We meet Jasmine [MFF]

For the better part of 1990 and most of 1991 I was gone. Between training, routine deployments and the Gulf War, my ship was away from our home port for over 14 of the next 19 months. Somewhere in the attic there is a box of hand written letters from those final eight months. We wrote each other once a week but they were long letters, six to sometimes 12 pages long. Kinky stuff too, it seemed we tried to out do the other in outrageousness towards the end. We should probably burn a few of those before they’re found.

When I finally got home we were pier side for quite a while. About the only time we got underway for six months was to wash the barnacles off. A couple days on the water and home. Then for the following five months the ship got an upgrade to several systems and she didn’t move. It was a good time to take leave. 30 days worth.

We really didn’t have any plans. Simply pack the car up with what ever we might need then hit the road. We had both camping gear for the wilderness and evening wear for any event we might stumble across. Our first stop was Vegas.

To humblebrag a little, I’m a fairly decent gambler. I win a lot more than I lose. It wasn’t uncommon for me to win a couple thousand dollars on payday out to sea when I got in a big game. Pretty good at poker, better at blackjack though. I don’t want to say I can count cards, let me just say I have a good memory. Luck has always been with me on a roulette table as well. As long as I didn’t get greedy. 

I had a great evening. With Reneé doing most of the drinking for both of us and her hanging on me and giggling at the growing pile of chips in front of me, starting with $500 I won $5000 at the poker table. Two spins on the roulette wheel more than doubled my winnings. Blackjack more than tripled that. It seems I hit one table at the right time, after watching a while first. In three hours on the floor we had over $33,000 in chips. Reneé wanted to play on but I knew to call it a night. 

We cashed out little by little the rest of the evening while doing a some shopping, having a wonderful meal, and of course having drinks. By the time we got back to the room which we upgraded, there was still over $29,000 in cash. 

It was almost midnight when Reneé said, “I want to see some tits and ass. Not just any tits and ass but beautiful tits and ass!”

“There are some high class strip clubs here I’ve heard”, I told her.

“Let’s go. Then we’ll come back and I’ll fuck you silly”.

20 minutes later we were in a cab heading to a highly recommended club. At the time we had no idea we would meet someone who would become a close friend we still speak to weekly. All I really thought was Reneé planned on having a great time with the $5000 she wanted to take with us.

It was what you would expect, a high class strip club. Beautiful women, Reneé had a dark skinned young woman in her lap before our first drinks arrived. A tall blonde was next, Reneé kept her there a while. Several others followed, all gorgeous women. I had a couple in my lap as well.

We had been there an hour when Reneé saw her. “Look at that beautiful Asian woman over there. She’s incredible!”

She was. 5’9″, 125lbs at most. Perfect 34B cup breasts with long straight black hair halfway down her back. She was in shape as well. Her routine on stage would have had most people gasping for breath. She didn’t even break a sweat. Reneé went to the stage and watchefd her dance then gave her a tip. They even shared a laugh right before Reneé came back to the table.

“She’s even more beautiful close up. She said that she would be by our table in a bit”, Reneé excitedly told me. She turned down several offers of a lap dance from attractive women as she watched for the young woman. “I wonder where she’s from?” Reneé asked me.

“I don’t know, LA maybe? A lot of beautiful women come here from there”.

“I mean her heritage”.

Laughing I said, “Chinese I believe. You’ll have to ask her. Here she comes”.

Reneé’s face lit up as she saw her. I noticed so did the young woman’s when she came up to our table. After introductions we found out her name was Jasmine and she was Chinese, at least her parents are. She was born in California. It didn’t take long for Reneé to have Jasmine in her lap, and she stayed there for several songs. 

They both laughed and giggled then got up. “I’ve been invited to a private dance room with Jasmine”, Reneé said. “How much do you say they charge for the private room?” She asked Jasmine. 

“$500 but I come with it. Usually that’s more”, Jasmine laughed and said as she sat in my lap wrapping her arms around my neck. 

“It’s not my money, it belonged to Caesar’s a few hours ago. I got lucky”, I chuckled and said pushing a pile of cash towards her.

Giving me a gentle kiss on the cheek Jasmine said, “This is what good looking men give their beautiful wives”. Getting up she took Reneé by the hand and they disappeared behind a closed door. I wouldn’t see them for over a half hour.

I ordered another drink and it was brought to me by one of the dancers, a tall brunette with big tits and a lightening bolt tattoo above her pussy. 

“All alone?”, she asked me.

“Not any more”, I told her.

Taking a hundred dollar bill off the pile she held it up and brushed it across her 38 inch D cup tits. “For me?” She asked as she climbed into my lap. I got the typical stripper talk from her at first. But it soon went went from, “You’re so sexy”, to “I could stay here all night”, to “I will stay with you all night for $2500”. The way she moved on me it would have probably been worth it.

Needless to say I declined her offer. I had several other lap dances from different girls who were quite flirtatious before I saw Reneé heading my way. As she approached I saw her hair was disheveled and her dress was a little off center as she walked up. I noticed her face was flushed as she took me by the hand then pulled me up and just said, “We need to go”.

“What happened?”, I asked her.

“I’ll tell you in the cab”, she said.

No one was in line so we got the first cab that was waiting. Once in the car Reneé pulled me to her face. Her tongue forced my mouth open as she kissed me hard.

“Fuck”, she said throwing her leg over my lap and grinding against me. “I should have worn panties. I’m so fucking wet I can feel it running down my legs. Feel my pussy”.

I saw the driver lower his mirror and make eye contact with me. I smiled and nodded to him and he adjusted the mirror lower. I raised Renee’s sundress off her ass then ran my finger up her slit. “You ARE very wet”, I told her.

“She made me cum a little”, Reneé said kissing me again. “I had my fingers in her too. She liked it”, she added taking them into her mouth. “What would you say if I said she was coming to our room in 30 minutes?”

Laughing I said, “Since it’s Vegas I’d ask you how much will it cost”, which also made the driver laugh.

“She’s not a street hooker”.

“More like a high class expensive call girl?”, I asked. “It didn’t take long for one to find me in there”.

“She’s not. Trust me”, she said as the cab pulled into the hotel. I paid the driver and gave him a nice tip, Reneé gave him one as well pulling up her dress and flashing him her bald pussy as she got out.

We were back in the room in minutes. Reneé rushed into the bathroom and didn’t come out for 15 minutes. When she did there was only a towel wrapped around her. She flittered about the room straightening up and pouring herself a tall thin glass of tequila. “I ordered us something when I was in the bathroom”, she said.

Laughing I asked her, “Are you nervous or something?”

“Fuck you, asshole. I like her. She likes you too! Says you have kind eyes”.

“Tell me about her. You were together over 30 minutes, I’m sure you know her life story”.

“She’s 21 and a graduate student. Graduated from Stanford at age 20. Speaks a bunch of languages”.

“Smarter than me”.

“You’re lucky you have muscles and that million dollar smile, that’s her kink. Her pussy got wet when I told her about those abs. You should at least unbutton this shirt before she gets here”, Reneé said as she came up to me. She ignored her towel as it fell to the floor while she unbuttoned my shirt looking up at me with her smile.

She grabbed her towel and put it back around her when we heard the knock on the door. Reneé rushed over to the hallway leading to the door. I heard her say, “Good, it got here first. Bring it in please”.

A waiter wheeled in a cart with a few covered dishes and several bottles of wine and champagne.

“Should I open a bottle or serve, ma’am?”, he asked.

“Leave the food, please. If you opened a wine and poured us one that would be nice”.

He tried not to look at Reneé as she held her towel in place but he got the bottle open and began to pour as we heard another knock on the door. 

“Better make that three”, she said taking two glasses to the door with her. As I pulled a $20 out to tip the waiter, I heard them both laugh and giggle as they came down the hall and into the room.

The waiter smiled as he made a hasty exit.

When I saw Jasmine, she was not what I was sort of expecting. In walked a college girl. She had on a Stanford t-shirt and grey sweatpants with sneakers, on her head was an old Laker’s hat.

“Hiya again”, she smiled and said as she walked up to me. Looking into my eyes for a few seconds she cocked her head and with a sexy smile said, “Yes, you do have happy eyes”. Rising up on her toes she kissed me softly with her eyes closed, gently pressing against my lips for a few seconds. Opening her eyes she smiled and said, “Reneé said that would be nice. It was”.

“I don’t know about you two but I’m hungry”, Reneé said. “Shrimp, lobster, oysters. Good champagne too”. Laughing she added, “He can afford it, James had a good evening downstairs”.

“Don’t expect things like that often, I was lucky”.

“You cheated too”, Reneé laughed and said.

“Cheated?” Jasmine asked.

“He counts cards”.

“No, I don’t”, I said. “I just have a good memory and guess well at the end”.

Laughing, Jasmine said, “Yeah, that’s called counting cards here. How much did you win?”

“$30,000″, I said. A little in poker, some in roulette, then I hit the blackjack tables after watching a bit”.

“You barely made a blip on their radar. After $50-$60 thousand they may start paying attention”, Jasmine said.

“This much was a jackpot for me. I guess Reneé told you what we did for a living”.

“The Navy. I told her that was a turn on as well. Cool too!”

“Guys, I’m tired of battling this fucking towel”, Reneé said as she took it off then removed the lids off the food.

“I’m hungry too”, Jasmine said as she looked at Reneé from behind before looking up at me with a smile. “Do you eat naked too, James?”

Taking my shirt off I said, “Sometimes”.

Reneé came over and first fed me then Jasmine a piece of butter dipped lobster. She made sure to make one drop land on her breast.

I took my shoes and pants off as Reneé seductively wiped the butter off with her finger then licked it clean. Looking over at me Jasmine said, “Well, no surprise for you here” as she pulled her t-shirt off then took off her sweats.

We ate, talked, and laughed drinking the better part of two bottles of the wine eventually taking a plate of food and drink each into the spare bedroom of our suite. The three of us piled into the queen sized bed and were soon feeding each other as the talk turned sexual.

Reneé eventually asked her why she came up here with us.

“I thought about that on the way over here. I’ve never met up with anyone I met at the club. At least not for this. I just felt a connection with you and had a warm fuzzy feeling when I sat in James’s lap. I’ll admit that I have done other things. Another dancer, her boyfriend, and I did put on a couple shows for people and groups we met there but they didn’t touch us”.

Reneé and I both laughed when she said that. I said, “Yeah, we did that when we were your age”.

“With masks on!” Reneé said and told Jasmine of her roommate Jennifer and us in DC.

“I have touched myself in the private rooms for people. Some people get off on this Oriental thing I have going on. I speak Chinese to them then some broken English with a exaggerated accent and fake an orgasm. They love it. It’s a select client list though”.

“So, they’re fucking rich”, I said.

“Really fucking rich”, Jasmine laughed and said, “But they introduced me to people. That counts for a lot in this town”.

Feeding me an oyster, Reneé said, “If a women hasn’t used her body to get something, she hasn’t had fun. Before the Navy I let guys play with my tits for beer money”.

“You sucked a dick in the Caribbean for $1000”, I said.

“I was going to suck it anyway, he just left the cash. It was $1200 by the way and I gave it away. To a nun!”

“If she only knew how you obtained that cash”.

“Well James”, Jasmine said. “Do you have a story about using your body for money?”

“Kinda. I wasn’t 19 yet when my ship pulled into Boston before we went to the North Atlantic for three months. I met an older woman there. She paid for everything those five days”.

“How old?”

“He’s never told me the truth about this, I’ve heard stories though”, Reneé said.

“Oh do tell”, Jasmine said as she layed on her belly with her head on Renee’s flat stomach.

“She was old”, I laughed and told them.

“I do want to finally know. It was still a running joke among your friends when I met you. Was she really 80?

“80? Holy fuck!” Jasmine laughed and said.

“More like 60, or closer to 65. Hey, she had a Porsche”.

“They said you had a lot of money and jewelry after you left Boston”.

Both girls broke into hysterical laughter when I said, “I gotta admit, it was an experience when she popped her dentures out and sucked my dick. She was a kinky old gal. Plus, it bought me my bike. I have no regrets, with out that bike I couldn’t have impressed you”.

“It wasn’t your bike that impressed me, it was the ass that got off that bike”, Renee said.

“He does have a nice butt, and those washboard abs are impressive. I bet those take a lot of sit-ups every day”, Jasmine said running her hand down my chest.

As Renee’s hand joined Jasmine’s, I moved closer to them both leaning in to kiss Reneé. 

“You two are so fucking sexy”, Jasmine said as she moved up to us then went back and forth kissing Renee then me. Her mouth opened as she slowly enticed my tongue with hers. Our lips barely touched as my tongue explored her willing mouth.

After a moment Jasmine broke the kiss and said, “That went straight to my pussy”.

“I don’t know what you did to Reneé in that private room but it seemed to go straight to her pussy. She couldn’t get me back to the room fast enough”, I chuckled and said.

“You mean this?” Jasmine said as she ran her hand down Renee’s stomach and to her clit. She looked into my eyes and smiled as her finger began circling her button.

“Fuck yeah.” Reneé said with a soft moan. I moved my hand to Renee’s breast and Jasmine’s joined mine as our fingers teased her nipple together. My other hand met Jasmine’s in Reneé’s pussy, we both moved in unison tracing our fingers up and down both sides of her outer and inner labia. 

Sitting on our knees on either side of Reneé, our faces were only inches apart as both our hands moved as one. Two moving from breast to breast, the other two teasing her pussy. Reneé began to moan as we pleasured her, still gazing into each other’s eyes. We smiled at each other as Reneé had several involuntary jerks while we caressed her. Kissing me softly Jasmine almost whispered, “Watch me make her cum”.

I sat back and watched as Jasmine slowly picked up the pace on Renee’s pussy. She began moving her fingers in and out searching for the pleasurable spots inside her. Renee’s hips began to rise as she moaned when Jasmine’s fingers moved while deep inside her. Kissing her way down Renee’s body, Jasmine moved between her legs as she again looked into my eyes and smiled as she lowered her mouth down to Renee’s pussy almost letting out a giggle as she ran her tongue up her moist slit.

Reneé grabbed my leg and squeezed hard as Jasmine moved her mouth to her clit. Still looking up at me Jasmine smiled as her tongue brought Reneé to the brink of orgasm and kept her there. For over 20 minutes she kept her on the edge stopping just short of sending her over. Reneé began thrashing back and forth as she moaned and gasped while Jasmine brought her closer to orgasm.

“Oh fuck, let me cum. Make me cum”, Reneé begged as she wrapped her legs around Jasmine. Before she could reach for Jasmine’s long hair, I shifted position and using my weight pinned Renee’s arms up and above her head. Seeing what I had done, Jasmine held Reneé in place and she was almost unable to move as her pussy was teased without mercy.

Reneé begged and pleaded for her release. “Oh god, oh fuck, please”, she moaned. “Please, please, PLEASE! She said loudly as she struggled against us. “LET ME CUM! Oh fuck, fuck, fuck!” She gasped as her breathing quickened and began to struggle as Jasmine teased her.

It was just moments later when Reneé had what she called the most powerful single orgasm she had ever experienced before. I have seen her ride me to orgasm after orgasm, cumming over and over for 30 minutes or more leaving good sized wet spots on the bed. Made her squirt as well. But never like this.

I looked on as Reneé screamed, “I’m cummmmming”, and she exploded. Jasmine sat up but had several fingers inside her as Renee’s pussy erupted, sending a geyser of her juices up and across Jasmine’s tits. Seconds later a second even larger amount shot out of Reneé and again splashed across Jasmine’s breasts. Looking at Renee’s pussy with a smile she lowered her head and with opened mouth, used her fingers to make Reneé squirt 9, maybe 10 or 11 more times. 

I watched my wife’s cum as it showered on to Jasmine’s face and hair, spraying out drenching her. Reneé’s body shook violently for five minutes as she gasped for breath while we held her in place, she could only groan in pleasure letting out the occasional grunt as her body bucked against us. 

Jasmine began to softly and tenderly use her tongue on Renee’s pussy as her orgasm subsided. I eased my grip on her but she didn’t move except for small tremors and twitches as she layed there.

Sitting up Jasmine looked down at herself then up at me as a big smile formed on her cum covered face. She looked at Reneé for a moment then back to me as she moved up to where I was.

“Yes, you two fuck. I’ll just lay here a bit”, Reneé said just as I kissed Jasmine’s wet lips. We couldn’t help but to laugh when she said, “Yeah, I’ll need a little time”.

“You do seem to be ready”, Jasmine said to me as her hand found my hard cock. “I am too”, she added as she straddled my lap facing me as I layed back against the headboard. We looked into each other’s eyes as her hands went to my chest. I slowly ran my hands across her thighs and hips then followed her curves up to her shoulders. Taking her face in my hands I guided her lips to mine. Her mouth opened to accept my tongue as her’s joined mine in a slow prolonged dance as we explored each other. Taking my cock in her hand she brought her hips up and positioned me to enter her. 

Leaning forward she pressed against me putting her head on my shoulder as she sank down on me, not stopping until I was fully in her. I felt Jasmine bite my shoulder as she settled on to me not moving. As I held her I could feel her heart beating harder as she began to take deep breaths and let out a soft moan. Her fingers dug into me as she brought her hips up again before going back down taking me deep inside her again.

Her hands came to my face as she raised her head to look into my eyes, our faces inches apart. Again she gently rose up and down going no more than an inch off of me several times, her eyes fluttering each time she settled back on to me. Sitting up, Jasmine arched her back and leaned away from me as she began to ride my cock, again never letting more than an inch leave her pussy.

I could taste Reneé on her as my mouth found her breasts and swollen nipples. Putting all her upper body weight in my arms, Jasmine leaned back even further as she brought her knees up. I held her as she moved her hips back and forth feeling her long hair on my legs as she she layed back. 

Letting out a loud, “Ohhhhhhhhh!” She suddenly pulled herself up and Jasmine’s hands went to my face as I now felt her hard nipples on my chest. She gently shook and sighed heavily several times as I felt her pussy clinch and release my cock while I held her in my arms. She wrapped her arms around me as she nestled her face into my neck only moving her hips millimeters at a time as she sat in my lap. Every few minutes I would feel her shiver and her teeth on my neck as I held her against me. 

Softly moaning she planted soft kisses on my neck moving up to my face as she again looked into my eyes and kissed me passionately. Soon her hips were in motion keeping all of me inside her again, riding my hard cock while holding on to me. Every few minutes she would stop and quiver for a moment before starting up again. 

As Jasmine began a long slow moan, holding her tight I turned us both and leaned back resting my head on Renee’s stomach with Jasmine’s weight on top of me. Holding her in place with my arms locked around hers pinning them to her body, I pulled halfway out of her and pushed back in. She groaned as I kept pushing in and out, every few strokes holding myself deep in her. 

After a few moments she began to moan louder and I slowly starting increasing my pace. I felt Renee’s hand on my head and her other caressing Jasmine’s back as I held her on top of me as I fucked her. When she began to gently bite my chest I buried my cock in her pussy holding it inside not moving. I felt the walls of her pussy quiver before her body began shaking. 

Quickly raising her head up and taking a deep breath, Jasmine let out a long soft groan as she settled back on to me with a soft “Ohhhhhhhhh” coming from her. I released her arms and she put one of my hands in mine and the other in Renee’s.

Pushing herself up she sat up on me looking first at Reneé then to me and with a lustful smile said, “Cum in me. I know you’re ready”.

Reaching back I took Renee’s other hand as Jasmine began to slowly ride me, moving her whole body with each stroke. Our intertwined fingers gripped tightly as Jasmine and I inched closer to orgasming together. I could feel my balls starting to tighten and with no warning I started to cum.

Jasmine settled down on to me and quivered as my first spurt released a torrent of cum inside her pussy. Jasmine’s eyes widened as she felt me unload deep inside her. She began shaking as she sat on me unmoving as I shot a half dozen ropes of cum into her. She squeezed our hands tightly as an orgasm shook her body. I could feel the tremors from her quivering pussy as she looked into my eyes, her’s filled with passion and lust as she smiled.

Climbing off of me, Jasmine moved up to kiss Reneé then turned around to straddle her face. I watched for a moment as Reneé lapped an Jasmine’s pussy, our cum dripping on to her tongue. I sat up and across Reneé facing Jasmine. 

Bringing my hands up to her breasts I tenderly caressed them as I leaned in to kiss her, our tongues engaged in a passionate dance. As I placed my hand between them searching for Renee’s lips, I felt a glob of cum land on my fingers before they joined Reneé’s tongue in Jasmine’s pussy. As she moaned into my mouth shaking one more time, Reneé said, “Fuck yes”, while Jasmine orgasmed on to her face.

Bringing my cum covered fingers up to Jasmine’s lips she opened her mouth taking first one then the other finger in sucking them clean. “Stand and let me suck your cock”, she whispered seductively to me.

Raising up I offered her my half hard dick still slick with our juices. Putting her hands on my hips Jasmine opened her mouth and slowly sucked me into her as her tongue encircled the head. She moaned on my cock and I could feel her swallow as she worked her mouth on me. An “Mmmmmmm!” came from her as she looked up at me with a smile then let my cock slip from her mouth.

Raising her hips up a few inches from Renee’s face she looked down as a voluminous gob of my cum mixed with Jasmine’s dripped into Renee’s mouth. She struggled to swallow it all as it filled her cheeks and throat. Little by little the rest trickled out drop by drop on to Renee’s willing tongue which she greedily swallowed.

“Wow”, Reneé finally said.

With a giggle Jasmine  kissed me again and she moved from on top of Reneé then leaned over her. Their lips met in a sensual, passionate kiss, tongues sharing all of our juices.

“Yes, wow”, Jasmine said and both girls laughed.

Sitting up Reneé said, “We made a fucking mess. They may have to wash this bedspread twice, it’s soaked.

“Most of it’s your’s”, I laughed and told Reneé.

“I’m pretty sure I left a wet spot over there”, Jasmine told her as they softly kissed again while cuddling up against each other. 

“Yep, I’m laying in it”, I said as we all laughed. “Who’s up for a soak? There’s a nice big hot tub in the other room. Plus I’m pretty sure that faces east, sunrise in about 45 minutes”.

“That sounds wonderful”, Jasmine said.

“They did give us a nice view”, Renee added.

“I’ll get it ready, give you two some girl time. I should say more girl time, you two were together a while in that private room”.

They were both giggling as they came together into a tangle of arms and legs when I got up. Leaving the bedroom I went straight to the other and turned on the water for the hot tub and opened the curtains and dimmed the lights. After a quick rinse in the shower I grabbed the champagne and glasses along with the rest of the food and put it within reach of the tub. 

When I went to get the girls they were already together in the small shower of the extra bedroom. I heard their laughter and saw the bed had been completely stripped. With nothing to do I went back to the tub and got in. Opening a bottle of champagne, I poured a full glass and settled down into the bubbling hot water.

“Couldn’t wait on us?”, Reneé giggled and said as they came into the large bedroom. 

“Nope. I’m even going to let you pour your own champagne as I sit here. Good shit by the way”.

“It better be for what you paid for what you paid for this”, Reneé laughed and said as she poured two glasses handing one to Jasmine then they both stepped into the tub and sat on either side of me.

“It is a great view”, Jasmine said. “You can see the horizon just over top the roofs”.

“We should start seeing light soon. To another new day”, I said raising my glass then finishing the drink as I poured myself another.

“Speaking of another day”, Reneé said. “How do you feel about staying until Sunday?”

“I’m going out on a limb here and say you two made plans”.

“I’m hosting my first big party Saturday night. It’s a sex party”, Jasmine giggled and said. “There will be some beautiful people there, probably even a couple of B movie actors and actresses”.

“Well, we have 29 days until we have to be back, almost exactly. Here comes the sunrise”.

We watched as the sun slowly rose over the horizon. With both girls cuddled up to me the sun’s light started to overpower the city lights little by little until it was shining brightly into our room.

“What are our plans for today?” I asked Reneé.

“First, we’re going to get out of this tub and the two of us are going to suck your dick. Then get some sleep and you’re going to fuck us both. After that, shopping while you gamble and win we more money”, Reneé said and both girls laughed.

I did add another $9000 to our winnings that day. No blackjack though, just poker.

So began a friendship that still endures today. Sometimes it got kinky, very kinky. But those are stories for later.


Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7y7wpo/we_meet_jasmine_mff


  1. I thoroughly enjoyed the story. Was hoping for more, which must mean the signs of great story telling.

  2. Wow! I really LOVE your stories, your writing style, your adventures and the permeating love that shows in each of your words! <3 Thank you so much for sharing!

  3. OMG. Sounds like it happened yesterday. You’re a great teller of stories. Im having a hell of a time standing up right now. I find myself waiting anxiously for your next story. Your wife is an amazingly awesome woman,and you’re a good man my friend. May the force be with you guys.

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