[MF] Fun in Retirement – Part 1 – Claire [MF]

All names and locations have been changed to protect the guilty…

My wife passed away a little over three and a half years ago. The house that once had the family in it now only had me in it. I was 70 years old and living alone.

18 months ago I decided that I would downsize and move to a retirement village; somewhere where there would be more people around me. There were a few villages I looked at, but one was a little older and the units were all dual attached (duplexes) and larger than the newer ones. It also seemed to have more residents walking around and more cars parked by the units. This seemed to be the one for me.

The unit I chose was a double bedroom one. This gives me more storage room for life’s junk and also comes with two car parks. One for my daily driver and one for my [1958 Green Triumph TR3A](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/49/Triumph_TR3x.jpg).

Moving in was done over a few days with the help of my sons and daughter and their partners. I got to meet many of my neighbours during this time. They were mostly single women ranging in age from around 65 to 95. There were a few men around who I also met. All of the men were older than me – by a lot. Most of them were living with their wives, a few were by themselves.

I settled in over the next few weeks and got to know quite a few of my neighbours. The village has organised activities and I joined in a few of them. I tried lawn bowls. I really tried. I was OK at it; but my problem was my attitude. This was a game for old people and I couldn’t bring myself to it.

There is the walking group. This was much better. Weekly they would drive to somewhere within an hour and go for walks in the bush. Based on the village demographic, this group was made up of mostly women.

Another activity I tried was the Computer Club. This is where people were taught how to use their computers. I had come from an IT background and had kept up (somewhat) with computers, so this was another activity not for me; although I do help others out with their computer problems from time to time.

During this time I got involved with a group called the “Supper Club”. Basically we take turns cooking dinner for the other members of the group. We each end up cooking about once every two weeks for 4 to 6 others. This is good as it makes us all cook good meals and not just basic meat and three veggies. It’s also very social. Wine with he meal is basically manditory.

When my wife was alive, we were members of a Chrome Bumper Classic Car Club and used to go out on regular drives. Some day trips, some for the weekend, and even some for up to a week. The rewards of being retired. I have remained a member, but hadn’t been going as regularly as I used to. I felt wrong without my wife there.

One night we were chatting around the table after a “Supper Club” dinner and I was asked about my green Triumph. I told them about how I was a member of the club, but hadn’t been going much lately. They all said I should be going and even said they would like to come along. I told them that the car could take only one passenger and it was rough, noisy and windy. This didn’t dampen their enthusiasm. Claire was the most up front and basically invited herself along on the next day trip.

The next day trip was to a small restaurant about 2 ½ hours away, The weather forecast was good, so it was organised. I told her to wear trousers/slacks a shirt and a hat to keep her hair under control.

The day came and she turned up in a lovely summer dress. It was a good dress for the day, but a dress or skirt is not the best to wear in an open top roadster car. Getting in is something that requires some contortionism. The seat is very low, and the door opening is not as big as it seems. There is a lot of leg spreading and grabbing and pulling of ankles to fold up your legs to get it. This activity definitely gets harder with age.

With a change of wardrobe to more Triumph suitable attire, we were almost ready to leave. Last was the hat. Claire had selected a nice large floppy sun hat. This wouldn’t last 5 minutes on the road. I loaned her my wife’s old cap that she used to wear in the car. These have a strap with a clip on the back of them that you clip on to your collar so that if the hat does blow off it doesn’t get lost. That almost brought me to tears seeing the hat being work again.

The day went well. I enjoyed getting back with the car club (some active men as last to mingle with) and also just to get out again with the car. Claire joined in and she also enjoyed the day as well. Getting in and out of the car was difficult for Claire. Her knees aren’t as flexible as they once were and she needs a hand getting up and down from the seat once her legs are out. (Why is good health waisted on the young?)

After we got back and went our own ways, I was sitting at home and realised that this had been the first “first date” I’d been on since I first started going out with my wife over 40 years ago. But was it really a date? I guess it was; although I wasn’t really trying to pick her up. She was the right age for me, also in her early 70’s, was single (divorced many years ago), and was a pretty good looker (for her age).

We went on a few more car club trips. I was enjoying myself and was looking forward to the next one. Clair and I were being asked very direct questions about exactly what happened on these car trips when we were at the “Supper Club” nights. All in fun.

Most of the car club trips are on a weekend, so we has weekdays spare. We decided that we would do a day trip just ourselves during the week. I had been to a place many years ago that was about 1 ½ hours away that I had always wanted to revisit. So I invited Claire along, programmed the GPS, and off we went for the day. We brought along some food and planned on having a picnic lunch so had packed small bags each.

Getting closer to summer, the days were getting hotter. This day it was forecast to be quite hot. We left mid morning and called in at a small town about 2/3 of the way to where we were going. By now it was getting quite warm and it is fairly hot in the car even though it is a convertible with the sun beaming down on you and the heat from the engine and exhaust coming up through the floor. Claire said she was getting too hot and was going to change. She took her bag and headed off to the toilets in the town park and changed. I was expecting shorts. But no, she had on a sleeveless dress that came down just passed her knees. One of those stretchy light ones that usually are horizontal stripes.

Bags were back in the car and we were ready to head off. I knew she would need help getting into the car, but was not sure how to handle it now she was wearing a dress, without embarrassing herself. I started to head to the drivers side hoping she would get in by her self. But no. I was called back to give her a hand. I put out my hand and she held on as usual and lowered herself onto the seat. Trying to be a gentleman, I was looking elsewhere. Once down, she folded her legs into the car and was ready to go.

Half an hour later we arrived at where I had planned on going to. It hadn’t changed much in the years since I was last there. The usual exit strategy was invoked. I got out first, went around the passengers side and help extract Claire. But this time there was the dress! I was thinking of how I would help her up without looking up her dress when she started to get her legs out. She was sitting on the dress (obviously) and it wouldn’t allow her to spread her legs to get her first one out. So she pulled up the hem high enough so she could. This happened quickly, so before I knew it I was looking at pretty much the whole front of her knickers. The second leg being pulled out was just as awkward and just as much knickers was flashed about. Now she just needed to helping hand to get her up onto her feet. For the third time I got to see knickers-a-plenty as she stood up.

As she stood up she said “Thanks for the lift. Did you enjoy the view?”.

I admitted that I had caught the oh-so-briefest glimpse at an inopportune time. This was a significant under reporting of what I had actually seen. I could tell you that her knickers were light blue with dark blue thin pin stripes and had white edging around the legs. (How high they were and what was on their top was still an unknown though.)

We had lunch and a walk around the area for a while and sat around and talked some more.

Eventually we decided it was time to start heading back. I was feeling uncomfortable with the prospects of helping Claire back into the car. She opened the door, turned to face me, hitched her dress up a little with her other hand, took one of my hands and lowered herself down onto the seat. But instead of leaning a little forward to grab her ankle to pull it in she leaned back and opened her legs as she raised her dress. I may be getting old, but this was no accident. This was a show for me. Claire looked me in the eye, but it took me a while to register this. My eyes were elsewhere.

“How did that happen?” Claire asked.

“I don’t know. But we’re grown adults.” I answered.

Claire then folded her first leg in, then her other. Plenty more knicker flashing was done. Once in the car she didn’t pull her dress down. It was barely covering her crotch. The top of her thighs were fully exposed. As we drove she was lifting her dress up and down as we passed oncoming cars. They couldn’t see a thing, but I could. On that trip home I got to see lot of those knickers.

When we got back we made sure no one was watching as Claire got out of the car. We had to fiddle around waiting for someone to leave.

Our parting words that afternoon were that we would have to go out again soon.

Our next trip we did was the Thursday two weeks after. I could hardly sleep the Wednesday night.

Sunday morning comes and the Claire knicker show is on again as she climbs aboard the Triumph. This time she has on a nice white short sleeved cotton blouse and a light blue wrap around shirt that came down to nearly her ankles. Even as we are driving in the village before hitting the road her dress “slipped open” as she innocently looks around as if nothing is happening. Today’s knickers are a step up from those on the last trip. The previous pair were a plain cotton; today’s are red lacy ones.

On the drive out I stopped in at a shop to buy some more snacks for the day. I parked the car under some shade and Claire stayed in the car while I grabbed the snacks.

Back on the road and Claire was playing with her skirt again, it spent a lot of its time open with the sun shining on her lovely thighs and knickers.

We got to our destination. A very quiet car park up the end of a short dirt road. This was the start of a short walking track into a river which that I had read about. I had brought a day pack and had put it on when I walked around to “help Claire out” (Wink. Wink.).

She got her legs out and red knickers were the order of the day. Lots if flashing going on. Lots of giggling too from Claire.

“Lets start walking.” she said, turned and headed off to the track.

Once at the river we walked up stream for a few minutes until we found a nice spot in the shade. I took off my pack, knelt down and started to pull lunch out. Claire knelt down beside me and started sorting through what we were going to eat. She was close. Very close. Much closer than was necessary. I could feel her arm and shoulder brushing up against mine. I hadn’t been this close to a woman in over two years and it felt nice. I didn’t want it to stop. Before I knew what I was doing I turned to her and kissed her on the cheek. We stopped still. Had I gone too far? Has I messed things up?

My worries were unfounded. Claire turned to me and we kissed again. This time lips to lips. I didn’t know that to say, but the words “Thank-you.” came out. Claire smiled. For such a simple thing, a kiss just hits you in a lovely way.

We sat next to each other, looking at the river, and eating. Claire all this time had her knees up and I knew if I was in front of her I would be getting a great view. But I didn’t know how to change position without looking like I was after a look (which I was). I decided to throw caution to the wind and put my hand on her knee. She flinched. I’m glad she was nervous too. I found out later that she hadn’t been with a man for around 12 years after a few unsuccessful relationships after her divorce.

I was siting next to her upright with my legs crossed. This I am still able to do quite easily. I’ve been doing it all my life and find it quite comfortable. Claire then put her hand on my thigh. With my legs crossed it was fairly much on the inside of my thigh. I slowly started to slide my hand up her thigh which was lifting her skirt. As I did this, her hand was sliding up my inner thigh. I could feel a swelling in my shorts starting. Claire removed her hand and put it on my hand and also bunched up some of her skirt and slid them right up her thigh. My hand was in her lap and the bottom of her skirt was very high. I could see a lot of her thighs.

She took my hand and placed it between her legs. She started me gently massaging her pussy through her knickers then let go and told me to keep going. She lay down and let me slowly massage her. I had been worried recently that I might not be able to get hard like I used to when I was younger, but that worry was going fast. I could feel myself rising to the task with vigour.

Claire was lying in the sun with had her hands on her stomach and her eyes closed. I was sitting beside her and had by now slid my hand down the front of her knickers and massaging her through her lovely pubic hair. She was getting wetter and harder. It had been quite some time since either of us had been intermit with another person.

There was no doubt Claire was enjoying this. She threw caution to the wind and slid of her knickers. Oh what a sight. Her lying on the grass with her dress opened up and her knees now up and her legs open in the sun. I was told “Don’t stop now.” How could I refuse? So I continued to massage her pussy which by now was very wet.

After a little while Claire started to sit up and said it was time to see what I had. I laid back and she unbuttoned and unzipped my trousers and pulled me out. Oh the feeling of her hands on me.

Claire only stroked me for a minute or so and I asked her if she was OK with going further. She was. She rolled onto me, took my cock in her hand and guided it into her. It just slid in. Oh how I had missed that feeling of being inside a woman.

She rode up and down gently as my hips slowly pumped in time. As we continued Clair was unbuttoning my shirt and rubbing my chest with her palms. I had slid my hands up under her t-shirt and had lifted her bra so I could cup her breasts in my hands.

This was heaven. I thought my days with a woman were well and truly over, but boy had I been wrong. I wished this would never stop.

But it did eventually stop… as I came after a few minutes.

Clair laid down on my chest and we hugged and gently kissed for some time after. No words were said. I’m not sure how long we lay there in the after-glow, but it was almost surreal.

Eventually Claire rolled off and lay on her side beside me. All that came to my mind to say was “Thank-you.” Claire’s reply was “And thank-you.” Smiles were exchanged. The sun was shining. We could hear the river and some birds. It was lovely.

More time passed. We got dressed. Ate lunch. And walked back to the car.

Any of the previous pent up sexual tension had by now gone and it was a nice relaxed drive back home.

Thanks wonderful day Claire.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7uz9xw/mf_fun_in_retirement_part_1_claire_mf


  1. This is funny but I wish times were still like how they were in the old days; before me. This type of courtship would never work in todays world with today’s youth but I would love it if it did.

  2. Gone wild old school, gallant & cool

    TR3 is such a hot pussy magnet (is it OK for me to lust after it as well as Claire?).

    Superb tale (and photo) all the way around.


  3. Brilliant story. Any relationship update? Do others at the retirement village know or is your encounter/relationship shrouded in secrecy?

  4. Great story! Loved the buildup and honesty.. and details. Youngsters: pay attention, this is how to live life with grace and fun.. we’re all in the same train.

  5. Thank you for letting me know my sex life doesn’t have to end just because I’m getting older?

  6. Well done! Had me glued to the story with a wonderful ending. Look forward to more.

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