Beta Readers Wanted

If you like a little bit of funny in your erotica, this might get your gears turning. I've completed the first two vignettes of my 40 part series about a woman traveling through time to bang the presidents. Hijinks (sexy hijinks, surely) ensue.

If you PM me your email address, I'll send a copy of the completed stories this weekend.

Here's a (non-sexy) taste:

It started as a joke.

We were eating lunch at a posh spot with white cloth napkins folded into swans. Fifteen dollars a glass for house Cabernet, fifty dollar prix fixe lunch menu, you get the gist. I hadn’t seen my bestie Sandra in a long time, and she was dead set on me getting a taste of the finer things in life.

“Hey Al, what would you do if you could go back in time?” she asked. It was an innocuous question, plucked from the ether and just as quick to return to it.

“I’d probably go back and fuck every president, in succession,” I deadpanned.

“Even Taft?”

“Especially that fat bastard. And don’t ask me if Grover Cleveland would get it twice, because you know he would.”

Sandra was having a tough time keeping her foie gras in her mouth. Each laugh was punctuated by a quick gesture to her mouth to make sure she hadn’t spit her food all over her face.

“William Henry Harrison would be tough,” I said, “as he was only president for a few days before dying. I don’t know how I’d worm my way in there.”


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