[MF] Reconnecting with high school crush

I’ll be writing this in two parts since it is a bit lengthy and I’m not for sure how long is “too long.”

The first part with be the buildup and background information. The second part will be the “good parts.” as I have saw them called.
Always enjoy positive feedback.

This story is one I’m sure can resonate with some. Either by fantasy or by conducting the act, but who hasn’t wanted to go back in time and shag that person from high school you always had an infatuation with???
I hadn’t had Facebook long before I started spending hours on it….I become obsessed with how easy it was to search for people from my past. Mostly friends and acquaintances from grade school and high school, and then some guys I had served with while I was in the military. Before long I had several “friends” whom I was back in contact with after so many years.
In comes Kristy.
She and I attended a couple of classes in grade school together, and then junior high. We unfortunately never had any classes together in high school so we rarely spoke more than the occasional hello in the hallways. Even so I couldn’t help but see how she had become a good looking young woman. She was always taller than the other girls, and now she was hovering around 6 feet or just over.
Her shoulder length hair framed her face perfectly. Her eyes became a move vivid green or maybe my own puberty had allowed me to notice how this tomboy little girl who played left field on our little league team had grown up.
We both moved after graduation, her because of getting married and me because of joining the service.
We reconnected on FB and it wasn’t long before we were sending each other messages back and forth. We spent hours, days, weeks, and months catching back up. She startled me one day by making comment on a pic I had posted of how good looking I was and glad that didn’t changed from my high school days.
I personally thought I had changed a lot, so when I asked her what she meant by that, she admitted to having a “crush” on me while growing up, which made me feel pretty damn good about myself.
I told her I wish she had said something back then, because I admitted that in high school she “blossomed” very nicely and I never had the courage to approach her as anything but friends. She laughed and said she was glad I had noticed her blossoming, but I was a dumbass for never saying so back then. Touché my dear and I couldn’t deny that I was indeed qualified as being said dumbass in high school….
Over time we become close, and at one point confiding in how are relationships were far from the cover we both put on. We both married young, but her first marriage was far from storybook. It was abusive from the first week she moved away and continued until she had to come home two years later for her mother’s funeral. Her husband wasn’t able to make the trip, and she finally broke down and told her family about what was going on. Her brother stepped in and wouldn’t allow her to go back.
Over the next year or so, she met a really nice guy and “settled” on her second husband. I say settled because he was at the other end of the spectrum from her first husband. He was kind and considerate to the point of being too kind and too soft hearted.
Her marriage was pretty much sexless, but in every other sense he was a good man to her and he wasn’t beating the shit out of her every other day like her first husband did. My own marriage had been a dead bedroom for a couple of years, and the facade I put on she was well aware of.
Our chats became bolder, and we eventually ended up having some pretty erotic discussions. She sends me a few risque photos in lingerie and I reply with a few of my own wearing only my boxers. I see that the years had been kind to her, and I swear that her boobs had grown even more than I had remembered in high school to which I quickly commented my appreciation.
All of this lasted in our fantasies online until the moons and planets aligned putting her and me in the same area at the same time. I had traveled back home to visit my father, and she was back there visiting her brother. Growing up in a small town we decided to meet in a couple towns over where there would be less likelihood of being seen by someone we knew and we would have breakfast together.
I know the car she drives, so when I pull into the lot I see her parked alone in the back corner. I pull the bike up beside her and by the time I turn the motor off and remove my helmet, she is standing in front of me waiting to give me my hug. Kristy looked absolutely amazing. She was wearing a red, knee length sundress, which was held up by straining straps over her shoulders.
We were looking each other eye to eye and I had forgot how tall she was. Being 6’3” myself, it’s rare I look a woman in the eyes without having to look down, and I can’t help but smile. Arms around each other briefly, but long enough to feel her chest pressed into mine through my leather coat.
We enjoyed a great breakfast, laughing and carrying on, almost like teenagers all over again. The waitress asked if we needed more coffee since our plates had been empty for a while.
I knew that Kristy wouldn’t have a lot of time, so I suggested she get a cup to go and we could be on our way. I followed her to her car, and she couldn’t help but want to look the bike over. She had wanted one for a while but life, as it so often does, got in the way.
Outside now, and out of ear shot from other patrons, I told her there is no doubt I’d enjoy taking her for a ride. She said she would take me up on the offer if she had more time and was dressed for it. I told her how great she looked and much preferred her in the dress. And with that I went in to give her a good bye hug. I still had my jacket off and tossed over the bike. My arms wrapped around her body so I could hold her close. This time without the thick leather of my jacket I could enjoy the feeling of her large DD breasts pushing into my chest through the thin material of her dress. This hug turned into a long embrace, and we just stood there finally enjoying the feeling of each other’s bodies. We separate only a little, arms still around each other when time stood still. Eyes locked and that awkward moment of silence that seemed to last forever hang over us.
I knew I wanted to kiss her, and I the look in her eyes told me it was what she wanted also. So unlike so many years ago I wasn’t going to pass up this chance….and leaned my head over. She did the same and our lips met. Soft and sensual like long lost lovers. My hand moved up her side and I felt the fullness of the side of her breast. It hovered enjoying the curve and the fullness rubbing it up and down. It wasn’t long before I naturally went to move my hand to the front to feel the now hard nipples poking through the cotton fabric, and that’s when she pushed my hand away.
I broke away from the kiss realizing we were still standing in a busy parking lot and she was thinking with her head, vice what I was thinking with. “Not here. It’s not that I don’t want to, but we can’t here.” Kristy said. “I understand, so what do you suggest? Are you ready to go home yet?” “No, no I’m not. But we need to find a place more private.”
Right next door was a hotel, but, both of us having to maintain OPSEC neither of us had the cash on hand to pay for a room.
“Follow me and I’ll find something.” Kristy said.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7novfp/mf_reconnecting_with_high_school_crush

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