[F] Why I read erotica

I can feel an ache in my body as I press to turn the page. My muscles have tightened and my breathing is a bit labored. I try to adjust my position and stretch my neck to either side, feeling like I can’t get comfortable. It does little to make me feel better. I exhale roughly as I realize I have been holding my breathe and reading so feverishly I’d forgot to breathe. The scene is building and she wants him so bad, it’s not just her, I want him too. I want to feel his control and his love and his touch. I imagine myself being kissed and caressed and nibbled at as she is. I read about how he lovingly licks her sweet pussy and starts to press his fingers inside her and I long for my pussy to feel that. I’m so turned on and unsure my usual tricks would do much with my recent difficulties, but what the hell it feels nice to rub my clit even if I can’t finish. I slide my hand inside my sweatpants and immediately notice the heat emanating from between my legs, no wonder I had kicked the blankets off, I have my own furnace. I move my hand down over to cup my sex and gently slip my middle finger down my slit. Damn! I knew I was worked up but this was a lot of moisture. I dip my fingers lower and make sure I have plenty of lubrication before I slide them back up to my clit. There is the ache, the itch that needs scratched. It’s swollen and so senitive that a very light touch makes me gasp. I need to ease her into helping me get where we both want to be, so I start making circles around … and around until the tingling starts to build a wave and each time around it grows stronger. I dip my hand lower to feel hot juices and bring my hand back to my clit with enough lube to ensure friction stays my friend instead of my foe. I start trying different patterns and speeds to find the right one. Left to right, top to bottom, fevered circles. I’m starting to get light headed, breathe…must remember to breathe. I’m focused but it seems like it been to long and my hand is getting tired, so I stop and breathe a bit more, adjust my position for better access and start again. The wave begins to build again, slowly at first then it gains momentum and tries to crest. I’m holding my body in a backward position and it starts to get uncomfortable, but I can see the crest it’s so close. The pain in my forearm and leg takes over and I have to stop. I shake my arm and open and close my hand a few times to get passed the cramp. I’ve come this far and I’m not a quitter, so after some stretching, I’m back to where I left off. The wave hasn’t left, I’m not to late. I start again with circles then I find the right pattern and speed my body wants today and I’m more determined than ever. I close my eyes and bite my lip and send every ounce of focus I have into my clit, begging to let me ride that wave to conclusion. It’s building… I can feel myself getting closer. The pain in my hand is back and I don’t care. I’m so close. I start to count to help me maintain the concentration required. I made it to 13 before I arrived. I started to shake as the wave washed over me. I reduce my speed and let go of my concentration so I can bask in the glow of my endorphins as long as possible. I relaxed and let out a big sigh of release. I had needed that.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/81791a/f_why_i_read_erotica


  1. Fuck, im already wet at my desk. This didnt help.

    Perfect description though.

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