Fun in Retirement – Part 2 – Off to the Beach [MFF] [Group]

For Part 1 see [Fun in Retirement – Part 1 – Claire](

All names and locations have been changed to protect the guilty…

The fun, sex and partners I have had in the last 12 months at this retirement village is well and truly beyond my wildest dreams (well, actually not, but they can be pretty wild dreams). I had no idea that there is so much going on behind the closed doors – especially between the sheets – in these villages. I thought it would be all prim, proper and straight laced.

But thinking about it now, as you get older you realise that after a life of work and raising children that what time left it may as well be fun, especially where you have no major responsibilities left.

Just to be clear. The whole retirement village is not a giant swinger’s club. No way. Most of the residents are not even aware of what a few of us get up to. If they did, I’d hate to think what they would do. They would make life pretty uncomfortable I’m sure. Probably drive us out with pitch forkes.

Not long after Claire and I had first “done the deed” by the river and had followed up a few times after as well, we were at another “Supper Club”sitting around finishing of the red wine chatting after Di’s great cooking. No one else knew that Claire and I had been having sex. We kept that quiet.

The subject came up of things in life we wished we had done but hadn’t. There were the usual things like seeing parts of the world. Paris, Rome, Venice and London were popular places in lists. There were other places like the pyramids in Egypt, the Great Wall in China and one slightly different – Machu Picchu in Peru. Fortunately for me I could tick this list of European cities. But the more exotic places had also eluded me.

Kath slightly changed the subject to things we had wanted to do, but never had. Something that was easily we all could do together. If we agreed, we would go and do it. For me it was to put my Triumph in a race track. Kath had wanted to roller blade. Di wished she had taken up singing professionally and wanted still to have singing lessons. Claire wanted to do one of the early morning hot air balloon rides over the city. Glenda pulled one right out of the bag – she had wanted to swim naked in the ocean. Where the hell did that come from? As soon as she said it she went bright red. It came out before she had a chance to think what she was saying. That stopped the brainstorming dead in its tracks.

We went through the list.

* Race Track – I was the only one who wanted to take their car onto a track. This was scuttled very quickly.
* Roller Blading – No. There are some things you shouldn’t try when you’re on the wrong side of 70. We don’t bounce as well as kids. Maybe we could have a prize for the first broken bone?
* Singing Lessons – While possible, some of us had heard ourselves sing. For the greater good of our friendship, we thought that this not be something we did as a group. But we did encourage Di to take them up.
* Hot Air Ballooning – We had all seen the balloons over the city in the mornings from time to time. This looked like a good idea. A quick search and we found the price. A bit under $500 each – for an hour. But there was chicken and champagne breakfast after the flight. Ouch! Some in the group don’t have much in the way of savings or much of an income. While it was a great idea, the cost ruled this one out.
* Nude Swim – Well, it wouldn’t cost much. The sea is pretty close…

I said I’d go if at least 3 others were going. Claire agreed – as long as there were four of us going. We looked at Glenda; it had been her idea. She was almost bullied into it by the others and finally she said yes. We needed just one more. It was down to Di or Kath. Both were saying no. United in their stance. Glenda put on the guilt trip. She said it was something she had always wanted to do and was so close. What was there to lose? What did they have to hide?

The expected excuses came out. “I’m too old.” “I’m too fat.” “What is someone sees me?”

Claire then came up with “We all have a pretty good idea of what you look like naked any way. A pair of sagging boobs. Pasty white skin that hasn’t seen sun for decades. A pot belly and cellulite on your thighs and bum.”

I answered “I don’t have celluite!”

Glenda pleaded with Kath to come along. They were good friends. She was really pushing the guilt trip on her. Finally she gave in. That gave us the four we needed. Now all we needed was somewhere to go.

Isn’t the Internet fantastic. Just a quick search for nude beaches in our city and we had a few. The closest was under 45 minutes away. Then we checked the weather. The following day was good for us, around 22C (72F) in the morning with cold change in the afternoon with showers. Perfect. This should keep numbers down at the beach. A morning run was on.

The four of us would go in the one car – Kath had the biggest, so it was organised. We’d meet at 8:00 the following morning.

And so ended that afternoon’s “Supper Club”.

Just how much junk can three women take to the beach for a swim? A lot I can attest. I just had a bag with a towel, my bathers (just in case), a bottle of sun screen, a hat, a bottle of water and my sunglasses.

I have no idea what was in some of the other bags but they looked big enough for a trip for a few days. There was one good thing packed though. Claire had borrowed two small nylon beach shelters from Di. A stroke of genius.

Lucky Kath had a station wagon. The back was full. At least we weren’t going to starve with all of the food on board. Di came out to see us off – to make sure we were going. A last ditch effort was made to get her to come along and her response was “But I have nothing to wear.” Not the best answer ever – for a nude beach.

Kath and Glenda told her that there was no excuse for not coming. They marched her back to her unit, got a towel and a hat and said they had everything else that she could possibly need. We now had our fifth swimmer.

Three across the back was a little tight, but it didn’t bother me. I was in the front passenger’s seat because I was the tallest. I couldn’t argue with that logic.

The drive down was OK. There was a fair bit of traffic as it was a weekday and people were heading off to work. The carpark at the beach was empty. Not a car in sight. To get to the nude beach you had to walk up the beach where we had parked, then around a rocky head on to a more secluded beach. A lot of the junk that had been packed was left in the car. What was carried was the sun shelters and two bags with towels in them.

The walk was about 10 minutes along the sand. It was nice to get the shoes off and walk barefoot in the sand. It had been a while for all of us. We were still clothed by the time we got to the far end of the secluded nude beach. It was empty, the whole beach was ours and ours alone.

First thing to do was to get the sun shelters up. This took a while of fiddling and trying, but eventually we had shade.

Some of us walked down to the water and went in up to our knees. The water was still warm as it was mid autumn.

Back to the sun shelters. Di and Kath were very vocal saying they wouldn’t do it. I think Di said if we were meant to be naked, God wouldn’t have invented clothes shops.

How were we to do this? Do we just strip off in front of each other? Do we do it one at a time with the others turned away? What is the protocol? Finally we worked out we would strip off facing away from each other and wrap our towel around ourselves then head down to the water.

Claire, Glenda and I did this. No peeking either.

So there we were, naked under our towels beside the sun shelters with Kath and Di under one looking on.

“To the beach.” ordered Glenda.

On that the three of us walked down to the beach and got to the water’s edge. We separated by about 30 feet, looked at each other and said to another “After you.” “No. After you.” “No… After you.”

Finally Glenda said “Hell. Here goes.” Threw her towel behind her and walked in.

I said “One small step for man. One giant leap for mankind.” dropped my towel and waded straight in.

Claire I assume dropped her towel because by the time I was out up to my waist in water, I looked back and she was on her way out as well.

We all waded out to deeper water and swam around by our selves. Finally we swam towards each other and met in water deep enough so the two women could stand on the bottom with water up to their necks.

“I’ve finally done it. I’ve swum naked.” said an elated Glenda.

It’s hard looking at a woman’s face when she is talking to you when you can see her boobs and nipples floating just under the water in front of you. I really tried. I really did. But I failed. I was looking. Looking at both as we were standing in a circle (or is that a triangle with three people?).

We lazed out in the water for probably 15 or so minutes. Some chatting. Some paddling and swimming.

We were grouped up again and looking back on the beach at the sun shelters. Still sitting under one were Kath and Di, still dressed, looking out at us in the water. We knew they weren’t going to come and join us so we had to go to them. We agreed that we should just walk out of the water and straight up to them. No towels or modesty.

And that’s just what we did. Claire and Glenda lead the way and I followed along behind them. I did this so Kath and Di wouldn’t be intimidated by me walking up leading the way fully naked. It also paid off in that I could watch Claire’s and Glenda’s naked rear ends as we walked up. :-)

You should have see their faces when we got to them. Priceless.

Glenda asked them to come and swim with us – even with their bathers on. Kath had her one piece on under her dress but Di had come unprepared and had no bathers with her. Finally Glenda convinced them to come in. Kath in her bathers. Di would go in in her long t-shirt and knickers. Somehow she was convinced to not wear her bra under her t-shirt. Her t-shirt was dark blue, so Glenda had told her it wouldn’t go see through when wet. It was interesting to see her remove her bra without taking her shirt off. It can be done. Unclip the back clips. Pull the shoulder straps out of the t-shirt arms over her shoulders and loop them under her arms and back in the arm holes. Then pull the bra out the bottom. She stood and dropper her shorts. Mission accomplished!

Kath was easier. She stood, unbuttoned her dress and dropped it to the sand.

With this success we turned and went back in for another swim. All five of us met up in a group once we got out to deep water up to their shoulders. There were lots if giggles. It was funny to hear 4 women in their 70s giggling like school girls. They were having fun. Don’t worry, I was also happy.

Glenda, being Kath’s friend, waded up behind her and said she should pull down the shoulder straps on her bathers and proceeded to do so. No protest from Kath. So she pulled them down more and slid her arms out from under them. How the traps were hanging loose under her arms, but the top stayed up.

We milled around each other chatting (and me looking). All pretty relaxed considering. Then out of the blue Kath says “Oh heck. Why not.” and pulls the top of her bathers down. Feeling safe that they were under water she set her puppies free.

A cheer went up.

“Well done. You’re almost there Kath.” encouraged Glenda.

Without hesitation Kath then pulled down and removed her bathers completely.

Poor Di’s eyes almost popped out. Her comrade in modesty had gone rogue. Joined the nudes. Liberated herself.

More giggles. Some blushing. And slowly Kath relaxed. She swam towards the shore. Why? Was she leaving us? Had it been too much? Once on shore she walked up to the shelters and dropped her bathers beside her towel, turned around and came back in. Full frontal. Full of pride in what she had done.

When she got back out to us she said to Di “You have to try it. It feels wonderful. So free. Give it a go.”

We looked up and down the beach. It was still empty. We still had it to ourselves. The wonders of a week day with a bad forecast for the afternoon.

I was careful not to be putting any pressure in Di myself. After all she is my neighbour. Our units in the village are attached. But there was no stopping Claire, Glenda and Kath from applying more “encouragement”. I had moved away for this so I don’t know what was said, but after some time off came her knickers. Why them first? That’s a good question, but I don’t know. Then Di was given a hand, and her t-shirt was pulled up and off.


Kath took Di’s t-shirt and knickers and took them back to the shelters and returned to the water. I think she liked the walking around naked.

With that Kath coming back to the water we slowly waded back in as she returned and met up in water what was about thigh deep. This was the first time the five of us had all been naked together when not submerged in water. It felt great to be out in the warm sun.

It was brought to our attention that some of us had been out in the sun for a while and with our complete lack of tan we would start to burn soon. As a group we returned to the shelters and started to apply sunscreen to ourselves. There was a lot of very pale skin to be covered. We even helped each other put sunscreen on each other’s backs. I offered to do Claire’s chest, but she said she had that under control.

We sat around on our towels. Sometimes talking. Other times just in silence looking out over the sea.

I wish I could say I was the most relaxed I had been in ages, but my eyes were roaming. I’m glad I had my sunglasses on so they wouldn’t catch me looking. I had to try and think of other things (football, what to cook or dinner tonight, what will the traffic be like heading back, etc.) because I could feel myself getting aroused at times.

We had one last swim and returned to the shelters and packed them up and leave. That was interesting. We were bending over, sliding out and folding poles, rolling the shelters up, etc. This seemed so natural at times, but one time Kath was helping me (facing me) and there were her boobs swinging free right in front of me. Another time Di was on her hands and knees facing away packing a bag and boy did I get a view and a half. Not a sight I will forget for a while. When I looked up, I had been caught. Glenda had caught me looking. She asked innocently if I had enjoyed myself. But the real surprise was she then knelt down beside Di to “help” her with the packing. There were two pussies looking back at me. This wasn’t fair. How was I meant to keep my dignity? How could I look away? Why would I look away?

I was jolted back to reality when Claire asked me to help her get the last shelter back into its bag. Why do they make the bags just too small? She had worked out too what I was looking at. It wasn’t half obvious. I’m surprised my tongue wasn’t hanging out. She pointed out to Kath what I had been looking at. They shook their heads in faux disapproval.

The shelters and bags were packed. Kath and Claire were sitting on a packed shelter each and Di and Glenda had already started to walk back down along the beach – still naked. The two bags were on the sand in front of Kath and Claire. As I approached Claire quickly spread and closed her legs giving me a flash.

Kath said “What? Claire!”. Then surprised me by doing just the same.

What a day. A pussy count of four. And it wasn’t even 11:30 in the morning. This was getting just too much for me. I’d tried all morning to be modest, but what I had just seen had put me over the top. I could feel myself rising… quickly.

Claire and Kath were looking straight at me. I was standing facing them as I completed a full erection. I tried for this not to happen. I couldn’t hide. There was nowhere to hide. All I could do was pick up the bags and give them a little show.

Claire spread her legs a little, but this time didn’t close them. I was mesmerised. She was looking at me. Well, my erection in particular.

Kath said “We could sit here all day admiring each other, or we could start to head back.” With that she stood up, but over exaggerated just how much you spread your legs before you stand and rose slowly into a full arms-in-the-air body stretch. That was one sexy move. She’s still got it.

With that, both Claire and Kath started walking down the beach. I followed for a little while using the bags to mask my embarrassment until it went subsided. Walking in deep soft sand is good for that.

Once we got to the rocky head which is the end of the nude beach we stopped and put on clothes. Glenda suggested we all go underwear free under the pretence that it would be quicker and you would get less sand where you don’t wand sand.

So that was it. We made ourselves decent enough for the rest of the trip back. If you want to know, Di’s t-shirt was half dry when she put it back on so it clung to her nicely. Her nipples were very well defined. It was dry by the time we got back.



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