Another girl who loved to swallow, in response to /u/storythrowaway12345 and his two excellent stories.

Another girl who loved to swallow, in response to /u/storythrowaway12345 (check out my own throwaway account name!) and his two excellent stories. This is a true story, albeit with the usual embellishments that time and the genre are wont to add.

This happened to me in college, a long time ago. I was a cadet in my second year at a military academy (but I won't tell you which one because I don't want to tarnish the rep of the school.)
I met this girl at a mixer in the student union. Girls would show up from the surrounding communities for cheap beer and a chance at scoring with a guy in uniform. Thank you, Richard Gere and the producers of "An Officer and a Gentleman!" When I first saw her, she was being hassled by a half-drunk cadet who was getting a little too "physical" for the student union. I had been stuck with extra duty as a member of the "Courtesy Police" squad, and this was exactly the situation I was supposed to prevent or at least stop if I saw it. I tapped Cadet Grabbyhands on the shoulder and informed him that he had had enough and was required to return to his quarters or face being reported for "conduct unbecoming." Turned out he was an upperclassman and not too keen on being told what to do by a second year cadet. He got loud and beligerant, and I had a very uncomfortable few minutes getting him calmed down and listening to reason. I called his cadet company and had them send over a couple of his classmates, who "escorted" him back to his dorm room.
Me standing up to a much larger cadet who was very vocal about the fact that he out-ranked me seemed to impress Erin (that was her name). After I apolgized profusely and offered to help get her transportation home (her friends had deserted her), but she asked me to stick around and talk for a while. I have to admit that there was instant attraction from my side. She was on the petite side, and athletic looking. More on the build of a cheerleader (fit and lean) vs a gymnast (fit and buff). Short-cropped red hair and green eyes and a smile screamed "you're in trouble!" when you saw it. I was half smitten when I first saw her, and then her voice clinched it. I can only describe it as "sexy southern belle." Imagine Scarlette O'Hara's voice about an octive lower and with a growling undertone that could make your heart pound. I believe I would have fallen for her sight unseen if I had heard that voice before setting eyes on its owner.
To my amazement, the attraction was mutual. "A while" turned into "until the student union closed." We had an amazing first kiss in the crisp fall air, and I sent her home with her friends. I found out later that they had all struck out, and so she received no end of teasing for that kiss.
Letters (this was before email, kiddies) and phone calls were exchanged. We found that we had a lot in common besides raging hormones. Weekends were spent strolling around campus and the nearby town. I became a regular dinner guest at her parent's house. We went to her HS Winter Formal (she got huge points for being escorted by a cadet in dress uniform).
Sex was definitely talked about, but there were simply zero opportunities. Sure, we could have gotten busy in the back seat of a car. But we were both virgins, and both of us wanted our first time to be more romantic than that. Other than half a minute's worth of second base action, we were as chaste as nuns.
Nuns who talked about sex ALL THE TIME, that is. I'm pretty sure there were mailmen whose fingers got burnt from carrying our letters. We described in very graphic detail the things we were planning to do to each other once we had a place and an opportunity to do them. And squarely on top of the discussion list was oral sex, both the me-on-her and the her-on-me (and the us-on-us) kind. One day, I got a call at my dorm. Erin had purchased a book called something like "How to Go Down on Your Man, A Woman's Guide From a Man's Point of View." Each chapter was a man describing exactly what he liked and hated about receiving head. Erin read me a couple of chapters, which got me so hot and bothered that I would later need to hold my hat over my crotch while walking back to my dorm room. After a few minutes of teasing me, she stopped and asked me "all these guys seem to say that it's not worth bothering to give a blowjob if I don't swallow. Is that true?"
I took a few minutes to think about it, and then said "you know, as perverted as you'll probably think of me for saying this, I have to agree. Not that I have any experience either way, obviously."
Silence on the other end. And then in a sort of frightened voice, she said "ok."
That same conversation would occur about a dozen times over the next six weeks. Because at the end of those six weeks we were going to have our first opportunity for actual, real, no-kidding, alone time. Her father was asked to be the keynote speaker at a business conference in Hawaii, and the organizers offerred to pay for his wife to accompany him as well. Erin wisely kept entirely quiet on the matter, neither encouraging her mom or expressing any misgivings about being left home alone for an entire week with a VERY serious boyfriend nearby. Before her parents realized it, she was scheduled to lose her v-card. Repeatedly.
I couldn't be there the whole week, obviously. But I asked for and received a three-day pass starting the day after her parents left. It wasn't perfect, but it had to do.
By previous agreement, we were to take it pretty slow. No virginity-cancelling moves the first night or the next day. We'd spend Friday evening and most of the day Saturday exploring each others' bodies and trying out all the moves in the oral sex books (she'd bought me the corresponding "How to Go Down on Your Woman" guide). Dinner had a really tough time getting made that afternoon. When I got to her house, we immediately locked lips, arms, hips, whatever. We'd made out before, but it had always been an excercise in sneaking time and privacy away from everyone who didn't want us to have either. We cooled down long enough to start cooking, but it got hot in the kitchen in more ways than one. After about the fifth time that I got her shirt off, only to have her put it back on to go do something at the stove, she just gave up and wore an apron while otherwise topless. To this day, I have a major fetish for nekkid chicks in aprons.
After a VERY romantic candlelight dinner (if you've never had dinner sitting across from a beautiful topless girl, I pity you.), she pushed her plate to the side and said "Now I want dessert." We left the dishes on the table and moved to the den. Erin pushed me down onto the big "sectional" couch and then knelt before me. We were both doing our best not to show how completely terrified we were. I admitted later that I was sure I was going to have a "hair trigger" and ruin everything. She admitted later that she was sure she was going to barf as soon as penis–>mouth. As it turned out, we both did OK. As blowjobs go, it was pretty damn good. These days, my wife (sadly, not Erin) knows EXACTLY what to do to get me off. Erin took her time, experimenting with various techniques she'd read about in "her" book.
She started slow. She tried going over the shaft with her tongue and lips (nice!) Then licking and sucking the balls (VERY nice, and please do that some more!) Then licking the head like an ice cream cone (Oh. My. God. Niiiiiice.) And then she took the head and about half of the shaft in her mouth, going down as far as she could without gagging. Nice doesn't even come close. It was like being engulfed in molten gold. I was instantly on the edge of cumming, and it only got more intense as she started slowly bobbing her head up and down. After maybe two, at most three minutes, I had to tell her that I was about to explode.
Erin pulled back and released my cock from her mouth (nearly causing me to erupt from the sensation of her lips pursing over the head). And then she looked up at me and started crying.
"Hey! What's the matter?" I asked, leaning down to kiss her.
She sniffed and said "I don't think I can do it all the way with my mouth this time- could you maybe, you know, jack it off so I can see how it works?"
Not exactly what I had in mind, but hey- a girl who wants to see my cum? That sounded pretty cool to me. So I gave Mr. Happy a few tugs and got him back to full operating capacity. Erin stared intently at my cock. She looked like a dog watching its owner eat a big rare steak. After a few minutes of jacking off, she reached out and started playing with my balls. The sensation of her gently squeezing and tugging on them was all it took. I blasted off like a Saturn V, sending a spurt of cum jetting directly for the ceiling.
My eyes were rolled back in their sockets, which is why I didn't see what was going to happen next. Suddenly, my cock was engulfed in molten gold again. Erin had jumped forward and taken me in her mouth! I shot glob after glob of hot cum, filling her to the point where her cheeks were actually bulging.
When I could think- and breathe- again, I looked down at Erin. The left side of her face was coated in two huge thick strands of cum. She was lying with her other cheek resting on my lap and my cock still in her mouth. Her eyes were closed, and she had a look of fierce concentration.
"Are you OK?" I asked. Her only response was a sort of "mmm mmmmm," like someone saying "uh huh" with a mouth full of cum.
I said a few things on the order of "that was amazing" and "thank you so much," not getting much back than another couple "mmm mmmmm's" as she lay there not moving. Not that I was complaining- it felt amazing and I wasn't about to say anything like "stop."
But eventually, I got concerned and did just that. "You can stop now if you want to," I told her, trying to lift her head a little bit.
She swatted me away and just kept sucking gently. After a few minutes- probably longer than the blowjob and self-pleasureing had laster, actually- she got back up on her knees and pulled her head up off my cock.
It took her another five full minutes to make the "spit or swallow" decision. I saw her start to try to swallow at least a dozen times. Her eyes would open wide, and she'd tilt her head back… and then she'd chicken out. And then she looked me right in the eye, grabbed my hand, placed it on the side of her throat, and made me feel it as she swallowed my cum in five slow gulps.
My expression was pure "deer in headlights." I think those few minutes are laser-etched in my brain because I can relive them in full HD detail even now, thirty years later. Erin's expression was equal parts astonishment at what she had just done, amusement at my response, and cat-in-heat. She looked down at my cock- still achingly hard- and said "does it always make that much?" Then she noticed that there was a big glob of cum oozing out of the tip and said "oh I'm so sorry! I didn't do it right- you didn't finish!" Then she stared at it for a while, unsure of what to do. She kept looking up at me, then down at the cum on the tip of my cock, then at me, then the cum… And then I sort of arched one eyebrow and nodded down at my cock. So she took a deep breath, squared her shoulders, and took the head in her mouth again and then SUCKED REAL HARD!
I jumped up like I had been hit in the balls with a cattle prod, causing Erin to laugh hysterically despite the fact that she now had another (albeit smaller) mouthful of cum. She swallowed it without even thinking, then laughed some more while trying to apologize even though she had no idea what had happened. A short discussion entitled "gentle stimulation ONLY after male orgasm" followed.
I reciprocated, doing my best to bring Erin to orgasm (she had never had one, and in fact it would be several months before she did). And although my efforts were ultimately unsuccessful, it definitely made her hot and bothered. After a while, she got up and took me by the hand. I followed her to her bedroom, and we climbed into her four-poster bed.
Erin gave me four more blowjobs that night (I gave as good as I got, mind you). It took her a long time to swallow after each one, but I didn't mind because she kept my cock in her mouth while trying to work up to it. I became addicted to "post-blowjob" sucking that night. To be honest, neither Erin nor I knew that it wasn't just "how it's done." She thought it was my job to tell her when to stop, and I thought she'd stop when she thought it was time. So over time (not just that weekend), she'd keep me in her mouth longer and longer after I came until it sort of naturally ended a little while after I go completely limp.
The last blowjob of that night, Erin actually fell asleep with a mouthful of cum- and my cock. I gently extracted myself, kissed her cheek as she sleepily swallowed my load, and then rolled us into big-spoon/little-spoon position and drifted off to sleep.
The next day, we had one of our "it's all about sex" conversations. Erin was determined to try EVERYTHING in "her" book and make me try everything in "mine." I'm pretty sure that 90% of the compliments I got about being good at eating pussy came directly from things I learned that weekend. It was disappointing to me that I couldn't actually make her cum, but I could definitely make her squirm like crazy so I must have been doing something right.

Erin took an evil delight in making me gasp in astonishment. She spent an hour and a half refusing to give up on her attempt to learn how to deep throat. Every time she'd get me deep enough for it to be "throat," her back would arch and her gag reflex would trigger a MAJOR convulsion. Finally, she just gritted her teeth (figuratively, thank goodness) and pushed past the discomfort. It only lasted a few seconds, but WOW. She replicated the feat a couple more times during the course of the weekend. Eventually she would become comfortable enough with my cock down her throat that it became "normal" to her and blowjobs were actually more deepthroat than not. She got me one other time by jacking me off until I shot my wad on a slice of pizza (we had ordered in) and then eating it slowly, bite by bite. That sort of thing became part of our "repertoire" over the next few years. Facials, too. She loved watching me when I shot my cum on her face. She said I looked "like a little boy seeing the presents under the tree on Christmas morning."
Later, during what would be the last blowjob of the day, she swallowed without any hesitation whatsoever. She just sort of tipped her head to one side, gave a little "gulp" and then laughed. "Wow," she said. "If someone had told me three days ago that I'd actually LIKE the taste of cum, I'd have told them they were crazy. Then I'd have called the cops."
Mutually losing our virginity was pretty damn awesome. I really feel sorry for anybody who didn't have their first time with someone they loved and/or wasn't able to make it a special romantic "event." It was Sunday night. We had been trying everything we could think of, including to more-or-less successful attempts at anal. Things were getting more and more serious between us as the day progressed. There was a sort of combination of "desperate horniness" and "absolute terror" in the air. The later it got, the more raunchy and intense our pre-sex play became. Erin got more and more vocal, saying things like "I love the way you taste!" and "I want more!" and "cum in my mouth NOW!" I was 18 and had an unlimited supply of semen and could get an erection just from having my girlfriend LOOK at my cock. I don't think I've ever cum that much in a single weekend since- and I've spent plenty of entire days in bed, with Erin and later on with other lovers.
The raunch ended when we got dressed for dinner. We showered and went out to a nice restaurant and spent an hour ignoring the expensive meal we'd just ordered. Eventually, we couldn't take the tension anymore and we left two perfectly good half-eaten steaks on the table and drove home. When we got there, I carried her up to her bedroom and undressed her. She was wearing a beautiful lacy white bra-and-panty set. Standing there, she looked so adorable that I almost (but JUST almost) didn't want to take it off of her. We started slowly, exercising the oral skills we'd learned over the last two days. When she was at the peak of her arousal and my cock was the hardest, I entered her- at first slowly and then with one final hard PUSH to sink my cock to the hilt into her blazingly hot pussy. She was ready, but it still caused some discomfort at first. She started crying, half from the pain of the initial penetration and half from pent-up emotions just released. She kept saying "I love you, I love you" over and over. Which of course, I echoed with tears of my own. Eventually, she told me it was ok to start thrusting. I tried to make it as gentle as possible while still cumming as soon as I could. After a while, her natural lubrication started doing its job and I was able to pump in and out with somewhat less discomfort ("burns but doesn't feel like I'm being ripped apart anymore" was her exact description). At that point, we were both so into each other that neither of us cared. I started slamming into her over and over again, finally spilling my seed deep inside her pussy.
Afterward, she didn't want to let me go. I stayed there, my weight pressing down on her, until my cock wilted and exited on its own. We fell asleep wrapped in each others' arms for the third time that weekend.
The next morning, I was due back at 0600. Erin woke me up at 4AM, and we took a quick shower and then had one last blowjob before ending the weekend. The whole time, she kept pulling off to tell me how much she loved the taste of my cum and wanted to eat more and more of it. When I finally came, she held me, cock and cum, in her mouth for as long as possible, refusing to let me go until I HAD to leave or be reported for "late for formation." I'd go limp, and then she'd suck me hard again and take me all the way down her throat, coating it with my cum. She waited for me to get dressed and pack up all my clothes and gear and then opened her mouth to show me that it was still full. Then she placed me hand on her throat one last time and let me feel it as she swallowed. Her last words to me as I left were "oh, god- I can't wait until we can do that again!"
Erin and I dated for close to three years. The year after I graduated, she followed me all over as I went from duty station to duty station. I don't think a day went by with her not swallowing my cum, always being extremely vocal about how much she loved it, loved the taste, loved swallowing it, wanted more even after having enough to sate any reasonable woman. Likewise, I never got tired of ANYTHING with her, be it eating her out, giving her epic deep-tissue massages, or fucking her silly in any and/or every hole she cared to open up to me. Eventually, we broke up because we couldn't handle the long-distance thing after I got stationed overseas on an assignment that didn't allow cohabitation. When it ended, it ended badly, with a last-ditch effort to restablish what had been lost, and horrible break-up sex involving a blowjob that lasted literally almost an entire day and deliberately (on her part) painful anal sex that led to a hospital ER visit and a very uncomfortable "interview" with a police officer. A few years later, we ran into each other and spent a frantic weekend of "hope for a reunion sex," but it was obvious to both of us that it wouldn't work. We calmed down, made tearful-but-rational farewell love, and parted. I googled her a while back. She's married and a town councilwoman and has three kids. Sometimes I want to contact her husband and brag that I'M the guy who's responsible for the awesome head he gets every night of his life. But that would be awkward.
I've never even HINTED at this, but even though my wife boasts a fair gift in that direction, she'll never match Erin. It's not technique or talent- it's the raw enthusiasm and total enjoyment of the act of swallowing and everything involved in it from the sheer look of bliss when she had cum in her mouth to her frantic cries of encouragement and pleas for more. I've never even considered the thought that it could be an act. No one can be that convincing. I'd even caught Erin licking up cum that had somehow missed her mouth- without her knowing that I was watching her do it.
The good news is that knowing Erin taught me that I needed to tell my lovers what I wanted from oral sex. Not many women know how awesome it is for a guy to feel them sucking on his cock while they still have a load of his cum in their mouths. Not many women realize that swallowing is a very VISUAL act for men and that they can drive their guys wild by puttling a little "show" when doing it. I told one girlfriend about Erin's little "hold his hand to your throat while swallowing" trick. She actually called me up after we had broken up and told me she had done that for her next boyfriend, and he practically jumped out of his skin! (Of course, she was doing it just to wind my crank, but I took it as a compliment to Erin's enginuity). So with my wife, I still get all the physical pleasure and visual arousal that I received from Erin. And believe me when I say there's no disappointment. But you never forget your first love, or your first lover.



  1. And……. I’m hulk green of envy I’d hope my wife would be like this. She does comply on the department, but she is not as good as I’d like her to be, and it’s not good at taking critic, I can risk her stop giving me my bi-anual bj, xD. She isn’t kin to research to improve herself or nothing alike, even less to swallow. She has been close to, keep on licking my D with the cum comming down, but she wouldn’t her tonge get close to it She has seen that I get way more sensitive after I come, and wan’ts to try sucking me in that momment, but still can bring herself to taste it

  2. I want to high five the shit out of both of your younger selves. Yay for experimenting!

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