[FM] How I became a cheat

Stories that begin with “I never thought I would…” always seemed so cliche, but here I am, not ashamed.

I never thought I would ever stray or be seduced, let alone deliberately put myself in the position where infidelity was all but guaranteed, nonetheless, here I am writing my own true story.

I was raised religious, and was still a virgin when I got married. Nonetheless, my husband, Jay, and I had a great sex life. He had previous experience, which we did not discuss, but was apparent in his love making and I slowly developed a love of erotic fiction. That was probably the first step towards actual “misbehaviour” but it never registered on my conscience. To me the first step was an otherwise regular Wednesday morning.

I was organising my daughters to be picked up by a girlfriend, so I could get to a much needed hair appointment. In a rush to get my daughters ready, I had neglected myself and was still in a comfortable bra and panties that I put on quickly after a shower. I thought nothing of it, as it was not odd for my friend to see me in that state. However, when the doorbell sounded I was not expecting her husband Marcus.

When I opened the door I froze for the moment with slight surprise to see someone I wasnt expecting, but was momentarily oblivious to my attire. In the same moment, Marcus looked me up and down and then up at the roof and apologised.
“oh shi…!” i caught myself before cussing in front of my daughter and hid behind the door laughing and apologising back, nothing else was said.

At the hair salon I could not stop thinking about the odd encounter, and waited for my phone to chime with amusement from my friend Lana, but as time past and that chime never came my mind began to wander if Marcus had told her at all, and then I wondered if I would tell Jay and the more I thought about it, the more it felt like my little secret with Marcus. I felt a pinch of guilt for feeling that excitement, but kept reminding myself he saw no more of me, than he would if I was wearing a bikini and therefore meaningless.

A few days later I recieved a text message from an unknown number

“Oh Shiiiii…” followed by laughing emoji’s.

I knew immediately the message was from Marcus, but didn’t know how to respond. Had he finally told Lana and she gave him my number?

Me: “Did Lana think it was hilarious?”

Marcus: “What? I’m never telling Lana about that!”

What did this mean? Was he flirting with me? Did he to the effort of getting my number from her phone just to bring it up again? While I was putting more thought into the motivations of a text message, than I had since high school, my phone vibrated again.

Marcus: “Did you tell Jay?”

I started to type a response, then delete, then type, then delete… then I wondered if he could see the elipses each time I typed and responded with a very brief “Not yet” and with barely a moment passing it vibrated again:

Marcus: “Our little secret”

Before this happened I honestly never paid much attention to Marcus, to me he had always seemed really plain. All of the sudden, I was pouring over his messages for innuendo and checking my phone for more messages despite the fact I had not yet replied.

That evening, the messages were still on my mind. My phone was attached to me at all times, one, in the hope i get another text and two, so Jay would not be the first to see it. After the kids were in bed Jay put on a movie and used my lap as a pillow and that tiny bit of affection is all i needed. I climbed on top of him and did a strip tease, something I had not done since we had kids, he asked what had got into me, but I ignored him and moved straight into an energetic blow job then dragged him to our room climbed on top of him and fucked him until he came.

As per usual, this put Jay to sleep, while I lay awake topless swapping back and forth between my facebook and Marcus’ messages, desperately wanting to reply, but not knowing how to craft a message incase Lana is the one who recieves it… I couldnt sleep, 11pm, 12am, 1am… then, in a frustrated haze I sent:

Me: “,”

one single comma, i think i thought i could call it an accident or something… then BUZZ

Marcus: “(o)(o)”

Still telling myself it was a great big joke I went into my walk in robe, found the same bra he saw me in, laid it on the ground and took a picture… SEND… and then something inside me took over.

I walked up to the mirror, put my arm across my breasts and took a photo… SEND

I put my arm under my breasts giving them the perfect lift… click… SEND

Fuck! What am I doing? I am completely on the offensive and he hasn’t even responded to the bra on the floor, hes probably just joking around and now I have surely gone to the point of no return… then BUZZ.

Marcus: “Call me, now”

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! I put on some shorts, a loose sweater and crept downstairs, Was Marcus going to show the pictures to Lana? Was he going to show them to everyone? I had to call him, but couldnt do it in my silent house. I crept out front and got in the car, and called him. The phone rang only once, and I could immediately tell he was also in his car, but he didn’t speak for what seemed like the longest 5 seconds in history and then:

Marcus: “I think (pause), I think we need to hit the reset button, (pause again) do you want to meet somewhere and just talk?”

There was so much conflict in his voice. He was completely petrified of what he might do. It was obvious that I had dragged him way deeper than he wanted to go.

Me: “ok, I’m pulling into a CVS, its public and if Jay wakes up, I’ll tell him i just ducked out to get something for a headache”

I parked as far from the store as I could despite the empty car park, fixed my hair in the mirror, checked my make up and took off my shoes. A few minutes later Marcus arrived, parked at the entrance to the CVS and walked in then after a moment RING RING!

Marcus: “Where are you?”

Me: “Sorry, I’m in my car, I forgot my shoes, just come and talk to me here”

Marcus: …OK.


As Marcus walked towards my car I slid his seat back and unlocked the passenger door. He opened the door and climbed in, and started to speak in a sensible and cavalier tone, he apologised for flirting and started to say something about nothing happening between us as the interior light faded to black. I climbed over the center console, putting my knees either side of his legs and grabbed his hands pulling one up under my sweater to my bare breasts and sliding the other inside the elastic waistband of my shorts and pushed his wrist until his fingers touched my wet pussy.

“You want to fuck me?” I asked

He grabbed my hair and started kissing me, only breaking our lips to take my top off. I reached down, unbottoned his jeans and pulled them down enough to let his dripping cock out, then awkwardly turned and pressed its tip against my vagina. I stayed in that position with one hand back on his body, the other on the roof when he grabbed both my breasts and slid me down on top of him. Up and down we fucked until he filled me with cum (now the second time that night) and I rested back on top of him. I’ll be honest, it wasnt the most comfortable or even wildest sex ive ever had, but it was no doubt the most pivotal.

After a moments silence he started to question how we were going to handle it.

“Marcus, give me your phone”

He handed me his phone, and I deleted our entire chat log, including the pictures.

“I will never confess that this happened, no one will ever even believe that this happened.”

We tidied up the car and ourselves with some wet wipes I had in my bag, and then Marcus left.

That was now almost a year ago. Marcus and I swap glances, grins, or roll our eyes at each other from time to time, but never hooked up, and he knows I have blocked his number on my phone. Jay and Lana are oblivious, and I assume things are normal with Marcus and Lana. That said, I have changed. I still love Jay and love being married to him and the mother of his children, but at the same time I am finding it easier and easier to find strangers to fuck and disgard, like I’m making up for my nun like adolesence. I expect to get chastised for being so deceptive, selfish and unfaithful, but who else can I tell?

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7vekct/fm_how_i_became_a_cheat


  1. We all have our reasons, and my own rule-following (and therefore wasted) adolescence certain figured into my decision to wade into darkness. But it feels better to have that part of you fulfilled than it does to adhere to some arbitrary rulebook, doesn’t it?

  2. Been exactly where you are! Very religious upbringing, virgin when married, and have been playing around for 20 years. After our kids were born the wife wasn’t really interested in sex that much, she would do it and enjoy it when we did, but it was pretty much mechanical and just another thing on her list of stuff to do Still love my wife, but really enjoy the pure physical nature of sex outside the marriage. Love the feeling of sex strictly for the mutual pleasure of those involved. I actually met a lady 3 years ago that is in a relationship where she loves the guy, but he just doesn’t have much sex drive. We get together a couple times a month chat for a bit and then just fuck for a couple of hours. Neither of us want to change our situation, but neither of us wants to miss the time we spend pleasuring each other.

  3. *I expect to get chastised for being so deceptive, selfish and unfaithful, but who else can I tell?*

    Is that what you want? To get chastised or high-fived for doing something shitty?

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