteen does not meet her gaze as she stops in front of her long enough to move a lock of golden hair from covering her bare nipple. She closes her eyes for a moment, blocking out the familiar tiles she had become so accustomed to looking at.

The silence of the large hall seems to echo around, every footstep bouncing off the stone walls and ringing in her ears. ‘This is taking forever, isn’t someone supposed to be coming?’ She starts tracing lines in the grout of the tiles with her eyes, imagining intricate designs. Forever passes and she is finally ripped back to reality by the sounds of the outer doors swinging open.


He takes a deep whiff, his senses going into overdrive as he smells each and every one of the 12 naked girls standing in a long line in front of him. Each one of them had their eyes glued to the ground, their breasts standing at attention due to their identical poses. He had already been given instruction, no touching allowed. He will have to choose based on looks alone. This is alright with him, because he can smell them all from here.

He looks along the line of girls here, his lust already causing a tightness in his trousers. He will have to make this quick. His thoughts jump to that prodding insistence held in his pants. Most of these girls are so young. A chill runs through him as he imagines what he would do to them. ‘Even my normal girth is one to be reckoned with.’ He swallows hard as his eyes work their way down the line of girls, finally stopping at a small blonde two spots from the end. He makes his way towards her, and pauses. He breathes in her scent, sweet, but full bodied and developed. She is certainly the oldest one here, even if her stature suggests otherwise. She will do. “This one.” his voice rumbled out.

She feels another presence enter the hall. ‘This is it’ she tells herself, her heart beats hard like a drum, threatening to echo off the walls as the footsteps had done before. She closes her eyes again as she reminds herself she will probably not be chosen today. Perhaps never. ‘Maybe they would have to practically give me away since my stupid body took its sweet time producing the curves men want.’ She swallows hard with this realization as she hears the figure move down along the line of girls, his footsteps echoing softly against her ears.

Suddenly she can smell him, a soft spiced scent, oddly harsh and mellow at the same time. Her breath hitches and she holds it within her. She opens her eyes, realizing he is standing directly in front of her. She feels frozen in time, her body still as can be. And then he speaks.

“This one.” ‘Me? He chooses me? Is this really happening?’ She lets out her held breath, her nose assaulted once again by the soft spiciness of the man in front of her. Her eyes widen and focus on the brown leather of his boots. It was really her, he had chosen her. ‘This is it.’


Chapter 2

Welcome Home

The trip home is rather uneventful. The girl had been prepared, and dressed before the trip. She was riding alone, behind his horse in a carriage. He is thankful for this, as he still had no idea what he was going to say to her. Never in his life did he think he would own another human. But here he was with a ‘baby’ as his associate had called her. He steals glances back to the carriage as they ride, remembering the sweet scent of the girl. He steadies his breathing and focuses on the road ahead, his primal urges wanting nothing more than to stop and take her. Right here in the middle of the wilderness.


Sixteen is overwhelmed, her life now seeming a whirlwind. She is rushed into a dress, soft against her sensitive skin. She was used to being nude, save for curling up in her bed against her soft pillow and warm blankets. This is nice.

Soon she is seated in a carriage, not having another chance to see the feet of the man who had chosen her. She looks out the small window as it lurches forward, beginning her long journey to her new home. She watches the trees and a river pass as she imagines what her new master will be like.’ Will he want me to wear pretty dresses like this?’ She knows he will take care of her of course, this had been taught to her for as long as she could remember. ‘Your master knows what is best for you. Always trust your master. Never disobey. Never speak unless asked to. Never challenge your master with eye contact unless he asks you for it.’ The only time her former master ever asked for her to look at him was during his inspections of her each morning. She remembers the heavy scars cut across his face, his frown as he scrutinized her every detail. She sighs as she tries to imagine a face for her new master.

Her thoughts are returned to the present as the carriage slows to a stop. She looks out the window again, unable to see much in the darkness. She is still looking out the window as the door behind her suddenly opens, a large figure stands there darkening the small carriage. Only a glowing light behind him to silhouette his form. “We are here.” That same grumbly voice announces, and she moves to leave the carriage, her eyes automatically darting to the dusty floor.


His pulse becomes rapid again as he rounds the corner, his home coming into view. He clenches his fists a few times before he dismounts, the familiar dirt of home under his feet. This time a new scent mingles with that of the trees and flowers. He looks towards the door of the carriage and steps towards it in long strides. He takes a deep whiff before he swings the door open to find the girl looking out the window, a thoughtful look on her soft face. “We are here.” he proclaims, stepping aside to let her leave the confines of her current quarters. He watches, intrigued, as the moment he broke her thoughts her face swung low, her eyes attracted to the floor like a magnet.

He reaches for his keyring, unlocking the double locks to the house, and ushers her inside. He leads her up the wooden steps and into his bedroom, past the bed and into his bathroom. “Clean yourself up and wait for me on the bed.” He says as he points to his large four poster bed in the outer room. He hesitates for only a moment, wondering if he should say more, but shakes his head and leaves when she makes no move to ask for further instruction.

He takes himself to his hall bathroom, running his palm across his face and through his black hair before turning the shower on, cold. He steps into the spray, standing under the cold water for what feels like eternity. He attempts to cool his raging hormones and collect his thoughts.

‘Just what have I gotten myself into?’


Sixteen takes in the view of the floor as she is lead inside. Wooden floors, covered here and there with embroidered carpets. The house smells much like the man does, spices and rare herbs she guesses. She is led up the stairs and into a bedroom. Her heart skips a beat as she catches view of the edge of the bed out of the corner of her eye. He doesn’t take her straight to the bed though. Instead she is directed to a bathroom, instructed to clean herself up and left.

She hears the door click closed and looks up, taking in the view of the bathroom. It is small, clean. A white clawfoot tub seems to be the center of attention, a few soaps scattered around its rim. She turns on the water, tempering it to a comfortable warmth and scans the bathroom again while she waits for it to fill.

A small basket sits atop the counter, wrapped with a bow. She steps toward it to notice a small card, ‘for her’ written in scrawling script. She hesitates, wondering if it is indeed for her. It smells like fresh cream, definitely a feminine scent. She looks back at the soaps next to the filling tub, used. ‘Those are probably his. Surely he wouldn’t want me to smell like he does?’ She hopes she makes the right decision as she takes the soaps from the basket and bathes as quickly as she can.

She finally rises from the tub to wrap herself in an oversized fluffy towel, instantly worried she took too long. The water had been so nice and the soap so smooth. She peeks out of the bathroom door towards the bed to see it empty. ‘Good. I didn’t keep him waiting.’ That would be such a terrible thing to do the very first night with her new master, and she wanted to please him so badly. She dries herself quickly; save for her damp hair, and climbs atop the bed, forgetting about her new dress on the floor of the bathroom. She leans back against the pillows to wait.


The coldness of the shower had long ago ceased to shock him, too long spent under the spray. He finally turns the knobs, shutting it off as the warmth of the room comes crashing in on his chilled skin. He looks around, ‘Where are the towels in this bathroom anyway?’ He moves to stand in front of the mirror, looking upon his grizzled face. His black hair hangs in strands past his temples, his piecing grey eyes stare back at him. A hand goes to his chin, feeling the prickly hair there, a day and a half’s growth. His shaving blade is in his own bathroom. He looks around wondering why he doesn’t stock this bathroom better; just to realize that with work, he never has guests anymore. He sighs and reaches for a towel, running it roughly over his face before drying the rest of his muscled form.

He finally finishes drying, only to realize he never bothered to bring a change of trousers with him to the bathroom. He looks at his dirty clothes on the floor and shakes his head, wrapping the towel around his waist.

He hopes he gave her enough time as he reaches for his bedroom door, turning the handle slowly. He presses against the wooden door and peeks in.

He is graced by the view of that curvaceous blonde, laying back on his pillows. Her soft face is turned towards him, eyes closed. His vision traces the supple curves of her form, as his nose is hit with her smell. In an instant the effects of the cold shower are undone, his primal urges rushing to the surface. The beast within him wants nothing more than to rush her, taking her with wild abandon. He swallows hard and breathes shallowly, trying his best to hold it at bay and remind himself of how badly that would ruin her. ‘It will be so worth it to give her a more gentle first time.’ He closes the door behind himself and starts towards the bed.



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