How I met my Wife, and her four friends [GROUP]

We had been talking about it for a while. Usually while we were drunk and using each other. I liked to bring up the four guys she lived with before me. I know she was sleeping with two of them, well she told me about two. Before I got with her she lived one building over in a two bdrm apartment with four guys. Id have some drinks and smoke with the guys, they would tell me about the mexican girl they were passing around. They told me that she slept in both the beds in the house because there was no couch. In order to sleep in the bed though the guys would make her get naked. Not a big deal she liked the attention. They’d party and drink every night and she would get tired and go to bed before them. Usually smashed. The guys would continue to party and eventually go to bed. Whoevers bed she chose got to find her passed out and naked. She told me that many times she woke up to find one of them on top of her or behind her. Shed pass out or let them finish and pass out. Thats where her stories stopped. She liked to pretend i was one of the guys behind her sometimes. The guys told me that all four would go into the room where she would be waiting doggystyle on the bed. Two guys would get in front of her and two in back. The two in front would unzip while one of the dudes in back would eat her out. shed start blowing one of the dudes in front while the one doing the licking would get first shot at her pussy. Dude in back would mount and start pounding. Dude in front would start mercilessly gagging her. they told me they would switch to whichever end they wanted when they were about to cum and theyd let it shoot. No condom, no pulling out. They said most of the time they like to finish in her pussy, she had told them she couldnt get pregnant. I didnt believe these dudes at all. Then they showed me pics of her…and four of them



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