[MF][Drunk][Voy] Time for a change. (PART 1)

I opened my eyes. The ceiling was painted eggshell white and light by the early morning light. Cautiously I turned my head to the left, to look out my bedroom window. I saw plants partly obscuring a view of a wooden fence. A fence I hadn’t seen in fourteen years.

It worked.

I sat up slowly, looking around my room. It was a mess. An old desktop computer with a CRT monitor, a brick of a TV and a PS2. Where did I keep my phone? On the computer desk? Yes, there it was, an old Nokia. I tried to check the date but I couldn’t immediately remember where to look so I just turned on my PC.

It booted Windows 98. After a longer than usual wait I checked the date. March 5th, 2004.

It worked. I couldn’t believe it, it actually worked. Not even 10 minutes ago I was in 2018, now I was in 2004.

When I’d signed up for the study I’d just been needing money. I was a 32 year old college drop out bouncing from job to job, either in fast food or retail, no real goals, no future, a lot of burned bridges and no motivation to repair any of them.

When I’d been told I qualified I didn’t think anything of it. But when I sat down for the orientation the was told was the pay. $30,000. Nothing more than that, no more info, take it or leave it. The man making the offer was dressed in military attire, crew cut, olive drab uniform, it was like I was in a recruiting center.

I asked if I was going to be sent into war. He told me to answer yes or no. I said yes.

You have to understand that I lived paycheck to paycheck. Whatever I didn’t spend on rent, utilities and booze I spent at the brothel every Thursday night. I wasn’t in my early twenties any more, I couldn’t sleep with co-workers fresh out of high school. I could try but I’d never get anywhere. And no one I worked with my age was worth pursuing, usually because the people my age were managers, head chefs and had relationships.

No, it was easier to pay for it. If I’d had a girlfriend I would have been spending that money on her any way and there was no guarantee that I’d even get laid once a week. Why not have a different girl every week? Maybe book the same girl a few weeks if I liked her. It also meant there weren’t specific ‘off’ weeks.

I was told that I would be moved to a military base. That I tested as being the best candidate for the study because I could disappear for long periods of time without anyone missing me. That was a bit of a kick in the guts but nothing I didn’t already know.

A four-hour flight later, the ‘study’ is being called a ‘mission’ and I’m being told that once committed to the ‘mission’ there is no backing out. If I speak of it to anyone I will be charged with treason. Around about the time I was wishing for some hard liquor, I get passed off to some researcher or army scientist or something.

She asks me if I’ve ever read Michael Crichton’s ‘Timeline’.

I haven’t. I’ve heard of the movie but I’ve never watched it. Over the next few hours I’m told about next level sci-fi crap. Parallel universes, time travel, quantum computers. The part that stuck out was “One way trip.”

It turn out that the military was messing with something to do with ‘entanglement’, where they could send or receive data instantly to or from any location. That location was not limited to our universe. They located universes that were ‘behind’ ours, in the past. They were able to listen in, observe alternate routes we could have taken, even spy on other governments in universes identical to ours, just five minutes behind us.

And they wanted to send me back. And by ‘me’, they meant only my mind. They wanted to send me back to any point in my timeline, where my life up until that point had been exactly the same, and overwrite the alternate me’s mind with my own. They made it clear, I would not be coped and sent as data, it would be me, they would be selecting all of the data in my mind, hitting ‘cut’ and then pasting me into a younger body in another universe in the past. And I wouldn’t be able to come back.

My original body would be a lifeless husk. The $30,000 would be paid to my family to cover funeral expenses and as the “insurance” payout of the accident that they would be told killed me. Because the technology needed to ‘cut’ the data of mind mind in order to send back home would not exist.

I made them increase the payout to $100,000 and was given a week to prepare.

I know they kept an eye on me that whole week, they knew what I read and researched and if they had a problem they didn’t say anything. They’d told me that I would be sent back no matter what, that I wouldn’t be coming back and that I’d be stuck in a past exactly identical to my own. Obviously the smartest thing to do would be to memorize the stock market.

When I asked to be sent to 2004 they didn’t ask why, they didn’t say they’d think about it, they just asked which month. I let them choose. A week later I was sedated, a few moments later I awoke in 2004. I was 18-years old, I was expecting the recession and I had several memorized plans to make stupid amounts of money on the stock market which I had immediately written down upon arrival, saved to Word, burnt to a blank disc and even saved to a floppy disk when I remembered that I didn’t own USB stick in 2004. In a matter of months I would be rich. In the meantime…


“I can’t believe I ran into you here! It’s such a random coincidence!” Skye said for probably the third time that day. It had taken a couple of days but I had managed to ‘run into’ her at work. I hadn’t made much effort to repair relationships in 2018, but I had a sudden change in motivation in the week leading to my departure. When you send apologetic message to people through Facebook saying you’ve re-evaluated your life and you’re sorry for the mistakes you’ve made and hope they’re doing well, people don’t really think much of it when you slip in a few questions like ‘Where did you work in 2004?’

“It’s crazy!” I said, sipping my beer, “I saw you behind the register and thought it must of been a lookalike or something!”

I had known Skye since I was 12. We’d never gotten along in school and when she was 14 she moved out of state. She returned in 2004 but I wasn’t scheduled to meet her through another friend until 2005. I decided to get a head start.

“So have you caught up with Lyndsey yet?” I asked, our mutual friend and someone I had remained friends with from ages 13 to 27. I allowed my eyes to glance over Skye once more. She was pale with long blonde hair that fell past her shoulder blades. Tall and leggy her original dream in life had to become a dancer, stage performer or something to do with theater and right now, at 18, she was at her physical peak from what I could see, with a toned ass concealed by a short yet still modest denim skirt, bare, slender legs, hips you could grab and a B-cup bust hidden away by a band shirt so tight you could see every outline of her bra.

When I’d first met her, Skye had been deeply into the ‘skater’ scene, but instead of skating she worshiped bands like Sum 41. The black at white checkered sneakers and wrist cuffs along with the rest of her clothes told me her fascination had started sooner than I had thought.

“No! I’ve only been back here for like a month and I was freaking out trying to find a job and everything, you’re one of the first people I’ve run into from school!” She gushed. She was ecstatic, helped in no small part by the vodka she was drinking. We were at a local night club having swapped numbers earlier that day and arranging to meet up. I ordered another beer.

“So why’d you come back? Did you move here for college or with your boyfriend or something?” I asked, knowing the answers already but determined to play my cards right.

“Oh, noooo,” Skye replied, “I’m not interested in college and I basically left my life behind so I could try to find more opportunities here.”

“That’s cool, like what? Are you a dancer or something?” My breath caught, I tried not to let my nervousness show, this was my move. She was on her third vodka and I was hoping it help me out.

Skye’s eyes widened. “Oh my god, how did you guess that?”

My heart beat a little faster. Time to see if 18-year old Skye acted like the mid-20’s Skye I had known. “You just look like you have the body of a dancer.”

She smiled and looked at me teasingly, “You’ve been checking out my body, huh?” For a moment I could have sworn she stuck her ass out a little. I smiled back.

“It’s kind of hard to ignore.” I looked at her empty drink, “You want another?”


When the cab dropped us off it wasn’t even 11pm. Nearly two decades of drinking had taught me how to pace myself and I was especially cautious of what my younger body could handle and was just beyond a comfortable buzz thanks to sticking to light beers. Skye on the other hand was the same Skye I had always known when she was drunk. She got chatty, excitable and became a show off.

As Skye exited the cab I pulled out a couple of bills to pay the driver, being painfully reminded of how expensive things were before Uber. The cab driver looked at me, gave me a broad smile, winked and said “You have a good night, kid.”

The last two hours had moved from talking by the bar to dancing on the floor, apparently my compliments and four vodkas were enough to convince her to show off her dancing. After four vodkas she was swaying her hips with her hands in the air. After five my hand were on her hips as she moved, holding her close. Six had her grinding her ass against me. In the past, 18-year old me would have tried to hide it or pull away, but 32-year old me was far more seasoned and simply tried to keep in sync.

“My roommate isn’t home tonight but be quiet just in case.” Skye said, slightly slurred as she fumbled with keys before eventually throwing open her apartment door and stumbling in, calling her roommates name to no reply. Making our way to the living room, she leaned against the back of the couch and giggled slightly before her eyes drifted to the kitchen and lit up. “Oh! Do you want shots?” She asked, immediately making her way to a cabinet.

“Of what?” I asked. This part of Skye was no surprise either, drunk Skye always ended up doing shots.

“You pick! It’s my roommates stuff anyway!”

My eyes fell on a particular bottle and without think I answered, “Tequila.”

Skye turned to look at me, shocked, “Holy fuck are you crazy?” I was suddenly worried I’d blown it. I knew older me could handle tequila pretty well, I wasn’t sure about younger me though, and I definitely wasn’t certain Skye was that adventurous yet until she cracked a mischievous smile, “I love it! Let’s try it!”

The first shot had her gasping her swearing, the second had her wincing and the third had her dancing again. She didn’t even seem to noticed that I’d stopped at one.

“So you like my dancer body, huh?” She asked, standing in front of me and swaying her hips inches away from my face and for a moment I thought I caught a whiff of a familiar musky smell. It was now or never. I stood, running my hands along her pale, slender legs, over her skirt and grabbing her by the hips, coming face to face with Skye. Her breath was warm, reeked of tequila and I heard her gasp slightly.

“Hell yeah.” I said before kissing her.

When she didn’t pull away, I kissed her harder. I opened my mouth slightly and licked her lips with my tongue and her lips immediately parted and I felt her tongue brush against mine as Skye gave a slight moan. She was clumsy, drunk and inexperienced, but I knew what I was doing. My hands moved from her hips, ignoring her ass and I ran my fingers up along her spine to her neck. Skye gave a whimpering sigh. Originally, foreplay and erogenous zones didn’t come to my attention until I was in my 20’s. I wasn’t some dumb fumbling teenager excitably grabbing at bras and going straight for a hole, I was practiced, patient and going to show Skye things she wouldn’t feel from another guy for years.

My lips moved to her neck as I kissed, sucked, licked and bit lightly while the poor girl didn’t know what to do except sigh, moan and grab and squeeze various areas of my arms and torso. Running my lips up along her neck I nibbled her earlobe and exhaled slightly, which caused her body to noticeably tense up and a loud, startled moan to escape her lips.

“Where’s your bed?” I whispered in her ear, causing another whimpering moan and a visible shudder.

“There.” Skye whispered, eyes closed and not pointing in any particular direction.

“Show me.”

Turning, Skye led me by the hand through a door and into a bedroom. Turning on the light and closing the door behind me I immediately stepped in behind her, pulled her body against mine, pressing her ass against my painfully intense erection and began kissing the back of her neck. The suddenness of the gesture made her whimper. The shock of my lips against the back of her neck made cry out in pleasure.

Continuing, I let my eyes fall upon our reflections in a mirror. Her eyes were closed, her mouth open slightly with her arms reaching back to claw and grab at me. I also noticed her bedroom window, the curtains open as a neighboring apartment balcony was visible maybe a hundred feet away. I could see people sitting in chairs, drinking and talking and it turned me on even more. Still kissing her neck I unbuttoned Skye’s denim skirt and let it fall to her ankles, watching in the mirror as a pair of green and white striped panties were revealed. Moving my hands back along her hips and over her ass, I lifted her tight, black shirt until a similarly patterned bra was revealed.

Through the window I could see the people on the other balcony standing, trying to see what was going on. We’d been noticed. They were men, four in total, with some seeming younger or around the same age I had been barely a week ago while another was old enough the have grey hair, but I couldn’t make out much more after one scurried to turn of their own light. Now I was on autopilot.

With practiced ease I unhooked Skye’s bra, slipping my hands under the garment and over her bare breasts as she cried out in a mixture of surprise and arousal once more. My fingers traced around her shrinking, hardening nipples and I pinched them slightly.

“Ah! Oh god!” Skye cried, “Wh-” She stammered, gasping, “Wait.”

In one movement I lifted her top over her head, taking her bra with it, dropping it to the ground while I spun her around to face me before kissing her once more, catching a sight of pale, pink nipples. Skye moaned into my kiss, her words already forgotten as I put my hands under her ass and hoisted her up, her legs reflexively wrapping around my waist. Lips locked I carried her to her bed, placing her down in such a way to give the balcony an unobstructed side view of her body. Pushing her back onto the bed I continued to kiss her, stopping only momentarily to take off my shirt. With my right hand I grabbed the back of her neck, my left teasing her nipples before running down along her stomach to her panties as Skye’s breath became shorter and more ragged.

Tracing along the fabric of her panties, the moment my finger ran along her slit, Skye opened her mouth wide in mid-kiss. “Ah! Ahh!!! Ohhh god. Wait, wait.” She gasped, “I’m- I’m a- I’m still-”

I pulled my face away from hers, immediately moving down and licking the nipple of her right breast. She cried out immediately, back arching, hands flying to her sides to grip her sheets and legs spread. With my tongue I moved from one nipple to another, removing my right hand from the back of Skye’s neck to run back along her slit over the fabric of her panties, this time with a little more pressure. The fabric was damp. With my left hand I unbuckled my jeans, pushing them and my briefs down enough until they fell the rest of the way down to my ankles. All at once, I pressed the middle finger of my right hand against Skyes panties, around where her clitoris would be while at the same time biting lightly down on one of her nipples.

Again she cried out, again she grabbed the sheets, again her back arched, and while it did I quickly slipped her panties down and off, over one of her checkered sneakers and left them hanging around her left ankle. In the time it took to notice her light, blonde pubic hair and visibly wet pussy, I had spat in my hand and was rubbing it over my cock. Before she could say anything, my lips were locked with Skye’s once more, my tongue tangled with hers, once again stimulating her breasts with one hand while my right guided the head of my cock to the entrance to her tight, wet hole, but instead of plunging straight in my finger once again traced along her slit, finding her slit and began to rub. Her legs wrapped around my waist once more, she cried into me and began to claw at my back.

As I continued the motion her breathing became more ragged, her moans louder and she kept trying to say things like “Oh god” and “Wait” but refusing to stop kissing me. And then she came. Her body and legs tensed. The tip of my cock, having pushed slightly in to the entrance of her pussy when she wrapped her legs around me, felt her muscles clench and spasm. She let out a sustained cry of ecstasy before biting into my neck and the moment I felt her muscles relax, I thrust my cock inside of her.

I felt the resistance of her hymen and ignored it, her nails dug into my back and Skye threw her head back crying out from her orgasm but also screaming out at the sudden pain of losing her virginity.

*It looks like she wasn’t lying when she said she was a virgin until she was twenty.* I thought in the back of my mind. Before she could cry out any more, I grabbed the back of her neck once more and pulled her in to kiss me again. She was trying to say something again but I had more important things to worry about. I was about to cum. The moment I had fully entered her I felt it coming. This body was still a virgin, I had no endurance, only memories of experiences.

“Fuck!” I moaned into Skye. I didn’t have long, I needed to make this count. Reaching back I grabbed Skye’s arms by the wrists and pulled them away, pinning them above her head while my lips stayed on hers. Lifting my hips back I slid out of her just enough and slammed back into her, earning me another moaning scream. I could feel her muscles still clenching around my cock and my mind was made up, if I was going to cum this soon, I’d do it while she still was too. I thrust into her again and again, her bed creaked and banged against the wall. Again, again and again over maybe five seconds until I felt Skye, in chocking gasps and cries, tense again, her legs wrapping around me tighter to hold me inside her while the muscles of her pussy gripped tighter than before and I felt warmth around the base of my cock and balls. She was squirting.

I was sent over the edge. Thrusting as deep as I could I came hard, my own spasms and thrusts eliciting more moans and tiny whimpers until Skye unhooked her legs from around me and lay there, spread-eagle, panting and and even moaning contently. Lifting myself off of here I slid my cock out as she winced in pain but still moan in slight protest. The blood around my shaft was obvious and I watched and a trickle of reddish-pink cum trickled out of Skye’s pussy and onto a surprisingly large wet patch on the bed. Standing and turning, I grabbed the curtains and drew them closed, not looking over at the balcony, but the moment they were drawn I heard cheers and clapping.

Completely spent, I kicked off my jeans, made my way to the bed and lay down only to feel Skye make her way over to me, still purring with satisfaction, kissing my neck as she draped herself over me, wrapped her legs around me and proceeded to fall asleep.

I smiled at the ceiling. One down.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/7w3fve/mfdrunkvoy_time_for_a_change_part_1

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