Stacy’s Night Out Pt.1 (FF)

For the second time in the evening Stacy felt a hand on her knee. Her brain was a little fuzzy after downing a margarita and a beer within the first half hour of arriving at the bar but she needed something to strengthen her resolve. After some badgering she had accepted the invitation from the office cool kids for a night at their favorite watering hole.

Working with people that were 10 or even 20 years younger was taxing at times, sometimes Stacy felt like an anthropologist observing a strange new tribe. She had heard bits and pieces about their Friday outings around the office but she had dismissed it as youthful bragging and one-upmanship. “These kids have no idea the things I’ve seen,” she frequently thought to herself.

The first hand on her knee was from Vanessa, the queen bee of the group. Stacy had written it off as the overfamiliarity of the sorority girl type. It seemed to go along with the effusive greetings and constant hugging. The hand never went anywhere and Vanessa moved on soon to flit about some other beautiful person.

The second probing paw was coming from Stu, Vanessa’s husband who had assumed his spouse’s seat as soon as she vacated it. Given that Stacy had just met Stu, she had a harder time explaining away the action in her head. She was beginning to regret the seat she had chosen in the back of the circular booth. She thought it would be out of the way and allow her to observe the scene. She had not calculated that she would be trapped by whomever sat on her flanks. To her left was Madison, the youngest member of the office squad and the only one that was unattached. Madison had only graduated a couple of years before and was hanging around town with no real mission. In the 15 minutes they had spent together in the booth, Stacy had heard a great deal about Madison’s inability to find a steady partner despite dating many men and quite a few women. Stacy had also surmised that Madison might have started drinking earlier in the evening and was unlikely to leave the booth any time soon. Stacy was stuck between a rock and a hard guy.
Unlike his wife’s, Stu’s hand proved to be a bit more active. Perhaps that was just because he was the kind of guy that talked constantly and whose hands were darting about to emphasize what he was saying. His hand danced up her thigh on occasion but retreated as quickly as it advanced. She regarded him with equal parts disgust and amusement. Stacy was preparing to react if his shenanigans didn’t end soon. Part of her wanted to make a scene and embarrass him but that would make work difficult. Perhaps, she thought, just excusing herself to the rest room would defuse the situation.

They say the first casualty of battle is the plan. Stacy was focused on her right flank and the advancing of Stu’s hand. She was not prepared for her unmolested leg to suddenly get a visitor. Stacy had to double check to make sure that Stu had not somehow magically moved his free hand that far under the table. But all evidence suggested that Madison was now fondling her left leg. Before Stacy had time to formulate a new plan of attack or retreat, Madison’s hand moved up to the table and grabbed Stacy’s. Madison exited the booth while pulling Stacy along and announcing loudly that they were going to the bathroom. Stacy had never been a big fan of the girls trip to the bathroom but given how strange the situation had gotten she thought it a reasonable way to escape Stu.
The two of them wound through the bar and Madison led them into the dark corner that contained the restrooms. Upon entry, Stacy was disappointed to see it was small and just contained a toilet and a sink. She had really hoped for the privacy of a stall but instead was locked in with Madison. Stacy moved to the mirror and pretended to check her makeup to offer some tiny bit of privacy.

Madison approached the sink, placed her hand on the small of Stacy’s back and said, “you were a pretty calm under pressure in there.” Stacy could feel her cheeks flushing pink but she tried to stay cool and answered ” what do you mean?” Madison laughed and said, ” you had both the prom king and queen feeling you up and you didn’t flinch!” She maintained eye contact with Stacy as she backed away and hiked up her flowing skirt to reveal a lack of both underwear and pubic hair. While Stacy was surprised by the action she had already thought about what might be under Madison’s clothes and had guessed right on both matters.

Madison returned to the sink to wash her hands and as she met Stacy’s eyes in the mirror she said, “you know they are swinger’s right? They try to sleep with everyone in the building if they can. Since you started they have been speculating about you. Stu said you seemed uptight but Vanessa thinks you are wilder than you look !” Stacy cooly responded, “Well what do you think? Did you pull me in here to save the damsel in distress from the dirty perverts?” Now Madison was one the one blushing, she had expected Stacy to be more nervous or weirded out by the everyones’ behavior.

Madison broke eye contact in the mirror and glanced down at the sink where her hands were still under the running water. Stacy felt a surge of energy as she realized the dynamic was changing. Madison never stopped washing her hands as Stacy slipped behind her and began kissing her neck. She could see Madison’s face in the mirror, her eyes were closed and her lips were parted and glistening. Stacy’s hands circled her tiny waist and caressed her stomach. Once again Madison’s skirt was lifted to expose her but this time someone else was in control of the garment. Madison arched her back to force her bare ass into Stacy’s body. The rough denim of her jeans added to the tactile stimulation of Stacy’s hands.

Stacy kissed Madison’s ear and whispered “how do you like being groped?” as she placed her hand on the bare thigh. Stacy’s hand proved more aggressive than the others from earlier in the evening. She met no resistance as she moved higher up Madison’s thigh. Madison turned her head hard to the right to meet Stacy’s mouth and their tongues met. Stacy’s left hand was intertwined in Madison’s long hair while her right hand probed the hairless spot between her legs. Madison moved her right hand on top of Stacy’s to guide her movements and add more pressure while her left hand was caressing her breast and grazing her erect nipple. Just two minutes after the embrace began, the two women were startled by a loud pounding on the door. They both recognized the muffled voice of Vanessa pleading for toilet access. Madison spun around and faced Stacy with her arms around her neck. Madison whispered, “you’re a sly silver fox” and planted a last kiss on her lips. Madison twirled away and her skirted dropped back down just as she reached to unlatch the door. Stacy took advantage of the still running water to wash her hands. As Vanessa bolted in to use the facilities she proclaimed, “it smells like sex in here.”


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