[MM] Two friends get heated Pt.3

Hello all! I am writing the third installment of my previous story of me and my close friend hooking up. You can find the first two parts in my post history.

This picks up from going to sleep Saturday after an amazing day of hooking up, talking, and getting to know another side of my friend.

Sunday morning is much like saturday morning. Except im spooning Brad, my dick between those cute cheeks, (I don’t think I’ve mentioned it but I’m about 6 1/2 inches and have some good girth), and bracing him with my arms around his chest. When I open my eyes I kind of release from him, roll over on my back and just stare at the ceiling and think for a minute and try to process everything again. It’s really a new thing for me, I had never been with a guy at all. So for me to experience that is a little… eye opening. I actually enjoyed it. Almost as much as being with a girl. But girls are so different for obvious reasons. They’re softer, it takes more to please them, and women are just so beautiful. But Brad… Brad was different than other guys. He wasn’t a manly man, but he had a toughness about him. He really took care of himself. And his skin was a little lighter (which I love) and his hair was a beautiful red color. Pubes to match;) no facial hair. I liked his look.


As I lay there thinking brad turns to me, hands me the pipe and says “Good morning!” with a huge grin. I say the same and take a couple of hits, set it down and he rolls closer to me and suggests we just lay in bed for a while. I oblige and he cuddles me. I feel his dick against my thigh and he reaches over, grabs me, makes me hard instantly and says. “Let’s nap naked”. Brad is a horn dog in general, but obviously more when he’s high. I’m for it, so he slides my shorts off revealing me and just looks at me, smiles, and as he stands up, he starts this strip tease dance. It’s so cute, lol. He turns around so I can examine his ass again and he is taking his shorts off too. We laugh I tell him he’s stupid and we lay down completely naked under the warmth of the sheets.

He cuddles me this time, and I feel him hard pressed against my cheeks and it’s kind of invasive, but I like how his warm dick feels so I let it happen. So we go to sleep again from being stoned. I always fall sleep when stoned unless I’m drinking or something. A while later I wake up to him watching porn on his phone jerking off. Instead of interrupting him I just watch in amazement. He’s jerking at a slow pace, really into it and he looks over at me, says I should join in. Obviously I do, and he put the phone between us, both jerking off to this girl getting rammed in the ass. He says “Before this weekend I never thought I’d say this, but I wonder how that feels” I reply with “Same here, but I don’t think I’d like someone inside my ass, would seem uncomfortable” he comes back with “since we’ve gone this far, would it be weird if we tried it?” I’m taken a back, I stop jerking, so does he and I say “That’s not really what I had in mind, I don’t think it would go over how you’re picturing it” He tries to convince me and I tell him that he’s just horny and wouldn’t like it after he finishes.

Brad says fine, drops the subject, puts his clothes on and goes out to the living room to play some video games. He seemed a bit upset… I’m not sure why, maybe because he didn’t get his way, but I felt bad making him upset so I follow him and try to talk to him about it.

He’s being weirdly pouty about it.. saying I just wanted what I wanted and I wasn’t thinking of what he wanted to try… it’s a whole thing. I’m feeling REALLY awkward in this situation so I think maybe it’ll blow over and he’ll come to his senses after calming down from being so horny.

Here we are, in this little apartment he’s playing video games and I’m on the other side of the couch watching him play for about an hour. And he looks at me and says sorry for being an ass, but he really wanted to try it. So we talk a little more and he is still wanting to try it.

I say sure, but only with condoms. So he agrees, and we go to get condoms.

When we get back I’m feeling really nervous and I let him know that. So he suggests we shower together and get in the mood. And that works… when we get out of the hot shower we kind of dry off together, he’s kissing me, jerking me and I’m really horny now so we make it to the bed. He gets down in a doggy style position and tells me he wants me inside of him. I make sure one last time that this is okay and of course he says yes. So I get on my knees, put the condom on and ask myself one last time “Am I ready for this” I have a confident yes come over me and then go for it.

I start by putting lube on his asshole while he’s jerking off. Then I put a finger in to see how he reacts, and he busts out with a moan, then two, and he says “enough already, just put it in” so I slowly glide my dick inside of him… it’s really nice. It’s so tight and like nothing I’ve felt. Even with a really tight girl.

And he’s moaning and groaning with pure pleasure. I can tell he likes it because he keeps asking me to go faster and there I am, pounding this cute ass and he’s really getting into to it. About 5-10 minutes go by of me pounding Brad and he starts to tighten up, he yells “I’m gonna cum” and I’m really close too so I just pump and pump until I cum. Once I do it feels pretty good and it’s enjoyable. I feel the condom full up and then brad cums too. He shoots his load all over his sheets and is just in pure pleasure. As he lays there ass up I look at what just happened. I’m not repulsed by it or anything. I just think I went too far…

So as typical brad fashion he smokes some bud, and falls asleep. In this time I get up and shower myself off. I shower for about 30-45 minutes just thinking… “should I have done that” and when I get out of the shower I start to pack up my things to get ready to leave. I try and wake Brad up to tell him I’m heading home. He shoots up and says “You’re leaving now after all of that?? I thought we were going to cuddle” I can see his sad face and I feel bad, I really do but I have to go. I tell him I need to get home since i have long drive and things to do at home (I did, but I was also feeling awkward) He understand me having to go home. But again gets upset at me for leaving abruptly. We get into another little tiff about how “I think it’s all about me”

As I’m leaving Brad says something REALLY hurtful. He says “How’s it feel to be a rebound? If I wouldn’t have had you here I would have brought that girl home Friday and none of this would have happened, so you’re welcome” SUPER left field. So I come back at him and tell him how he’s the one who started to grab my dick initially and all that. Get this HE SAYS IT WAS ALL ME. EVERY HOOKUP. All me, and he went along with it to make me feel better since I had been single for a little while, and he wanted to get off too. I simply can’t believe what I’m hearing and don’t really get what’s happening.

I start to get really upset and I tell him there’s a good reason his girlfriend cheated on him. And I stormed out to my car.

I get in my car, sit there for a second and just get mad. Not sad, but really pissed and confused.

The drive home was hard… I cried at one point for feeling like I was used to get him off. A few hours after I get home I’m about getting ready for bed and I get a call from Brad. I don’t answer. He leaves me a voicemail and I ignore it. Then a long text. I don’t read it.

When I wake up Monday I feel… different. So I get ready for work and before I leave for work I listen to the voicemail and I can still hear it to this day “Hey Eric, I wanted to tell you how sorry I am. Give me a call”

The text is a long description of how he feels insecure now and he doesn’t have any closure from two people who he cared about (me and his ex. She didn’t tell him why she cheated.) and he feels like he fucked up big time.

Since then I haven’t talked to brad or heard anything from him. I see him on FB every once in a while with his cheater ex girlfriend. They got back together about two months later.

These are some real emotions here and I started telling you guys this in hopes it would help me deal with it. I still think about it from time to time. But I always have a huge guard up now. Especially with meeting new people. I haven’t met or hooked up with a guy since then. Only girls, and they’ve been pretty good. I’m pretty happy and I’m enjoying life… But I also feel the loss of a good friend. And it is kind of harsh.

Again, thanks for reading. I know it isn’t a happy ending, but it’s real and I don’t know if there’s a moral to the story, but take if for what it is.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7jgyxn/mm_two_friends_get_heated_pt3


  1. I’m so sorry for you and that this experience blocked you to feeling all the nice things again with other people..

    Enjoying the whole cake is just so much more fun than eating only one half :D

  2. I’m sorry to hear you got treated like that, and especially sorry to hear this has affected you so much since.

    I hope future relationships go better for you.

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