[MF] Guy I’m seeing invited me to a local sex positive club. [public]

Tom and I have hooked up a couple times in different situations, but the last time got awkward and he started dating someone, Tom is also a bit older than me.

It had been a few months since we’d even talked at work, and one day a few people were drinking at the bar near our office, and Tom was there. We started talking, apparently he’d met this girl, they’d gotten engaged, and broke it off all in a few months. Felt bad for him cause he’s a genuinely nice guy.

So he starts telling me about how one of the things he liked about her was she was really into swinging and brought him into the lifestyle. He was clearly not new to the party scene which we kinda proved to each other, but he said he really missed it (I swear this is appropriate for this sub).

We started talking about where they went and what happened and she was very open about being with other couples and enjoyed it and they went to a local place here a few times over the last few months. He was saying it was a young crowd and has a real party atmosphere. We were a bit flirty, but I ended up going home alone.

The next day when I got ot my desk there was an envelope with my name on it and inside was a printed out flyer for that club with a barcode on it and a sharpie’d smiley face with today’s date. Tom had mentioned he was still a member because you have to buy six months at once, and I may have, in a tipsy mood, said I’d think about going – he took that as a yes.

The flyer explained the theme, basically wear either something leather or something lace, which I have both of in some fashion or another. I started googling around and reading yelp reviews about dress codes and he popped into my cubicle and had a huge smile on his face.


I said fine, but if we show up and his ex is there we’d be leaving. He said she didn’t have access to their account and it was all good. So, I started mentally going through my outfits that would be appropriate for a swingers club, but also be able to walk around outside in when it’s a bit cold – and maybe be easy to take off if it came to that?

We started texting about details throughout the day and the idea really started settling in with me. He said the dudes always wear the same thing there, slacks and a nice button up, but some dudes change when they get there. He said there’s a few really buff guys that strip down to boxer briefs, some dudes have like nice club pants, and some wear boxers and no shirt once the dancing starts. Girls, he wrote, it varies like crazy. He’s seen everything from nothing at all to elaborate lingerie to cosplay outfits based on what the theme was.

He’d been to a leather and lace night before and he said it’s mostly leather mini skirts and lace nighty type things. I didn’t want to be boring, and my leather collection was two mini skirts, a pair of pants, and chaps (don’t ask). My lace collection was pretty bare too, a few random things people bought me over the years, and some bra and panties. I had one black lace set that was a tank top backless bra and pair of matching tiny undies that weren’t quite see through – at least not when I tried them on, were small enough to fit under something else, and I felt confident in walking around in.

I put on the two piece, pulled a cute flowy black dress over the top of that and for good measure tossed on my ex’s leather jacket for warmth. I opened a bottle of wine and when Tom showed up in what looked like a Walgreen’s uniform with a letter jacket over it, we ended up back at his place picking out different clothes for him.

“Crazy idea!” Tom said as we were about to leave. He opened his freezer and pulled out a tin foil square. “I have a bunch of this from a month ago?”

He showed me a couple teaspoonfuls of molly crystals in a baggy.

He then went on a long explanation about how swingers aren’t really drug friendly, but a few people roll at these things, everyone gets super drunk, but some people smoke and roll.

“With a low dose, we should just feel good and be in a dancy mood.”

The place was a 15 minute uber ride away, so I agreed, we mixed the powder in with orange juice and drank a shot of around 70 to 80 mg, and Tom took around 100mg. He put another 150mg in a baggy and tucked it into wallet pocket just in case we wanted to re-dose later.

After the false start and getting him redressed, and finishing a bottle of decent red wine, we were in an Uber with two more bottles of wine (they were apparently BYOB) and a lock Tom had for a locker – which worked like a public pool apparently.

We got to the place really quickly and there was a small line to get in, but it wasn’t security, just checking into the front of the nondescript building. I could hear soft club music coming from inside and everyone waiting was in their early 30s or so, there were some that were definitely college age and a few on the much older side like late 40s. But overall it was a much younger crowd than expected.

After checking my jacket and giving the wine to this super tiny blonde bartender with huge fake tits, we had her pour us two awkward plastic cups of wine and went into the locker room. It wasn’t cold at all in the place so I shoved the jacket into the locker along with my purse and phone, Tom emptied his pockets into the locker and we went to look around.

There were a bunch of out of the way rooms tucked here and there that were lit by very soft red lights. The back play areas were totally empty right now and Tom was leading me around showing me rooms that had doors shut, rooms with windows, and a big play area that had a massive round bed that a dozen people could lay on, and benches and other beds all around those. Everything looked very clean and professional. There were lights that would dim and get a bit brighter, but overall it was pretty dark in the entire place. You could hear the music from the dance floor anywhere you went.

As we were heading back to the dance area a couple in their late 40s passed us smiling and holding hands, they looked like school teachers.

I was starting to come up a little bit, maybe dulled by the wine, but I could feel the butterflies starting because I hadn’t eaten anything since my light lunch. We hung at the edge of the dance floor for a little bit, then I was feeling it more.

Tom did his goofy dance shuffle he did at Coachella to get me to dance with him. The molly was coming on very light, which was a nice feeling, I hadn’t rolled in like five months and last time took too much and it was very intense. He was definitely feeling it, he had a goofy grin on his face and was just waving his hands to the crappy techno music. I got into it and we started dancing together.

The other couples were doing the same thing. It seemed like the overall plan at this place was to have a bunch of drinks until you lose your inhibitions and start getting flirty with people, then head back to the play areas.

Tom and I were just enjoying the flirty dancing, he spent some time groping my butt and several times pulled my dress up revealing my ass to the others, which seemed socially acceptable here, so I just went with it. I grabbed his cock a couple times and we made out a little.

Around us couples were getting handsy for sure with each other. I saw a lot of hands slipping down pants and up skirts, which were surprisingly not that leather or lacey, people didn’t really follow the dress code and it seems like every girl just wore a little black dress with heels. The dudes were indeed all dressed the same, aside from the one buff guy in spandex shorts that showed off a very impressive bulge.

Some more time passed and we were dancing more softly and just enjoying the music and people started changing, I noticed groups broke off to the lockers, and some came back in lingerie and boxers and stuff, and others vanished back into the play rooms.

I wanted to be wearing a lot less clothes like everyone else, and Tom seemed pretty clueless, “Let’s go!” I dragged him back to the lockers.

“Take this off,” I smiled at him and started unbuttoning his shirt with hands that were a bit shaky. He produced gum from the locker like a true hero as I pulled off his black button up and then stripped him down to his dark blue undershirt and black silk boxers.


He laughed and nodded, he was definitely a lot more in the zone than me. There were a few other couples changing in the locker rooms, and two couples were showering in the corner.

I traded my heels for a pair of ballet flats I’d crammed into my purse right before we left – my feet were already hurting from the heels and I didn’t want that feeling any longer.

“Your turn, miss,” Tom said and he dance lifted my dress over my head. “This is sexy,” he said rubbing the material of the top in his fingers. It did feel really nice. He made an Oooh face and poked my super hard nipples through the fabric.

He asked in a loud whisper, “Do you think black lights show pre-cum?”

I laughed and looked around, “I don’t think these are black lights.”

The front of his boxers had a small wet spot on them and he made a fake frowny face at me like he was mock embarrassed. I reached up and ran my fingers through his hair and we locked eyes and probably spent way too long making out and groping at each other in front of our lockers while people were walking past ignoring us.

When we stopped, I realized Tom had my lipstick all over his mouth. I walked over to the sinks and got some wet napkins. A girl in her mid-30s was taking off her lipstick also. She was wearing a totally see through white negligee with nothing underneath except a lot of flower and leaf tattoos.

“Your panties are super cute,” she said over the music.

“Thanks,” I smiled awkwardly. Was she hitting on me, was everyone hitting on everyone here? Did she realize I was rolling and my panties were already getting soaked?

I smiled and showed her the wet napkin in a very weird way of saying bye, and quickly walked back to Tom who was talking to an immensely tall guy and his very tiny asian wife who had a shaved head and also lots of tattoos.

He excused himself and I wiped the lipstick off his face.

“People are so nice,” he said with his molly grin.

“I think it’s cause they all want to fuck us,” we both laughed.

I decided we needed more dancing.

We setup right under the DJ, who was this skinny latino girl with massive fake tits, and we watched other couples dance. The making out and groping was much more prevalent now. Tits and dicks were coming out here and there, and on the couch next to us, a guy was going down on what I assumed was his wife who looked like she was also rolling balls.

There were half as many people dancing around, so we assumed the rest were in the play rooms. Tom was drinking wine and wandering around talking to people. I was dancing and a couple had moved close to me, the man was in his early 40s and in great shape, he was wearing a white undershirt and dark jeans. His wife was tall and thin, like a model, and wearing a one piece mesh bodysuit with matching thigh highs. She was at least a foot taller than me.

She had a vaguely european accent and without talking much we started dancing.

“You’re really beautiful,” I told her and didn’t realize I had been running my fingers through her hair.

She had a huge smile, “I love your body, you’re very lean.” I was incredibly embarrassed.

She snapped the waistband of my panties and said, “These are so very sexy, have you two been here before?”


“Us either,” we had transitioned from dancing towards each other to almost a slow dance and grind and I hadn’t realized, but her hands were sliding around on my hips and I was holding on to her back staring right at her tits. I pushed my head into her chest and had the overwhelming urge to suck on her nippes, but settled on feeling them press against my face.

Her husband was behind me suddenly and I was in a euro-sandwich. He was running his hands across my back at first, then moved in and squeezed my small breasts before running his hands down my tummy and back across my hips, he slipped his thumbs into the waistband of my undies and I felt him brush my pubes, I shuddered a bit and was very aware of my throbbing g-spot and wet panties.

Tom slid in beside us and gave me the, need a savior, look we established pretty well at Coachella, and I just smiled. He was dancing with the asian girl with the shaved head who had changed from a leather skirt to an open front bra and matching thong, she was sporting a pair of knee high socks also and heavily grinding into Tom. They were both very very sexy together and it was really fun seeing him move like that, he was much more suave than usual.

A pair of firm fingers rubbing over my pussy snapped me back into the moment, they pushed right against the thin material and directly against my clit.

My eyes must’ve gotten pretty big.

“Sorry, he gets touchy,” the woman said, pushing her giant lush lips against my ears softly. I had goosebumps and arched hard, not realizing I was pushing my body deep against her husband who had one hand rubbing my clitoris and the other rolling my left nipple around in his fingers. I could feel his cock hard against my ass. His beard stubble on the back of my neck was too much and I smiled and pushed away. They quickly turned and started dancing together away from me. I felt embarrassed, like I’d broken some rule, but fuck, I was turned on.

Tom and tiny dancer were grinding and dancing to an entirely different song than was playing, he looked locked in the movements. I had no idea where her guy was. I suddenly wanted to very much not be on the dance floor.

He locked eyes with me standing by myself and stopped dancing, he walked over and grabbed my hand and lead me away without saying anything.

We crossed towards the bar, “Drink?”

“Let’s find somewhere more dark,” I told him.

“Have I told you how sexy these are,” he said poking my panties.

I pushed him, and he grabbed my hands and we walked into the play areas, which were now much more active. People were openly fucking all over the place, and the lights were a bit more dim than before and the music was a bit louder.

“What room?”

“Let’s look around maybe?”

We walked first down the hall to the cluster of more private rooms, all the doors were shut, and the only bench had two guys sitting side by side with woman riding their cocks. I realized we were staring at them, and I pulled Tom away after locking eyes with one of the guys, it felt weird.

“Do you like watching?” I asked Tom.

“Yeah, but I like more being in the moment with the other people, being watched. A lot of people just watch.” I realized that for every person fucking on a bed, there were one or two standing nearby watching, with a few guys getting stroked by their wives or gf’s.

It pulled me out of the roll for a minute, but Tom turned me around and we kissed deeply while he ran his fingers over my body, it pulled me back in and I felt the warmness from my body flow all over again, and an arm of it trickled down and started my pussy tingling. He pushed me back against a wall and we kissed for what felt like an hour, I was shaking and his hands were all over me sending zaps through my entire body.

When he pulled back it took me a second to focus and he was smiling.

“You’re an asshole.”

“Do you trust me?”

I nodded yes, and he led me to the bigger room which had seats and small beds all over the place, but the center was a large circular bed. The lights were a very dim red and it was hard to see much.

We went right for the huge bed, which was about half full. There were three couples on one side, two in missionary and the third girl was bent over getting fucked hard from behind. Tom sat me down on the edge and he stood over me and we kissed more. I was 100% back in the zone and feeling it again, this was the peak for sure.

He laid me back, and as he hovered over me, I pulled off his shirt and tossed it aside. He had a massive smile on his face.

“Take my top off,” I told him, pinching his nipple.

He stripped the top off over my head, and I realized but didn’t care that I was a bit sweaty. I could feel his hot body against my chest as he laid down on top of me. His cock was straining out of his boxers and I thought how weird it was that he’s the only dude I’ve known with zero issues getting and staying hard while rolling. It takes him forever to cum, but he stays hard the whole time.

The weird velvety fabric actually felt kind of nice on my back and I ran my arms against it, and then stretched them way out above my head, arching my back and feeling my body against the bed. I felt my hand hit flesh and I looked up to see I was touching the back of the asian girls man. He was sitting up, facing away from us, and I could see her ass off the bed, she was sucking his dick.

Tom snapped me back when he gave my pussy a long, slow lick, deep against my clit, I had no idea even where my panties had gone or when he took them off. Time was feeling a bit weird in the dark. I ran my hand through his hair as he went down on my and every time he licked my clit I shook.

The bed shook and I looked back up above my head towards the middle and the asian girl was naked, on her knees with her ass in the air. Her guy was kneeling behind her, I could see he had an impressive cock and was getting it into place. She was about a foot from my face, and she had positioned herself next to the blonde couple next to them. She was talking to them but I couldn’t make out the words. They were close enough to kiss.

Tom was in my face, “Is this ok?”

“Yeah,” and I was going to say more, but I wasn’t sure what to say, “yeah.”

His fingers were sliding between my pussy lips and he started kissing me again.

“Wait, you lay down,” I rolled away from him, pushing into the guy beside me as I moved to stand. I was very naked, and little dizzy, and my night vision had adjusted, the bed was now almost entirely full, at least eight couples with us, and the room was packed. There were a lot of fully dressed people standing around watching, and a lot of totally naked people laying around fucking.

I felt Tom’s hand touch my ass and I turned back, I’d been staring for a bit, and he wanted attention I think. His other hand was on his cock. On Tom’s left, he was shoulder to shoulder with a girl who still had on a dress, but had a fully naked man who had his head buried underneath it. One of her hands was on Tom’s hip and the other was on man’s dress-covered head. On Tom’s other side the small asian girl was face down looking at the girl next to her. It was a lot to take in.

I bent down and took Tom’s cock into my mouth and saw him roll his eyes back. If I knew anything about Tom, I knew his favorite thing in the world was getting his dick sucked while rolling. I held his fairly impressive cock in my hand and licked up the shaft, kissing the head heavily. His hips arched as I took him deep into my mouth and started sloppily sucking and stroking his cock. When I looked up Tom was locking eyes with the asian girl, and the other woman’s hand was running down his stomach.

I looked behind me and there were a handful of couples staring at us, I was too far to care at that point. I focused on his cock and lost myself in trying to make him cum and just loving the sensation of the warmth in my mouth. There was a lot of shifting around and when I looked over, the woman had removed her dress and was kneeling next to me with her man’s cock in her mouth, he was laying against Tom, they both had their eyes closed and huge smiles on their faces, the asian girl had her head on Tom’s chest and was getting slammed from behind by her tall dude who had his ass about three inches from my face.

I straddled Tom, pushing between bodies to make room for my legs, and I slid his rock solid cock inside of me. I was dripping at that point and it was effortless. The people standing behind us were probably getting a hell of a show. I rode myself to a fast orgasm and fell against him, hands would sometimes brush against us, and Tom – who liked to control things – pushed me onto my back and lifted my legs to his shoulders. It was a lot.

The asian girl was face to face with me, and as Tom held my legs and fucked me hard, I turned to face her and she pushed her mouth into mine. I instantly tasted the thick, sharp and salty taste of cum on her lips, and when I put my hand to the side of her face I realized she was wet with it. I was beyond caring and as we kissed deeper I felt her tongue push a thick rope of cum into my mouth. I kept my eyes closed and got lost in the sloppy kiss.

She was running her hands through my hair and pulling my mouth closer to hers and I could feel her hands all over me, pulling and rubbing. And there were more than hers, but I just wanted to enjoy it and not look. Her tongue was insistent. I was freaking out a bit.

Tom put my legs down and I turned to keep kissing, I could feel rough hands gripping my ass as someone began kissing and licking my side and ass. There were scratchy nibbly bites across my asscheeks and I kept my eyes closed focusing on the enjoyment. Without breaking the kiss, I was flipped on top of her and could now feel warm sticky cum between our bodies, against our skin. Her arms were wrapped tight around me and, I think it was Tom, was eating my pussy from behind. It was a lot.

The hot taste of cum and her lips was an amazing mix and I could feel air and sweat and fingers on every square inch of my body. I kind of got completely overwhelmed and had a bit of a panic attack, I’d had three orgasms at that point and was so overly sensitive I couldn’t be touched. I wriggled free and walked to the bathrooms. I was sweating heavily and really dehydrated and it was all totally overwhelming.

I was putting my dress on over my drenched body when Tom showed up and started freaking out a bit and asking if I was ok, and my eyes were shifting a bit and I was worn out. I asked to go home and he immediately threw on his clothes and we walked quickly out of the club.

I felt guilty but I couldn’t handle it, and I’m glad Tom was great about it. I promised him I’d make it all up to him. We went back to my apartment and listened to chill music and sat around and talked about our lives for way too long and drank so much water and Tom ended up opening the Juicer my mom sent me and making us some juice from these cucumbers, oranges, and celery I had in the fridge.

I really felt like shit and didn’t know how to handle myself, it was insanely overwhelming and too too much, but Tom really understood and was awesome. We ended up just cuddling until like 4am and talking, then we smoked some and passed out. We got breakfast the next day and I was surprised to find out he wasn’t upset. I feel like I’d have been a bit upset. He was pretty cool.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7y3fhk/mf_guy_im_seeing_invited_me_to_a_local_sex


  1. Thank you!

    It was so beautiful to read. This encapsulated so well all my experiences with sex and mdma. Even the juicer part!

  2. Wow that was a really great read. Very well written and I really liked how emotional it was. Very relatable. Thanks for sharing.

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