Some terminology questions…

expected preface: not sure if this is the rid sub for this, bbbuuuutttt

So I've been writing this stuff for a while, and I'd like to imagine I'm pretty okayish. I've listened to a few podcasts and read a few blogs about some suggestions as to what to do and some as to what not to do, and along with that, I've started following my own "rules", for lack of a better word. You know, all the "don't use the same word for dick multiple times in a row", "don't use medical/scientific terminology- I don't want to know that she nuzzled up underneath his testicles", things like that, but…

…well, in the past, I've almost exclusively written m-m stuff. I know how to handle a cock, how to describe one, how to term it in literotica without it sounding awkward or ungainly or just plain dumb. In the few times I have included a female, it's usually nothing more than a handjob or oral or something of the sort.

And I have no idea how to handle ladyparts. I've figured I should start including womenses in what I write more (because honestly, it's interesting), but I feel nowhere near as flexible and graceful, so to say, when describing interactions with those parts of the female body. One of my female friends requested something for me, and I tried to deliver, and I thought I did pretty well- but she came back and said that the way I did it was totally weird and awkward. (note to self: do not describe a woman's woman-area as her "folds")

I just feel weird when it comes to reading erotica, especially straight stuff for whatever reason. Everything I read seems to have the same clunky awkwardness as what I write when I try to do scenes involving females, and I think that's almost solely because I have no idea what to call those parts (and I do not want to use 'cunt', because let's face it, that's a hideous word).

You guys are smart people (I hope I believe), so… can you help me? How do you deal with terminology when it comes to female sexyparts?
