[MF] Taken Back to Her Place – Part 1b [Long]

[SETUP HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7v1c87/mf_taken_back_to_her_place_part_1a_longsetup/)


Less didn’t live far from the barcade, so we hoofed it the 4 or 5 blocks to her humble studio apartment. Turns out, she wasn’t kidding about the plants. There was not only a forest of ferns and assorted cosmetic plants, she had a little windowsill garden that she had pulled inside of a few veggies. She had Christmas lights strung up along the perimeter of her apartment, offering enough light to see, but probably not enough to read a book in, not that reading was our intention for being here.


After she unlocked the door, she tossed her keys onto the small island that made up 1/2 of the kitchen area, which was around two times the size of the dining area, all of which made up nearly 2/3 of the space (if you don’t include the bathroom and closets). The remaining space was occupied by a leather couch that appeared to be adopted, by the look of the holes in it and a mattress, surprisingly well dressed for being set on the floor. It was nested in between 3 ferns, giving it a space all its own, despite the open layout of the apartment.


She tossed her denim jacket over one of the chairs and set about putting water into a watering can.


“Do they have names?” I teased, surveying the floral museum.


“What? Like scientific names or people names?” She set to work, watering and refilling over and over again. “I mean, that one you’re touching is named Ernie. This guy over here is Hemingway. I name each of my tomatoes!”


“Seriously?” I looked out at the sill where her miniature farm rested, imagining what sort of person names produce. She was silent and so I looked at her again, to find her smirking. “Okay, so none of them have names. You’re taking a piss,” I shook my head and resumed my perusal.


“No. None of them have names. I like plants, but I’m not some crazy fern lady.” Setting the watering can down, she headed to the bathroom, running some water. “So how drunk were you again?” She called out.


“Oh, pretty plastered,” I lathered on my best drunk impression, a sort of caricature of the already caricatured Jack Sparrow. She emerged from the bathroom, towel in hand.


“So you’re probably too drunk to make the trek down to the cafe? Should probably stay in?” Her smile, for the first time all night, came across as genuine, though it maintained its own unique flair of danger.


“Is this you telling me you’re done for the night? Should I bounce” I leaned against the counter as she rummaged in the cabinets.


“Oh. Quite the contrary. I can’t let you go in your state! Stay and let me make you some tea. I have a white tea that can help sober you up and hold off the hangover,” I was pretty sure this was bullshit too. But, then again, so was I, so, fair is fair. “Pull up a chair and I’ll get some water started. Feel free to name some of my plants,” her usual playful grin emerged again as I took a seat at her little circular table.


“See, I think you have it all wrong. I think these plants are all ladies. You see, that one looks like a Vivian. There you have a Samantha. And that was is definitely an Elvira.”


“Elvira?” She walked past the table after the water was put on.


“Elvira,” I reiterated, noticing her heading to her bed. Before I knew what was happening, her top was coming free from her jeans, revealing an uninterrupted swath of skin, from the hem of her pants, all the way up her back. No bra. She bent over and retrieved a loose tank top from a pile of clothes at the foot of her bed. She slipped out of her jeans and I turned away, not wanting to gawk. Shortly there after she emerged into the dining room, sitting next to me at the table, a pair of shorts on.


“I take it back. You can’t name my plants any more,” she chuckled, her eyes seemed to linger on my body in brief glances. I was wearing a grey henley that I usually do and your typical blue jeans. I wasn’t really dressed to impress, but maybe it wasn’t the clothes she had in mind.


I leaned in toward her a bit. “But then what will I do while I wait for the tea?” She looked up to meet my gaze. She shrugged her shoulders, but maintained our proximity.


“You’ll think of something,” she battled a smile off her face, finally resorting to biting her bottom lip to maintain a serious look. The side of her hand rested against mine and I let my fingers slip over the back of her hand carefully. She didn’t recoil or respond adversely, so I decided to take another step.


This step, at this moment in time, was apparently to pick her hand up and kiss her knuckles.


I’m not talking once. I kissed. Each. Knuckle. Maybe I was more drunk than I had realized or perhaps I was just nervous.


She laughed but didn’t remove her hand from mine. The look on her face was appropriately bewildered. “Thank you your highness!” she mocked, heartily chuckling at my expense. She removed her hand from mine, just to lift my resting hand off the table and kiss my knuckles. Just once, like a sane person. She lifted my index finger from the rest and suddenly took the tip of it into her mouth. Her tongue circled my fingertip and she slowly took it deeper into her mouth, applying a pleasant sucking pressure. Her teeth glanced my finger as she pulled off, her face absolutely pleased with herself, her eyelids heavy with sexual appeal.


I lifted her hand again, kissing her knuckle one more time and then trailed up her skin with kisses. I kissed the top of her hand all the way up her forearm, over her bicep, from her shoulder to her neck, following her collarbone. What started as giggles when I was at her hand, slowly moved to contented sighs as I reached her neck. I let my mouth expand over the side of her neck, my tongue glancing her to experience her flavor. She extended her neck to me as I sucked it, climbing carefully to the crest of her jawline. She cradled my head as I reached her jawbone and her fingers wrung through my hair as I took a gentle bite.


Her cheeks were smooth and plush as my lips pecked the pathway from jawline to my final destination. I kissed her eyelids and the tip of her nose, just to be thorough, before finally placing my lips to hers. Her arms pulled me in as we released into the kiss. It was strangely gentle for how intense it felt. There was almost a feeling that we would break the tension if we moved too forcefully. Between kisses she would let out little sighs, just to return to my lips again. While they didn’t necessarily look it, Less’ lips were remarkably plush and pillowy, full of body and very accommodating to kiss. And she knew how to kiss. She knew how to increase tension by withholding periodically, but not so much that we didn’t kiss. It was a perfect balance.


Our lips moshed about sloppily until the water was finally heated. Slowly she parted from the kiss to get up and make some tea. Her hips swayed back and forth in a little jig as she stood, steeping the tea. She returned with two plain white tea cups, steam billowing from their lips. She blew over the surface of her cup, both hands grasping it for its warmth.


“I made a cinnamon and honey rooibos tea. It’s a relaxant,” she took a timid sip, sighing out as she swallowed, “and a powerful aphrodisiac,” she didn’t even try to hide her smile this time, glancing across the top of her mug at me.


I tried a taste, unsure about any of what she said. It was warm and good. And, I went along with the story that it would serve as powerful aphrodisiac. I’m still unsure if that was true or not, because as we finished conversing over tea, my body was warm, I felt completely comfortable and I wanted to meld skin with Less. She would adjust while we were talking, giving me ever changing visibility to her body’s tremendous landscape. The side of her breast and ribcage would peek out one moment, followed quickly by an exposed look at her shoulder when a strap would fall. I was positively smoldering for her when I finally heard the minuscule clink of her cup to her platter. A sigh escaped her lips, a slight blush on her cheeks from the tea. For a moment we sat in silence, unsure how to bridge into something else, something new. Something more?


I finally gained the mixture of courage and determination to pick her up out of her chair. She wrapped her arms around the back of my neck and lifted into a kiss. For a perfect moment, we stood there, lost in a kiss, her hand etching along my collarbone as brief smiles broke our exchange periodically. I loved the feeling of encapsulating her, feeling her entire back rested against my arm and the little touches she would offer in exchange.


I took a few strides toward the couch, but she shook her head. I looked at her inquisitively, and she pointed to the back of her apartment, mouthing “the bed” as her eyelids hung low with appetite.


Within the makeshift forest was a queen sized mattress, resting on the floor. It was memory foam and well dressed with a dark linen set. Hard to tell the exact color in the amber light.


I dropped her legs so her feet landed on the mattress, the extra few inches this provided her set her at my eye level. She pulled me in for a kiss by the back of the head. My arms wrapped around behind her, cradled beneath her ribcage in the small of her back, pulling her in closer.


I’m sure it’s just hyperbole, but I swear I could feel our hearts racing together as our chests meshed. Her palms brushed over the sides of my neck, as if on a venture to find the perfect positioning. She tugged my lip between her teeth as she fell back into the bed, her hair in a dark halo above her head, messy and energetic. Her top had slipped aside, revealing one of her pert nipples, erotic as it heaved with her chest. She wore a lot of loose clothes that night, so it had been hard to determine the size of her breasts, but they were bigger than they had seemed cloaked in draping fabrics. Whatever the size though, they fit with her body perfectly.


I crawled over her, our legs offset so my right leg was nested between hers as I was on my knees. Her hands brushed over the hem of my pants as she spread her palms over my stomach, beneath my shirt. The henley rode up as she climbed higher, cooing to herself quietly as her hands explored, running over my sides and kneading at my chest. Sliding down the bed not even an inch, her crotch pressed firmly against my thigh. I don’t even know if she was aware that she was doing it, because the movement was so subtle. But, regardless, I took the opportunity to slip off my shirt, tossing it beside the bed before lowering to kiss her again.


The charge of the kiss was completely different this time, being on her bed, topless, her hands exploring my surface like there was a secret door to be found. Her hips still swayed against my thigh while she quietly moaned into the kisses. It was becoming clearer where the night was taking us and that we both wanted that. I pressed my knee against her as she ground against it, one of her hands slipped behind my head for leverage and to keep me pulled in. Her other hand clawed at my chest. Her tongue slipped into my mouth and I quickly met it with my own. She tugged at me, thrashing her lips to mine while our tongues danced. She was barely leaving me time to breathe.


Her clawing trailed down my front until it fell to the hem of my jeans, her palm pressing at the bulge there. Her desperate grasp expanded over the front of my pants, searching the shape of my member. She pulled out of the kiss a moment and looked down, biting her lip and breathing heavily. Her cheeks were flushed as she looked up into my eyes. Her eyes looked massive and desperate, her lips ripe and blushing from kisses. I swayed my hips above her teasingly, while I lowered my lips to her neck. She moaned out freely, her other hand joining in trying to break the latch of my belt. I wasn’t going easy on her as I kissed her collarbone, opening my mouth to nibble slightly. Her chest heaved as she desperately tried to get my belt free, my kisses and playful gnawing complicating
her focus.


She lunged her shoulder toward my face, batting me away. I stood up on my knees, removing her hands from my belt. I stood up and unclasped the belt, slipping it out of the loop of my jeans. I pulled at the hem of jeans, slipping them down slightly. She smirked at me and nodded, teasing her hardened nipple, her tank top all askew and showing much of her torso.


It’s an invigorating feeling being wanted like this, just the movement of your body and the prospect of your nudity charging someone so much, it’s always enlivened the mood for me. It also gives you some power to tease, only increasing the mood more. I unclipped the button on my jeans and slipped the zipper all the way down. It was at this point that she realized (and I remembered) that I didn’t have any underwear on. My cock still sat nestled in my jeans, but a good portion of it was visible from this v-shapes window.


“Oh, we match!” She remarked excitedly, unbuttoning her shorts and pulling the zipper to reveal she had nothing on underneath. She stood up, right before me, biting her lip as her fingertips traced playfully down the front of me, until she reached her destination. She slipped her hand into my pants, her hand finally meeting with my cock nakedly. I sighed out and she kissed my neck, rubbing my cock but not pulling it free from my pants just yet. “Touch me,” she commanded quietly.


I kissed her once more, letting a hand trail into her shorts. She was soaking wet as I touched her, her body bending at the onset. I circled her clit between two fingers and her knees wriggled in response, her hips twitching as her thighs tightened. She bit the skin of my neck slightly as she rose to her toes to accommodate my touch. She was almost too wet to maintain any kind of friction, but she didn’t seem to mind as she pulled my cock out of my jeans, causing them to fall to my ankles. She cooed warmly, pressing her body to me.


“You’re gunna feel so nice!” It almost sounded like she was talking to herself, her mind lost into sexual desire and fantasy. She stroked me with a teasing ease, not gripping too hard and moving slowly. Achingly. She was taking over my mind and I think she knew it. My fingers lay motionless against her clit as she took over the situation.
She swayed her hips, which at first I took to be pleading with me to rub her more, but then her shorts fell away and she stepped out of them, imploring me with a gentle push to step out of my jeans. Her push continued until I landed on a thin pad resting in a nook of one of her windows. She climbed up into my lap, her bared, soaking pussy resting against the shaft of my throbbing cock. She bit her lip, but a sigh erupted from her as our intimacy met, skin to skin. A slow, almost solemn kiss fell to my lips as she rested her arms on my shoulders, grinding against me softly.


I unleashed my hands on her skin, slipping them underneath the drape of her tank top. Her hips were cushioning, followed by the hollow form of her ribcage, eventually cresting in the hang of her sensuous breasts. My palms lay over her pert nipples and she pressed her chest out toward me in response. She pushed me against the glass, her hips’ movements, along with her moans, becoming more feverish. She smiled into the kiss, her hands holding my face near her’s as her breasts crested against my grip. Each sway of her hips drove me wild, provoking my own hips to respond. Her tongue slipped into my mouth again and she teased the head of my cock with her soft opening. My mind melted and for a moment I really thought it was going to happen. Stupidly I would have let it. But, much more responsible than myself, Less grabbed a condom she had tucked away under the pad. It’s like she had this all planned or something.


She got up just long enough to let me put the condom on before pulling back up into my lap again. The back of my head bumped the glass as she lingered over my, softly kissing me, letting her hips sway inches above my cock as our lips explored a slow, almost painful kiss. She touched me so lightly and would recoil, smiles breaking on her lips before she’d press another. I raised my hips to try to provoke her, but she pulled away, pulling out of the kiss with a provocative smirk. She shook her head before returning to the kiss, hips hovering above me, painfully close. The fabric of her top slipped up away from her skin as she lifted it, the edge licking the surface of her skin, revealing her to me inch by erotic inch. I wanted so badly to touch her as her breast settled before her, bare and perky. I wanted to wrap my mouth over her tits and play with them with my tongue, but the prospect of her recoiling was too salient. I didn’t dare risk it.


Her hands raised high above her head, she swayed before me, letting motion flow down her curves like thick honey, all the erotic tension dripping down over my body. I leaned in to breath hot air on her skin. She paused, but didn’t move away from me. I breathed into her extended navel and she trembled slightly, leaning toward me. I backed away and she huffed, a frustrated smile on her lips. My hands moved just centimeters above her skin, hovering close to her stomach and her ribcage. I ‘accidentally’ brushed her nipples on my way up and a brief moan popped from her before she could contain the rest. Her knees shook slightly and I could see her hips lowering. I glanced her skin with my tongue, but only enough to tease touch. She weathered her lip, hips pulled down by the pull of sexual desire.


She enveloped me as she dropped her hips. I remember sighs of pleasure erupting from me in that moment as she eased onto me, inch by inch. Her lips moved to mine when she finally had me at depth, her hips swaying. Her elbows rested near my shoulders again and she took control. Her simple dance was enough to drive me wild and make my whole body ache with sexual intensity. She was so tight and skilled with her movements. I wrapped my arms around her so our bodies could be closer. Cradling her head with my hand, I extended her neck and kissed her there, edging my teeth carefully to coax little moans out of her. Her breathing was heavy and I couldn’t get enough of hearing it. She had one of those slightly raspy voices when we fucked, her moans coming out just dripping over with need!


She clung to me for leverage, her hips becoming ravenous, swaying and rising and falling, our bodies clamoring together in mutual sexual need. She nibbled on my ear, her breath warm, carrying her quiet cries of passion. Her pace steadied and she pushed away from me, her hands pressed into my chest. A smile broke on her face and she bit her lip, the whole expression lit with the subtle rose flushing on her cheeks. She let out a slow sigh and settled on my cock.


I leaned against the cool glass while she swayed her hips slowly, the gentle prodding sending jolts of pleasure up my spine. I took this chance to stare at her, to really see her curves, the way her breasts swayed with her subtle movements, how her stomach would flex and release. Her rib cage would poke out at certain angles, appearing solid, but soft. My hands ran up her body and she moaned out in a sigh, her body resting into my touches. She leaned forward against my palms when my hands reached her breasts, her hands wrapping around mine. She prodded me to squeeze her, rewarding me with little sounds of pleasure. I pulled her nipple lightly and she bit down on her lip, a considerable moan escaping her, reverberating off every wall in the apartment.


She stopped moving entirely, just taking a moment to catch her breath and find my lips again. I wrapped my arms around her again and rubbed her back with open palms while she kissed me. I felt like those kisses had something more in them. Sometimes a kiss feels like an exciting adventure, other times it pleads with sexual need, pulling you in. But these kisses, they weren’t exactly gentle and they weren’t exactly fierce. These kisses felt deep and I still think they were saying one thing: “Please don’t leave”.


She stroked my cheek with her thumb, her body melted into mine, chest to chest. I used this opportunity to lift her up and drop with her to the mattress, laying over her. She smiled and her hands extended over my chest, her eyes turning intense. I recoiled and pushed in again, slowly finding a rhythm. Her arms extended above her head and her calves wrapped around my waist, pulling me in with each thrust. Moans escaped her more freely now, almost like a song, singing the praises of our sexual deeds. She gripped the side of my neck, feeling as my pace quickened, each thrust more violent than the last. Her breasts shook beneath me and her hand’s grip tightened.


“Fuck me!” She called out again and again, her calls alone enough to get me to cum. I fell to my left side and cradled her in close, so her head nestled under my chin, her hands pressed into my chest. She raised her leg, giving me better access and I took the opportunity. With the sensation of her wrapped up in my arms, I used my leverage to fuck her as hard as I could, feeling the pleasure reaching the peak. She clawed at my chest as my rhythm was broken by the sudden wash of orgasm, hitting my body in a wave of release, spilling out into the condom. My pace trended down as orgasm slipped from me, leaving my body cleansed in its aftermath.


I went to pull out, but her legs locked behind me and she shook her head, unfurling from her coital egg. I brushed her hair out of her face, clung to the sweat on her forehead and cheeks. She held my palm to her face with both of her hands, an easy smile resting on her lips. It looked so automatic, like it was easier to just smile like that than to fend emotion off.


“This is perfect, just like this,” her eyes peeled open and she played with my hair. I leaned down onto her and just rested a while, nestled deep inside of her still.


Eventually I pulled out and disposed of the evidence, washing myself off while I was at it. In the meantime, she had fallen asleep, her naked body washed in waves of moonlight, goosebumps forming from the cold.


I pulled her largest, thickest blanket off from the pile and onto the bed, curling up behind her, feeling our warmth collect beneath the covers. It wasn’t too long before I was asleep, too.


(Certainly more with her if you guys have any interest.)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7v1hlx/mf_taken_back_to_her_place_part_1b_long

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