The Note: Part One and Part Two [BDSM]

Part One

As I opened the note I looked around cautiously. Nothing else seemed out of the ordinary. Shower, put on the clothes in your room, and be ready at 7. I looked at the clock; it was already 6. Even if I did what the note said now, I’d never be ready by 7. Wait. Was I really considering this? I put the note back and went to my room. On the bed was a large white box wrapped in a pink ribbon.

Two things came to mind while I was opening the box. One, I know whoever sent the note. They obviously knew me. Who would know to put the note in my kitchen? Knowing I would go to the fridge to get wine after my Friday afternoon class. Two, I was surprisingly excited. My somewhat boring Friday night in just turned into an unknown adventure.

I pulled the clothes out of the box. A black satin bra with panties to match, a black dress, and stilettos. Running my hands over the material I knew this wasn’t Sears quality clothes. These were expensive and someone bought them for me. Another note fell from the clothes, Hurry up now, you don’t want to be late.

Thirty minutes later I was showered, dressed in the gifted clothes, and pacing nervously by the door. The fear of the unknown was building, I could sense myself backing out of it entirely right when the doorbell rang. I jumped and stared at the door. Well, this was it right? If I open the door then I’m going through with it. I grabbed the doorknob and turned. Standing in front of me was an older man in his late 60’s dressed in a tux and a top hat. “Are you ready, Miss?” he asked holding out his hand. I placed mine in his and shut the door behind me along with my negative thoughts.

The older man opened the door to the limo in my driveway and I climbed in. Surely this looked out of place. I live in a very normal, middle class suburb and a limo is out in my front yard. I tried thinking of which one of my friends would be able to pull this off and no one came to mind.

“Where are we going?” I asked the older man as he pulled out of my driveway.

“We will be there soon” He replied. Something told me he wasn’t giving any more information than that. I looked around and found another note in the seat next to me. Go to the front desk, tell them you are Mrs. Wilson checking in. Get three keys and have them charge the room to the card on file.

So I was going to a hotel. I wasn’t sure how I felt about this, but I wasn’t backing out now. After what felt like forever the limo stopped and the older man came around to open my door. I climbed out and turned around to thank him but he was already back in the limo driving away. I was at a Marriott. I knew there was no Marriott in my town, so quite a ways from home? Gathering my courage I walked to the receptionist desk.

“May I help you?” The blonde behind the desk asked.

“Um yes, I’m checking in” I replied.

“Name please?” She asked, looking at her computer.

“Mrs. Wilson” I told her. She looked up, at me, gazing from top to bottom. I sense a feeling of disapproval and jealousy from her. I blushed, and swept my hair across my shoulders nervously.

“Right. And how many keys will you be needing today, Mrs. Wilson?” Her tone was short, much less pleasant than before.

“Um, three please” I answered, thinking she already knew that.

“Will this be charged to the card on file?” She asked, almost impatiently.

“Yes.” I said as she handed me my keys.

“Take the elevator to the top, 40th floor” She said, dismissing me.

I leaned against the elevator side and took a deep breath. What was I getting into. Why did she act that way when I told her the fake name? The elevator opened up, I looked down at my key. Room 410. My hands were shaking as I tried opening the door. What would I find behind it? I walked in, expecting to find someone here, but to my disappointment it was empty. There was a vase of flowers and a note on the center table. Open the closet, get the doorstopper and prop open the door. Then go into the bathroom, take off your dress, and go to the bed.

I was getting tired of these notes. Who did this guy think he was? Bossing me around like this. Expecting me to do what’s on the notes. Of course, as I thought this, I opened the closet door. There was the door stopper and a strappy harness looking thing. What was that for…

I propped open the door and went to the bathroom to remove my dress. So he bought this expensive dress just for me to take it off? I sighed and walked to the bed. On the nightstand was yet another note and a blindfold. Put on the blindfold and lay down. I got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach as I covered my eyes and laid half naked on the bed of the most expensive hotel I had ever been in. Something told me this was going to be a night to remember.

Part Two

Laying on the bed, my mind began to race. What was going to happen? I’m not the one to do things like this. I like routine and security. What made me go along with all of this based off a few notes? What if this was a stupid prank my friends would laugh about. I could see Tim putting me up to something like this for shits and giggles. Just as I was about to get up and leave I felt a hand push my shoulder back on the bed. I froze, my heart feeling like it was going to jump out of my chest. I could hear him breathing beside me, I could feel his gaze on me and I suddenly felt very exposed.

His hand moved down to my wrist and pulled it up to the head board. Suddenly my wrist was fastened to something on the head board. He trailed over my chest with his fingers to my other arm, grabbing it and pinning it to my side. I felt silk over my leg and realized he was securing my arm to my thigh. Panic swelled up inside me. If I let him continue how far would he take this? Would I be able to tell him to stop?

I heard him moving towards the end of the bed. I wanted to tell him to stop but I couldn't find my voice. He firmly grasped both my ankles and spread them apart. I felt metal on my ankles and heard a snap. I wiggled my legs to find out I had very little mobility. He had attached a spreader bar to my ankles, forcing them apart. Something told me it was too late to back out of this now.

I heard him moving to the side of the bed again. Heard a bottle open and then felt cool oil being poured on my stomach. I felt his hands moving in circular motions slowly up my stomach just below my bra. As he inched closer I suddenly wanted his hands there, on my breasts. As if he read my mind, I felt his hands disappear and then something cold touch my skin. I felt the fabric in between the cups of the bra tearing. My heart stopped as I realized he had a knife and was cutting my bra off with it.

He seemed to notice me tense and placed his hand on my stomach. Oddly enough it was reassuring. He wasn’t going to hurt me, was he? Soon the luxurious bra was cut off and my breasts were exposed to him. He placed the knife down and placed his hands back on my stomach this time rubbing the bottom of my breasts with his thumbs. I began to relax again, finding my breath. His fingers inched closer, ever so slowly to my nipples. I began to ache for his touch there, but it never came. He moved his hands down my stomach this time teasing me with his fingers slowly darting in and out of the lining of my panties. I was breathing harder, starting to squirm, feeling the ache building in my groin.

His hands moved again, and this time I felt the cool blade under my panties. I felt them tear, each side falling on the bed. The only thing covering me now was a thin layer of fabric on my sex. For what seemed like an eternity I felt his hands back on me. This time at my feet, removing my shoes. He lifted my legs, forcing my knees to bend slightly. He lifted them higher and somehow fastened the bar holding my legs apart to the headboard. The piece of fabric hiding the last part of my body from him fell away.

I was completely exposed, unable to move, unable to see, but somehow I felt calm. His hands ran down my legs, slowly inching closer to my lips. I could tell he was enjoying teasing me this way and watching how my body reacted. I felt his hot breath on the inside of my thigh, then his lips trailing kisses closer and closer. Finally I felt his tongue there. I moaned and bucked my hips into his mouth.


He’d hit me. On my ass. Hard. If he wanted me to stay still while he was doing that , he was nuts. I smiled, a little defiantly as I felt his tongue return. This time lower, sliding in and out ever so slowly. I bucked my hips into him again, effectively forcing his tongue deeper inside me. He pulled away.

Smack Smack Smack

“Is this what you want?” He said angrily as his plunged two of his fingers deep inside me. I cried out, moaning loudly, craving more. But he didn’t fuck me with his fingers. Instead he turned them so his palm was up and started stroking. He had found my spot. He was no novice. He kept stroking, faster, and faster until I couldn’t control it anymore and came hard on his fingers.

He pulled out, and I felt his breath next to my ear. “How was that?” He asked, a smile dancing on his words.

“Amazing, thank you” I murmured.

“Oh, we aren’t done yet. That was just the warm up. I’m curious if anyone heard you, you were quite loud.” He teased.

And then I remembered. The door to the room was open. The. Whole. Time.
