[MF] How to really eat pussy: Part Two

What have I done…
That lick…
My tongue grazing upon her clit, yes a blaze has struct. Maybe a few cold months she has had, but tonight a fire was being lit, a fire that hell itself has never before seen!
She quivers and shakes and now she knows, now she understands why she’s been a bad girl…
What I’m doing to her is a force of nature.
When nature calls, there is no control, there is no waiting, there’s only… surrender!

I’ve got her where I want her. Her laying on her back, my left arm with her right leg, wet panties to her right side (my left) and another lick… that poor throbbing clit.
Enough is enough! So I go for it… those flowing juices were like a melody of trickling water falls. Fuck! My cock still throbbing, am I in turn punishing myself?
Down boy! I reassure my self. Another lick to the clit. Fuck she’s so wet, not even I, can contain myself for too much… I start at her base of her pussy with my tongue, a lick from the bottom of her pussy to the tip of her clit in one slow motion move. The slow movement is to gather as much wetness I can, take as much juices and taste it all at the same time before I reach her clit and start to hear her orgasm…
but no. I stop… I battle myself, is this still not punishment?

I let my desires take over, I lick her once more. Same way and feeling her body move and the moans and echos and cries seal my fate!
The senses take over, the J has fully kicked in. I take my right arm and push her left leg closer to her lips. I want a clear view of what is intoxicating me! I see it, wet and dripping and the perfect shade and color and design… is this the pussy of a goddess?
Ecstasy takes control of me and my tongue dives into that wetness like an Olympian swimmer.

I start licking! Up and down, slow and fast, using my imagination to make signs and twirls and letters and numbers and anything my imagination can conceive!
But I know what I’m doing, each part needs it’s attention. The clit I touched here and there, but I know what I must do…
So I go for it, her clit needs this moment. I start to lick it, embrace it and give my hot lubricated tongue making sure to lick all round it, in it and even spread her labia so the clit is more open, more venerable!
The whispers and moans and shaking, desperation making her hands like claws as if holding on to dear life on either of her side!
It’s time… these juices keep flowing and I keep tasting. But I must end this… I place a finger in her pussy while still licking her clit.
She growls loud and moans and I’m loosing track. The world she is in now I’m not sure, but my cock throbs for sending her there.
Another finger…
These fingers have authority, they know what a G spot is. I curve them upwards to her belly, felling that spot. And both my tongue and fingers go to work. Finer banging her and licking her clit all same time with the precision of a would be sex god!
Sometimes I stop licking but put my thumb on her pussy and just rub, while my 2 fingers are taking her G spot to another ungodly world!
And this moment I look at her, stare this angel deep in those eyes… I realize she not here, her body is but not her mind… eyes shut and body barley controllable.

Thumb takes a break and back to the tongue. But first a lick her entire pussy to help her soak up some of that juicy flowing pussy wetness. Back to the clit. Now it’s time to finish this… I know because her body is moving wild and now she has her right hand on my head… so I go hard! No boundaries! No mercy!
Like a force of nature my tongue becomes a hurricane, my fingers like an earthquake, my eyes like lighting and her moans like thunder… those panties were still on, to the side, it didn’t stop me from sticking my tongue in her pussy in and out and in and out till I returned my tongue and as I placed a lick on her swollen wet clit, not knowing would be my last… “Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!”
The cutest horniest orgasm I’ve ever heard! I looked at her and smiled and as I was about to give her one more lick, exhausted she used her last strength and she pushed my head away “no more, please… no more!”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/82badu/mf_how_to_really_eat_pussy_part_two