Brimstone Series Book 2 Episode 9: It Happens


‘I’ll stand there as you two exchange your vows, but I’m not giving a speech,’ I muttered, crossing my arms as I stood in the office that hosted dozens of pictures of a certain curvy brunette. It was the Thursday before his wedding, and Luke has finally convinced me to be his best man, an honor I realistically didn’t want.

Weddings weren’t my thing.

‘On the same page with you there. I wouldn’t want the guests to fall asleep,’ he grinned.

‘Fuck off.’

He ignored my malevolence. ‘Jill agreed to give a speech, and we’ll see if Steve and Jake will be sober enough to say a few words as well. You just have to stand there and look pretty . . . actually just standing there is fine.’

‘Of course. Wouldn’t want to show up the pretty groom,’ I grumbled, turning to leave. Before I could clear the doorway, a red headed goddess emerged to block my path.

‘Stacey,’ I whispered abruptly, my breath catching at the top of my throat and my eyes instinctively zeroing in on the ample cleavage from her black *see-through* blouse.

‘Hi Chris,’ she murmured, offering a shy smile. Her eyes were bright, cheeks rosy, and her lips . . . bitable as always. I stared at the plump flesh, reveling in the electric charge binding us together. It was always the same with this woman; the instant I realized she’s close by, every hair on my body went all hands on deck.

Speaking of decks, if my brother wasn’t behind us playing third fiddle, Stacey would be already bent over that wooden table, begging for my cock. I clenched my teeth at the though of Stacey *begging*. Fuck, I could die and go to heaven.

But for some reason, something told me she wouldn’t plead very easily. She had a free spirit and an iron backbone. But then again, while wild horses were the hardest to break in, they also made for the best riding.

‘Stacey!’ Luke exclaimed, breaking the tension of the moment. ‘You’re back! Thank god, we were sinking without you. How’s the throat?’

She looked past my shoulder at my unfortunately present brother. ‘Fully healed and I’m ready to get back to work.’

‘Glad to hear it. I’ll call Jillian in here; there’s a few associates she was telling me that needed some tough love.’

‘Sure. Excuse me –’ she said, but suddenly she rocketed towards me, hands and tits and everything Stacey falling flush against my body. Instinctively, my hands were at her sides, and to my surprise, there was more softness than I expected. She may have had a toned belly and lean arms, but there was cushion in all the right places. The shear fabric of her translucent black blouse bunched in my hands, and I issued an invisible grin as my eyes caught a point-blank down blouse of her perky cleavage.

A maniacal urge to fill my hands with them ran through my mind, and if I was hoping I could get away with concealing my semi-erection before, that little idea made sure there was no hiding the lead pipe from her now.

‘Careful angel,’ I bent down and whispered quietly into her ear, so quietly that Luke couldn’t hear us. ‘I might not be here to catch you next time.’

‘It’s a good thing I don’t fall often,’ she mused, a wry twinkle in her eyes.

Backing away from me, she thanked me before sitting down at Luke’s desk as if what transpired just then was strictly platonic. On any other day, that amiable attitude would have pissed me right the fuck off, but I couldn’t contain my smile as I left the room.

That was some Emmy-level acting, but her dirty smirk was all the indication I needed to know that the fall was manufactured. And if that wasn’t clue enough, her red-nailed fingers gripping my cock through my pants certainly was.


I didn’t know when and I didn’t know how, but I knew that I *needed* to fuck that woman soon because the swinging hammer between my thighs wouldn’t be ignored any longer. At this point, he was like a caged animal sprinting in circles.

The walk back to my office never took so damn long.



Considering the day begun so well, the rest of it didn’t live up to expectations, flat-lining as monochromatic and predictable. Since all of us were taking Friday off for flights to Hawaii, the firm’s priority was making sure that all of our clients were updated and happy, meaning that everyone was redlining it, including Stacey.

To my frustration, she’s been so busy playing catch-up that I haven’t had a chance to speak two words to her all day, and the fleeting glimpses of her ass, tits, and hair I allowed myself only tightened the want in my balls further. We’ve texted back and forth a few times this week but that brought only a smidgeon of satisfaction. For the most part, I’ve been biting my fist trying to leave her alone and allowing her body to rest.

My dick and I weren’t on the best of terms.

A knock at my open door brought me back to the present. ‘I’m heading out early,’ Luke’s voice called out, and looking up, I noticed nerves apparent in the pinched expression of his face as he stood in the doorway. ‘Abigail and I are catching a plane out there tonight to get a head start on preparing the location.’

‘Right,’ I replied as I pushed perverse ideas away temporarily, nodding. ‘I’ll be out there tomorrow.’

He nodded back, but instead of taking the silence as a cue to leave, he stayed in the doorway, looking into the floor. ‘Something else you had on your mind?’ I asked after a few seconds of dead air, curious by his lackadaisical demeanor.

‘Not really,’ he began cautiously, but then shook his head. ‘Actually, yeah. It’s just – well you know how I always brag that Abbey and I have a perfect relationship? We think alike, we have the same sense of humor, and the sex. Damn, I mean do I even need to – ’

‘No, I hear it enough,’ I groaned, the unwanted memory of wood banging on concrete invading my mind once again. ‘It’s one part cringe-worthy, one part cute, and one hundred percent annoying as hell. What’s your point?’ I mumbled, my head in my hands.

He sighed, looking past my reaction. ‘What if things become different after we get married? Everything is perfect right now and I don’t want that to change,’ he frowned, and I leaned in a little closer when I recognized authentic worry in the creases of his forehead. ‘I mean, we always joke about how the man gets fat and the woman becomes a raging bitch after tying the knot.’

‘Oh,’ I replied, blinking rapidly. The truth was that for all the time we spent together, Luke and I rarely discussed his deeper thoughts and feelings. Hell, it went for all my siblings since that kind of talk didn’t exist in a family of three boys, a hard-as-nails sister, and Steve. If you had an issue, you dealt with it yourself.

But if he was coming to me, it meant this wasn’t just another issue. This was actually bothering him, and as much as I saw him as an equal in our professional relationship, the fact that we shared blood and the same surname meant I was still his older brother. Walking up to him, I clasped a hand over his shoulder. It felt downright awkward to do so with my adult brother, but fuck it, it was part of the effect.

‘Luke, you wake up at five-thirty every damn morning to run ten miles. I don’t think you’re going to be ballooning anytime soon,’ I grinned, using my free hand to lightly punch his gut.

He parried it, and grinned back. ‘Does that mean you’re going to accept my invitation to go running in the mornings?’

I chuckled, shaking my head. ‘No, but if you want to join me at the gym instead of wasting your time trotting like a dog, feel free,’ I scoffed. ‘Now, as far as Abigail goes, I don’t think I’ve met a woman who’s as sweet as her. She’s the literal personification of a scoop of ice cream. What’s the name that you always call her?’

‘Cupcake,’ he laughed, wiping away a lone tear that was welling up in his left eye.

‘Need I say more?’ I said earnestly. ‘For reasons I’ll never understand, that drop-dead gorgeous woman seems to be head-over-heels in love with you, and I know you worship every single tic about her. To be honest, I’m waiting for her to come to her senses any day now.’

‘Oh thanks,’ he muttered sarcastically, folding his arms across his chest. ‘I feel super comforted right now.’

I laughed while he rolled his eyes. ‘All jokes aside, I see the way you two look at each other . . . shit, how do I describe it? It’s just so real and raw that when I catch it, I feel like I should look away. You’re the only two people I know who can create an intimate moment in the middle of beers at Red’s, little brother. You two *are* perfect for each other, and all you’re doing this weekend is making it official. Now go grab your woman, get on that plane, and make sure the avenue is perfect for Saturday. For all of your shit that she puts up with, she deserves nothing less.’

He took in a deep breath, and slowly looked down to the floor to hide his gaze. Slowly, he began nodding, and when he raised his eyes to meet mine again, I saw that they were coated with sheens of tears, a satisfied smile spread across his face. ‘Damn Cap, when did you become such a poetic sap?’ he mocked, wiping the tears away from his face. I simply shrugged my shoulders, grinning.

‘But you’re right. I know you’re right. I don’t know what I was thinking,’ he added, taking in another calming breath.

‘Now, now pretty boy, you’re going to ruin your mascara,’ I teased, inducing him to roll his wet eyes once again. Pushing him with the hand I had on his shoulder, I set him in the right direction. ‘Now get your swampy face out of here before I tell Jake and Steve what happened. They’ll never let you live this down.’

Taking in another deep breath, he spun around as his feet began taking him the opposite way. ‘Thanks Chris, I really needed that,’ I heard him say as he turned his head back to give me a genuine smile. ‘And who knows, maybe you’ll be next in line to find that perfect woman.’

‘I think I already have,’ I whispered to myself as he was well out of earshot, an image of a woman with a fiery head of hair stuck in my mind.



I should have stayed home today.

Sandwiched between three weekdays of sickness and a weekend of time off, I was spinning in circles trying to manage it all. The associates have learned to rely on my guidance more and more in the time I’ve been here, and while I was glad that made me invaluable to the firm, it also meant that I spent a considerable amount of time righting their off-course ships.

Too much of a good thing and such and such.

‘Almost done there?’ a deep, familiar voice called out.

Looking up, I met Chris’ emerald eyes, not missing the hint of latent desire pooled inside. ‘Not even close,’ I sighed, far too tired for casual office flirting. ‘I still have half a dozen performance reports to type up, and then there’s the associate I’ve been putting off letting go.’

‘Oh?’ he hummed as the office door swung shut with a single push from his large hand. ‘Which associate would that be?’

‘Cooper Greene,’ I murmured, neck flushing from the implication in his action. ‘Jillian said that he’s been making too many clerical mistakes.’

‘Hmm, I think we could cut him some slack,’ he said lowly, closing the blinds with one decisive motion. Beginning to walk towards me, he added, ‘The guy is a pushover, and you know how Jill likes to press until they fold. He’s probably just scared shitless and needs a few more weeks to mentally adjust.’

I furrowed my brows. Though Jillian and Chris argued over everything, the one thing they always agreed upon was to put heat below associate ass to let the cream rise to the top. ‘Wow,’ I exhaled, genuinely surprised. ‘You’re the last person I would have expected to loosen expectations.’

‘Oh, I’m a *big* fan of second chances,’ he whispered as he stepped behind me, and using his palms, began massaging the muscles between my shoulders and neck. ‘Speaking of loosening . . .’ His hands felt strong and soft all at the same time, showing surprising constraint, kneading with just enough force to soothe my tight tissues.

My hands were clasped tightly together atop the desk in reaction to the blissful treatment, and it wasn’t long before I felt a wetness stretch across my area, forcing my thighs to squeeze together in response. Without my consent, a breathy moan escaped my throat, and nearly instantly, I felt a hardness pressing into my back.

A familiar, welcome hardness.

‘I have an idea,’ he growled, voice low and enticing. ‘Why don’t you finish those reports at my place?’

‘Is that an order?’ I asked, groaning while leaning back into his hard organ. There was no mistaking my intentions with his cock; I wanted the time I was owed with it, and I wanted it soon.

‘Yes,’ he purred, grinning devilishly. ‘A *direct* order.’

‘In that case, I guess I don’t really have a choice,’ I whispered.

I wasn’t able to explain what happened next. It shouldn’t have happened because I’ve never done anything like it before. As if I was possessed, I spun around in my seat and with one downwards lunge, bit the head of his cock through his pants.


‘Fuck!’ he screamed, taking my neck in his hands and ripping me away from his groin. The pressure he was generating was painful, all air cutting off from my lungs immediately, causing me to cough dryly.

As soon as he realized he was hurting me, he loosened his grip immediately. ‘Sorry, angel,’ he muttered as he rubbed my neck with his thumb. ‘I just reacted.’

‘No, it’s fine, you don’t need to be sorry,’ I whispered. For some reason, not only did the chokehold not bother me, it set my labia on freaking fire. ‘But I *am* going to need you to break a few speed limits on the road.’



We made it to his place in record time, those reports the last thing on my mind as I stepped foot inside the penthouse. My bag was instantly flung over my shoulder and disappeared behind his couch, along with all my vocational duties inside. Jackets quickly meeting the floor, I was immediately pinned against his door, his massive frame caging me in from all sides.

It would have been incredibly arousing, but the brass doorknob stabbing my back wasn’t exactly helping things.

‘Ouch,’ I mumbled, shifting my body to the side, revealing the metal culprit. ‘You don’t do this a lot do you?’

‘Shit,’ he grumbled. ‘Sorry angel, I was kind of lost in the moment.’

‘No shit,’ I laughed, staring into his green eyes. There was something mysterious about those green halos. A darkness.

They were fucking magnetic.

‘Yes,’ he breathed, chest heaving. ‘Now, lets get you out of those clothes.’

‘I thought you’d never ask.’

In one fluid motion, I was up in his arms again, and the next minute, we were in his bedroom, black out curtains drawn, the glow from the marine aquarium the only source of light.

‘You didn’t need to do that you know,’ I laughed. ‘I’m not sick and wobbly today.’

‘Thank god,’ he said. ‘My balls would explode if I had to go through that again.’

‘Oh, they still will, just outwardly,’ I murmured, standing up on my toes to bite his ears, making sure to go about it gently this time. Taking initiative, I loosened his belt and unable to help myself, stuck a hand down his pants, finding his member ready and waiting. ‘Christ, I forgot how big you were,’ I moaned.

‘He’s just getting warmed up,’ he said seriously as I felt it grow another half-inch in my hands. ‘Blouse, off.’

My hands found the buttons of my top while my eyes were watching him watch me work each one. ‘Skirt,’ he ordered lowly after my top fell, maintaining the six or seven feet of distance between us. As if they were a radio he was tuning, my hands found the area over my bottoms immediately, his jaw flexing as the button was released from position.

Though being verbally bossed around was new to me, I found the change refreshing, activating a core desire to follow the rules, to be submissive.

Having worked for most of my life, I knew what being independent meant. I wasn’t given any free passes in my life, ever, and that drove me to work harder than anyone else I knew. Until I met these crazy Brimstones.

But being the driver was exhausting at times. Part of me wanted to be pampered, to sit back and let the pieces fall where they may. While following this muscle-bound lumberjack – lawyer’s fetid demands were far from pampered, it wasn’t far from comforting either.

Maybe the little Irish girl who cried all night during thunderstorms was still around.

Unbuttoned, the skirt fell from my hips, and then he was on top of me, pinning me to the bed. The transition was so fast, so *athletic*, and I couldn’t comprehend how he covered seven feet of distance and managed to get me on my back all within a fraction of a second.

I didn’t have much time to ponder, as his lips and tongue weren’t to be ignored, meeting mine in a feverish dance, his masculine tissue surprisingly soft. He mixed pain with pleasure, using his teeth to trap my lips, peppering me with sharp, controlled bites.

I felt his palms slide underneath my body in a powerful intrusion, and the next thing I knew, I was braless, his rugged hands claiming my breasts. By most standards, I wasn’t a voluptuous woman. Growing up idolizing Beyoncé and Mariah Carey, I was constantly aware of my physical limitations, and in his vast hands, my bust all but disappeared. ‘You’re body is beautiful,’ he growled as if he could read my thoughts, taking a nipple in his mouth.

I arched my back into him, surprised at the motions he was procuring with his tongue. He flickered over my tip with quick, consistent pressure, and I could only imagine what he could accomplish between my thighs.

‘Says the man with a body sculpted of granite,’ I breathed, running my hands along the hard separations between his abs. ‘Fuck Chris, I love the way you feel.’

Releasing my nipple with an audible “pop”, he moved his torso slightly upwards. ‘You’ll be saying that again very soon,’ he growled into my ear, and I bit my own lip in want, the heat between my thighs billowing into a trepid fire.

He began moving down my body, taking his time to kiss and lick and bite along the way, and I was sure he was leaving marks that I’d have to cover up this weekend. Thankfully, the dress I was bringing to the wedding was relatively conservative, and as long as he didn’t mark my limbs, the shameful evidence would be kept between the two of us.

Unlike how he decisively removed my bra, he pulled down my panties in a staccato, taking turns moving the fabric down a few inches at a time, then claiming a different part of my thighs with his mouth. ‘Keep it above the knee, the dress I’m wearing on Saturday shows upper calf,’ I murmured, half-pleading, hoping that at this point he was still more man than beast.

‘Of course, angel,’ his dark voice stirred. His voice felt controlled, but tight, like he was trying hard to hold back from doing exactly what I asked him not to. Everything he’s done so far has been a new experience for me. The dominating way he pinned me down, the calm orders to strip, and the manner by which he *took* my body with lasting imprints. I’ve had several first times with other men and they were always exciting and passionate, but I got the impression that with Chris, his desire went beyond passion.

That it moved towards the realm of obsession.

His lips clamped down just above my right knee before he slid my panties straight down past my feet. I was completely exposed now, and judging by the totem pole in his pants, he was happy about that.

‘Stay right there angel,’ he said lowly as he shuffled back and stood by the foot of the bed, eyes digging into every part of my body. His look was so cutting, so thorough, as if he was inspecting every inch of my body through a microscope, and I moved to cover my private areas, suddenly overcome with embarrassment.

In a flash, he was upon me, moving my hands away from their guard duty. ‘You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,’ he boomed, staring from my one eye to the other. ‘Don’t cover up perfection.’

Taken by his intense flattery, I turned by head sideways to avert my eyes, unable to hold his intense gaze as he bored into me. Out of the corner of my vision, I could see him removing his bottoms, and as soon as his generous organ broke air, I couldn’t help but look towards it. He was circumcised, and as far as cocks went, it was magnificently shaped, demanding my attention with every captivating throb.

Pulling out a foil packet from the bedside cabinet, he swiftly ripped it open and began rolling the rubber over himself. ‘You look ready for me,’ he chuckled darkly as he kneeled between my legs, eyes firmly glued to my sex. My eyes followed suit, allowing me to see that the crevice between by thighs was coated with sticky wetness. I blushed again, glad that the dim lighting of the room hid my reddened visage.

I wasn’t embarrassed about the fact that I was wet, no, the body’s automatic systems cannot be helped. What made me red was the fact that I felt desperate for him. I wanted him to fill me. To fuck me. *Hard*.

‘It’s about time you gave me what’s owed,’ I whispered, digging my heels into the back of his thighs, bringing him closer into me until the tip of his cock was pressing onto the lips of my sex, allowing him the next choice of process.

The blue rays dotted his jawline, and I could see the muscles bunching, indicating he was clenching his teeth. He wanted to push right inside, and though I was up for the challenge, all of him all at once didn’t sound like a manageable experience. ‘Slowly, Chris,’ I murmured, pressing my palms over his bulging chest.

Bending downwards, he moved his head just beside mine so that his mouth was adjacent to my ear. ‘Of course I will angel,’ he began in his rich, masculine tone, and at the same time he pushed the first two inches of himself inside of me.

I couldn’t hold back a surprised yelp – even though I knew he was coming, the feel of him stretching me was still an overbearing, sharp sensation. ‘I promise to control myself around you. Even though I want to slam so deep inside you all at once, I won’t do so. I’ll take you slowly this first time.’ Another few inches of him found home inside me, and I tensed my inner walls, overwhelmed by the sheer size as well as the honesty in his words.

Sensing my resistance, he slowed, but continued to invade, and after a few moments of getting accustomed to it all, my body actually began to loosen for the first time. ‘I won’t ever push your body to a point where you can’t handle it,’ he whispered, the possessive hunger creeping into his voice as surges of hot pleasure passed through me. ‘But I will take you right to your limits.’

Then, in one athletic thrust, he bottomed out inside of me, grunting like a man possessed.

It felt like I was being split in half.
