Box Love (M/F humor)

It’s was my second day at Food City and I was bumbling around trying to look competent. I was supposed to be Christina’s shadow but she called in. Jason, the manager for the morning asked me to refill the produce bags at the end of the table holding oranges, lemons and limes while waiting for Richard to arrive. He was Christina’s replacement as my training friend.
How one manages to fuck up putting the bags on the dispenser, I don’t know, but I nearly broke the thing. Another employee whose name escapes me came to the rescue and did it for me.
Richard was running late and I wasn’t sure what to do with myself so I walked over to the dairy box and started facing the whipping creams because safety.
I could hear the sliding doors opening and closing on the other side of the shelf next to where I was. Little movements caught my eye as I took each carton of cream and pulled it forward stacking it on top of the one beneath it.
When I was done, I moved on to the pints of half and half. I had to reach farther back for these and when I did so, my hand made contact with someone else’s and I jumped, startling. Whoever was back there was stocking as I was facing.
“Sorry!” A man’s voice called out from inside.
“That’s ok!” I said, trying see the face of who was back there.
A pair of brown eyes were grinning at me through the creamers. “Stay right there!” he said and shut the door.
I moved over to the eggs, unable to hide my smile at the silliness of enjoying that tiny moment of touching someone in an unexpected way. The playful expression in his eyes told me he was hot as fuck.
“Hey!” I heard his voice next to me and startled again.
“Wow you scare easily. I’m Brad.” he offered his hand.
“I’m Beth. Nice to meet you.” I shook it, the coolness of his skin against mine was intoxicating. He was hot as fuck with a big smile, a thick reddish beard and short wavy hair I wanted to run my hands through.
He glanced at my hip donning my box cutter holster. “Ah, new hire huh?”
“How’d you know?” my eyes widened.
“Your holster doesn’t look like this.” he flashed his at me. It was dark brown and peeling away at the top seam. A sharp contrast to the blondish color of mine. “When did you start?”
“Two days ago.” I replied. “Christina was supposed to continue training me today but she called out, then Richard, but he’s late, so yeah, I feel like a fish outta water.”
“I need help back here if you want.” he offered. “Have you worked the box yet?”
“No, I’ve only been inside once.” I said as my cheeks reddened.
“Well. Everyone needs more time in a box.” he grinned. “I’ll let Jason know you’re with me. Just keep facing.”
I continued with the eggs feeling a lightness fluttering through my limbs. I squatted in front of the bottom row and pulled carton after carton forward, my fingers getting cold when he returned, standing in front of me. My face was just below his crotch as I looked up at him, then realized what this looked like and jumped up.
“Easy there. Don’t hurt yourself now.” he said, amused. “Come on back.”
I followed him to the back of the store, and into the box. He closed the door behind us.
“So the cow juice and eggs are here. We stack them in order from fat free to whole. I try to keep the egg stacks to just two…” he continued but my mind had taken a different road. While he explained where the yogurt and cottage cheese was kept, I was mentally on my knees sucking his cock, imagining it hardening in my mouth, before licking the pre-cum off of it.
“The little Greek yogurts are stacked four high, and make sure the labels face out.” he said. “You also want to make sure the dates on the milk and creamers are facing out as well.”
I kinda heard what he was saying, but I was also rubbing that thick cock dripping with my spit all over my chest, rubbing my nipples with it before putting it back into my mouth.
“Do you have any questions so far?” Brad asked.
I licked my lips, and crossed my arms, hoping my nipples weren’t visible through my t-shirt. “Nope, but I need my sweatshirt. Hold please!” I said and dashed out.
I hoped he was staring at my ass as I left and made my way to my locker. I pulled out my gray sweatshirt, and put it on and as I went back, noticing how wet I had gotten.
Brad was bent over, cutting open a case of almond milk. A thought of dousing ourselves with it, pouring it all over us before rubbing ourselves against each other raced through my mind. My nipples warmed at the thought of being pressed to his drenched skin.
He turned around as I approached, my thoughts changed to wearing a strap-on and fucking his ass while he was doing whatever he was doing.
“Nut juice.” he said and I laughed. “We stack it in the corner here, but this one needs to go on the shelf to the right of the eggs.” He handed it to me and I walked it over and stocked it.
I was left alone with my thoughts as he continued organizing and stacking the almond milks. I worked the first case of eggs, thinking of him behind me, spreading my pussy open before shoving his cock inside. I wanted him to pound me this instant as I held on to the shelf. I wanted him to take me relentlessly, then pick me up, place me on this stack of eggs and bury his face in my dripping cunt. I wanted him to lick all my arousal away and replace it with his saliva only to make me flood his lips with myself again.
I imagined he was good at eating pussy with that mouth of his. I wanted to rub myself all over his beard while he chased my clit with his tongue. I thought about him grabbing handfuls of my ass, pushing my legs up to eat more as I gathered a fistful of his hair, begging.
When I had put up all six cases of eggs, I turned around to see Brad stocking Swiss Chocolate Pudding.
I walked over to him, legs shaking, pussy soaked as if we had already fucked twelve times and asked what I could do next.
“Um, juice needs some love.” he nodded toward the far end of the shelves. “Hey have you had this?” he held up a container of pudding.
“I haven’t.” I replied, thoughts of dipping his cock into it and licking it off flashed through the movie reel in my mind.
“Wanna try some? This one is open.”
“Sure.” I approached him. “Should we get spoons or something?”
“Spoons? Who raised you?” he grinned and dipped his thick index finger into gelatinous substance.
“Savage.” I replied and followed suit.
While we stood there eating pudding like animals, I was acutely aware of how unbelievably turned on I was. I had never felt this before just by standing next to someone I barely knew. I was sure there was going to be a puddle of pussy juice beneath my feet before long.
I dipped my finger into the container gathering a dollop and tapped his nose.
“Hey!” he wiped it off with the back of his hand. “Don’t start something you can’t finish!”
“Oh I can finish it!” My pussy was delivering a slideshow to my brain of all the fun things I could do with the pudding, smearing it all over his inner thighs and lapping it up, finger-painting his cock with it, plus here were cans of whipped cream that needed to be emptied on his balls and butter that could be melted, and drizzled all over that juicy ass of his.
“You’re going to get me in trouble. My boyfriend is working demo right now and could easily walk in at any moment.”
The slideshow came to an abrupt halt.
“Oh! Jeremy’s your boyfriend?” I replied, eyes wide, remembering meeting Jeremy who was just as hot, yesterday. There were too many moving parts to take in right now. My pussy was hoovering her juice back up, demolishing any hope of buttered dreams and pudding soaked cocks.
“Yup, and speak of the devil.” he smiled as Jeremy walked in.
“What are you two up to?” he asked, noticing the open container of pudding in Brad’s hand.
“This one was open so we went for it. Want some?” Brad asked.
“Don’t mind if I do. I need a spoon though.” Jeremy said. “Have you just been going at it with your hands?”
“Something like that.” I said.
Jeremy walked out and I watched Brad watch him.
“He’s hot.” I observed aloud.
“Fuck yeah. We’re open and he gets a lot of attention.”
“Open as in open relationship?” I asked, thinking there could be room for one more, one with boobs, and a pussy who was currently experiencing the lady version of blue balls.
“Yeah. It’s been a few years now.” he said.
Jeremy walked in, holding a spoon, and went for the pudding. “This stuff is delicious!”
“Right?” Brad agreed.
I watched them continue and the fantasies started up again. I was mentally pouring almond milk over the three of us, melting butter over two asses, and sucking two cocks dipped in pudding.
This was quickly becoming my favorite job.

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