[MF] My first 18 y/o old-young sex story (PART ONE)

Hey everyone! :)
This is a more recent story. If you’ve read my others, you’ll probably be surprised to know that this was my first sexual experience with someone older. I’ve never mentioned it before, but I probably seem like the type lol.

A little background about meee! I’m 18 (nearly 19). I’m a self-taught NodeJS, so I do freelance work. I’m telling you this because you might ask “how could you possibly do this at your parent’s house?”. I make a decent living, and I’m happy how I am, so I moved into a nice little apartment (recently). I’m a lot happier with the independence and all that.

Anyways, that’s where the story takes place. If you’re wondering what I look like, I’m pale, kinda short, busty, not super skinny but not “fat”, blue hair, crystal blue eyes, and plenty of energy ;) I wouldn’t really look like a slut when you first meet me. I wear glasses sometimes, too, and I dress relatively normally.

Now, on to the story. EASILY one of the fucking sexiest MFing sexy times I have ever had, and that’s probably saying a LOT. However, it was a bit embarrassing, for reasons that I’ll get to later.

It started in a way you wouldn’t even see in a crazy Hollywood movie. I was grocery shopping, like ya do, in my local Target. I had just grabbed a box of my favorite cereal (if you can guess it I’ll DM you a dirty secret of mine! haha). I wore lightly torn jeans that showed off my butt and a black hoodie. An older man, probably late 70s-early 80s, entered the aisle. I gave him a friendly, respectful, etc. smile and nod. He slowly but surely made his way down the hallway, eventually coming over to me. I was still in “elderly citizen who needs help” mode. I awkwardly stared at him as he traveled over, anticipating the “where is the yogurt?” or “can you pick my wallet up?” or whatever. “How are you, young lady?” he initiated. Still, in the mode, I said “good, how are you?”. “Quite well”, he replied. He investigated me and my cart for a moment. “A young lady like you shouldn’t be buying all of these things on your own. Why don’t you let me take care of you?”.

At this point, I was teetering. I would have jumped ship with anyone else, but this was an 80-year-old man in a grocery store. He was probably just being nice, right? “Oh, no, I’m okay. Thank you, though!”, I replied. “I insist, what is your name?”, he asked. “Hailey”, I replied. “What a beautiful name. I’d love to get to know you, if you don’t mind, Hailey.” Get to know me? What old dude talks like this?

I felt extremely nervous in that moment. I couldn’t call a friend and ask what to say. I couldn’t just run away awkwardly. Rather than crafting a well-thought-out reply, I simply said “okay”. It was like some sort of movie, almost. What old man was this bold and, well, actively seeking? I was still nervous and confused, and I went along with it. As I accepted his “advances”, he analyzed my body, especially giving a good look to my face, which was nicer than having him stare at my tits for thirty seconds. I didn’t know what to do next. Check out? Keep shopping? Luckily, he made that decision easier. “Hailey, you keep shopping, honey. Get whatever you like. I’ll see you soon”. With that, he left.

*Sugar daddy joined the party*

He did look well off. Nice clothes, new shoes, etc. So, I said, “fuck it”. I went around the store and filled up my cart. I was reasonable and hesitant, but I was more generous than I was on my own funds. As I finished, I spotted him waiting near the checkouts. I really had to use the restroom, but I didn’t want to keep him waiting. He intercepted me as I moved towards the checkouts. “Let me take care of it, sweetie”, he said, taking my cart and moving to the cashier. I followed behind.

It felt super weird in a couple ways having him pay for everything, as it totaled like $150. The first reason was that I felt obligated to something now. I felt like he’d done this expecting the favor returned. The second was that it felt so similar to what I’d seen before. I had officially been “daughtered”, or whatever the fuckin’ word is.

“Hailey, would you like to come visit me?”, he said. I hardly considered the sexual implications at that time. All I knew was that I owed him some sort of favor. I think, in that moment, I thought that he was just a lonely old man who wanted someone to talk to. He wrote his address on a card, handed it to me, and gave me a kiss, which I awkwardly received. “Come right over, would you?”, he said, not angrily but more sternly and expectingly. I nodded.

I loaded my groceries and drove directly over, following his vehicle (a black Cadillac, a really nice car) for the most part. Luckily, none of my groceries really needed to be urgently refrigerated. I calmed my nerves as I drove, listening to some good music. The thing with that music was that it always made me feel more confident. It made me feel more like I was in control, that I chose to do this, and this was my “fuck you”. I liked that :).

We pulled into his driveway nearly simultaneously. It was a very nice home. I didn’t know what to think. Did he have a family that I was supposed to befriend? Was I his “daughter” now? I was scared, nervous, and excited all in one. He held the door open for me, and I walked in, noting that a lengthy stare was given to my very tightly wrapped ass.

“Hailey, please, have a seat in the kitchen. Would you like anything, honey?”. That one small question heightened my nerves. I didn’t like asking for things from people I didn’t know. “Umm, water is okay”, I awkwardly replied. True to form, I proceeded to let out a SUPER loud fart proceeding my answer. I was always prone to it, and it didn’t fucking help that I was so nervous. My face immediately reddened as I covered my mouth, embarrassed. Walking over, setting down my glass of water, and taking my hand, he said “Hailey, honey, don’t be embarrassed. It’s only normal for a young, excited girl like you. I don’t think any less of you”. It wasn’t the worst reply I could have gotten, and it kind of soothed my nerves. It was definitely one of those old-and-wise/seen everything type of situations.

I began to catch on to the dynamic. I was the young, clueless, excited girl. I did everything in my power not to fart in public. I covered my mouth whenever I laughed. That was a part of the dynamic – my complete relative lack of knowledge in comparison. I was the daughter. He, on the other hand, was the one taking care of me. Reassuring me. Buying my groceries. THAT was the dynamic. As this became more apparent to me, I felt more comfortable fitting into my role.

He then asked me to come to him, which I did. He took both of my hands in an almost dominant gesture. “Hailey, tell me more about yourself. How old are you? What are you like? What interests you?”. I proceeded to tell him that I was 18, all about how I was smart and exciting and “loved to try new things” (I put it in a normal way, hoping he’d catch my double meaning ;), and about how I was interested in action and adventure and exploring and trying new things and socializing and all that.

“You are an incredible young woman, Hailey. You are absolutely beautiful. I admire your energy and desire to discover yourself”. I smiled and laughed, as did he. “I want you to be honest. Do you feel comfortable with me?”, he asked. “Yes, of course!”, I hastily replied. I farted again, similarly to the last. I didn’t mean it as a sign of comfort or anything. Maybe I did subconsciously, but I didn’t even mean to. I didn’t try to stop it this time, though. This time, I got a little red, but I was less embarrassed, and I didn’t have any hands free. “I admire a young woman who is comfortable with herself”. He moved his hands to my waist, rubbing into me. “Hailey, tell me. Are you comfortable with your body? You are an incredibly attractive young lady. You are a true relief for an old man”. “Thank you! I, yeah, I am”. Was I supposed to say something sexy there? I dunno. But I didn’t. Fight me.

I put my mind into that moment, and only that moment, as he admired my face, and my breasts, and my legs, and my stomach, as he felt my waist and worked his hands down to my hips. Millions of things came to mind. I appreciated how comfortable I had become. I enjoyed being appreciated by not someone my age, who was equally stupid and crazy, but someone who had seen this before, and knew what they were looking at when they complimented me. I enjoyed knowing that there was very little that I could do that he would find surprise in. I lived in that moment. It was surreal and incredible. I began growing hornier and wetter as this went on.

That’s part one! :) A few notes on it real quick. First, most of the dialogue is pretty accurate, but this did happen yesterday, so I don’t completely remember everything to pinpoint accuracy.

Second, if you have any questions, compliments, etc, LET ME KNOW! I love replying to messages and replies and talking to people who like my story :)

I don’t think this will be a series with a ton of parts. Probably just 2 or 3 total parts. I’m only breaking it into parts because I don’t want this one to be too long, and it’s a fun little cliffhanger! So, I’ll start on part two as soon as this one is published.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed so far! I hope it’s as fun to read as it was for me to experience ;) PM/reply with any questions, comments, concerns, etc! Thanks! xoxoxo

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7m5u75/mf_my_first_18_yo_oldyoung_sex_story_part_one


  1. Lucky charms? :)

    Btw, really enjoying the tale thus far. I wonder if that approach only works for 80+ year old men. :)

  2. Was he really 80 years old ? Or is his age an exaggeration? Just curious

    Can’t wait to hear more …

  3. So we are standing in a bookstore both looking at regex the compendium and i offer to buy you one. Would this work? Would that be the same as offering a drink in the club?

    You wrote really nice and I had fun reading it. Please keep on.

  4. Well I’m intrigued! Weren’t you worried that when it came to things you might chicken out?! Can’t wait for the next part!

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