[MF] an afternoon on the couch [consensual BDSM] [gonemild]

**TLDR:** I delivered a punishment and then fooled around on the couch.

I’ve talked in the past about one of my play partners, Linda (see my post history, especially [“it was only a kiss”](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/724eoq/it_was_only_a_kiss_it_was_only_a_kiss_mf_kink/)). As it turns out last weekend she made plans to play with someone new, which, hey, good for her… except that she didn’t tell her friends she’d arrived, or that she was okay, and that’s a big no-no in the BDSM community. I got frantic texts from her friends asking if I’d heard from her, which I hadn’t. Fortunately, she messaged them pretty much right after that, and me too.

But her friends were really worried about her, and I decided she needed to be reminded that it’s okay to meet new people, but not to worry your friends.

Let me pause for some physical data here. Linda is 5’2, about 200#, but curvy and stacked with *all* the hips and a big, round butt. Yeah, she could probably stand to lose a little weight, but I love her curves. She has a bright smile, long brown hair, and brown eyes. She’s 42 and married, and her husband knows we play together. I’m 6′, a BHM, shaved head, beard, mustache, blue eyes.

I told Linda to come to my house, come right in when she got here (I left the door unlocked), strip from the waist down, and wait in the corner, hands on her head. She showed up a few minutes late, but traffic sucks, and besides she was *terrified*. I’ve never punished her before, but apparently stories have gotten around and she was scared enough to almost have a panic attack the night before.

I let Linda stew for a few minutes before taking her by the wrist and hugging her, and then telling her to look up at me and open her eyes before I lectured her. I don’t yell; I just talked quietly, and she nodded, and she really did sound apologetic, like the knew that she had screwed up pretty badly.

Linda loves OTK spankings, so I couldn’t punish her that way. I bent her over the arm of the couch and started with my hand, starting harder than I normally go but not as hard as I can go, lecturing her as I spanked her. Her backside grew pink pretty quick, and then red, and she was yipping and yelping every now and then, her face buried in her hands. Normally I wouldn’t do a warm-up for a punishment, but this was the first time for her and I didn’t want to break her.

The next step was to retrieve a wooden spoon. In flurries of ten hard, sharp spanks at a time, I created little sunburst-like bruises on her backside while continuing to lecture her. She squirmed quite a bit and tried to get her butt out of the way, but I’ve been doing this for a long time and was not having it.

And then, finally, it was time for her paddling. I moved her to the back of the couch (I needed more room), and when she bent over it she was barely able to reach the floor with her tiptoes. Perfect. I told her that, since she’d been 33 minutes late to work earlier that week, and three of her friends had been worried about her, she’d get 11 swats. Now, this paddle is one of my first implements — as long as my forearm, light in weight, as wide as four of my fingers held together.

I admit it: I didn’t go as hard on her as I have on other people. First time, like I said. But each and every swat — which I made her count out loud — came with a loud, pained sound. The last one (the hardest) got a full-throated “OW!”

But then we were done, and I pulled her into another hug, and she cried on my chest (there’s mascara on my t-shirt which I hope comes out in the wash; I pre-treated the stain but sometimes that doesn’t work). I told her she was forgiven, that she did good, and we joked a bit about how it wasn’t *that* bad… because it was only the first time. She was quite adamant that it would be the last time.

As I’ve mentioned in stories about the Doctor, I like the cuddling after spanking just as much as the spanking itself. The Doctor only weighs about 130 pounds, though. When I put Linda on my lap, her weight was comforting and soft, and she appreciated that she wasn’t hurting me (apparently that happens when she sits on other people’s laps; I don’t know). We talked for a bit, and snuggled, and I stroked her bare skin, and then she decided she wanted to play a little.

Fine by me. Now that the punishment was over, I was more than happy to put her over my lap and spank her with my hand. A lot. Enough that she started whimpering from arousal instead of pain. I’m pretty sure pulling her hair and holding her throat helped with that. *(Important note: breath play is dangerous; only do it with someone you trust.)* I really wanted to spank her until she came (which I’ve done a couple of times in the past) but after more than 700 spanks (I counted) she was still just on the edge and my arm was exhausted.

Linda has rules. Nothing overtly sexual that involves oral or touching any part of either person between their legs. Fortunately, despite still carrying a torch and hoping that someday her husband will be okay with polyamory enough for the two of us to date, I have iron self-control. Why is this important?

Because, for the next hour-and-a-half, Linda sat on my lap and we teased each other.

I pulled her hair. I held her throat. I scratched and touched and stroked and tickled. I nuzzled her neck and offered to give her neck kisses (which she’d complained previously no one ever gave her anymore), and she said yes.

She was electric. Every time my lips brushed her, or my teeth grazed her, she would squirm a little, or press against me (by now she was straddling my lap, still completely bottomless), or her toes would curl, or her fingers would dig into my shoulders or my chest.

This went on for some time, and she kept dancing along that edge, until she said her legs were getting a little tired and she moved to sit next to me on the couch. I snuggled with her, and we did some more breathplay (my hand over her mouth, and holding her nose closed), which left her gasping in all the best ways. *(Remember: breath play is dangerous. Be careful.)* But what was really more fun was just touching her in all the approved places, including brushing her inner thighs literally an inch from the center.

The night before, we’d texted a bit and she’d told me about some fantasies she’d had — having a dominant partner come on her naked body, mutual masturbation, and a few others. I’d held out hope that she’d want to do one of those, but I am not a pushy person (despite being a top) and I would never want her to feel uncomfortable. She is, after all, a close friend as well as a play partner. Besides, even though I was in charge at the time, it’s still her body 100 percent.

But we were getting close to when she had to head out, and I knew she was on fire, and I murmured something like, “I could watch, if you’d like me to watch.”

It took another couple of minutes before her hand drifted down between her legs. Her eyes fluttered closed and, as I touched her thighs and face and neck, brushed my palm over her breast, cupped her cheek, pulled her hair, she touched herself. I don’t have any details on what she was doing because I had my glasses off and anyway I was looking at her face. I’m sure I would’ve enjoyed seeing her technique, but watching her expressions was better.

Soon enough — maybe a minute and a half later — she let out a soft moan and her legs closed around her hand. When her eyes opened, her pupils were wide and her smile was soft. I told her she was lovely and the smile only grew.

With our last moments on the couch, I took her right hand, which was pretty slick, and she leaned over and kissed me. Not like she did the first time we kissed, but a soft, sweet kiss on my mouth. I wanted more, of course, but like I said, I’m not going to push her. I’m going to wait until she is at a point in her life when we can do more without having to break the boundaries she and her husband agreed to.

Linda got up from the couch and said something to the effect of the fact that she was soaked, and afraid to get my couch wet. I told her I would’ve been glad to bring her a blanket or something, and we both smiled. Bottomless, she went to my bathroom (walking with her legs together) to clean up, and when she came back, we hugged again for a long while before she got dressed.

In my foyer, as we said goodbye, she kissed me again, a little more than the previous but still nothing passionate. It was more like a kiss of thanks, of promise, of desire to do more and frustration that we couldn’t. I mean, while I’d been touching her, her hands had been on my shoulders and chest and I *know* she was stopping herself each time from going lower. I wouldn’t have said no, but that’s breaking a boundary, and she’s a good girl.

Well. A woman, not really a girl, but you know what I mean.

I know this is a bit more #gonemild than some of my posts (especially [the last one](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7rxya4/mf_my_wife_her_mouth_her_hands_her_orgasms/)), but there’s lots of fun to be had in taking your time, in cuddling, in touching each other, in *not* actually having sex but doing things in the general vicinity. You should try it sometime. I mean, you can always masturbate later.

Which I wasn’t going to do, because I had an appointment with the Doctor that night, and I had a feeling that she was building up to doing more with me than before. But that’s another story for another time.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7sqhyv/mf_an_afternoon_on_the_couch_consensual_bdsm