Orbital Academy XIII [scifi][mf][romance]

Look in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's the latest chapter of a scifi space opera!

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Missy was surprised at how well she was holding up. During her first day at the Academy, on her first jog, she had collapsed in a heap after three minutes of steady running. Now here she was, on an uneven and dark jungle floor, and she'd been jogging for an hour. She wasn't even the most out of breath of her teammates; Aimee was huffing and puffing just ahead of her.
It's because of how resolved I am to save Preston and my squaddies, she thought valiantly, but in reality it was probably more due to the fact that Captain Appet had pushed her as hard as she did. It had only been five months, but Missy thought of herself as an entirely different person now. The type of person who would risk everything to save the people she cared about.

Jackson drew up to a halt in front of them, reading a small screen in his hand, and the squadmates slowed to a walk, catching their breath. Missy glanced around to confirm they were all there, Jackson, Aimee, Li and herself
"The beacons are saying they're just a km or so away," he whispered, "we try to be quiet from here."
"If they have guards watching what do we do?" Missy whispered back, "Terrans have always outfought Orbitans when we've engaged in firefights."
"The drones have been able to catch Terrans by surprise on every planetary run. They haven't ever had lookouts before, they won't now."
"They've never taken Orbitans prisoner before either," Li muttered.

It only took a few minutes of walking before the Terran village came into view. Large buildings, all rough tan stone and wood, sat in a ring around a clearing. Most of the windows were dark, but there were lights flickering in a few, similar to torchlight but in different colors.
"No lookouts," Jackson said quietly.
"Can you get a close enough signal to see which building they're in?" Missy asked. Jackson looked at the screen, then pointed.
"Second floor. All together," he replied, "Alex was separate from them for a little while, but she's back with the others now.
"You don't think they're being tortured do you?" Li asked, "taken out one at a time to pump for information?" Aimee smacked his head with a significant glance at Missy.
"Its alright," Missy watched the windows on the second floor steadily, "whether they're being tortured or not, were here to rescue them, so their suffering is over now. Let's move."

They broke from the treeline at a fast jog, staying quiet and low to the ground as they went. Missy kept a sweaty hand on the butt of her dart pistol, but the noise of weapons would instantly draw the whole of the village down on them. If she needed to fire it, chances were she would already be as good as dead. Even so, the weight of the weapon on her hip made Missy feel just a bit better as she flattened herself against the wall of the stone building. Jackson, Li, and Aimee moved along beside her as she slowly slid along the wall until she was next to the wooden entrance.

Missy's mouth was dry. It was an odd thing to notice at a time like this, but it was uncomfortable.
I don't know a thing about what's behind this door, Missy thought, silently lifting the beam that held it closed, I could be walking into a room full of Terrans right now. I could be seconds away from my death. She swung the heavy door open and slipped inside. Bare of decoration, huge and stone, the room was thankfully empty. Missy breathed a sigh of relief as her squadmates slipped in with her, observing the building's entrance hall. Doorways lined the walls, but there was only one stairway. Using Academy sign language, Missy indicated that the rest should follow her. The stairs were dark and quiet, and even though they were trying to move silently, the sounds of four footfalls echoed in the stairwell. Missy held up a hand to stop her squaddies when they reached the head of the stairs, and she peaked around the corner. Halfway down the hall, two guards flanked a large wooden double door.
"Two hostiles," she signed to the others, and then before she lost her nerve, before she gave herself the chance to chicken out or back down, she moved into the hall.

Even as she hurtled down the hallway Missy tried to keep her footfalls quiet. She drew her dart gun as she ran, hoping she wouldn't have to use it and alert anyone else. The hallway seemed to stretch out as she ran, it seemed like an eternity to close the distance between her and the guards, and every second she expected them to turn and raise an alarm. Clearly they hadn't been expecting any action at all, since they didn't notice her until she was almost on top of them. The closest guard only had time to open his mouth in surprise before the butt of her gun slammed into his cheekbone. Despite Missy's hope that her momentum would bring both guards down, the other was able to skip back to avoid the two bodies hitting the floor. He wasn't yelling for help, but he was muttering something under his breath, words that seemed to prickle on the inside of her ears without her being able to hear them at all. Missy watched in horror as his hand started to glow, but Li and Jackson both slammed into him before he could complete the action. He struggled, twisting his body to try to gain leverage, but Li wrapped an arm around his neck to lock him into a hold, and it only took a few seconds before the man slumped to the ground.

"Do either of them have a key?" Missy whispered. Aimee and Jackson searched the pair roughly, digging into pockets and the pouches at their waists. Aimee she shook her head, but she looked pale.
"Missy, that purple thing the general had, that looked like crystal…did it look like this?" The object that Aimee held up was almost an exact replica, in dark blue instead of purple. Missy wordlessly nodded.
"We can process what that means later," Jackson broke in, "right now we need to figure out how to get that door open quickly and above all, quietly."
"Typical Jackson behavior," Julia whispered from the doorway, causing the squaddies to collectively jump, "trying to come up with a complex plan without checking to see if the door is open."

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Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1wvxp2/orbital_academy_xiii_scifimfromance